RESOLVED:Managing Groups issue specific to individual computer

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  1. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 11 years ago

    For some time (a year or more), I've had an intermittent problem when attempting to place a new Hub into a Group.  Simply put, the "Orphan Hubs" button would not show up at all, and the new Hub could not be found on the Managing Groups page at all.

    The solution (or at least the reason I didn't report this) was that by shrugging my shoulders, going on about my business, and trying again later, the Orphan Hubs button WOULD pop back into view, and I'd "Group my Hub".

    But--whether related to that longstanding mini-glitch or not--the Managing Groups page has now stopped me cold.  Just went in to Group a Hub.  Not only was the Orphan Hubs button gone, but so were ALL group buttons for the latter portion of the alphabet.  The first "T" group was there, but nothing whatsoever after that.

    It was getting problematic because every time I tried to go to that page (and also other pages such as sorting in order of Publication), I'd get a "long running script" that slapped me upside the head, too.  Which could be my computer; at least that would go away if I told it to do so.

    However, when I closed that HP session down entirely, reopened, and tried for the Managing Groups page cut off even MORE of the alphabet, this time stopping in the middle of the "S" entries.


    1. Matthew Meyer profile image70
      Matthew Meyerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      @Ghost32 Sorry to hear about the problems you are experiencing organizing your groups.

      What is the title and/or URL for the Hub that you are not seeing on the Managing groups page?

  2. Simone Smith profile image82
    Simone Smithposted 11 years ago

    Yikes, sorry about that, Ghost32! We'll have a look.

  3. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 11 years ago

    Uhhh...that would take a while to post.  There are several hundred of them.

    When I first wrote this up, the cutoff was in the middle of the titles starting with "T".  Then there was a fortunate time when everything worked okay, and I was able to update the groups.  Tonight, it's cutting off in the "S" area, or sometimes the in the "R" section.

    1. Pearldiver profile image69
      Pearldiverposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Sheessh Ghost what a mess..... But hey... until you've also got the 'A's and the 'E's.... along with the 'R's and 'S's... you will never get to the Butt of the problem!   lol

    2. Matthew Meyer profile image70
      Matthew Meyerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the additional info.
      I am going to do some testing with Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 9.
      Does the issue persist if you use a different web browser like Firefox or Chrome?

  4. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 11 years ago

    Just went to try it a third time--and the cutoff is in the "P" area.

    1. Matthew Meyer profile image70
      Matthew Meyerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I have loaded the page in Firefox and Internet Explorer 8 and 9.  The page does take a bit to load and I got a message that a script was taking a long time once, but it did load for me in every browser I tested.

      I think this could be related to your machine running out of resources.
      My first hunch would be RAM.

      Do you know how much RAM your computer has?
      There are instructions here to find out technical details about your machine: … r-problems

      I grabbed a screenshot of the page, but it is pretty giant, so here is the text I see for your profile here:

      Your Hub Groups
      Border Fort
      Brian Miller Vs Gabrielle Giffords
      Financial Survival
      Janet Contreras Defeats Ed Pastor!!
      Jim Deakin
      John Gomez Defeats Steve Israel!!
      Politics 2011
      remember in november 2016
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      Remember in November 2012 Earmark Eight
      Repeal Obamacare
      Republican Debates 2012
      Responsibility Before Adulthood
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      Tam the Tall Tale Teller
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      Wildlife Photography
      Wrongful Death
      Z and S Creations
      Z Cochise County Candidates 2012
      Z Election Issues 2012
      Z Water Hauling Manual

