Banned words list for Adsense?

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  1. evemurphy profile image41
    evemurphyposted 16 years ago

    I would like to see a daily or weekly or even monthly list of words that Hubbers should avoid using (if they want Google Adsense on their Hubs).

    It would be helpful I think to many writers who don't want to spend hours writing a Hub only to find out they used a 'banned' word in the copy or a word that punishes their hard work by deploying no ads.

    1. Trsmd profile image57
      Trsmdposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      is there a list by showing such words?

  2. profile image0
    shinujohn2008posted 16 years ago

    No such list is available.

  3. profile image0
    shinujohn2008posted 16 years ago

    Let me clarify.

    First wait for 24 hours after your site gets indexed in google. Then check your hub for ads. If there is no ads,then we can be sure that there is some banned word combination used in that page. Immediately go to edit mode and uncheck 
    "This hub may be considered commercial" and put ads level to none.

    This is to be safe, so that the PSA won't be shown. If more pages appear with PSA's then there is more chances of accouunt getting banned. So such hubs with no ads can be made more attractive by putting links to your other hubs so the traffic will flow to other pages.

    Don't use all keywords in link while creating a hub. If there is any problem with title or words in a hub , it could be rectified. if a banned word is in the link, there is no chance rectifying the mistake.

  4. gamergirl profile image88
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago

    Site Content

    While Google offers broad access to a variety of content in the search index, publishers in the AdSense program may only place Google ads on sites that adhere to our content guidelines, and ads must not be displayed on any page with content primarily in an unsupported language. View a list of supported languages.

    Sites displaying Google ads may not include:

        * Violent content, racial intolerance, or advocacy against any individual, group, or organization
        * Pornography, adult, or mature content
        * Hacking/cracking content
        * Illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia
        * Excessive profanity
        * Gambling or casino-related content
        * Content regarding programs which compensate users for clicking on ads or offers, performing searches, surfing websites, or reading emails
        * Excessive, repetitive, or irrelevant keywords in the content or code of web pages
        * Deceptive or manipulative content or construction to improve your site's search engine ranking, e.g., your site's PageRank
        * Sales or promotion of weapons or ammunition (e.g., firearms, fighting knives, stun guns)
        * Sales or promotion of beer or hard alcohol
        * Sales or promotion of tobacco or tobacco-related products
        * Sales or promotion of prescription drugs
        * Sales or promotion of products that are replicas or imitations of designer goods
        * Sales or distribution of term papers or student essays
        * Any other content that is illegal, promotes illegal activity, or infringes on the legal rights of others

  5. profile image0
    shinujohn2008posted 16 years ago


    Anabolic Steroids

    Don't promote anabolic steroids.

    Advertising is not permitted for anabolic steroids, muscle-enhancing stacks and cycles, bodybuilding steroid supplements, and related content, irrespective of an advertiser's claims of legality.

    'Anti' and Violence

    Don't promote violence or advocate against a protected group.

    Ad text advocating against any organization, person, or group of people is not permitted.

    Advertisements and associated websites may not promote violence or advocate against a protected group. A protected group is distinguished by their:

        * Race or ethnic origin
        * Color
        * National origin
        * Religion
        * Disability


        * Sex
        * Age
        * Veteran status
        * Sexual orientation/Gender identity

    Academic Aids

    Don't promote unacceptable academic aids.

    Advertising is not permitted for academic aids. This includes 'test-taking' services in which someone takes an exam for someone else and academic paper-writing services providing custom/pre-written theses, dissertations, etc.

    Aids to Pass Drug Tests

    Don't promote aids to pass drug tests.

    Advertising is not permitted for the promotion of products designed to help someone pass a drug test. This includes products such as drug cleansing shakes and urine test additives.


    Don't promote unacceptable alcohol products or promote alcohol where restricted.

    We allow ads to promote alcohol with the following restrictions, which are based on local regulations.

