Learn how to make an ice cream sandwich using your favorite ice cream and homemade wafer cookies. I'll also tell you about National Ice Cream Sandwich Day, which happens to coincide with the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Indigenous to the southern United States, pecans are a classically southern food. Learn how to turn those pecans into a delicious pie!
What is the power of the raven and the crow in myth and legend? How are those animals depicted, and how can you use their power in your life?
Learn how to improve your writing on HubPages to achieve better traffic, and hopefully better money.
Read about the wacky holiday happening on August 1, 2012, and get an awesome Raspberry Cream Pie recipe while you're at it!
What is the difference between an agnostic and an atheist? Find out in clear and simple terms. Explore Atheistic and Theistic Agnosticism!
Cleaning your house with a cocktail of chemicals is unhealthy and unnecessary. Try cleaning with vinegar instead, saving money!
Take a peek via prose into the home of the parents of Gamergirl. Coming home is always a powerful experience, and one not often shared.
Sure fire methods to become happy, live a happier life, beat depression without drugs, and make the world a better place. Get over depression with these tips, and make yourself happy again!
Here you'll find simple instructions from start to finish on how to improve the quality of your photographs using digital editing software. In this tutorial you'll find out how to use Photoshop to edit your pictures and remove blemishes, correct photograph colors and retouch your photos yourself.
How to properly fill out your HubPages profile with a photo, introduction and settings that will allow your fans to contact you if they need to.
Find out what a frenemy (also called a frienemy) really is by reading along here. You may have a frenemy and not even know it!
Read five easy recipes for sandwich eaters everywhere, including the famous Thanksgiving Leftovers sandwich!
What is genderqueer? Defining the term genderqueer, this article examines the "place" in society and gender roles that a person identifying as genderqueer may adopt.
Learn fun facts about vanilla bean extract, and how pure vanilla extract is made. Watch a video on how to make vanilla extract.
Italian seasoning gives your dishes a robust flavoring without overpowering the flavors presented pre-spicing. Typically, a good Italian seasoning contains the big five of herbs: basil, sage, oregano, thyme and rosemary. In the world of...
A summary of Shakespeare plays containing supernatural elements: Hamlet and Midsummer Night's Dream.
Learn about Hinduism in this report by Gamergirl.
A brief comparison between Jesus Christ, the Savior representative of the Christian faith, and the Prophet Muhammad, Messenger of God to the Islamic faith, both Abrahamic religions.
Temporary hair color is a great way to change your hair without committing to one color or another. Learn how to use temporary hair color, temporary dye, comb-in hair color and more here.
Individuals who are interested in caring for a child on a long-term basis become, over time, more than just your average babysitter. A nanny is a person who provides specialized and focused care for one child or the children of one family. This...
How to recreate the Twilight vampire look for your Halloween Costume. Be a Cullen vampire for Halloween in just a few easy steps. You can be Edward Cullen, Bella Cullen, or any of the others, with just a tiny bit of makeup and a bit of sparkle.
Learn the story of Christopher Columbus and his Egg of Columbus, as well as Nikola Tesla's Egg of Columbus.
World of Warcraft Add-on explanation for the basic user.
A review of pre-release Cataclysm for the vastly popular World of Warcraft MMORPG.
Learn how to build a concrete or cement patio. DIY concrete patio instructions easy enough for anyone to complete.
The five principles, or ideals of Reiki. Learn how to use Reiki to better yourself and your life.
Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York and Fergie of the Black Eyed Peas have nothing in common... or do they? Fergie pictures here!
What do you do if you've forgotten Mother's day completely? Read here for ideas!
Whether it is 30 degrees out, or 100, nobody likes being sick. Learn about swine flu, bird flu, and other flu types prevention here.
Read about why the Tea Party, We the People, or other "revolutionary" movements are the product of sensationalism and fear-mongering.
Advice, tips, insider information that every new Hubpages author and article writer should read. Learn how Hubpages makes money for you here.
A dessert recipe which features corn flakes, butter, sugar and a surprise ingredient that will shock you! Read here to find out what goes into Gamergirl's Corn Flake Surprise!
An affirmation is a positive message used to reinforce one's self esteem and often is used to bring a positive mindset in a wide range of situations.