      Assign Hubs to Groups
      Border Fort
            Snake Skin in the Storage Shed : One Mystery Solved
            How to Build Temporary Pantry Shelving from Scrap Lumber...
            Rain! We Actually Got Rain Today!
            Living in the Dragon's Mouth : American Citizens Down
            How to Score a Midnight Venison Feast
            Can You Identify This Bottle?
            How to Clean Your Burn Barrel
            Honeybees and a Bunny Rabbit at the Border Fort
            Why Rural Homes Often Have Batch Water Storage Tanks Onsite
            How To Ready A Hybrid Earthbag Wall Home For Roof Trusses
            How To Build A Self-Heating Home
            How To Lose Everything in One Impatient Moment
            The Chores and Photo Ops : Living Off Grid : A Day at...
            How to Clear Heavy Machinery from a Caved-In Shipping...
      Brian Miller Vs Gabrielle...
            All That Giffords Is Not Gold
            Brian Miller On Border Issues
            Brian Miller On Limiting Government
            Brian Miller : The ONLY Tax Reform Candidate
            Brian Miller Vs. Gabrielle Giffords
            Brian Miller Vs. Gabrielle Giffords : Fear Factor
            Brian Miller Vs. Gabrielle Giffords : One Thousand Views
            Brian Miller Vs. Gabrielle Giffords : Grassroots
            Brian Miller Vs. Gabrielle Giffords : The Mexican...
            Brian Miller Vs. Jesse Kelly Vs. Gabrielle Giffords Vs....
            Brian Miller Vs. Jesse Kelly Vs. Jonathan Paton : A...
            Brian Miller Vs. Jesse Kelly Vs. Jonathan Paton : Body...
            Brian Miller Vs. Jesse Kelly Vs. Jonathan Paton: ...
            Brian Miller Vs. Jesse Kelly Vs. Jonathan Paton : Kelly...
            Brian Miller Vs. Jesse Kelly Vs. Jonathan Paton :...
            Brian Miller Vs. Jesse Kelly Vs. Jonathan Paton :...
            Brian Miller Vs. Jesse Kelly Vs. Jonathan Paton : Miller...
            Brian Miller Vs. Jesse Kelly Vs. Jonathan Paton :...
            Brian Miller Vs. Jesse Kelly Vs. Jonathan Paton: The...
            Brian Miller Vs. Jesse Kelly Vs. Jonathan Paton :...
            Giving Giffords The Gaff
            Green Gabrielle Giffords
            Jonathan Paton Vs. Jesse Kelly : Down On The Border
            Tea Party Border Rally : Part One.
            The Huge Interest In Brian Miller For Congress
            Why Brian Miller Will Defeat Gabrielle Giffords
      Financial Survival
            Credit Card Offers : The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
            How To Avoid Paying Your Bills When You Have No Money
            Personal Finance : Captain Obvious
            Personal Finance : How Not To Make A Million Dollars In...
            Personal Finance : Becoming Indispensable To Your Employer
            Personal Finance : How To Get Help By Sharing Your Story
            Personal Finance : How To Save By Doing It Yourself
            Miracle At The Gas Pump
            How to Qualify as the World's Dumbest Scammer
            How I Got Free Internet Access Through the HubPages...
            How To Rectify the Trade Imbalance with China Single Handed
            Money Laundering : How It's Done In Arizona
      Janet Contreras Defeats Ed...
            Janet Contreras Vs. Ed Pastor : Abortion
            Janet Contreras Vs. Ed Pastor : On Energy And Oil
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            Janet Contreras Vs. Ed Pastor : Repel The Invasion
            Janet Contreras Vs. Ed Pastor : The Border War
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            Janet Contreras Vs. Ed Pastor : Voter Fury
            Janet Contreras Vs. "Silent Ed" Pastor : Tightening The...
            The Arizona CD4 Election : Why Should You Care?
      Jim Deakin
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            Jim Deakin Vs. John McCain Vs. J. D. Hayworth
            Jim Deakin Vs. John McCain Vs. J.D. Hayworth : Advice...
            Jim Deakin Vs. John McCain Vs. J.D. Hayworth : Divine...
            Jim Deakin Vs. John McCain Vs. J.D. Hayworth : Donating...
            Jim Deakin Vs. John McCain Vs. J.D. Hayworth : Liberty...
            Jim Deakin Vs. John McCain Vs. J.D. Hayworth :...
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            Jim Deakin Vs. John McCain Vs. J.D. Hayworth : There Is...
            Jim Deakin Vs. John McCain Vs. J.D. Hayworth : Voter Monsoon
      John Gomez Defeats Steve Israel!!
            The Midterm Elections : Freedom Or Slavery?
            [deleted] Lockdown Or Liberty : The Midterm Elections Choice
            Mary Ellen Dunlap Vs. Denise Lundin : Clerk of the Court...
            Midterm Elections 2010 : Autumn House Cleaning
            Election Day 2010 : IT'S CLOBBERIN' TIME!
            Democrat Pollster Admits Republicans WILL Take Both Houses
            Christine O'Donnell Vs. Chris Coons : Energy Policy
            Christine O'Donnell Vs. Chris Coons : Five Freedoms
            November 2, 2010 : Why EVERY Vote Counts
            Christine O'Donnell Vs. Chris Coons : The Taxman Spinneth
            John Gomez Vs. Steve Israel : Immigration Impact
            John Gomez Vs. Steve Israel : Tax Attacks
            Obama Killing Drilling In...NORTH DAKOTA?!
            The Oil In North Dakota : Drilling Rig Activity
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            So You Want to Start a Trucking Company to Haul Water in...
            Snow on the Mountain, Bird on the Branch as Title...
            Finding a Job in North Dakota : The Bakken Formation :...
      Politics 2011
            The Tea Party : Impact Vs. Durability
            Air Travel Safety Vs. Smoke and Mirrors : Put Down the...
            Alternatives To Flying : Hitting The TSA Gropers In The...
            Arizona Home Prices Lead the Dive : The OGRE Effect
            Arlen Specter : A Bitter Bumbler's Bye-Bye
            Barack Hussein Obama : Anti-Israel From The Get-Go
            Boehner Lied, McConnell Lied, Obama Laughed Until He...
            Clean Energy Vs. Dirty Energy : The Political Word War
            Cleansing the Overgrowth : Government as Candida Albicans
            Computer Security : One More Chinese Puzzle
            Dancing With the Stars : Jennifer Grey and Bristol Palin...
            Darrell Issa Vs. Barack Obama : To Catch A Thief
            Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Kid Yourself
            Glenn Beck, George Soros, and the New World Order
            Hooray For Gridlock!
            I Screen Myself : Lynda McLaughlin Parody Takes On The TSA
            Lame Duck Hunting Season : The DREAM Act
            Legislative Agenda 2011 : Earmark Moratorium
            Missy Gecko Loves Kitten Precious
            Nancy Pelosi Passes Partial Tax Package : The Lame Duck...
            National Geographic Channel : Border Wars
            Obama After The Midterm Elections : Pouting Plus...
            Presumptive Speaker of the House John Boehner : The Best...
            Raul Grijalva Vs. Yuma : Stockpiling Resentment
            Sarah Palin Under Attack : The Inoculation Factor
            Sarah Palin on Sarah Palin : America by Heart
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            Rattlesnakes Both Biological And Political
            Remember In November ... Or See America Dismembered
            Ruth McClung Running Dead Even With Raul Grijalva!
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : Border War
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : Defending The Invasion
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : Endorsements
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : Interest Ramping Up
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            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : It's The Economy, Stupid!
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : John McCain Cowboys Up
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : Obama's Private Army
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : Real Science
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : Sarah Palin
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : THANK YOU, RUTH!!
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            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : Voter Turnout
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : WHO'S The Extremist?
            The Midterm Elections : Battle Stations! All Hands On Deck!
            The Midterm Elections : The Food Police
            The Midterm Elections : When The Giant Awakes
            War In Arizona : Gun Runners
            Sixteen Good Reasons To Dump Raul Grijalva
      Science Fiction
            Table of Contents for The Seeder, a Science Fiction Novel
            The Seeder: 1: The Guild
            The Seeder: 002: The Worms
            The Seeder: 003: A.S.P.
            The Seeder: 004: Suspicion And Denial
            The Seeder: 005: Nails And A Frog
            The Seeder: 006: The Essential Liberty Essays
            The Seeder: 007: Edsella The Comic
            The Seeder: 008: The Hoelringer
            The Seeder: 009: The Curse Of Childhood
            The Seeder: 010: Blue Eyes, Green Eyes
            The Seeder: 011: Alligators In A Frog Pond
            The Seeder: 012: Science Fiction Spiders
            The Seeder: 013: You Can't Handle The Truth
            The Seeder: 014: Conspiracy Theory Proven
            The Seeder: 015: Time To Go Black
            The Seeder: 016: Antique Auto Auction
            The Seeder: 017: Implants And Branding Irons
            The Seeder: 018: A Whistling Frog And A Missing Person...
            The Seeder: 019: Sci Fi And More Sci Fi
            The Seeder: 020: Guard Dog
            The Seeder: 021: The Mizpah Hotel
            The Seeder: 022: Coffee For A Coffee Lover
            The Seeder: 023: Tempered Glass And A Man With A Temper
            The Seeder: 024: The Star Wars Poster Boy
            The Seeder: 025: Nevada Is As Nevada Does
            The Seeder: 026: Business Advertising
            The Seeder: 027: The Hoelringer Hookup
            The Seeder: 028: The Bunghole Of Creation
            The Seeder: 029: The Sandfire Grand Opening
            The Seeder: 030: Rattling Cages
            The Seeder: 031: Second Echelon
            The Seeder : 032 : Mind Control
            The Seeder : 033 : Tina Terrio
            The Seeder : 034 : Beware The Trojan Seeder
            The Seeder : 035 : Calculations
            The Seeder : 036 : Baiting The Trap
            The Seeder : 037 : Stowaway
            The Seeder : 038 : Hiding In
            The Seeder : 039 : Nails Nails It
            The Seeder : 040 : Stripes of the Tiger
            The Seeder : 041 : Nervous Kate
            The Seeder : 042 : Back to Normal
            The Seeder : 043 : Kaboomer
            The Seeder : 044 : Roach Motel
            The Seeder : 045 : Three Feds
            The Seeder : 046 : The Rolling Pin
            The Seeder : 047 : Needles from the Pin
            The Seeder : 048 : Sandfire Meeting
            Arizona Prays : The Tragedy In Tucson
            Arizona Tragedy : Jared Loughner's Motive
            Gato Kitten : Life Goes On
            Tragedy In Tucson : A Nation Mourns
            Tragedy In Tucson: Judge Roll NOT Loughner's Primary Target
            Tragedy In Tucson : The Strange Aging Of Jared Loughner
            Tragedy in Tucson : The Strange Faces of Jared Loughner
      2016 Presidential Politics
            Looking Toward 2016 for the GOP : Louisiana Governor...
      A Social Event
            Palominas Christmas Parade : The Biggest Unorganized...
            Historic Badge Pinning Ceremony Held for Palominas...
      American History
            Black Founders and/or Black Revolutionary War Patriots...
      Awesome Animals
            A Guard Post For Green Eyes
            Bug Ugly In Arizona
            Chicken Soup for Devil Dogs and Gato Kitten
            Living With Beavers
            Prajapati And The Field Mouse
            The Black Wolf
            The Most Awesome Cow
            The Easter Bunny Drops Off The Passover Puppy
            Photo of Killer Dog Pack Member in Washington State...
            Spider, Spider, What on Earth art Thou?
            I Meet a Boy Tarantula for a Photo Shoot
            The Pigeons of Sierra Vista
            Family Life at the Border Fort : Gato Cat Turns One!
            The Drainpipe Bunny Rabbit at the Border Fort
            An Interview With Missy, the Leopard Gecko : Her First...
            A Case Study in Building Trust : Missy, the Leopard Gecko
            Holy Miracle, Catman! Gato Cat Comes Home On His Own!
            Coyotes Make Their Pre-Thanksgiving Call at the Border Fort
      AZ CD8 Special Election
            Candidates Declaring for the 2012 Special Election in...
      Barbara Kaiser County Recorder
            Arizona 2012 : The Race for Cochise County Recorder :...
            A Day in the Life of a Tea Party Activist : The Arizona...
            Cochise County Recorder Candidate Barbara Kaiser Asks Me...
            Cochise County Recorder Candidate Barbara Kaiser and I...
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            How to Collect Nominating Petition Signatures (Using...
            The Cochise County Recorder's Race, Candidate Barbara...
            Barbara Kaiser for Cochise County Recorder : The...
            The Next To Last Signature-Chasing Day : Barbara Kaiser...
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            Barbara Kaiser for Cochise County Recorder Speaks to the...
            Back in the Saddle : I Help Cochise County Recorder...
            Katie Miller, Barbara Kaiser, Christine Rhodes : The...
      Book Reviews
            Book Review : Dad, Dames, Demons & a Dwarf by Mancow Muller
            Going Rogue Is A Dangerous Book
            Book Review : Man in the Middle by Brian Haig
            Book Review : Surviving Galeras (Volcano) by Stanley...
            Book Review : GABBY, by Gabrielle Giffords and Mark Kelly
            Book Review : Game of Thrones (Series) by George R. R....
            Book Review : The Amateur (Barack Obama in the White...
            Trilogy Book Review : The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo,...
            Book Review : EPIC TRAILS--Endless Tracks Across...
      Children's Books
            Children's Book : A Cat Named Spinout
            I, Monument : A Day in the Life of a Wildfire
      Critter Political Rants
            The Redhead Rabbit Rap to Stop Obama's Progressive Agenda
      Dealing With The Medical...
            Bucky Beaver On Steroids
            Doctor Do Little, Doctor Do Less
            Love is a Sleeping Kitten
            How to Reeducate a Mean Doctor
            Medical Malpractice Versus The Insurance Underwriter
            Morgellon's : A Parasitic Infestation Beginning to be...
            After Truck Driving School: Driving Tired
            After Truck Driving School: Legal Problems
            After Truck Driving School: Out Of Route
            After Truck Driving School: Road Conditions
            After Truck Driving School: Scraping The Truck
            After Truck Driving School: Smoking The Brakes
            After Trucking School: Truck Tire Blowouts
            Car Accident Close Calls
            Driving Under The Influence
            How To Change A Big Rig Tire Without Power Equipment
            How To Drive Safely On A Really Slick Road
            How To Stay Awake Behind The Wheel
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            The $500,000 Telephone Pole : The Cowboy Goes to Court
            The $500,000 Telephone Pole : The Lawsuit Comes Calling
            The Fatal Car Accident
            The Hazards Of Offroad Trucking
            Truck Driving School
            Memorable Hitchhikers I Have Known
      Drug Related Issues
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      Executive Orders
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            How to Butcher a Bagel in Ten Easy Steps
            The Choke Cherry Tree
      Games and Entertainment
            The Fair Tax Attacks! A Video Game for Political Education
      General Writing
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            President Obama on Vacation : A Travelogue
            Obama Releases Birth Certificate...And the Crowd Goes Wild!
            From the Mouth of Obama : Things I Never Thought I'd...
            Obama's Favorite Republican : Liberal Newt Gingrich
            The Danger Of Overestimating An Opponent--Even George Soros
            Sarah Palin's Bus Tour Shakes 'Em Up
            American Exceptionalism #1 : The Gift of Language
            Why Is Sarah Palin Always Slamming Everybody?
            President Obama's Debt Ceiling Speech : Did He Really...
            August 10, 2011 : What I Would Do If I Were Sarah...
            Chicago Tribune Wants Obama Out, Hillary In For 2012
            President Obama ALMOST Gets One Right
            Quotes from President Obama's 2011 State of the Union...
            The Final GOP Presidential Campaign Debate Prior to the...
            Mr. President, We Are Not Your Pigeons
            Adventures In Prison Pen Pal Correspondence
            Doing Hard Time
            How To Visit A Prison Inmate
            So You Think You Want To Write A Prison Pen Pal