    Hard alcohol and liqueur:

    Ads are not permitted to directly promote the sale of hard alcohol and liqueur. This means that the sale of hard alcohol and liqueur cannot be promoted in ads or be the purpose of your site (occupying a significant portion of your site). However, ads for hard alcohol and liqueur with the sole purpose of branding may target the following countries where such ads comply with local regulations:

    Argentina     Hong Kong     Russia
    Australia     Hungary     Singapore
    Austria     Ireland     South Africa
    Belgium     Israel     South Korea
    Brazil     Italy     Spain
    Canada     Japan     Sweden
    China     Kenya     Taiwan
    the Czech Republic     Mexico     Turkey
    Denmark     the Netherlands     the UK
    Germany     New Zealand     the U.S.
    Greece     Portugal     


    Advertisements for beer may target countries where such ads comply with local regulations. However, beer ads may not target India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, or Malaysia.

    Wine and champagne:

    Advertisements for champagne and wine are allowed everywhere that such advertisements comply with local regulations.

    All alcohol products:

    Since we consider beer, wine, champagne, hard alcohol, and liqueur to be products intended for sale to, and consumption by, adults, ads promoting these products will be given a Non-Family Safe status.

    Some jurisdictions might enforce any of the following additional regulations. They might:

        * Require government permits for the advertisement of alcoholic beverages,
        * Prohibit advertisements for beverages with a certain level of alcohol content,
        * And/or require certain disclaimers in advertisements for alcohol beverages.

    It is the advertiser's responsibility to ensure that any ads related to alcohol (including beer, wine, champagne, hard alcohol, and liqueur) are in full compliance with all national, state, and local laws, as well as any industry or self-regulatory guidelines relating to the placement, content, or nature of these ads. By placing such ads with or through Google, you are representing that your ad complies with all applicable regulations in the countries your ad targets.

    In addition, please ensure that your ad complies with our suggested alcohol advertising principles, which state that alcohol ads should:

        * Always be directed to an adult audience, and never targeted to those under the age of majority in the country where the ad is shown.
        * Not be placed or run in venues where more than 50% of the audience is below the age of majority (higher percentages apply in certain countries).
        * Only show models and actors who are, and appear to be, over 25 years old.
        * Not contain any curative or therapeutic claims except as permitted by law.
        * Not contain claims or representations that individuals can attain social, professional, educational, romantic, sexual, or athletic success as a result of alcohol consumption.
        * Only promote responsible drinking, and not promote excessive drinking or the intoxicating effects of alcohol consumption.

    Bulk Marketing

    Don't promote bulk marketing products.

    Advertising of bulk marketing products is not permitted if the stated or implied use of the following products is unsolicited spam:

        * Email lists that are not opt-in
        * Bulk email software
        * Bulk messaging


    Don't promote copyrighted content without permission.

    Copyrights are important business assets in which the copyright holder maintains exclusive rights. You must not use AdWords to promote the copying or distribution of copyrighted content for which you don't have consent from the copyright holder and which is not otherwise permitted by law.

    To learn more about how we handle copyright issues within the AdWords program, view the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and our copyright policy and procedures.

    Counterfeit Designer Goods

    Don't advertise counterfeit designer goods.

    Advertising is not permitted for products that are replicas or imitations of designer goods. A replica good contains the trademarked name or logo of a designer brand but is not made by that brand.

    Data Entry Affiliates

    Don't advertise for data entry affiliate programs.

    Advertising is not permitted for the promotion of data entry affiliate programs. This includes ads directing users to sites that promote the creation/data entry of more ads that direct users to the same site.

    There are no exceptions to this policy, which is intended to protect both advertisers and AdWords users.


    Don't promote dialer-related products.

    A dialer is a program that will cut your chosen internet connection and establish a new connection to a premium rate number. In order to protect our users and maintain the quality of advertising we display, we don't allow ads and sites that require or solicit the use of a dialer program.

    Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia

    Don't promote drugs and drug paraphernalia.

    Advertising is not permitted for the promotion of drugs and drug paraphernalia. This includes drug accessories, illegal drugs, and herbal drugs such as salvia and magic mushrooms.


    Don't promote e-gold or related products.

    Advertising is not permitted for e-gold and e-gold related content. This includes, but is not limited to, e-gold exchange, e-gold investment, and e-gold accounts.