The icon of an era, every girl's dream guy in the days of big hair and flashy new music videos, David Bowie is a worldwide legend unlike any other. He represented the height of abstract and outlandish fashion, and was a super sexy rock star even...
Celebrities turning 40 in 2009, with pictures!
The top ten tips for having a great relationship with your man - relationship tips for women.
Gamergirl's top three movies of 2008, for your review and enjoyment.
Satanists have sins, in a very similar way to the sins of Christians. Learn all about the Nine Satanic Sins here!
An ever changing list of some of the best selling video games on the market. Updated sometimes. >.>
Learn five tips that will help you become a better driver in snow and ice conditions. Driving in the snow and ice is dangerous!
The 21st Amendment served to repeal the Prohibition act of 1919. Find out how Prohibition came about, and how it ended.
Learn how to make a request of a Hubber by asking HubPages Questions!
John Halcyon Styn shows us what love is all about in a weekly reconnection of mind and spirit. Join us at Hugnation!
Write an abstract for your academic paper using the APA format. Writing an abstract is easy, just follow these tips.
Leche Flan is a really cool recipe for a custard-y type food. Leche flan, from Spanish to English, literally translates to "milk pudding." It is sweet and loaded with sugar, fat and all the things that make your nutritionist shake their head and...
Read about the current World of Warcraft classes in play during the Cataclysm expansion.
Read about BBCode, or Bulletin Board Code and how it interacts with various web sites.
Find out why adult (NSFW: Not Safe For Work) hubs are not allowed on HubPages.
Low Fat Foods, Low-Fat eating, and all around cutting the fat out of your diet - read here for the skinny!
Want to make ice cream, but you don't have an ice cream maker? Why not try semifreddo instead? Read on to find out how this delicious Italian treat is made.
Learn how to make candles at home, saving money on candles with every batch you make. Making your own homemade candles is the easiest way to have the candles you like most.
Learn everything you need to know about .rar files, what WinRAR is, and how this affects you.
Racial differences affect each community a different way. Read just one of many takes on the effects of race on one's community.
Departing from my normal style of writing and presentation, here you will find some of the cutest, funniest, or sweetest youtube videos out there. Please enjoy, and remember to smile - it is much healthier for you to do so than the sneers or frowns...
University of Phoenix essay on Ethnic Groups and Discrimination in the United States.
Axia College / University of Phoenix Cultural Ethics class paper on Hispanic American Diversity. Remember to cite this article as a source if you use any part of the contents.
Thinking about coloring your hair crazy colors like pink, green, purple or blue? Don't do it until you read this!!
All over the world, people are spending billions of dollars on things that kill them slowly, be it food, liquor, or a vastly popular vice: smoking. But what about trying to quit? When conventional pills, shots, patches or gums just don't work to...
Find out what it means to be an entrepreneur. Tips for home business, running your own business, working from home.
Learn how to prevent your children from becoming video game addicts. Video game addiction starts early, and parental guidance can prevent it.
Chuck Norris Jokes - sometimes gritty, sometimes gun-filled, but always occupied by a fantastic beard - are the bread and butter of this generation's humor.
The Discovery Channel show Mythbusters - fact or fiction? Read about this hit tv show, Mythbusters cast and crew, and see the list of the top ten Mythbusters episodes here.
Adobe Photoshop Creative Suite is a powerful graphic editing and design tool. Installing Photoshop CS, CS1, CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5 or CS6 is easy.
Learn some fun facts about the amazing New York born actress/singer Rosario Dawson.
When you buy a Macbook Air, you'll want to invest in a bag that is both functional and comfortable. Available in hard or soft versions, a messenger bag for your Macbook air is both economical and fashion savvy for work or play.
Learn easy phrases any tourist should know when traveling to a Spanish speaking country. Note that not all countries in South America speak Spanish, but there are a number of similarities that would help you get by.
Learn how to become a ventriloquist, the tips and tricks surrounding ventriloquism, and how ventriloquists do their jobs. Watch videos to learn how to throw your voice, choose your dummy's voice, and other tips and tricks to being a good ventriloquist.
The art of poetry does not use brushes or canvas, does not require a spinning wheel or fancy machinery. Poetry is an art of words colliding together to inspire emotion and trigger memories. Displaying your original poetry on the Internet may be a...