            What To Put In A First Letter To A Prison Pen Pal
      Product Reviews
            Product Review: Slick 50 Engine Additive And...
            Product Review : The Yamaha EF2000is Portable Generator
            Beginner's Guide and Product Review : SiriusXM Satellite...
            Product Review : The Canon PowerShot SX230 HS Digital Camera
            How to Find the Model Number on a Briggs and Stratton Engine
            Product Review : Homelite 5000 Watt Portable Generator...
            Product Review : Sierra Mist Natural Lemon-Lime Soda
            Product Review : PowerGenX Custom Portable 10K Solar...
            Product Review : Clear Choice Dental Implants
            Religious Rage : Why?
      Random Ramblings
            What I Was Wearing When I Met Each of My Seven Wives
            A Birthday to Remember : Number 68
            My Funniest Work-Related Memories
      Random Rants
            What Would YOU Do With a Billion Bucks?
            The True Cost of America's Fixation on Casey Anthony
            Telling the Boss to Take this Job and Shove It : The...
            Man Attacks, Mutilates Woman's Bra
            Ode to the Arizona Chiggers
      Reincarnation And Dreams
            Book Review : Many Lives, Many Masters, by Brian L....
            Challenging the Blizzard : Past Life Attitude Carries Over
            Gordo Gato : Moe Key Man Cat Reincarnates
            How To Capture That Elusive Dream
            How To Uncover Past Lives
            Reincarnation: Is It Real?
            The Practical Benefits Of Dreams
            I, Gato : A Memoir Covering Reincarnation Plus A Few...
            If the Dead Could Talk
            From the Canyon Towhee : Relationship Advice So Easy a...
      Relationships And Divorce
            Defending Your Wife
            Embarrassing Dad
            Getting Your At-Risk Child To Open Up
            How To Create A Multipurpose Cover, Care, And Cash Facility
            How To Get Revenge With A Really Big Knife
            How To Leave Your Lover
            The Many Faces Of Love
            The Transgender Issue: Living In A Bigger Box
            Unexpected Connections
            You'll Die Alone
            Choosing a Life Mate : The Dumbest Thing I Ever Said in...
            A Great Day on the Town with a Redheaded Woman : A Love...
            NOTHING Happens By Accident
            The Old Song Got It All Wrong : Breaking Up Is NOT...
            The Secret of a Long Term Loving Relationship, With or...
      Remember in November 2012...
            Neo-Nazi Code Words Allow Believers to Thrive Under Our...
            Mockery Mania : A Reliable Political Tool...With a Twist
            Believe It Or Not, Obama Could Actually Lose the Black Vote
            The Final Blow to the Housing Market : The Election of...
            Obama's Destruction of America : The Oil Price Indicator
            Leftover Soup and the Great Snow Hunt of 2011
            Wisconsin Democrats Cheese It
            Full Moon Over the Border Fort : A Poetic Political...
            Remember in November 2012 : Tracking the Trident
            Remember In November 2012 : The Death Panels Are Back!!
            America's Two Party Political System : The Great And...
            Remember In November 2012 : New START Treaty, Same Old...
            Peer Pressure in Pelosi Province : Why Congress-Critters...
            Obamacare Horror Stories : Need for Repeal Illustrated
            New START Treaty : Total Eclipse of the Moon
            Nancy Pelosi as Fiscal Conservative : How Did I Miss...
            Monkey Wrenching the Obamachinery #1 : Jim DeMint vs....
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            Making Obama A One-Term President : The Maytag Repair Manual
            Lame Duck Suicide Bombers : The Omnibus Bill
            Internet Checkers : Under the WikiLeaks Radar!
            Harry Reid's Filibuster Reform : Unintended Consequences
            Gabrielle Giffords Email Survey : There's a TROLL Under...
            From Obamacare To Obamasnare : The Food Safety And...
            Estate Taxes : The Government Price On Your Head
            Eight Senators Target Themselves : The Earmark Vote
            Donald Trump Gets Serious and Charles Krauthammer Misses...
            Defeating Congressional Lettermarks and Phonemarks :...
            Cursing, Name Calling, and More : Progressive Socialist...
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            Border Patrol Agent Gunned Down in Arizona
            Job-Related Country Music Hits
            Native American Contributions to the Founding of our Nation
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            The Don't Nobody Tell Me Song
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            2012 Election Cycle, Here We Come ...BIG TIME!
            Out of Iraq : President Obama Pulls the Plug on One...
            Remember in November 2012 : No Time to be Tired Until...
            Political Ponderings in the Huachuca Mountains of...
            The Bee on the Wall : Bee Free or Just Don't Bee At All
            Presidential Candidate Compatibility Quiz : Round Pegs...
            In the Winter of our Discontent : We Prepare for Hope...
            The Moon Went Over the Mountain : A New Year's Day...
            Bunny Rabbit Refuge at the Border Fort
            Cochise County Chickadee at the Border Fort
            The Mockingbird, the Rabbit, and the Towhee
            It's Time to Write, Though Late at Night, on the GOP...
            Overwhelm Overlord Obama : The Saga of 0001
            Remember in November : The Rockin' Ravens Rap
            Hawk and Raven Declare Media Unable to Differentiate...
            Obama's State of the Union Address 2012 : The Devil is...
            Why They Run for President : A Quizzical Look at the...
            Oversimplify or Bog Down in Detail : The Challenge of...
            Rick Santorum, I Wish You Were Kidding
            What I Would Do if I Wanted to Destroy Obama's Chances...
            Data Mining : Home Invasion of the Orwellian Sort
            The American Flag at Half-Mast Inspires a Journey in...
      Repeal Obamacare
            The Healthcare Reconciliation Amendment
            Arizona Health Care Budget Bitten By Obamasnake
            Three of 1968 Reasons to Repeal Obamacare
            The Repeal of Obamacare : A Future History
            Three of 1968 Reasons to Repeal Obamacare--Volume II
            One of 1968 Reasons to Repeal Obamacare : End Run Funding
            YES!! U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson Declares ALL of...
            Judge Roger Vinson's Greatest Hits : Obamacare Declared...
            Health Care Law Does NOT Tax The Rich!!
      Republican Debates 2012
            The First Republican Debate on Fox News : Herman Cain...
            The CNN Republican Debate : What, Gary Johnson is...
            August 11, 2011 : Candidates Who Failed the Marriage...
            Republican Debate as New Hampshire Looms
            The GOP Debate in Arizona : Six Days Before the Primary
      Responsibility Before Adulthood
            Child Labor Is Not A Bad Thing In A Country Setting
            Pistol Packing Wrangler
            Pistol Packing Wrangler, Part Two
      Rick Santorum
            Matchup Between Rick Santorum and Barack Obama : View...
            Matchup Between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama : View...
            Matchup Between Ron Paul and Barack Obama : View from...
            Matchup Between Jon Huntsman and Barack Obama : View...
            Matchup Between Newt Gingrich and Barack Obama : View...
            Matchup Between Rick Perry and Barack Obama : View from...
            Romney Powers Through New Hampshire, Looks Presidential,...
            The Santorum Storm Trifecta Rap : Rick is Ba-ack!
      Run Sarah Run
            Newsweek Online 7-11-11 : The Best Sarah Palin Article...
            How To Identify a "Free Energy" Scam and Discover a Cool...
            Never Mind Getting Punk'd ; You've Been Spoofed
            Nigerian Style Scam Targets Oil Patch Job Seekers
            My Experience With Scientology
      Sheriff Larry Dever
            Arizona Border Sheriff Not Done Yet : Cochise County's...
            Auditorium Full for Cochise County Sheriff Larry A....
      Short Stories
            Western Short Story : Cozy Rosie
            Semi-Western Short Story : Walker Vs. Hunter
            Semi-Western Short Story : A Day Late and a Dollar Short
            Semi-Western Short Story : Two in One Shot
            Semi-Western Short Story : The Snowball
            Semi-Western Short Story : Shootout at the Deep Manure...
            Semi-Western Short Story : Meat Jumpers
            Semi-Western Short Story : Green Kid, Red Pickup
            Western Short Story : Why Clancy Went West
            Western Short Story : The Legend of Wild Wayne Warrick
            Western Short Story : Maggie's Revenge
            Western Short Story : Maggie and the Hoot Owl
            Western Short Story : Snake Baker
            Western Short Story : Beans Bacon
            Western Short Story : The Chase
            Western Short Story : The Drifter
            Western Short Story : Bass Fishing
            Western Short Story : The Banker's Wife
            Western Short Story : A Puny Little Thing
            Western Short Story : Sam and Ginger
            Western Short Story : The Swampers
            Western Short Story : Coming of Age
            Western Short Story : The Kiowa Kickback
            Western Short Story : The Border Problem
            Western Short Story : Two Old Codgers
            Western Short Story : The Military Man
            I, Spade : The Life Story of a #2 Shovel
      Smoking Cessation
            Hell on Earth : How to Quit Smoking : Cold Turkey Failure
            How to Quit Smoking : Pam's War for Better Health : ...
      Snake Stories
            Snake Stories: The Deadly Diamondback
            Snake Stories: The Mojave Green Rattlesnake
            The First Mojave Green Rattlesnake of the Year : How to...
            The Mojave Green Rattlesnake : Not All Babies Are...
            The Rattlesnake Who Got a Reprieve By NOT Being A...
            How To Identify the Mojave Green Rattlesnake In A Hurry
      Soul travel
            How To Save Your Lover's Life : A Do It Yourself Experience
            Why My Hub Production Will Be Drastically Curtailed For...
            What I'm Learning from the Rosetta Stone Program, Online...
            How I'm Learning Spanish Despite El Gato Having Gotten...
            High School Basketball The Hard Way
            Using Saddle Broncs And Brahma Bulls As Financial Advisors
      Standup Comedy Routine
            How To Launch a Standup Comedy Career on your 100th...
            How To Launch a Standup Comedy Career on your 100th...
            How To Launch a Standup Comedy Career on your 100th...
            How To Launch a Standup Comedy Career on your 100th...
            How To Launch a Standup Comedy Career on your 100th...
            How To Lauch a Standup Comedy Career on your 100th...
            Fire! Fire! Fire!
            Horror In The Desert: Wind Nearly Kills Wife
            How To Keep A Warm House Through The Winter On Minimal Money
            How To Salvage A Defective Electrical Cord
            How To Survive Being Lost
            Shovel Man: How To Fight Fire, Dig Wells, Dig Outhouses,...
            Surrounded By Wildfire On The Mountain
            Survival In San Diego County, Part One
            The Richest Hill On Earth: Butte, Montana
            Survival In San Diego County, Part Two
            Surviving the Office Rat Race : Lunch Time Hideouts
            Survival Transportation: Negotiating The Impossible
            The Magic Bullet Survival Kit
            How I Found a Place to Live... 50 Times!
            What Should I Do to Prepare for Natural Disasters?
            How to Read a Dead Centipede
            How To Start Over As A Middle Aged Person With Nothing...
            Five Books I'd Want With Me If I Were Stranded On A...
      Tam the Tall Tale Teller
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #1
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #2
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #3
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #4
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #5
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #6
            Western Short Story : Tam the tall tale teller #7...
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #8
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #9
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #10
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #11
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #12
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #13
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #14
            Western Short Story : Tam theTall Tale Teller #15
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #16
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #17
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #18
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #19
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #20
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #21
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #22
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #23
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #24
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #25
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #26
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #27
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #28
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #29
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #30
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #31
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #32
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #33
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #34
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #35
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #36
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #37
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #38
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #39
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #40
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #41
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #42
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #43
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #44
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #45
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #46
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #47
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            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #49
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #50
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #51
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            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #71
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #72
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            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #74
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #75
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            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #77
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            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #79
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #80
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #81
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #82
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            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #93
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #94
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #95
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            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #98
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #99
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #100
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #101
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #102
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #103
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            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #105
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #106
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            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #108
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #109
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall TaleTeller #110
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #111
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #112
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #113
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #114
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #115
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #116
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #117
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #118
            Western Short Story :