    Endangered Species

    Don't promote products obtained from endangered or threatened species.

    Advertising is not permitted for products obtained from endangered or threatened species. This includes, but is not limited to, the sale of products derived from elephants, sharks, tigers, whales, rhinoceroses, or dolphins.

    Escort Services

    Don't promote escort services.

    Advertising is not permitted for sites promoting escort services or related content.

    Fake Documents

    Don't promote fake documents.

    Advertising is not permitted for the promotion of false documents such as fake IDs, passports, social security cards, immigration papers, diplomas, and noble titles.
    Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Devices

    Don't promote fireworks or pyrotechnic devices.

    Advertising is not permitted for the promotion of fireworks and pyrotechnic devices.


    Don't promote online gambling or related sites when targeting ads outside Great Britain, Italy, France, or Spain.

    Advertising for the promotion of online gambling websites is not permitted to target locations outside Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales), Italy, France, or Spain. Ads for online gambling will not be displayed in other countries.

    Online gambling includes, but is not limited to, the following:

        * sports books and sports betting
        * lotteries
        * bingo
        * poker
        * sites that provide tips, odds, and handicapping
        * software facilitating online casinos and gambling
        * gambling tutoring online
        * gambling-related eBooks
        * 'play for fun' gambling or casino games of skill including sites where the primary purpose is 'play for fun' gambling
        * affiliate sites with the primary purpose of driving traffic to online gambling sites

    Advertising online gambling in Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales)

    Google AdWords allows online gambling advertisements to target Great Britain (England, Scotland, or Wales) as long as the advertiser is registered with the Gambling Commission and provides a valid operating license number. Advertisers based outside the UK and within the European Economic Area who wish to target online gambling ads to England, Scotland, or Wales must be licensed to advertise online gambling in their respective country.

    If you meet the above requirements and want to get started, review our Great Britain gambling application process below.

    Great Britain gambling application process

    To apply to advertise online gambling with Google AdWords, you will need to:

    - Create a new Google AdWords account solely for your gambling campaigns (this applies to both new and existing advertisers).
    - Fill in the application form and legal declaration. Please be sure to submit your new AdWords Customer ID, located at the top of any of your account pages.
    To ensure the quick progress of your application, fill in all of the requested information. We will review your request as quickly as possible and let you know whether we were able to approve your application or not.

    Advertising online gambling in Italy

    Google AdWords allows online gambling advertisements to target Italy as long as the advertiser is registered with the AASA (Amministrazione autonoma dei Monopoli di Stato. Advertisers must also provide a valid operating license number and operate their site on an ".it" domain.

    Please note that having a license from a country within the European Economic Area (EEA) other than Italy isn't sufficient authorization for showing online gambling ads in Italy.

    If you meet the above requirements and want to get started, review our Italian gambling application process below.

    Italy gambling application process

    To apply to advertise online gambling with Google AdWords, you will need to:

    - Create a new Google AdWords account solely for your gambling campaigns (this applies to both new and existing advertisers).
    - Fill in the application form and legal declaration. Please be sure to submit your new AdWords Customer ID, located at the top of any of your account pages.

    To ensure the quick progress of your application, fill in all of the requested information. We will review your request as quickly as possible and let you know whether we were able to approve your application or not.

    Advertising online gambling in France or Spain
    At this time, legislation in both France and Spain does not allow the promotion of online gambling ads, except by state licensed entities. Therefore, Google AdWords does not currently accept applications for online gambling in France or Spain.
    Hacking and Cracking

    Don't promote hacking and cracking sites.

    Advertising is not permitted for the promotion of hacking or cracking and tools that aid in copyright infringement. For example, we do not permit:

        * Sites that provide instructions or equipment to illegally access or tamper with software, servers, or websites
        * Sites or products that enable illegal access of cell phones and other communications or content delivery systems/devices
        * Mod chips, such as devices that unlock copyright protection
        * Products that descramble cable and satellite signals in order to get free cable services
        * Copied or backed-up version of software, CDs, or DVDs not intended for personal use
        * Products or services that circumvent digital rights management technologies or technical protection measures for copyrighted works

    Inflating Ad Clicks or Impressions

    Don't promote inflating ad clicks or impressions.

