I Now Have 400 followers................ Let's Party.

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  1. Joy56 profile image67
    Joy56posted 12 years ago

    ......Thanks so  much to all my followers for all your inspiration, i have reached 400 followers at last.........


    my beautiful grandson Finn.

    1. SomewayOuttaHere profile image61
      SomewayOuttaHereposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      congrats!  and congrats again!...he's beautiful!

    2. Dale Hyde profile image58
      Dale Hydeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Well followers are one thing, but I would be more proud of that grandson! smile

      1. Joy56 profile image67
        Joy56posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        He is indeed a gift.  He smiles all the time, that is when he is not laughing.............

        1. Joy56 profile image67
          Joy56posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          thank you all for your kind comments, keep on hubbing

    3. paradigmsearch profile image59
      paradigmsearchposted 12 years agoin reply to this


      Let's hope HP doesn't ban one of them.... big_smile

      I'd follow you to give you extra insurance, but I already am. Hopefully someone else will.

  2. Stacie L profile image86
    Stacie Lposted 12 years ago

    Congratulations and I wish many more for you.

  3. urmilashukla23 profile image66
    urmilashukla23posted 12 years ago


    Your grandson is so cute!

  4. CASE1WORKER profile image63
    CASE1WORKERposted 12 years ago

    Sorry I am late to the party- took me ages to get ready

    Boy he is loverly.............I think I am some years off this having career girl daughters but you never know!

    1. Joy56 profile image67
      Joy56posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      he is adorable.... he smiles all the time..... Are you still knitting, my daughter (finns mum) has made a page for me, to sell my knitting...... it has been so busy, my hands are hurting..... Do you know a cure for aching hands due to knitting too much...............

      1. Pearldiver profile image69
        Pearldiverposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Surely you know Lanolin is great for knitted handz! smile

        Start a new trend.... save your hands, time and be creative...... paint your sheep instead of knitting them smile

        Congrats... 399 others like me and Finn believe in you... Have a good time partying mate!

  5. CASE1WORKER profile image63
    CASE1WORKERposted 12 years ago


    Do you have that new fashion wool in Ireland- it is chunky when you knit but if you unravel it, it is about 3 inches wide and is really good for making curly scarves.

    Glad you are selling your knitting- It is nice to know people appreciate nice things!

    1. Joy56 profile image67
      Joy56posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I buy my wool on line from England.    I knitted a scarf when i was over a few weeks ago for my daughter in law.   Surprised at just how many new wools are coming out all da time.  Just read your hub on Shipman........    My worked in his surgery, can you believe it......

      Check me out on    From Meath To You With Love...... google it........    Wish you were nearer you could do some of my orders.

  6. CASE1WORKER profile image63
    CASE1WORKERposted 12 years ago

    Really nice, when I get my scarf done I will send you a piccy which will gibve you an idea of what people are looking at - (should be this weekend!)

  7. CASE1WORKER profile image63
    CASE1WORKERposted 12 years ago

    Just thought- I was talking to a lady yesterday who knits dolls clothes and sells them on e bay- she does quite nicely from that!

    Just to give you more work

  8. profile image0
    Motown2Chitownposted 12 years ago

    Congratulations!  big_smile

  9. Joy56 profile image67
    Joy56posted 12 years ago

    i will look forward to that.

  10. Joy56 profile image67
    Joy56posted 12 years ago

    Thanks Pearldiver such a lovely thing to say...... well knitting was relaxing until i got orders,now it has lost its appeal.

    There are some people on hub pages that only have to appear, and i am smiling.......  lovely to see you, i really mean that.......  I have 8 grandchildren now...... help

    1. Pearldiver profile image69
      Pearldiverposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Cheers for that.. smile

      I'm not sure I'm the right flavour though.as each time I log in.. I find my author score has been molestered with.. MG.. it's down to 89 now... that's a 3 year low that merits a major loyalty rethink I believe..  sad

      And hey... with 8 grandchildren... you've got a lot of Love coming back at you.... I'm sure you can handle that Brenda... you take care and be well girl!  smile

  11. Joy56 profile image67
    Joy56posted 12 years ago

    ha ha ha ha

    I am so happy that i never did write to earn money, and that i still dont really understand which button to press to start earning.....  i do know there are some beautiful people out there.......

    Me and Emily my grand daughter, getting the knitting done......

    1. Joy56 profile image67
      Joy56posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      anyone else want to join the party...........

                 Bring your knitting ha ha


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