  5. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 11 years ago

    Butt...butt...butt...whatchu talkin' 'bout, Pearldiver?! yikes

    Guess the HubGods may have decided I'd been away from the forums too long,

  6. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 11 years ago

    No, Matthew, sorry, but you're not quite getting the picture yet.

    It loads for me, too, same way you described--but not ALL of the groups load.  I checked the link you provided as well as the screenshot here.  With the link, (this time) it stopped in the "R" section.  With this screenshot, it's stopped at Tam the Tall Tale Teller--right smack in the middle of  a title line.  There are MANY groups beyond that.  I'd been working on They Walk Among Us, which is missing (comes after Tam alphabetically), and my groups go on down to some that start with (get this ) not only "Z" but "ZZZZ".  Plus, there's NO "Orphan Hubs" group showing up, so no way to move one of them out of the orphan category.

    Looks to me like we're both getting the SAME results.

    I'll check out my available RAM but suspect that's not it.

    1. Matthew Meyer profile image70
      Matthew Meyerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Under "Assign Hubs to Groups" here is the full list I see.
      These screens are so large that it i s hard to include an image screenshot.
      The text is pretty long as well, so hopefully this all comes through.
      Assign Hubs to Groups
      expand all collapse all
      Border Fort
            Snake Skin in the Storage Shed : One Mystery Solved
            How to Build Temporary Pantry Shelving from Scrap Lumber...
            Rain! We Actually Got Rain Today!
            Living in the Dragon's Mouth : American Citizens Down
            How to Score a Midnight Venison Feast
            Can You Identify This Bottle?
            How to Clean Your Burn Barrel
            Honeybees and a Bunny Rabbit at the Border Fort
            Why Rural Homes Often Have Batch Water Storage Tanks Onsite
            How To Ready A Hybrid Earthbag Wall Home For Roof Trusses
            How To Build A Self-Heating Home
            How To Lose Everything in One Impatient Moment
            The Chores and Photo Ops : Living Off Grid : A Day at...
            How to Clear Heavy Machinery from a Caved-In Shipping...
      Brian Miller Vs Gabrielle...
            All That Giffords Is Not Gold
            Brian Miller On Border Issues
            Brian Miller On Limiting Government
            Brian Miller : The ONLY Tax Reform Candidate
            Brian Miller Vs. Gabrielle Giffords
            Brian Miller Vs. Gabrielle Giffords : Fear Factor
            Brian Miller Vs. Gabrielle Giffords : One Thousand Views
            Brian Miller Vs. Gabrielle Giffords : Grassroots
            Brian Miller Vs. Gabrielle Giffords : The Mexican...
            Brian Miller Vs. Jesse Kelly Vs. Gabrielle Giffords Vs....
            Brian Miller Vs. Jesse Kelly Vs. Jonathan Paton : A...
            Brian Miller Vs. Jesse Kelly Vs. Jonathan Paton : Body...
            Brian Miller Vs. Jesse Kelly Vs. Jonathan Paton: ...
            Brian Miller Vs. Jesse Kelly Vs. Jonathan Paton : Kelly...
            Brian Miller Vs. Jesse Kelly Vs. Jonathan Paton :...
            Brian Miller Vs. Jesse Kelly Vs. Jonathan Paton :...
            Brian Miller Vs. Jesse Kelly Vs. Jonathan Paton : Miller...
            Brian Miller Vs. Jesse Kelly Vs. Jonathan Paton :...
            Brian Miller Vs. Jesse Kelly Vs. Jonathan Paton: The...
            Brian Miller Vs. Jesse Kelly Vs. Jonathan Paton :...
            Giving Giffords The Gaff
            Green Gabrielle Giffords
            Jonathan Paton Vs. Jesse Kelly : Down On The Border
            Tea Party Border Rally : Part One.
            The Huge Interest In Brian Miller For Congress
            Why Brian Miller Will Defeat Gabrielle Giffords
      Financial Survival
            Credit Card Offers : The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
            How To Avoid Paying Your Bills When You Have No Money
            Personal Finance : Captain Obvious
            Personal Finance : How Not To Make A Million Dollars In...
            Personal Finance : Becoming Indispensable To Your Employer
            Personal Finance : How To Get Help By Sharing Your Story
            Personal Finance : How To Save By Doing It Yourself
            Miracle At The Gas Pump
            How to Qualify as the World's Dumbest Scammer
            How I Got Free Internet Access Through the HubPages...
            How To Rectify the Trade Imbalance with China Single Handed
            Money Laundering : How It's Done In Arizona
      Janet Contreras Defeats Ed...
            Janet Contreras Vs. Ed Pastor : Abortion
            Janet Contreras Vs. Ed Pastor : On Energy And Oil
            Janet Contreras Vs. Ed Pastor : Pounding The Pavement
            Janet Contreras Vs. Ed Pastor : Putting The Pastor Out...
            Janet Contreras Vs. Ed Pastor : God Save Arizona
            Janet Contreras Vs. Ed Pastor : Kissing Up To Calderon
            Janet Contreras Vs. Ed Pastor : Repel The Invasion
            Janet Contreras Vs. Ed Pastor : The Border War
            Janet Contreras Vs. Ed Pastor : Up Front Or Hiding Out...
            Janet Contreras Vs. Ed Pastor : Voter Fury
            Janet Contreras Vs. "Silent Ed" Pastor : Tightening The...
            The Arizona CD4 Election : Why Should You Care?
      Jim Deakin
            Jim Deakin And The Tea Party Border Rally : SYNERGY!!
            Jim Deakin Vs. John McCain Vs. J. D. Hayworth
            Jim Deakin Vs. John McCain Vs. J.D. Hayworth : Advice...
            Jim Deakin Vs. John McCain Vs. J.D. Hayworth : Divine...
            Jim Deakin Vs. John McCain Vs. J.D. Hayworth : Donating...
            Jim Deakin Vs. John McCain Vs. J.D. Hayworth : Liberty...
            Jim Deakin Vs. John McCain Vs. J.D. Hayworth :...
            Jim Deakin Vs. John McCain Vs. J.D. Hayworth : The...
            Jim Deakin Vs. John McCain Vs. J.D. Hayworth : There Is...
            Jim Deakin Vs. John McCain Vs. J.D. Hayworth : Voter Monsoon
      John Gomez Defeats Steve Israel!!
            The Midterm Elections : Freedom Or Slavery?
            [deleted] Lockdown Or Liberty : The Midterm Elections Choice
            Mary Ellen Dunlap Vs. Denise Lundin : Clerk of the Court...
            Midterm Elections 2010 : Autumn House Cleaning
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            Christine O'Donnell Vs. Chris Coons : Five Freedoms
            November 2, 2010 : Why EVERY Vote Counts
            Christine O'Donnell Vs. Chris Coons : The Taxman Spinneth
            John Gomez Vs. Steve Israel : Immigration Impact
            John Gomez Vs. Steve Israel : Tax Attacks
            Obama Killing Drilling In...NORTH DAKOTA?!
            The Oil In North Dakota : Drilling Rig Activity
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            So You Want to Start a Trucking Company to Haul Water in...
            Snow on the Mountain, Bird on the Branch as Title...
            Finding a Job in North Dakota : The Bakken Formation :...
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            The Tea Party : Impact Vs. Durability
            Air Travel Safety Vs. Smoke and Mirrors : Put Down the...
            Alternatives To Flying : Hitting The TSA Gropers In The...
            Arizona Home Prices Lead the Dive : The OGRE Effect
            Arlen Specter : A Bitter Bumbler's Bye-Bye
            Barack Hussein Obama : Anti-Israel From The Get-Go
            Boehner Lied, McConnell Lied, Obama Laughed Until He...
            Clean Energy Vs. Dirty Energy : The Political Word War
            Cleansing the Overgrowth : Government as Candida Albicans
            Computer Security : One More Chinese Puzzle
            Dancing With the Stars : Jennifer Grey and Bristol Palin...
            Darrell Issa Vs. Barack Obama : To Catch A Thief
            Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Kid Yourself
            Glenn Beck, George Soros, and the New World Order
            Hooray For Gridlock!
            I Screen Myself : Lynda McLaughlin Parody Takes On The TSA
            Lame Duck Hunting Season : The DREAM Act
            Legislative Agenda 2011 : Earmark Moratorium
            Missy Gecko Loves Kitten Precious
            Nancy Pelosi Passes Partial Tax Package : The Lame Duck...
            National Geographic Channel : Border Wars
            Obama After The Midterm Elections : Pouting Plus...
            Presumptive Speaker of the House John Boehner : The Best...
            Raul Grijalva Vs. Yuma : Stockpiling Resentment
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            Sarah Palin on Sarah Palin : America by Heart
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            Sarah Palin's Alaska, Episode #2 : But--But--HALIBUT!!
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            Sarah Palin's Alaska #4 : Caribou Barbie on the Hunt
            Sarah Palin's Alaska, Episode #5 : Kate Plus Eight Loves...
            Sarah Palin's Alaska, Episode #6 : Potpourri
            Sarah Palin's Alaska, Episode #7 : Humongous Logs and...
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            Sarah Palin Costs The GOP The Senate...While SAVING The GNP
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            TSA Today : Why is ANYBODY Still Flying?
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            'Twas The Night Before Christmas (2010)
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            Sarah Palin : The Undefeated Documentary
            The Delta Airline Debacle
            To Bill O'Reilly : Stick to Coffee, Brother, 'Cause the...
            The August 2011 Debt Deal Miracle : Congratulations All...
      remember in november 2016
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            Jerry Brown Calls Meg Whitman a Hoer
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            Memorable Political Quotes : Democrats 2010
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            Remember In November ... Or See America Dismembered
            Ruth McClung Running Dead Even With Raul Grijalva!
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : Border War
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : Defending The Invasion
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : Endorsements
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : Interest Ramping Up
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : Monsoon Chiggers
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : Obamacare
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : Progressive Democrats'...
            Biggest Loser 2010 : The Congressional Progressive Caucus
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            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : Sovereignty
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : That's Punkish
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : The Sound Of Silence
            Ray Stevens Stands Up For Arizona
            Does Raul Grijalva Even Like Raul Grijalva?
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva Vs... Raul Grijalva ?!
            Obama's Stunning Ability To Surprise
            Sarah Palin Target ID: Raul Grijalva
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : Frightening Creatures
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : Glenn Beck
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : It's The Economy, Stupid!
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : John McCain Cowboys Up
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : Obama's Private Army
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : Real Science
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : Sarah Palin
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : THANK YOU, RUTH!!
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            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : Voter Turnout
            Ruth McClung Vs. Raul Grijalva : WHO'S The Extremist?
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            The Midterm Elections : When The Giant Awakes
            War In Arizona : Gun Runners
            Sixteen Good Reasons To Dump Raul Grijalva
      Science Fiction
            Table of Contents for The Seeder, a Science Fiction Novel
            The Seeder: 1: The Guild
            The Seeder: 002: The Worms
            The Seeder: 003: A.S.P.
            The Seeder: 004: Suspicion And Denial
            The Seeder: 005: Nails And A Frog
            The Seeder: 006: The Essential Liberty Essays
            The Seeder: 007: Edsella The Comic
            The Seeder: 008: The Hoelringer
            The Seeder: 009: The Curse Of Childhood
            The Seeder: 010: Blue Eyes, Green Eyes
            The Seeder: 011: Alligators In A Frog Pond
            The Seeder: 012: Science Fiction Spiders
            The Seeder: 013: You Can't Handle The Truth
            The Seeder: 014: Conspiracy Theory Proven
            The Seeder: 015: Time To Go Black
            The Seeder: 016: Antique Auto Auction
            The Seeder: 017: Implants And Branding Irons
            The Seeder: 018: A Whistling Frog And A Missing Person...
            The Seeder: 019: Sci Fi And More Sci Fi
            The Seeder: 020: Guard Dog
            The Seeder: 021: The Mizpah Hotel
            The Seeder: 022: Coffee For A Coffee Lover
            The Seeder: 023: Tempered Glass And A Man With A Temper
            The Seeder: 024: The Star Wars Poster Boy
            The Seeder: 025: Nevada Is As Nevada Does
            The Seeder: 026: Business Advertising
            The Seeder: 027: The Hoelringer Hookup
            The Seeder: 028: The Bunghole Of Creation
            The Seeder: 029: The Sandfire Grand Opening