    Advertising is not permitted for the promotion of inflating clicks or impressions on ads, such as pay-to-click, pay-to-view, auto-surfing, automated ad clicking, and other guaranteed traffic programs.

    Miracle Cures

    Don't promote miracle cures.

    Advertising is not permitted for the promotion of miracle cures, such as 'Cure cancer overnight!'

    Mobile Content Services

    Mobile content services ads are restricted.

    We allow the advertisement of mobile content services only upon certain conditions noted below. Mobile content services include, but are not limited to, sites that promote downloading ringtones, wallpaper, or text messages for predictions, love life advice, news, personality quizzes, or other entertainment services.

    We allow the advertisement of mobile content services only when the promoted website clearly and accurately displays the pricing.

    If your site promotes mobile content services and requires users to submit personal information, your site must prominently display the price and billing interval (such as per week or once per month) on the page where users first enter personal information (such as a name or phone number).

    If users sign up to your service by transmitting a code by text message, the price and billing interval must be clearly and prominently displayed beside the code.

    If your service is a subscription, you must provide a prominent opt-in checkbox or other clear mechanism indicating that the user knowingly accepts the price and subscription service. This should be on the first page users enter personal data, and the user should not be able to proceed without opting in.

    All of the items above should be located in a prominent place on your webpage and should be easy to find, read, and understand.

    Political Advertising

    Political advertising is allowed.

    We permit political advertisements regardless of the political views they represent. Stating disagreement with or campaigning against a candidate for public office, a political party, or public administration is generally permissible.

    However, political ads must not include accusations or attacks relating to an individual's personal life, nor can they advocate against a protected group.

    If you're soliciting political donations, your ad's landing page must clearly state that the donations are non-tax-deductible.

    Political campaigns and candidates with questions about these policies are encouraged to contact our Elections Team at

    Prescription Drugs and Related Content

    The promotion of prescription drugs and related content is restricted.

    Google only accepts online pharmacies that are based in the U.S., Canada, the UK, the Republic of Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, or Australia.

    Online pharmacy in the U.S. and Canada

    Google AdWords requires all online pharmacy advertisers and affiliates in the U.S. and Canada to be members of the PharmacyChecker Licensed Pharmacy Program. Ads will not run until a valid PharmacyChecker identification number is provided. To be fair to all of our pharmacy advertisers, we make no exceptions.

    Additionally, ad campaigns for prescription drugs can only target the U.S., U.S. territories (American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands), and/or Canada; these ads will not be displayed in other countries.

    Note that pet pharmacies and affiliates advertising pet prescription drugs are also required to be PharmacyChecker approved when targeting the U.S. or Canada.

    If you meet the above requirements and want to get started, review Google's online pharmacy qualification process.

    Online pharmacy in the UK

    Google AdWords requires online pharmacy websites targeting ads to the United Kingdom to target ads only to the UK and to be registered with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB). These ads will not be displayed in other countries. Additionally, ad campaigns for online pharmacies and related services in the UK cannot promote specific prescription drugs.

    Online pharmacy in the Republic of Ireland

    Google AdWords requires online pharmacy websites targeting ads to the Republic of Ireland to target ads only to the Republic of Ireland and to be registered with the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (PSI). These ads will not be displayed in other countries. Additionally, ad campaigns for online pharmacies and related services in the Republic of Ireland cannot promote specific prescription drugs.

    Online pharmacy in Germany

    Google AdWords requires online pharmacy websites targeting ads to Germany to target only Germany. They are required to be licensed by the competent regional health authority (Gesundheitsbehörde) and provide a valid license issued (Erlaubnis zum Versand von apothekenpflichtigen Arzneimitteln) by the regional health authority. In addition, online pharmacy advertisers need to sign an online pharmacy policy compliance declaration provided by Google. Ad campaigns for online pharmacies and related services in Germany cannot promote specific prescription drugs.