Learn about video game addiction, the facts about video game addiction, and how people become addicted to video games.
Learn how to train your dog easily, how to teach your dog commands, and how to control your dog. Establishing dominance over your dog is not difficult.
University of Phoenix Network Topology Assignment IT/Networking courses - network topology information anyone can understand.
Learn all about the brain games site called Happy Neuron, which hosts games like Secret Files, Split Words, and Entangled Objects.
Learn how to deal with debt collectors, credit collection calls, and harassment from third party organizations handling overdue accounts.
Eco-Anarchy flag By now you've heard all about global warming, what a carbon footprint is, you've read and heard all about ozone depletion and been told a million times to recycle to save a tree, but have you ever been approached by an...
Whether it's solar powered lights, a solar power supply, fans, or any other gadget, learn about the cool solar power stuff here!
Danger Will Robinson, Danger! Robots are gaining popularity, and with the help of some brilliant minds, there are all kinds of robotic gadgets out on the market at affordable prices. Wow Wee toys has some absolutely brilliant gadgets out, robots...
LED Keyboards have come a long way since their introduction. Check out Gamergirl's two suggestions for the best LED Keyboards to buy.
Politicians spend millions of dollars during the course of their campaigns. Learn about political fundraising, private and public campaign fundraising.
What kind of technology did the neanderthals have? In this article you'll learn about the progression from the very first technological device!
SDLC (a.k.a SLC) is the shortened term for this method of analyzing information systems. A systems analyst follows a precise set of steps, the SDLC model giving a defined path down which the analyst moves to thoroughly investigate systems for the...
In a world nearly totally dominated by technology (well, in countries with more than fifteen cars and two stoplights) do you ever find yourself weary of the computers, the cell phones, the TomToms, iPods, laptops, Blackberries and Blu Ray? Here's...
The iPod Shuffle is a compact but powerful mp3 player with the minimalist in mind. This article tells you how to get 100 free iPod shuffles! Okay, not really...
Making a cake in the microwave is easy. All you need is a cup, some ingredients, and this easily customized recipe.
One of my all-time favorite pies is key lime, but if you're like me, you want to take that flavor you love and use it in other things. Key lime steak is not as good as it sounds, key lime candy takes too long to figure out how to make just right,...
Cook yourself up a barbecue chicken casserole that will make your guest's mouths water! Chicken BBQ casserole recipe inside...
This sweet, delicious bread was one of the rare treats my mother cooked specially for my brother and me. She took the original recipe from a cookbook, but has modified it over the years. Recently I was gifted with the recipe as a housewarming...
One reason that we, the human race, turn to religion is the belief that something greater than ourselves exists which molds, nurtures and challenges us. The moving thought that somewhere in the ether is an omniscient being who loves and created us...
Learn about becoming Wiccan through Wiccaning, dedication, and/or initiation.
Learn about Mother Goddesses from the Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Christian and Gaia worship structures. Don't forget to tell your mother you love her!
Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet, the Lion Headed Goddess, has a simple, yet powerful place in the Egyptian Pantheon. Read more here.
Agnosts search for answers amidst a world of uncertainty, atheists leave their intellectual pursuits to disproving the existence of God and denouncing any spirituality, but for a great many people in this world we want and need to believe. The...
What is an agnostic? What is agnosticism? Read about agnosticism here, including a list of agnostic figures from history.
Learn about Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lammas, Mabon and Samhain. The Wiccan holidays are specific to each season. Learn more about them here!
Read here to find out the reality of owning your own business, working from home, the facts about working from home.
How to dress properly for a business environment is the question to which this hub is the answer! Read on to find out what to wear and what not to wear to work.
Microsoft Word, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Powerpoint, and Microsoft Excel are reviewed here.
Bonnaroo 2020 is being held in Manchester, TN. This modern Woodstock is vastly popular, with comedians and musicians from all over taking part.
Superheroes have them, professional wrestlers have them, even Sir Robin from Monty Python: The Quest for the Holy Grail has one! You can have one too; all you have to do is find one that fits you. It's good to have your own theme song guy. Why...
First, separate yourself from the concept that the word 'gothic' is bad. It is a reference first to a type of architecture with lean lines and sweeping counterbalances. The word also refers to gloomy, dark or mysterious themes in literature, a type...