            The Seeder: 030: Rattling Cages
            The Seeder: 031: Second Echelon
            The Seeder : 032 : Mind Control
            The Seeder : 033 : Tina Terrio
            The Seeder : 034 : Beware The Trojan Seeder
            The Seeder : 035 : Calculations
            The Seeder : 036 : Baiting The Trap
            The Seeder : 037 : Stowaway
            The Seeder : 038 : Hiding In
            The Seeder : 039 : Nails Nails It
            The Seeder : 040 : Stripes of the Tiger
            The Seeder : 041 : Nervous Kate
            The Seeder : 042 : Back to Normal
            The Seeder : 043 : Kaboomer
            The Seeder : 044 : Roach Motel
            The Seeder : 045 : Three Feds
            The Seeder : 046 : The Rolling Pin
            The Seeder : 047 : Needles from the Pin
            The Seeder : 048 : Sandfire Meeting
            Arizona Prays : The Tragedy In Tucson
            Arizona Tragedy : Jared Loughner's Motive
            Gato Kitten : Life Goes On
            Tragedy In Tucson : A Nation Mourns
            Tragedy In Tucson: Judge Roll NOT Loughner's Primary Target
            Tragedy In Tucson : The Strange Aging Of Jared Loughner
            Tragedy in Tucson : The Strange Faces of Jared Loughner
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            Historic Badge Pinning Ceremony Held for Palominas...
      American History
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            A Guard Post For Green Eyes
            Bug Ugly In Arizona
            Chicken Soup for Devil Dogs and Gato Kitten
            Living With Beavers
            Prajapati And The Field Mouse
            The Black Wolf
            The Most Awesome Cow
            The Easter Bunny Drops Off The Passover Puppy
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            Spider, Spider, What on Earth art Thou?
            I Meet a Boy Tarantula for a Photo Shoot
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            Family Life at the Border Fort : Gato Cat Turns One!
            The Drainpipe Bunny Rabbit at the Border Fort
            An Interview With Missy, the Leopard Gecko : Her First...
            A Case Study in Building Trust : Missy, the Leopard Gecko
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      Barbara Kaiser County Recorder
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            A Day in the Life of a Tea Party Activist : The Arizona...
            Cochise County Recorder Candidate Barbara Kaiser Asks Me...
            Cochise County Recorder Candidate Barbara Kaiser and I...
            Cochise County Recorder Candidate Barbara Kaiser : The...
            How to Collect Nominating Petition Signatures (Using...
            The Cochise County Recorder's Race, Candidate Barbara...
            Barbara Kaiser for Cochise County Recorder : The...
            The Next To Last Signature-Chasing Day : Barbara Kaiser...
            Barbara Kaiser : What Sort of Person, Really, is Running...
            Barbara Kaiser for Cochise County Recorder Speaks to the...
            Back in the Saddle : I Help Cochise County Recorder...
            Katie Miller, Barbara Kaiser, Christine Rhodes : The...
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      Children's Books
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            I, Monument : A Day in the Life of a Wildfire
      Critter Political Rants
            The Redhead Rabbit Rap to Stop Obama's Progressive Agenda
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            Bucky Beaver On Steroids
            Doctor Do Little, Doctor Do Less
            Love is a Sleeping Kitten
            How to Reeducate a Mean Doctor
            Medical Malpractice Versus The Insurance Underwriter
            Morgellon's : A Parasitic Infestation Beginning to be...
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            After Truck Driving School: Legal Problems
            After Truck Driving School: Out Of Route
            After Truck Driving School: Road Conditions
            After Truck Driving School: Scraping The Truck
            After Truck Driving School: Smoking The Brakes
            After Trucking School: Truck Tire Blowouts
            Car Accident Close Calls
            Driving Under The Influence
            How To Change A Big Rig Tire Without Power Equipment
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            How To Stay Awake Behind The Wheel
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            The $500,000 Telephone Pole : The Cowboy Goes to Court
            The $500,000 Telephone Pole : The Lawsuit Comes Calling
            The Fatal Car Accident
            The Hazards Of Offroad Trucking
            Truck Driving School
            Memorable Hitchhikers I Have Known
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            Barack Obama and the Executive Order : #13532, March 3, 2010
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            Smith And Wesson, Adsense, And Dogs: Three Things That Bark
            The Google Adsense Tour For Beginners
            The Poetic Humor Of AdSense Poetry
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            How To Keep On Keeping On
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            The Letters of Henry and Sadie #2
            The Letters of Henry and Sadie #3
            The Letters of Henry and Sadie #4
            The Letters of Henry and Sadie #5
            The Letters of Henry and Sadie #6
            The Letters of Henry and Sadie #7
            The Letters of Henry and Sadie #8
            The Letters of Henry and Sadie #9
            The Letters of Henry and Sadie #10
            The Letters of Henry and Sadie #11
            The Letters of Henry and Sadie # 12
            The Letters of Henry and Sadie #13
            The Letters of Henry and Sadie #14
            The Letters of Henry and Sadie #15
            The Letters of Henry & Sadie #16
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            When Herman Cain Won the Florida Straw Poll, He Brought...
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            Believe It Or Not : The Incredible Qualifications of...
            Twisting Herman Cain's Words : Media Spin At Its Spinniest
            Thanksgiving 2011 at the Border Fort : Things for which...
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            How NOT To Build A New Door
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            How To Build A Battery Bank Box On The Cheap
            How To Build A Coffe Can Birdhouse For Zero Dollars
            Be Gone, Bee! Just How Is The Question
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            How To Build A House Single Handed
            How To Build A Laundry Room
            How To Build A New Door For A Camp Trailer
            How To Build A Propane Tank Enclosure
            How To Build A Scissors Jack Stand
            How To Build A Survival Cabin On A Shoestring Budget
            How To Build An Invisible Shelter
            How To Choose A Portable Generator
            How To Dig A Hand Dug Well
            How To Equip Earthbag Walls With Windows And Utility Tubes
            How To Fix An Undulating Wall Foundation
            How To Furnish A Survival Cabin
            How To Hand Dig A Post Hole In Tough Ground
            How To Install A Deep Fringe TV Antenna, Part One Of Two
            How To Install A Deep Fringe Antenna, Part Two
            How To Install A French Drain, Cowboy Style
            How To Install A Wind Turbine For Under $2500
            How To Install Metal Roofing Panels
            How To Loose Lay Rubber Flooring
            How To Lift A Water Tank To A Water Tower
            How To Make Earthbag Wall Adjustments
            How To Pour Concrete Wall Footings
            How To Protect Earthbag Walls
            How To Put Up Roof Trusses Single Handed
            How To Ready A Homesite For Earthbag Walls
            How To Redesign A Fallen Earthbag Wall
            How To Reinforce Earthbag Walls Using Intertie Studs
            How to Repair a Gas Cap on the Cheap
            How To Rig A Gray Water Drain
            How To Rig A Self-Adjusting Clothesline
            How To Save Money On Home Repairs Using Materials At Hand
            How To Saw Dirt
            How To Sheathe Roof Rafters
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            Border Security : Barack Obama vs. Danny Mullins
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            Insect Identification : What on Earth is THIS Beetle?
            The Life Cycle of the Ubiquitous Cockroach
      Internet Stuff
            The Online False Identification Industry
            Who Wants To Know How To Obtain False Identification?
      Internet Tips
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      Investigations And Evaluations
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            How To Investigate A Suspicious Death
            Reading Sign: Illegal Immigrants Leave A Trail
            The Lie Detector And The Human Brain
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            To Be Or Not To Be Employed Within The Field of Your...
            Less Than Brilliant Behavior At Work (There Really Is...
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            Iraq Veteran Gunned Down At Home : Coverup?
            Oath Keepers Honor Jose Guerena on Memorial Day, Call...
            Jose Guerena's Widow Vanessa Goes After Pima County for...
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            The Race for Cochise County Recorder : Katie Miller...
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            Arizona Desert Photography, Part One
            Arizona Desert Photography, Part Two
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            Snow On The Mexican Border
            Surprising Things A Camera Can Do
            Mesquite Spring : Near the Mexican Border in Arizona
            The Monsoon Clouds of June 29, 2011
            Sonoran Desert Climbing Vine Identification : The Joy of...
            Southwestern Lights : Monsoon Light Show in the Arizona...
            From Arizona Desert to Amazon Jungle : The Effect of the...
            Morning Glory, Morning Glory, Morning Glory Everywhere :...
            Morning Glory Red, Morning Glory Blue, the Red Stays...
            Early First Snow in Southern Arizona : Rough Winter Ahead?
            The Last Total Lunar Eclipse Before the Crucial...
            Rainbow Photography at the Hereford Post Office
            America the Beautiful : Arizona Sunset, October 12, 2012
            Cochise County : It's a White New Year's Eve!
      Legal Issues
            Denial of Medical Coverage by the Insurance Company :...
            Taking the Law Into Your Own Hands the Right Way
      Life Threatening Experiences
            Lightning Strike!
            Self Defense As A Way Of Life
            The Dark Angel Of Death
            We Come As Eagles
            Whiteout : Challenging the Blizzard
            A Young Horned Toad Says Hi
            Return Of The Great Horned Toad
            The Ant-Eating Desert Grassland Whiptail Lizard
            One Small Pond And A Diving Lizard
            A Desert Grassland Whiptail Lizard Goes All Gecko On Us
            Discovery of the Year at the Border Fort : The Arizona...
            What Happens to the Desert Grassland Whiptail Lizards...
      Mental Health
            Conquering Fear Of Public Speaking: The Cowboy Way
            Eliminating Procrastination From Your Life
            How To Reduce Anxiety
            Your Mental Health Files : Misdiagnosis through...
            My Most Embarrassing Moment
            The Man Makes The Clothes
            Why My Temper Was a Problem and How I Got Rid of It
            Miracle at the Border Fort : Pam's Whirligig Mind...
      Military Service
            Military Training : Bayonet Training, the Lost Art
            Military Training : Facing Live Fire
            Miracle Guitar Pick
            Unexpected Angels
      Mitt Romney for President
            What Mitt Romney Will Do As President To Create Jobs
            Unlike Obama, Romney Does Not Dither
            Early Memories In Montana
            Hunting In Montana From Age Twelve Till Quitting Time
            Never Before Seen by Man
            The Pink Grapefruit Moon
            The Full Moon Full Cloud Eclipse... or Something Like That
            The Huachuca Mountains Swallow the Moon
            Commentary on Third Generation Oilfield Trash
            Guitar Journey : From Wabash to Ibanez with Stops Along...
            How Not to Upload a Video to the Internet
      Natural Disasters
            Earthquake Plus Tsunami in Japan : Insights
            Earthquake Plus Tsunami in Japan : Aftershock
            Earthquake Plus Tsunami in Japan : Food and Water
            Comedy Kills : The Death Rate Among Young Comedians
            Global Warming and Carbon Dioxide Reduction for Dummies
            North Dakota : High Water Marks in Employment and, Um, WATER
      Obama 2011
            Evil Empire Within : The Obama Administration
            Obama in Rio : The Nonresident President
            On Libya, I Have To Agree With--LOUIS FARRAKHAN?!
            Fibber in Chief : The Great Forked Tongue of President Obama
            The Wind of Change : Tax Cut Talk in Washington
            The Fatherless Child As Big Daddy O
      Personal Development
            Why I Quit Stealing Stuff : Karma
            Piercing the Illusion : The Power of Perception
            No Good Deed Goes Unpunished : The Price of Opening Your...
            What I Learned From My Six Ex-Wives Before They Became Exes
            The Non-Decision I Most Regret In My Entire Life : A...