    Online pharmacy in the Netherlands

    Google AdWords requires online pharmacy websites targeting ads to the Netherlands to target only the Netherlands and to be registered with the Registratie en Informatie Beroepsbeoefenaren in de Zorg (RIBIZ) in its BIG register. Additionally, ad campaigns for online pharmacies and related services in the Netherlands cannot promote specific prescription drugs.

    Online pharmacy in Australia

    Google AdWords requires online pharmacy websites targeting ads to Australia to target ads only to Australia and to be registered with the Pharmacy Guild of Australia. These ads will not be displayed in other countries. Additionally, ad campaigns for online pharmacies and related services in Australia cannot promote specific prescription drugs.

    Online pharmacy in New Zealand

    Google AdWords requires online pharmacy websites targeting ads to New Zealand to target only New Zealand and to be registered with the Pharmacy Guild of New Zealand (PGNZ). These ads will not be displayed in other countries. Additionally, ad campaigns for online pharmacies and related services in New Zealand cannot promote prescription drugs.


    Don't promote prostitution.

    Advertising is not permitted for the promotion of prostitution.

    Scams/Phishing for Personal Information

    Don't use phishing or other scamming tactics.

    Advertising is not permitted for sites collecting sensitive personal information or money with fake forms, false claims, or unauthorized use of Google Trademarks. Examples of personal information include email addresses, user names, passwords, and/or payment information. In addition, advertising is not permitted for 'run your car on water' programs or content.

    Sexual & Adult Content

    Sexual & adult content is restricted.

    Advertising is not permitted for the promotion of child pornography, any sexually suggestive content involving children, or other non-consensual sexual material. We also do not permit ads promoting teen pornography or other pornography that describes models who might be underage.

    Examples include, but are not limited to, advertisements for 'teen xxx', 'teen porn', and 'school girl' pornography. Please note that Google does not allow this content regardless of whether or not a site complies with government regulations on this kind of advertising.

    While approvable adult-related ads can show in some countries, certain countries such as Germany, China, Korea, and India will not show any ads categorized as 'Adult Sexual Content' such as ads with any pornographic content. There may be other effects of family status on how your ads are served.
    Solicitation of Funds

    The solicitation of funds is restricted.

    If the solicitation of funds is promoted in ad text or occupies a significant portion of your site, the ad's landing page should clearly display tax-exempt status such as 501(c)(3) status in the United States, and should state whether the donations are tax-deductible in full or in part. Other countries need to have an equivalent status (must be a registered charity or not-for-profit organization).

    However, for the solicitation of political donations, the ad's landing page must clearly state that the donations are not tax-deductible.

    Template Sites for Ad Networks

    Don't promote template sites for ad networks such as AdSense.

    Advertising is not permitted for the promotion of template sites for ad networks. This includes products and services that create template or pre-generated websites solely intended to profit from ads.

    Tobacco and Cigarettes

    Don't promote tobacco and cigarettes.

    Advertising is not permitted for the promotion of tobacco or tobacco-related products, including cigarettes, cigars, tobacco pipes, and rolling papers.

    Traffic Devices

    Don't promote illegal traffic devices.

    Advertising is not permitted for the promotion of radar jammers, license plate covers, traffic signal changers, and related products.

    In addition, advertising is not permitted for the promotion of radar detectors in Germany, France, Belgium, Luxemburg, Poland, or Switzerland.


    The promotion of weapons is restricted.

    Advertising is not permitted for the promotion of certain weapons, such as firearms, firearm components, ammunition, balisongs (switchblades), butterfly knives, and brass knuckles.

  6. profile image0
    shinujohn2008posted 16 years ago

    Hope evemurphy is happy

  7. evemurphy profile image41
    evemurphyposted 16 years ago

    Gamergirl and Shinjohn:  THANK YOU for these helpful replies!!! smile
    I will save them and refer to them often. smile


  8. Lissie profile image77
    Lissieposted 16 years ago

    Shinjohn that is a very useful list thank you

  9. legalstatus profile image57
    legalstatusposted 15 years ago

    aint that the truth


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