Google Adsense Disapproved My Application

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  1. heartkissesamiel profile image60
    heartkissesamielposted 12 years ago

    Why Google Adsense did not approve my account? I already have 10 unique articles here. I have no choice but to remove all of my articles from here. sad

    Hello Alexander L Soriano,

    Thank you for your interest in Google AdSense. After reviewing your
    application, our specialists have found that it does not meet our program
    criteria. Therefore, we are unable to accept you into our program.

    We have certain policies in place that we believe will help ensure the
    effectiveness of Google ads for our publishers as well as for our
    advertisers. We review all publishers, and we reserve the right to decline
    any application. As we grow, we may find that we are able to expand our
    program to more web publishers with a wider variety of web content.

    Please note that we may not be able to respond to inquiries regarding the
    specific reasons for our decision. Thank you for your understanding.


    The Google AdSense Team

    1. lanablackmoor profile image78
      lanablackmoorposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Don't give up yet! It's almost unheard of nowadays to get approved for an AdSense account with only 10 Hubs. Most Hubbers who have successfully obtained accounts agree that you need at least 14 or so before they'll consider you.

      It's not because of HubPages, or even your content. It's just that Google likes to see a steady history of quality published content. 10 Hubs isn't enough to establish a baseline for the kind of consistent quality you'll be publishing. I got rejected my first time applying, and I had 12 published Hubs! I reapplied when I had a few more under my belt and was successfully approved.

      Best of luck!

      1. lanablackmoor profile image78
        lanablackmoorposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I also noticed from your profile that you're from the Philippines. Google sometimes requires non-US users from various countries to have accounts on sites like HubPages for longer than 6 months before they can successfully apply. I'm not sure if the Philippines are included in this list, but that may be a factor as well.

    2. wqaindia profile image34
      wqaindiaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Don't loose heart . <link snipped - no promotional links>Try, try again till you Succeed.

  2. loyalpenelope123 profile image60
    loyalpenelope123posted 12 years ago

    Keep on trying, I experience that same rejection few times.  Just try to review the polices so you will know what is wrong..

  3. spsingh profile image58
    spsinghposted 12 years ago

    @heartkissesamiel your hubs(articles) are great so don't give up write some more hubs and try again .My google adsence account was approved after 6 months so keep on writing .Happy hubbing ...

  4. abakes98 profile image38
    abakes98posted 12 years ago

    I'm glad I stumbled across this. I try to sign up all the time and they always turn me down. Maybe I'm a poor writer......Hmmmmm. Antway, I noticed that they were still advertizing on my hubs, so I just turned all my ads off. All the input suggests I should keep trying to get on board though.

  5. dailytop10 profile image77
    dailytop10posted 12 years ago

    I'm also from PH and I am aware about adsense account frequently denied if you use a Hubpages account so I tried several alternatives. The one that worked in my case is to create a blogger account and use it to apply for adsense. I applied after having 20 posts with topics focused on computers and news regarding mobile phones and other technology devices. The account was just a month old back then. I suggest you do the same. Hubpages is a really good site for online writers who aims for a stable passive income so don't give up. I'm already earning an average of $1 a day for almost a month now and it's increasing as I add more content. I hope you reconsider and good luck!

    1. loyalpenelope123 profile image60
      loyalpenelope123posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You are so right. I used the blogger then eventually adsense accepted me.

  6. profile image0
    OanaBoteanuposted 12 years ago

    The same happened to me, they kept rejecting me. I applied with a different website and got accepted but I can't see that it picks up ads on hubpages.
    Although I do have hubpages added as a 3rd party on my adsense (applied in here with the code) I don't get any reports or any income.
    It's been so stressful to get accepted I managed to get in touch with them but it took months. Now that I'm accepted I don't earn which is dissapointing.
    Anyone else going through the same?
    heartkissesamiel, I also advise you to apply with a different website, you have a better shot at getting accepted. I do hope it gets better than for me and you start earning.

  7. profile image0
    Anonymous00posted 12 years ago

    In the early stages most income will come for the HP earnings program. Adsense could take a longer time to accumulate payout. Dependent on your metrics and promotion tactics. The Adsense program pays out at the $100 threshold.

  8. profile image58
    hoopledposted 12 years ago

    Hi, is all your content original content?

  9. profile image0
    CroftRoanposted 12 years ago

    Like a lot of Hubbers here, Google has rejected me for their adsense program more time than I care to admit. Check the e-mail they sent. It usually has the area the account is lacking in somewhere in it. I also recommend going over you hubs and do some editing to give them a higher score and raise their quality.
    Don't give up. Continue writing hubs and resubmit to Google every couple of weeks or so. Eventually, they'll approve your account. It just takes a little time and effort.

  10. lovebuglena profile image80
    lovebuglenaposted 12 years ago

    Perhaps it has to do with the content of the hubs you have written. By the way, when you apply for Google AdSense you have to do it via HubPages not by going directly to Google AdSense and signing up. This could also be the issue of why your application was rejected.

  11. day4all profile image60
    day4allposted 12 years ago

    Hi all,
    I am new to HubPages. I am glad I read this post and the helpful, encouraging comments. There's so much to learn. Thanks, I will keep writing.

  12. mayank147 profile image60
    mayank147posted 11 years ago

    Hello heartkissesamiel first of all dont give up as we all know google is very strict about the quality and quantity of an article or a product. And as the policy of google says that your account must be atleast 6 months old after that they accept your adsence applications so dont give up and create as much unique article as you can and after 6 months just apply once more and just wait and watch google approved your application of adsence. smile


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