            What Do You Believe Is YOUR Purpose In Life?
            The One Question I Would Ask the Devil
            What I Have Learned from Gay Men
      Pesent Day American Heroes
            A True Warrior AND a Great Role Model : Jon "Bones"...
            American Heroes : Gary Locke, Antonio Diaz Chacon, and...
      Pet Care
            How To Avoid Having A Field Mouse As A Pet
            How To Build A Low Budget Kitty Condo
            How To End Up With Pet Kangaroo Rats
            Keep Your Leopard Gecko Safe And Happy
            Kitty Cats I Have Known
            Currying the Cat
      Photo Editing
            Learning Basic Photo Editing for Political Purposes :...
            Learning Basic Photo Editing for Political Purposes : Pixlr
            Learning Photo Editing for Political Purposes : Corel...
            Product Comparison : PaintShop Pro X4 Vs. Photoshop
            Paint Shop Pro X4 : Using the Lightening Paint Brush...
            How To Make Anyone Look Reptilian Using the Paint Brush...
            Painting Original Art Using Corel Paint Shop Pro X4
            Paint Shop Pro X4 : Discovery Among the Strange...
            How To Build A Passive Solar Hot Water System Using A...
            Busted Water Pipes on the Mexican Border : The Great...
            How to Repair Broken Wellhead Pipes After a Big Freeze
            Broken Water Pipes in the Country : Salvaging the Water
            How to Maintain your Redneck Storm Drain
            Plumbing at the Border Fort : How to Live Within Your...
            Plumbing on the Mountain : How to Make Do When the...
            Plumbing in Las Vegas : How to Make Do When Your...
            Plumbing at Wal-Mart : How to Make Do When Your Internal...
            Plumbing in the Great Outdoors : How To Make Do When a...
            Plumbing in the Mobile Home : How to Make Do When You've...
            Plumbing in the Mobile Home : How to Make Do When You've...
            Plumbing in the Mobile Home : How to Make Do When You've...
            How To Install Flush Toilets In A Home With...
            How to Plumb Piping in a Tight Spot Without Destroying...
            How to Plumb a Tricky Twisty Bathtub Drainpipe into a...
            How to Finish Installing a Clawfoot Bathtub after the...
            How to Build a Passive Solar Hot Water Heater
            Happy Birthday, Pam! Functional Laundy Room Up and...
            How To Build A Cool Little Pump House (Shed) That Will...
            Why You Just Never See a Square Hot Water Tank : The PSI...
            How To Convert a Handheld Shower to a Wall or Ceiling...
            How To Build Your Own $300 Shower Curtain Frame For $25
            Winter Homestead Maintenance : Cleaning the Drainage Ditch
      Political Humor
            Obama's State of the Onion--Uh, UNION Speech
            Al Gore On Manmade Global Warming : The Making Of A...
            Al Gore, Global Warming, And More : Secret Rap Uncovered
            Barack Obama's Secret Identity Revealed : Hagar the Horrible
            Love, Lies, & Schizophrenia on Valentine's Day
            My Wife the Muse on Border Issues
            President Obama's Plan for America : Cups and Tea Bags
            Anonymous Email Raises Questions
            The Three Faces of Arizona Gun Show Sting Instigator...
            Wisconsin Republicans Vs. Democrats : A Looney Tunes...
            I Got Passed Up By A Prius : Poem For Now, Song For Later
            Cowboy Poetry in Nevada : The Saga of Whispering Harry Reid
            Editorial Cartoonist Gets One Right : David Fitzsimmons...
            Obama Goes Green Around the Gills Over Gas Prices
            Time Traveling Mountain Man : An Interview with Thomas...
            How to Cuss Without Swearing : A Political Primer for...
            Things That Make Me Wonder Why : The Osama Bin Laden...
            The Extraterrestrial Education of Barack H. Obama
            Newly Coined Words That Make Their Point
            President Barack Obama and the Double Dog Dare
            Code Names for President Obama from Around the World
            Breaking News : America Run by Robot
            Simon Says : The Driving Force Behind Left Wing...
            Believe It or Not : White House "Surprised" at Credit...
            Newsfreak...Uh, Newsweek Displays Anti Conservative...
            One Happy Tea Party Hobbit Hopping in the Arizona...
            President Obama : The Phantom Plan Man
            Grasshopper Soldiers at the Border Fort
            Political Fun and Games in 2012 : A Beginner Begins to...
            The Angry Chair : Political Realities in 2012
            Seven Year Old Republican Jack Picks the GOP Nominee :...
            Romney Slam-Dunks Florida, and the Beat Goes On
            Freelance Journalist Interviews Wrong Politician,...
            A Letter from the AFL-CIO Tickles My Mischief Bone
            The Bilingual Bumper Sticker War
            A Haiku Or Two ... Listing Things That Caught My Eye ......
            I Come From Alabama, 2012 Version
            Make Mine Freedom : 1948 Cartoon Nails 2012 Presidential...
            Great Excuses From The Left for Barack Obama's Dismal...
            DOOFUS: Democrat Overlords Ordering Foolish Utterances...
            Sneak Preview: Democrats to Dump Donkey, Adopt Parrot as...
            A Word For Sarah Palin
            A Word To The Wise Regarding Political Violence
            Arizona Border Snakes
            Between Barack And A Hard Place
            Book Review: The Overton Window, by Glenn Beck
            California's Powderkeg Pete Stark
            Clearing The Decks For Sarah Palin
            Comedienne Sarah Palin
            Cyber Command Or Cyber Cop?
            David Letterman Promoting Sarah Palin
            Democrats Endorse Sarah Palin
            Doonesbury For Sarah Palin
            Fire Board Race...On Fire!
            Five Thousand Views For Sarah Palin
            Fox News Comes To The Mexican Border In Arizona
            Glenn Beck And Sarah Palin
            Going Rogue (Abridged) On CD
            Goss Goes After Giffords
            Government Takover Of Life As We Know It Continues
            Happy Mother's Day, Sarah Palin
            Harry Reid: Big Bucks, Little Wisdom
            Health Care Reform A Boost For Sarah Palin
            How John McCain Convinced Me
            How To Create A Truly Representative Government
            Hillary Clinton And The Ecuadorian Gambit
            How To Hunt Lame Ducks
            How To Prepare For The Midterm Elections
            I Dream Of Sarah Palin
            I Was Wrong To Support John McCain
            Internet Support Sites For Sarah Palin
            Is Obama Smarter Than A Schoolyard Bully?
            Janet Napolitano Answers Uh, Uh, Tough, Uh, Border Questions
            Jews For Sarah Palin
            Jumping With Nails
            Labeling Sarah Palin
            Left Wing Rhetoric Patrols The Arizona Border
            Local Politics Or Sarah Palin
            Losing In '08 Was Great For Sarah Palin
            Mama Grizzly Sarah Palin
            Massachusetts For Sarah Palin
            Merchant Seamen For Sarah Palin
            Mort Zuckerman For Sarah Palin
            Mr. President, What Did You Expect?
            NCAA Versus Sarah Palin
            Now, Here's The Rest Of The Star Spangled Story
            Obama As Woman
            Obama Gaming The Gulf
            Obama Promotes Fox News
            Obama Receives The Ultimate Put-Down
            Of Purebred Cattle, Mothers, And Sarah Palin
            One Grassroot For Sarah Palin
            One Thousand Views For Sarah Palin
            Open Letter To Janet Napolitano
            Pete Stark And The Flip-A-Fact Technique
            Playing The Race Card
            Point Guard Sarah Palin
            Racism In The Tea Party And On The Border
            SarahPAC and Facebook
            Sarah Palin And Carlos Mencia
            Sarah Palin And Disaster Response In Montana ??
            Sarah Palin And Her Deluded Followers
            Sarah Palin And John McCain Coming To Tucson
            Sarah Palin And Other Personality Types
            Sarah Palin And Sean Hannity: The Homework Series
            Sarah Palin And The Israeli Flotilla
            Sarah Palin And The Nervous Fumble Factor
            Sarah Palin And The Nervous Trucker
            Sarah Palin And The Rabid Javelina
            Sarah Palin And The Shadow Governor
            Sarah Palin And The Sleeping Giant
            Sarah Palin, Antidote To Idolatry
            Sarah Palin As Lightning Rod
            Sarah Palin Attacks!
            Sarah Palin Bakes A Cake
            Sarah Palin, Barack Obama And... RUSSELL HANTZ??
            Sarah Palin: Civil War Flashpoint?
            Sarah Palin Doing Her Homework
            Sarah Palin Endorses Carly Fiorina
            Sarah Palin In, Family Guy Out
            Sarah Palin Helps When It Comes To DORA
            Sarah Palin Incognito
            Sarah Palin, John McCain, And Fruitcakes
            Sarah Palin Less Polarizing Than Obama
            Sarah Palin, Nancy Pelosi, And March Madness
            Sarah Palin Pops Obama's Energy Balloon
            Sarah Palin's Real American Stories
            Sarah Palin Shines Spotlight On Searchlight
            Sarah Palin, Soldiers, And Earthbag Walls
            Sarah Palin, Survivor, And The Word "Assume"
            Sarah Palin Talks To The Hand
            Sarah Palin, The Mandation Manual
            Sarah Palin To Be The Fox On Fox
            Sarah Palin Up, Barack Obama Old News
            Sarah Palin, Vampire Hunter
            Sarah Palin Versus Buck Wild
            Sarah Palin Versus Lucifer
            Sarah Palin Versus Moon Man McGinniss
            Sarah Palin Versus The Dead Horse Beaters
            Sarah Palin Vs. The Dumpster Diving Diva Detail
            Sarah Palin, We've Come A Long Way Since 1923
            Sarah Palin's Real American Stories--The Opportunity
            Six Thousand Views For Sarah Palin
            Special Olympians For Sarah Palin
            Sweet Home Arizona
            Tabloid Writer Actually Reads Going Rogue!
            Taking Back America--What Are The Odds?
            That Doggoned Arizona Border Situation
            The Actor And The Alaskan
            The Arizona Nazi Accusation
            The Arizona War Duck
            The Foreign Relations Experience Of Sarah Palin
            The Frontier Mentality Of Sarah Palin
            The Importance Of Defending The Border
            The Independence Day Bunny
            The Mad Hatter Targets The Tea Party
            The Magic Mushroom Health Bill
            The Nerve Of Sarah Palin!
            The Polls And Sarah Palin
            The Sarah Palin Pandemic
            The Sarah Palin Pin Phenomenon
            The Scared Straight Arizona Border Tour
            Three Thousand Views For Sarah Palin
            Tina Fey For Sarah Palin
            Too Bad About Sarah Palin
            Two Thousand Views For Sarah Palin
            Ugly Arizona
            Veterans For Sarah Palin
            Watchdog Sarah Palin
            Welcome To The Tea Party!
            What We See In Sarah Palin
            Why Americans Can Never Be Understood
            Why I'm "Consumed" With Sarah Palin
            Why President Calderon Wants An Open Border
            Why The Campaign Shackled Sarah Palin
            Why We Stand With Arizona
            Wisconsin Democrat Cuts The Cheese
            Witch And Wizard And Sarah Palin
            Open Letter to George Soros
            American Hunters : Homeland Security at its Most Secure
            The Fair Tax Plan : Fair or Not, Let's Talk About It
            What If Bill Maher Smirks At Me : Andrew Breitbart on...
            Why America Is Better Off Now Than It Was Seventeen...
            The Circle of Political Life
            Rubber Spine Puts John Boehner's Job In Jeopardy?
            Liberal Rage : A Fresh Look at the Roots of the Tree
            Clarion Call to the Public : Budget Bomb at the...
            Stand and Deliver : Why I Would Never Give Up My...
            Poor Decisions by People in the Public Eye : An...
            "You Have a Problem with Me," Says the Prez
            Fools Admire What They Don't Understand : What I Am...
            President Obama's Limo to Sport Vanity Plates :...
            Obama's Second Term : The Mood in the Country :...
            Omens for President Obama's Second Term
            Political Headlines That Make It Clear No One's...
            When is City Living Preferable to "Going Country"...and...
            A Studebaker Named Fred : A Children's Story
      Presidency 2012
            Presidential Potential : Tim Pawlenty
            Promises We Wish Obama Had NOT Kept
            Tea Party Express Launches "Know Your Obama" Campaign...
            A True Dark Horse Candidate for President in 2012 :...
            Tar Sands Mining in Utah, Tar and Feathers in the Offing
            Trump on the Stump to Dump the Chump
            Obama's So-Called Debt Reduction Speech : The Transcript
            Crabs In A Bucket : The Drag-'em-Down Democrat Mentality
            Picking a Presidential Candidate for 2012 : The Fair Tax...
            Man Without Honor : President Barack Obama's Trail of...
            Open Letter to President Obama : The Limits to Power
            Simplifying the Polls : How to REALLY Beat Obama in 2012
            President Obama on Vacation : A Travelogue
            Obama Releases Birth Certificate...And the Crowd Goes Wild!
            From the Mouth of Obama : Things I Never Thought I'd...
            Obama's Favorite Republican : Liberal Newt Gingrich
            The Danger Of Overestimating An Opponent--Even George Soros
            Sarah Palin's Bus Tour Shakes 'Em Up
            American Exceptionalism #1 : The Gift of Language
