please helpp... google adsense disapproved again :(

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  1. Jasmeetk profile image40
    Jasmeetkposted 10 years ago

    Google adsense approval is a major issue that is faced by several people on hubpages. After waiting for 6 months, I got preliminary approval for google adsense (3 days passed). I was very happy to see this that finally I succed, but today I got mail stating that my application is rejected. I can't understand the issue

    - Site does not comply with Google policies

    I can't understand this reason for rejection now. Please friends suggest me something, what can I do now. I realy want google adsense sad

    1. dilipchandra12 profile image67
      dilipchandra12posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I have gone through your profile. So far only 21 hubs in 6 months. You need to write more hubs. No particular number of articles, however, reasonable number of substantial articles are required.

      Reasonable number of articles in 6 months: Simple - at least 6 to 10 per month will gather 50+ articles in your account. And perhaps, you can get the Adsense approved.

      1. Jasmeetk profile image40
        Jasmeetkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Previously google gave reason that my site has insufficient content. but this time '- Site does not comply with Google policies"

    2. Marisa Wright profile image87
      Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Google doesn't look at the age of your account, it looks at the age of your Hubs.  Your oldest Featured Hub is only 3 months old (remember that Google can't "see" unFeatured Hubs). 

      As you live in India, you must have at least one Hub that is six months' old.

      Also, I don't think you have enough Hubs yet.   I haven't seen anyone approved with less than 30 Hubs recently.

      As for earnings - HubPages is a long-term investment.  You will earn between $1 and $5 for every 1,000 visitors to your Hubs.

  2. relache profile image65
    relacheposted 10 years ago

    Have your read over the specific program policies for your resident country to make sure you've met all the rules?

    1. Jasmeetk profile image40
      Jasmeetkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Where can I check these policies? I have read that in India, our website must be 6 months old to get google adsense approval.

  3. word55 profile image72
    word55posted 10 years ago

    Consider whether some of your content maybe x-rated, bad language, nudity of pictures, offensive to some people or racial. Those things can get you rejected. You may need to change some things in some of your hubs. You'll be surprised that once you go back and make some changes then they may accept you. Ask the hub administration team to help as well but make sure your hubs are clean first. Hope this helps.

    1. Jasmeetk profile image40
      Jasmeetkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      @word55 that's why I am wondering because my hubs are based on fashion, nail art, home remedies for skin etc.. there is no bad language etc in my hubs

  4. kohila profile image59
    kohilaposted 10 years ago

    You can go through google adsense program policies. It will help you to sort out the problem!

    As dilpchandra12 said, you must have a good number of articles before getting approved. You must have about 70 articles or more to get approved.And make sure whether are all the images are not copyrighted or remove any copyrighted images. This could be a reason for your approvals.
    Google needs to ensure whether you are a true passionate writer. And it is good to concentrate on one topic,however that really not matters on hubpages. And google adsense needs unique and compelling content, so make sure you do the best.

    1. Jasmeetk profile image40
      Jasmeetkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      @Kohila... I have read program policies. I have not taken any copyrighted images. I have written all content of my hubs. The only thing is I don't have 70 hubs. The thing I am wondering is I recently saw a hub of a person who is saying that he got paid for 54$ via hubpages and his monthly earning was just 1-5$. It means really low traffic and a few number of hubs.

      1. kohila profile image59
        kohilaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah. You need to improve your content! With SEO practises and social media shares, you can get more traffic. But google recently hate those who stuff keywords and write 'made-for-adsense-and-search-engine' articles.

        Anyway, wait for 4 months, increase your articles, then you can be approved.

        1. Jasmeetk profile image40
          Jasmeetkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          waited 6 months to apply as in India we can get google adsense before 6 months. The main thing is I am not getting the reason  of rejecting my application "Issues:
          - Site does not comply with Google policies"

          When I applied for google adsense for the first time, they said insufficient content", but now google policies sad

          1. kohila profile image59
            kohilaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Actually, insufficient content also comes under google policies. So, there is no difference in it. Instead of getting help here, you can get good tips and help from people who work on google too. Check out

            1. Jasmeetk profile image40
              Jasmeetkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              ok. Thanks for your suggestions

  5. alternativeto profile image57
    alternativetoposted 10 years ago

    You can get adsense account for Hubpages within 1 day even if you are from india. … in-1-hour/
    use the above link to understand the process. After getting adsense account with youtube, you will be able to associate it with hubpages.