Have you ever had a restless night, one of those where you toss and turn and can't seem to get comfortable? Have you laid in bed, staring at your ceiling in the dark, just waiting to see if the warmth and stillness would help you to fall asleep in...
How to act right in the movie theater. Learn some basic etiquette for your visits to the latest movie releases.
Fonts are files on your computer that show you words in different styles. Learn how to find new fonts for your computer and how to install them.
What are viruses? What do malware and spyware do to your computer? Learn more about viruses, trojans, spyware, malware, and worms.
Fruit is an important part of a healthy diet. Lose weight and eat healthy by adding more fruit to your daily diet. Fresh fruit is best!
What are good eating options for gamers who need a quick snack? Don't leave your game behind, and don't get a big behind while snacking.
Imagine a virtual world where you could play God. A world where every facet of life was under your control at just a mouse click. The kind folks at Maxis and EA Games have provided us with just this opportunity, bringing literally dozens of...
For those of us who play online games like Guild Wars, World of Warcraft, or Everquest, a distinction between the online games we play and the other kinds of online roleplaying games must be made. One very popular (and long-standing) form of online...
The pinnacle of a 14 year legacy of games, Blizzard Entertainment's World of Warcraft is certainly one of the most popular and addicting games they've released yet. World of Warcraft, or WoW for short, happens to be this writer's favorite game. WoW...
You have read about the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, and many other French tourist locations. Now learn about the Notre Dame Cathedral and all of its glory.
Preparing your child for their adult life starts early. On the list of hard topics, sex is near the top. Find out how to talk to your kids about sex.
Choosing a college major can be a tricky decision. Learn realistic tips for picking a college major here.
Teenage depression is on the rise, still, and more and more teenagers are hurting themselves and each other. Love your teen more!
The troubled teens of the world without parents, operating within the adoption system, need loving homes. Find out about the unique struggles faced here.
An explanation and exploration of teenage depression, suicide, and coping with teen depression.
You have a child, with another on the way. You've got everything set and ready to go. Baby's name is picked out, baby has clothes, diapers and even it's own theme song. But then it hits you... How is my first child going to react to my newborn?...
Easy recipes, hints and tips for making your own baby food at home. Healthy recipes for your baby food!
Choosing a baby name for baby girls and baby boys is sometimes tough. Get advice and tips on naming your baby here.
Teaching your child to read is yet another way you engage with your child and strengthen the parent-child bond.
Tips and tricks about owning a Siberian Husky. Learn about some of a husky's habits, chewing, digging, socializing and other important facts about huskies.
Read about the power and effect poetry has on the average person, as well as an analysis of Edgar Allen Poe's "El Dorado" poem.
A general look at the process of submitting your poetry for publication.
This is an acrostic poem written in dedication to a lover, from a lost and found girl. Do you like the hidden message? I hold my head up high, though my back is bowed, Hearing you call my name, speak sweet words A rush of heat touches up...
Why no poem is bad, just different! Read here to find out why there is no such thing as a bad poem.
Learn how to make gold in World of Warcraft using your trade skills. Do it without cheating, without bots, without paying a gold farmer for it. See new places and learn more about the lore behind the game while making more gold than you'll ever need.
Donating money to charity can be a tricky proposition, but never fear! Get information on charitable donations here.
Saving money, or how to save money, is a huge topic of conversation all over the world. Find common sense ways to save money here.
A chilling look at the realistic buying power of a single United States Dollar.
Read about tips on investments, investing in real estate and how it can affect your life.
A guide on how to install styles in most any version of Photoshop. Use styles to further enhance text and objects in your digital art.
Read about why the fashion industry is harmful to people, men and women, young and old alike, and how the fashion world negatively impacts all people.
How to cut and style a mohawk - including video tutorials. If you want to know the easiest way to achieve a mohawk style hair cut, read here!
Learn about the hair style called the ponytail in this hub about hair styles.
Learn what the first person perspective is in terms of writing, and how to write in first person perspective.
Learn about mullets, skullets, momullets, chullets and all their gory details.
Dressing up for a Renaissance Festival or other medieval adventures, live action roleplaying game, or Halloween tips are here!
The one ingredient you NEVER put on a Chicago Dog is... find out here!
