Why can't i get an adsense account?

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  1. Attach profile image74
    Attachposted 11 years ago

    Hi, I'm brand new to hubpages.
    I've applied to google adsense twice now and have gotten rejected. They don't give me a specific reason. It seems that most people on here got an account without a problem, and I thought all you needed was one hub to apply. (I applied a second time because I thought maybe I applied too soon when my first hub was under review). Any insights??? Is this worth it without an adsense account? I can't participate in the Ad program or any contests without it. Kinda disappointing.

    1. lanablackmoor profile image79
      lanablackmoorposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Welcome, Attach! smile Always nice to see a fellow psych student!

      From what I've researched, Adsense analyzes both quality and quantity when considering applications. The quality of your hubs looks good from what I read, so I'd be surprised if that's the issue. Instead, I think you're probably getting rejected because you only have two hubs posted.

      After I researched, I decided to wait a bit to build up my portfolio of hubs so I could ensure that I had variety and enough content that Google could accurately assess what they can expect from me and thus if they want their ads on my page. After all, it's easier to tell if someone is going to be a consistent producer of high quality content if you have a lot of content to judge from. They probably want to make sure that someone isn't signing up only to post one or two good articles, then give up and waste their time. I've even heard some people recommend having 50+ articles before applying.

      So my best recommendation would be to keep writing high quality content and apply when you have more hubs. Hopefully that works for both of us. Best of luck! smile

      1. Attach profile image74
        Attachposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Lanablackmoor! I really appreciate your feedback. I suppose I'll just have to be patient as I build up my supply of hubs. I wonder how people with just a hub or two get adsense then?? When I signed up for hub pages, getting  an adsense account seemed like no big deal at all. Oh well...
        Thank you again:)

        1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image87
          mistyhorizon2003posted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Apply when you have 10 good quality articles published, this is usually sufficient to gain approval.

        2. lanablackmoor profile image79
          lanablackmoorposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          You're very welcome. smile It is a bit confusing, and I've wondered that too when I hear of others getting accounts with very few posts on their websites. Just one of the internet's mysteries, I guess!

        3. MarleneBotha profile image62
          MarleneBothaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          They probably had adsense before signing up for hubpages... so they were accepted already. I also tried signing up with 10 hubs. No luck.

      2. sujithbeta profile image61
        sujithbetaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Iam also having the adsense problem. Can  any one help me plssss......

    2. kathleenkat profile image83
      kathleenkatposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It is because you are brand new. I did not get an Adsense account until 11 Hubs.

      Keep writing! smile

      You can also get an Adsense account from another site, and use it here (and on any site). For instance, on Webanswers.com, when you answer just 50 questions, you are eligible for an Adsense account.

      1. Attach profile image74
        Attachposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Really?? Thats good info. I'll have to look into that.

    3. Junegirl58 profile image66
      Junegirl58posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I have not been approved either and I started  August  2011 myself.  Something about content, but I now have 10 hubs and a few of the other hubs I've written have received good comments and a couple were just featured a couple days ago.  I don't get it!  A few years I was curious about Adsense and signed up, but totally forgot about, til now.  I think I might be okay but hard to tell.  Just have to wait for Ebay's application approval.
      Look forward to someone's advice or to enlighten me here.   Tx

      1. kathleenkat profile image83
        kathleenkatposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Weird...It says you have 10 in your profile information, but scrolling down I am only able to see three of them (even if I select "show: all.") 

        I wonder if that is what the folks at Google are seeing; seeing that you only have 3 (your wrote 10? Wonder what's going on!)

        1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image87
          mistyhorizon2003posted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Guessing the other 7 are probably 'idled' and therefore not showing in Junegirl58's profile page therefore.

          @ Junegirl58, check your 'my account' page, click twice on the column on the right titled 'featured'. If the hubs that appear at the top (probably 7 of them based on what has been said in this thread) do not have a white 'H' on a black background next to them, they need to be edited so they go back into 'pending mode'. after 24 hours they should get the big 'H' next to them and will count towards your ideal '10' total to get Adsense approval. Check your account daily as thesedays hubs get idled frequently if they are getting minimal traffic etc. Editing will only require a minor change or two, e.g. the title, but be aware they are likely to return to idled mode in a matter of weeks if the traffic does not significantly pick up.