    1. Jasmeetk profile image40
      Jasmeetkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      @alternativeto... have you got adsense approved with same trick? because I had tried it several months but my application was rejected sad

    2. Marisa Wright profile image87
      Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      This link gives really, really bad advice.

      It tells you to choose another country when you apply for the Adsense account.  That is a sure way to get banned from Adsense. I'll tell you why.

      After you've had your Adsense account for a while, Adsense will send you a letter by snail mail, containing a secret code which you have to enter on your account. 

      - If you supplied a fake address for your account, you will never get that secret code and therefore you will never be able to claim a payout. 

      - If you supply an Indian address, they will know you lied about your location when you applied, and they will cancel your Adsense account.  Not only that, they will probably ban you from Adsense for life.

      1. Jasmeetk profile image40
        Jasmeetkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        very true... but I tried youtube as well to get google adsense. They declined my application. The thing I am wondering is the reason for rejection that is "- Site does not comply with Google policies"
        Its hubpages, and I just have an account here, how I can manage webmaster's policies :-o

  6. psycheskinner profile image80
    psycheskinnerposted 10 years ago

    Your oldest hub seems to be only 3 months old?  they determine age from your first hub, it needs to be 6 months old.

    1. Jasmeetk profile image40
      Jasmeetkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      no no my oldest hub was published in april, 2013 … ht-Dentist

      it is more than 6 months old

      1. psycheskinner profile image80
        psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        It shows on your profile as 23 hours old.

        1. Jasmeetk profile image40
          Jasmeetkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          It is showing last updated date i.e. 4 november

          1. psycheskinner profile image80
            psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            I suspect it shows to Google like it shows on your profile.  So maybe stop updating your older hubs.

            If you bought that stockphoto I would also suggest attributing it to show that.

            1. Jasmeetk profile image40
              Jasmeetkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              ohkk... but as per my knowledge google likes updation... also if I don't update hubs, they will no longer stay featured

              1. psycheskinner profile image80
                psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                If you don't have clearly six month old material, you don't get adsense.  So I would suggest making one good enough to stay featured for the long haul....  Better safe.  They my read the original publication date, but they may not. And they will never explain exactly why they reject you so it is best to cover the bases.

                1. Jasmeetk profile image40
                  Jasmeetkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  that's the main reason, google never give explaination for the rejection of applications. In my case, I really feel that there was no reason for the rejection of my application. People get adsense even with a few articles and very less traffic, but mine got rejected sad

                  1. Marisa Wright profile image87
                    Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    Like I said, this year I haven't met anyone who got approved with fewer than 30 Hubs.  So you're not unusual in any way.

              2. Marisa Wright profile image87
                Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                When you updated that Hub, did you unpublish it and then republish it again?  Never unpublish your Hubs when you want to make changes.

                1. Jasmeetk profile image40
                  Jasmeetkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  No no I just updated some info in my hubs. like connecting them with other hubs etc

  7. alternativeto profile image57
    alternativetoposted 10 years ago

    yes , i  got Adsense account using the YouTube method, like you i was denied by Google saying tos and policies. You should be having a YouTube account with videos and don't use the email that you already used for applying, create a new Gmail account for applying to Adsense.

    1. Jasmeetk profile image40
      Jasmeetkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      yeah, but it will require to make and upload new video. I am also trying to get approval via blogspot blog, but they too denied :-/

  8. rainsanmartin profile image84
    rainsanmartinposted 10 years ago

    You can also start a Google "Blogger" blog and use AdSense on this account. It should give you immediate credibility with AdSense after that. That's how I got immediate approval when I signed up with HubPages, I had a preexisting account via Blogger.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image87
      Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      It certainly helped that your account on Blogger was pre-existing - if you'd started a new one, that would've had to gain 'age' as well.   The main problem for the OP is that he's in India.

    2. Jasmeetk profile image40
      Jasmeetkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      @rainsanmartin... I have a blog as well... I made it for same purpose, but google rejected my application their as well.

  9. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 10 years ago

    Why is it that virtually everything keeps getting more complicated and more difficult. One of these days the whole societal construct is just going to come crashing down...


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