            Why Is Sarah Palin Always Slamming Everybody?
            President Obama's Debt Ceiling Speech : Did He Really...
            August 10, 2011 : What I Would Do If I Were Sarah...
            Chicago Tribune Wants Obama Out, Hillary In For 2012
            President Obama ALMOST Gets One Right
            Quotes from President Obama's 2011 State of the Union...
            The Final GOP Presidential Campaign Debate Prior to the...
            Mr. President, We Are Not Your Pigeons
            Adventures In Prison Pen Pal Correspondence
            Doing Hard Time
            How To Visit A Prison Inmate
            So You Think You Want To Write A Prison Pen Pal
            What To Put In A First Letter To A Prison Pen Pal
      Product Reviews
            Product Review: Slick 50 Engine Additive And...
            Product Review : The Yamaha EF2000is Portable Generator
            Beginner's Guide and Product Review : SiriusXM Satellite...
            Product Review : The Canon PowerShot SX230 HS Digital Camera
            How to Find the Model Number on a Briggs and Stratton Engine
            Product Review : Homelite 5000 Watt Portable Generator...
            Product Review : Sierra Mist Natural Lemon-Lime Soda
            Product Review : PowerGenX Custom Portable 10K Solar...
            Product Review : Clear Choice Dental Implants
            Religious Rage : Why?
      Random Ramblings
            What I Was Wearing When I Met Each of My Seven Wives
            A Birthday to Remember : Number 68
            My Funniest Work-Related Memories
      Random Rants
            What Would YOU Do With a Billion Bucks?
            The True Cost of America's Fixation on Casey Anthony
            Telling the Boss to Take this Job and Shove It : The...
            Man Attacks, Mutilates Woman's Bra
            Ode to the Arizona Chiggers
      Reincarnation And Dreams
            Book Review : Many Lives, Many Masters, by Brian L....
            Challenging the Blizzard : Past Life Attitude Carries Over
            Gordo Gato : Moe Key Man Cat Reincarnates
            How To Capture That Elusive Dream
            How To Uncover Past Lives
            Reincarnation: Is It Real?
            The Practical Benefits Of Dreams
            I, Gato : A Memoir Covering Reincarnation Plus A Few...
            If the Dead Could Talk
            From the Canyon Towhee : Relationship Advice So Easy a...
      Relationships And Divorce
            Defending Your Wife
            Embarrassing Dad
            Getting Your At-Risk Child To Open Up
            How To Create A Multipurpose Cover, Care, And Cash Facility
            How To Get Revenge With A Really Big Knife
            How To Leave Your Lover
            The Many Faces Of Love
            The Transgender Issue: Living In A Bigger Box
            Unexpected Connections
            You'll Die Alone
            Choosing a Life Mate : The Dumbest Thing I Ever Said in...
            A Great Day on the Town with a Redheaded Woman : A Love...
            NOTHING Happens By Accident
            The Old Song Got It All Wrong : Breaking Up Is NOT...
            The Secret of a Long Term Loving Relationship, With or...
      Remember in November 2012...
            Neo-Nazi Code Words Allow Believers to Thrive Under Our...
            Mockery Mania : A Reliable Political Tool...With a Twist
            Believe It Or Not, Obama Could Actually Lose the Black Vote
            The Final Blow to the Housing Market : The Election of...
            Obama's Destruction of America : The Oil Price Indicator
            Leftover Soup and the Great Snow Hunt of 2011
            Wisconsin Democrats Cheese It
            Full Moon Over the Border Fort : A Poetic Political...
            Remember in November 2012 : Tracking the Trident
            Remember In November 2012 : The Death Panels Are Back!!
            America's Two Party Political System : The Great And...
            Remember In November 2012 : New START Treaty, Same Old...
            Peer Pressure in Pelosi Province : Why Congress-Critters...
            Obamacare Horror Stories : Need for Repeal Illustrated
            New START Treaty : Total Eclipse of the Moon
            Nancy Pelosi as Fiscal Conservative : How Did I Miss...
            Monkey Wrenching the Obamachinery #1 : Jim DeMint vs....
            Either Palin-Trump or Trump-Palin: Sarah & The Donald...
            Making Obama A One-Term President : The Maytag Repair Manual
            Lame Duck Suicide Bombers : The Omnibus Bill
            Internet Checkers : Under the WikiLeaks Radar!
            Harry Reid's Filibuster Reform : Unintended Consequences
            Gabrielle Giffords Email Survey : There's a TROLL Under...
            From Obamacare To Obamasnare : The Food Safety And...
            Estate Taxes : The Government Price On Your Head
            Eight Senators Target Themselves : The Earmark Vote
            Donald Trump Gets Serious and Charles Krauthammer Misses...
            Defeating Congressional Lettermarks and Phonemarks :...
            Cursing, Name Calling, and More : Progressive Socialist...
            100 Liberties Lost In A Single Lifetime : 1943 To The...
            Border Security in 2011 : The Roadkill Analogy
            Border Patrol Agent Gunned Down in Arizona
            Job-Related Country Music Hits
            Native American Contributions to the Founding of our Nation
            Operation Fast and Furious has Plenty of People Furious,...
            Obama Threatens Seniors Over Debt Ceiling--Sound Familiar?
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            Political Chit-Chat in the Checkout Line at Wal-Mart
            Stimulus Boondoggle : Expanding Access to Broadband...
            Republican Candidates for 2012 : Website Evaluation
            Democrats Support Unbalanced Budget
            It's Not a Tea Party Downgrade but a Tea Party Upgrade
            Why President Obama Will Not Be Elected to a Second Term
            The Don't Nobody Tell Me Song
            Occupy Wall Street Protest Mantra : "I Can Complain!"
            2012 Election Cycle, Here We Come ...BIG TIME!
            Out of Iraq : President Obama Pulls the Plug on One...
            Remember in November 2012 : No Time to be Tired Until...
            Political Ponderings in the Huachuca Mountains of...
            The Bee on the Wall : Bee Free or Just Don't Bee At All
            Presidential Candidate Compatibility Quiz : Round Pegs...
            In the Winter of our Discontent : We Prepare for Hope...
            The Moon Went Over the Mountain : A New Year's Day...
            Bunny Rabbit Refuge at the Border Fort
            Cochise County Chickadee at the Border Fort
            The Mockingbird, the Rabbit, and the Towhee
            It's Time to Write, Though Late at Night, on the GOP...
            Overwhelm Overlord Obama : The Saga of 0001
            Remember in November : The Rockin' Ravens Rap
            Hawk and Raven Declare Media Unable to Differentiate...
            Obama's State of the Union Address 2012 : The Devil is...
            Why They Run for President : A Quizzical Look at the...
            Oversimplify or Bog Down in Detail : The Challenge of...
            Rick Santorum, I Wish You Were Kidding
            What I Would Do if I Wanted to Destroy Obama's Chances...
            Data Mining : Home Invasion of the Orwellian Sort
            The American Flag at Half-Mast Inspires a Journey in...
      Repeal Obamacare
            The Healthcare Reconciliation Amendment
            Arizona Health Care Budget Bitten By Obamasnake
            Three of 1968 Reasons to Repeal Obamacare
            The Repeal of Obamacare : A Future History
            Three of 1968 Reasons to Repeal Obamacare--Volume II
            One of 1968 Reasons to Repeal Obamacare : End Run Funding
            YES!! U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson Declares ALL of...
            Judge Roger Vinson's Greatest Hits : Obamacare Declared...
            Health Care Law Does NOT Tax The Rich!!
      Republican Debates 2012
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            The CNN Republican Debate : What, Gary Johnson is...
            August 11, 2011 : Candidates Who Failed the Marriage...
            Republican Debate as New Hampshire Looms
            The GOP Debate in Arizona : Six Days Before the Primary
      Responsibility Before Adulthood
            Child Labor Is Not A Bad Thing In A Country Setting
            Pistol Packing Wrangler
            Pistol Packing Wrangler, Part Two
      Rick Santorum
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            Matchup Between Jon Huntsman and Barack Obama : View...
            Matchup Between Newt Gingrich and Barack Obama : View...
            Matchup Between Rick Perry and Barack Obama : View from...
            Romney Powers Through New Hampshire, Looks Presidential,...
            The Santorum Storm Trifecta Rap : Rick is Ba-ack!
      Run Sarah Run
            Newsweek Online 7-11-11 : The Best Sarah Palin Article...
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            Never Mind Getting Punk'd ; You've Been Spoofed
            Nigerian Style Scam Targets Oil Patch Job Seekers
            My Experience With Scientology
      Sheriff Larry Dever
            Arizona Border Sheriff Not Done Yet : Cochise County's...
            Auditorium Full for Cochise County Sheriff Larry A....
      Short Stories
            Western Short Story : Cozy Rosie
            Semi-Western Short Story : Walker Vs. Hunter
            Semi-Western Short Story : A Day Late and a Dollar Short
            Semi-Western Short Story : Two in One Shot
            Semi-Western Short Story : The Snowball
            Semi-Western Short Story : Shootout at the Deep Manure...
            Semi-Western Short Story : Meat Jumpers
            Semi-Western Short Story : Green Kid, Red Pickup
            Western Short Story : Why Clancy Went West
            Western Short Story : The Legend of Wild Wayne Warrick
            Western Short Story : Maggie's Revenge
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            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #100
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #101
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #102
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #103
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #104
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #105
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #106
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #107
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #108
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #109
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall TaleTeller #110
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #111
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #112
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #113
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #114
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #115
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #116
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #117
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #118
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #119
            Western Short Story : Tam the Tall Tale Teller #120
      Tea Party
            Through the Eyes of the Tea Party
            System Restore : One of the Finest Microsoft Upgrades Ever
            How to Use Leverage to Shift Weight Easily and Quickly
            How To Block Unwanted Incoming Calls On A Verizon Cell Phone
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            What The World Newspapers Are Saying About The Death Of...
            Geronimo as the Code Word for Usama bin Laden : Why
            Three Kablooies for the Arizona Flashlight Bomber
            The Colorado Theater Shooting : America Weighs In
      They Walk Among Us
            Fiction : They Walk Among Us : #1
            Fiction : They Walk Among Us : #2
            Fiction : They Walk Among Us : #3
            Fiction : They Walk Among Us : #4
            Fiction : They Walk Among Us : #5
            Fiction : They Walk Among Us : #6
            Fiction : They Walk Among Us : #7
            Fiction : They Walk Among Us : #8
            Fiction : They Walk Among Us : #9
            Fiction : They Walk Among Us : #10
            They Walk Among Us: #11
            They Walk Among Us : #12
            They Walk Among Us : #13
            Fiction : They Walk Among Us : #14
            Fiction : They Walk Among Us : #15
            Fiction : They Walk Among Us : #16
            Fiction : They Walk Among Us : #17
            Fiction : They Walk Among Us : #18
            Fiction : They Walk Among Us : #19
            Fiction : They Walk Among Us : #20
            Fiction : They Walk Among Us : #21
            Fiction : They Walk Among Us : #22
      Time Travel Short Stories
            Time Travel Short Story : The Maria Schriver Transcript
      Tributes To People And Places
            Cool Towns Called Craig
            David Carradine, Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Michael...
            I Want To Go To Belize!
            Lance Corporal Randy Braggs : Arizona Honors Her Fallen
            From Pamela M. to Ted Williams : The Homeless
            My Wife, The Coyote Yeller
            No Brakes On The Mountain : Pam's Wild Ride
            There's GOLD In Them Thar Hills!
            Tribute To Evel Knievel, Montana Daredevil Extraordinaire
            People I've Known Who Served in the Vietnam War
            Arizona Attitude : Keeping Our Priorities Straight
            Tribute to the Monument Fire First Responders & Sheriff...
            Remarkable Americans #1 : Adam, the Indestructible Man
            Nine-Eleven Tenth