          Good Luck

      2. lanablackmoor profile image79
        lanablackmoorposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Strange, I'm also only able to see 3 of your Hubs, even when I select "Show All." Your profile clearly shows 10, though.

  2. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 11 years ago


  3. psycheskinner profile image83
    psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

    You need to have a substantial amount of decent content to get approved. Assuming you are not from an embargoed country, 10 good hubs is normally sufficient.

  4. Abbyfitz profile image72
    Abbyfitzposted 11 years ago

    I tried with 10 hubs and got denied. I'm waiting to see what happens at 20.

  5. Kastle profile image59
    Kastleposted 11 years ago

    Happened to me too!!!

  6. Learning in Life profile image87
    Learning in Lifeposted 11 years ago

    I had already gotten adsense through my blog before i started writing Hubs.

  7. Junegirl58 profile image66
    Junegirl58posted 11 years ago

    thanks everyone, I guess I will tweek the others and see what happens!

  8. psycheskinner profile image83
    psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

    I wonder if that is the explanation.  Google checker can't see or don't count idled hubs?

    1. kathleenkat profile image83
      kathleenkatposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well if we can't see them, I doubt Google can see them either.

  9. Sheepsquatch profile image64
    Sheepsquatchposted 11 years ago

    I had to write a couple more hubs and just try every couple weeks before I was able to get in. I was not able to be active after that point though and never made any income.

  10. Abbyfitz profile image72
    Abbyfitzposted 11 years ago

    i have reapplied and been denied all within an hour. I don't think they are even looking at my writings anymore. It's very discouraging and I'm like why bother at this point

    1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image87
      mistyhorizon2003posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe you are not giving it enough time between applications. Try continuing to write and then reapply in a month or so (I doubt a week or so is a sufficient amount of time for them to consider your reapplication seriously). Also it looks like you only joined 2 weeks ago, therefore you haven't given Google enough time to check out your hubs using their bots (which can take several weeks in itself).

      1. Abbyfitz profile image72
        Abbyfitzposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I thought that since I've had views from bing and google that they had already been botted. I'm just kind of discouraged. It's not very comforting when I've read that some people have had to wait months and still not been approved.I don't know why it's so hard.

        1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image87
          mistyhorizon2003posted 11 years agoin reply to this

          If you have had views from Google I can't really suggest much else. I know views from Bing, Yahoo etc would mean nothing on their own. The question could be whether or not you got the views from Google before or after your application was rejected, plus all 10 articles would need to have been 'crawled' not just the earliest ones you published. Be patient, it is very early days yet and usually it is countries like India that have 'months' to wait to be approved.

          1. Abbyfitz profile image72
            Abbyfitzposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            But I'm in Florida lol

            1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image87
              mistyhorizon2003posted 11 years agoin reply to this

              I guessed you weren't from India, you are missing what I am saying (it was you that referred to people having to wait months to be approved, and what I was trying to point out was these people were normally from restricted countries like India).  You need to read my previous post again, and if it makes it easier mentally disregard my last sentence. Basically you need all of your articles to be 'crawled' by Google (only), i.e. minimum of 10 'good' quality articles before you can hope to get approved for Adsense.

              1. Abbyfitz profile image72
                Abbyfitzposted 11 years agoin reply to this


                1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image87
                  mistyhorizon2003posted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  No problem, good luck and be patient, you will get approved before you know it, just give it a month or so and in the meantime just keep focusing on writing high quality articles so Google can judge you correctly.

  11. Abbyfitz profile image72
    Abbyfitzposted 11 years ago

    Also, I really want to get into the apprenticeship program. Without the adsense I can't do that either.

  12. Abbyfitz profile image72
    Abbyfitzposted 11 years ago

    I plan on it. It just discourages me. I need to not take it do personal smile

    1. tussin profile image57
      tussinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Both Blogger (aka Blogspot) and Youtube are owned by Google, which also owns Adsense.  The easiest two routes to getting an Adsense account quickly are applying through either a Blogger blog or Youtube channel.  You still need enough content (blog posts or videos) but Google tends to look more favorably on the application when the applicant is monetizing a Google product.

  13. Abbyfitz profile image72
    Abbyfitzposted 11 years ago

    *so smile

  14. Junegirl58 profile image66
    Junegirl58posted 11 years ago

    I was approved for AdSense...I am so happy.  There is still hope for the rest of you, I only made some small changes to my recipe hubs and if that is how it happened I will know what to do next time.  Tx again!!


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