Learn about the schedule, preparation, and advice for participating in United States Navy boot camp. What should you do before you go to boot camp? What can you take with you, and what should you expect from the experience?
What's the big deal about Chicago style pizza anyway? What makes it different from other kinds of pizzas? Quite a bit, actually! First, take your standard pizza crust and throw it out the window. Now, make a new crust from corn meal and olive...
In the U.S. we call them PSLs, in Europe they're called debentures, but what exactly IS a permanent seat license anyway? The short answer is that a PSL is considered to be a guaranteed seat for the holder. The long answer is a little more complex....
It's second down, the blood is rushing in each football player's body, and there's the snap and the rush, and BAM!! Hundreds of pounds of meaty flesh collide as offense and defense battle for dominance of 100 yards of astroturf. So what stops these...
Learn the history of American Football, basic terms about football.
Is your boyfriend addicted to football? Do you hate football and want your boyfriend to stop watching it? Read on here!
Read what a true blonde thinks about blonde jokes. Blonde jokes CAN be funny, but like any other joke should be told in moderation.
How do you tell a good, funny, great joke? Read this article to learn how to tell the best joke!
What is a nose bleed? How do you stop a nose bleed? Stopping a kid's nose bleed.
How the love of friends and a bit of self love can save your life when you are the most depressed.
Read about the worst gifts to give your loved one for weddings, anniversary or Valentine's Day.
A satirical poem about God, Billy Graham, and laughter.
One persons spiritual journey through agnosticism, Wicca/Neo-Paganism, and finally atheism.
Ways to keep on your budget while still showing your partner how much you love them. Good for valentine's day or any other day of the year.
Songs to be sung to a loved one take many forms, such as the aubade which is sung in the morning's light. An example of an aubade is within.
Previously a family recipe, I have chosen to broadcast this lovely, tasty chocolate fudge recipe for everyone to enjoy. Better than it's taste is the fact that this fudge is made using a bowl, an 8 inch by 8 inch pan and one spoon. This means it is...
Eggnog is a popular winter beverage consisting of eggs, milk and spices. Served cold, it is commonly prepared with some form of alcohol as well (though only for adults!) Cognac, brandy, whiskey, rum or any dark liquor can be added to these chilled...
Learn tips and tricks for supressing hunger temporarily. Losing weight in a safe way will help your dieting strategy and getting control of your weight safely should be of utmost importance.
An easy resource guide for HTML, learning HTML, and the easy basics for the creation of a website.
Hate Vomit you feel it twisting in your stomach it burns in your abdomen like fire a rampaging bull riding up your gorge your face turns red and you heave i hate you i hate you i wish you would die i loathe you, despise you my kind...
Learning how to fully experience the range of human emotion can lead to weight loss, better sleep, lower blood pressure and much more.
A unique look at a solution for tackling the ever growing national deficit in the United States.
An introduction to social networking sites like Facebook, Meetup.com, Twitter, and WAYN.com. Everything you want to know about these top five picks by Gamergirl.
Get some basic tips about bonsai, beginner information, and learn the differences between Chinese and Japanese bonsai in a brief manner.
In considering the PEPCK-C, or PCK-1, enzyme, the first thoughts of it turn to Super Mouse, otherwise known as Mighty Mouse, the popular Terrytoons children's cartoon. Before being used to genetically modify mice, PCK-1 operates as part of a...
Charity, charitable works, spreading love and kindness to those around you. A hub about the lost art of charity.
When an earthquake strikes, you must know how to keep your family safe. Learn about earthquake preparation and safety in this article.
Alien hand syndrome is an affliction relating most commonly with brain damage wherein a person has a degree of loss of control over a hand or arm.
How to remove oil stains from clothes, carpets and concrete. Not all oil stains will come clean!
Give your partner the best kisses imaginable and learn about different kissing styles with this fun article.
Guitar Hero is a game for the Xbox, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, and Xbox 360. The newest installment, Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock, is reviewed here by expert game reviewer and Hubpages Author: Gamergirl.
Learn about Halloween Traditions, Dumb Supper, Samhain, Sowwen, or October 31st by any other name.
Tips, tricks and a how to guide to help teach your teenager how to save money. Today's teens don't know the value of their money - teach them to spend money wisely with these handy tips!