  7. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 11 years ago

    Checked the RAM (on my computer).  Looks like Available RAM is running right at 2 GB (just a touch under).  Since (if memory serves) this was only a 1 GB RAM machine when I bought it in 2010 and it looks like between 48 and 53  percent is Available at any given moment, that makes sense.  Should be enough for a text-only operation like Managing would think.

  8. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 11 years ago

    It's getting WORSE.  Now it's cutting off the page in the early "P" section....

  9. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 11 years ago

    No, Matthew, you're still not understanding.  THAT IS NOT THE ENTIRE SET OF HUBS. 

    Sorry.  It's like when you're in a foreign country, don't speak the language, and figure maybe if you shout, they'll be able to figure out what you're saying.

    You are NOT seeing the whole thing because it's NOT coming up like it should.  EVER.  "The full list you SEE" is  NOT THE FULL LIST.  PERIOD.

    I just don't know how else to say it.

    Unless you see some Groups that start with "Z" (actually MULTIPLE "Z's"),  it's only a partial list.

    The fact that you do NOT see the entire list (nor do I) IS the PROBLEM.

    See an "Orphan Hubs" entry there?  Eh?


    Okay, guess I should make sure you know:  I'm NOT upset about this...just considerably frustrated--not that the Team hasn't yet figured out the problem, but that I don't seem to be able to get y'all to SEE the problem.


    1. Matthew Meyer profile image70
      Matthew Meyerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I'm pretty sute that I am seeing the entire list, but that it is hard to show you that fact as the forums won't let me paste the entire thing due to it being so long.

      Here is the end of what I see:
            WE ARE HERE! Tomorrow is Election Day 2012...So...How...
            Axelrod Says the President is Fully Committed to the...
            Answer to the Question : What Can I Do To Help Get Out...
            Election 2012 : The Flexibility of Romney Vs. the...
            Martha McSally vs. Ron Barber : The House of...
            Presidential Debate #3 : Romney Comes Across as...
            Coming Apart at the Seams : The Barack Obama Campaign 2012
            Election 2012 Countdown : 20 Days To Go
            Why Election Day 2012 Won't Even Be in the Same Ballpark...
            Mitt Romney on the Stump : November 3, 2012
            What's Your Plan For Election Day?
            Cell Phone Conversations Between President Obama and...
            Halloween Treat : Ghost32 Interviews the Ghost of...
            Betrayal From the Top : Yells for Help Denied During...
            Shifting Position Along the Political Spectrum : One...
            Second Presidential Debate : Obama Shows Up... but...
            What Benghazi-Gate News Coverage Would Be Like if Sarah...
            Salvaging Liberty : Why Replacing Barack Obama With Mitt...
            How Mitt Romney Stacks Up as a Human Being
            The October 3 Pivot Point : The Crucial Mistakes Made by...
            Benghazi Tragedy : The Blame Game Shame
            Early Voting Impact On the Presidential Election
            Election 2012 Countdown Potpourri : Three More Days
            They Say the Republicans Can't Compete with the...
            Erika Avitia Votes for the First Time as Obama Fools...
            Ten Cochise County Critters Give Their Top Reasons for...
            "When I WAS President" : Barack Obama's Freudian Debate...
            Election 2012 : Pruning the Runaway Tree Limb
            The 2012 Presidential Debates : Obama's Angry Face
            A Few Questions for Laughing "Hyena Joe" Biden
            Classified Cable, Weeks Before the Benghazi Attack :...
            How My Friend Jason Learned Geography
            Look Out For Those Younger Women
        Orphan Hubs
            Fiction : They Walk Among Us : #23
            How To Assemble The Elite Fitness IT9300 Gravity...

      Does the issue persist if you use a different web browser like Firefox or Chrome?

  10. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 11 years ago

    Oh--okay.  You ARE getting to the end of it.  But I'm not.


    Sounds like the problem is at my end...I just tried again, only got to the "P" section.

    But it could be I have a computer glitch at this end.  Just worked with my Internet Provider to fix one problem (couldn't get anywhere by home page Yahoo till we did).  Could be that's not all.

    Thanks, & I'll try to figure out what's up at the dock.

  11. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 11 years ago

    I'll try a different browser...but will have to download one first.  Have dumped everything but IE over time.  Will get back to this Forum page later to update.

  12. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 11 years ago

    Nope.  Google Chrome = same thing.


    1. Matthew Meyer profile image70
      Matthew Meyerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Makes me think your network connection might be getting reset by your machine, network hardware, or ISP.

      You may find something if you check the network stability: … ernet.html

      You may want to try a bandwidth check: … annel=fflb

  13. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 11 years ago

    Thanks.  I may (if I get time--may not for a few days) work on the Ping Test--figure out what has to be done to make it happen--but for now it's a Total Fail (firewall, most likely).

    Speed is fine, 5.23 Mbps down, 1.46 up.  Which is what it's been since we switched providers, and that's a lot more than we had for years with Hughes.  So it's not a speed factor.

  14. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 11 years ago

    Aha!  Problem solved.  We bought a new laptop for Pam.  She's never had a computer before but needs it for playing games to keep her mind occupied.  I'm on it now, and am able to bring up the Groups page just fine.  So (obviously), the glitch is in my main workhorse desktop writing machine and nowhere else.

    Which brings me to:  Thanks, Matthew, for all your patient diagnostics on this one.  Much appreciated.  All of my Hubs are now (once again) "un-orphaned", a-rockin' and a-rollin'.

    1. Matthew Meyer profile image70
      Matthew Meyerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Glad to hear you are up and working!

  15. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 11 years ago

    Me, too!

    Not that I'd ever slowed down on the writing, but the Orphaned Hubs were definitely starting to add up. smile

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