I am new to HubPages and need HELP! I joined a couple of days ago and have only been able to publish one article. I am unclear as to how postings work. I was under the impression that once I chose a title for my hub, I could just continue to add new topics. I want my Hub title to be "Havin My Say." As one who has lived on the planet earh for almost (70) years, I have plenty to say. I plan to write mostly about political and social issues.
After publishing part I of my article, I submitted part II. I was unable to use the title of my hub as I kept geting the message that the title was already taken. Part II was rejected as I tried to link to one of my blog pages that contained some of the same info. I deleted the inappropriate link and used another resource. I still am not able to resubmit the post though it has been corrected. I get the advise to undelete the post but am told tha it still has to remain as an unpublished article.
I am very frustrated as I really want to submit the whole article. How can I publish it? How can I have several articles under one Hub Title?
I have searched the FAQs and have not been able to find a problem such as mine. I'm anxious to get started but need some guidance in order to do so. Your help would be appreciated.
It's a common mistake. HubPages is not a blogging site. It's more like a magazine, and each Hub is an individual article. A Hub should be over 500 words and does best when it's 800 to 1500 words long.
Navigation on HubPages doesn't support series well. In fact, the navigation is designed to encourage readers to browse widely across the site without regard to who wrote what. You'll notice each Hub has links to Hubs by many other authors, so readers are more likely to be tempted away by one of those than look for the next article in your series.
That doesn't mean HubPages isn't a good place to write - it's just different, and you use it for a different purpose. Here you're like a staff writer contributing to a magazine. Some people will notice your byline, but most readers won't know or care who wrote the article. Other Hubbers will notice and visit your profile and perhaps follow you, but our active community is actually very small.
If you're already blogging, you're familiar with the need to impress Google if you want to attract readers (because that's the only way most readers can find you). One thing that Google hates is repetitive titles (e.g. Havin my say 1, Havin my say 2 etc). Google also hates titles which sound irrelevant to the body of the article - so on the internet, you have to forget everything you were taught about writing catchy, clever titles.
I have a Hub about how to optimise your Hubs, you'll find it in the slider on my profile - it may help you.
Thanks much Marisa!
I read your post on HP optimization and found it very informative. I have it bookmarked. I also perused your website and love it. Though I have no experience as a dancer, I am very much into the theatre and the performing arts and am an avid reader. I am now a follower!
Every hub is a separate free-standing article that must have its own title. You could add 'part 1' and 'part 2' etc if you want.
Actually, if you read the Learning Center, they advise against doing this in titles.
Though I have perused HP and the learning center in an attempt to learn more about the process, I still am baffled that I am unable to complete my discussion on Turning Your Failures Into Opportunities after I corrected my link problem.
I will just have to transition from a blogger to a hubber. As a blogger, it is recommended that you break up your topics into smaller parts as readers do not have the time or concentration to read long posts.I believe that the advice given by psycheskinner will enable me to resolve
this issue in the future. I shall go with the flow!
That's true on HubPages too, but instead of splitting something into two Hubs, you split up the Hub by using images or videos.
That's done by using capsules. It's good practice to split your text up into capsules whether or not you're using images. Use one capsule per section. This Hub explains how:
Thanks very much for your suggestion. I now better understand what a HUB is. I read the article you suggested above and found it absolutely useful. I will have to read it again and have it bookmarked. You are just one big ball of information. I'm excited about following you!
You might want to put a little study into the learning center (mouse over your name in the upper right of this screen), particularly the section on finding titles and the use of the keyword tool.
Thanks for your comment. I am at the intermediate level on SEO. I realize now that my title "Havin My Say" is not SEO friendly. However I was under the impression that I could place all of my articles under one umbrella. Thanks to you guys, I now know that each article is a separate hub with it's own merit. Is it too late for me to change ?
I am also new to HP. I think we need to learn in stage. I think you learning centre is a great place to start with. I am sure with the passage of time you will become familiar with HP. I published my first hub only yesterday. Best of luck.
I have written an article for Cementary Saddles. When I design/make a new saddle, I post it at the end of the original hub, so that particular hub continues to grow. I believe that you will have to make one hub on the particular subject you are covering.
As others have said, Hubs are not blogs and therefore it's not a good idea to keep adding to the end of an existing Hub. For one thing, your followers are not notified when you add something to a Hub, whereas they are notified when you write a new one.
Thanks Ky Cardinal,
I think that I will create new hubs more often than I add to one. Your point that followers are not notified when I add on to a hub is well taken. What I can do, I suppose, is use add on modules for a 2 part topic before publishing, That way the reader will have the whole enchilada at the same time. Thanks much!
When I realized that I had to keep my "Saddle" article together, and that I had to add on to the original article, I just work on that hub knowing I learned a lesson. I wouldn't suggest that as a standard. I'm surprised that I still get more hits on it than anything else I've written. I guess that speaks to finding an idea that hasn't flooded the net. Good Luck
You really should listen to relache and wilderness, two writers who have been on this site a long time and have learned how to attract readers.
If you try to use that title, and then find a way to do so again and again, no one is going to read your "Havin My Say" and you will end up writing for no one. Find a title that people are searching for. The internet is not a magazine that people pick up and glance through. If you feel you really have important things to say you need to figure out how to attract people to your site.
Doing keyword research and finding a good title is a good way to do it.
If you are just writing and do not care if anyone sees what you have to say, go ahead and use that title. I would be surprised if even a few hundred people visit.
The only comments I would add, in addition to those already given, is that HP is not a traditional blogging platform whereby you can keep adding posts. Each hub must meet the quality criteria in its own right.
All content on HP must be original.
Finally, and without having read your hub, I would urge a little caution in respect of your chosen niche of "having my say." Purely personal content is liable to be deleted on HP.
I'm wondering if the likes of Blogger would be more suitable to your needs.
Hope this helps.
I author 3 blogs, one on blogger and 2 on word press. I also have a website. I like writing on issues i am passionate about. As a Mental Health Therapist, I enjoy helping people. Making the transition from a blogger to HP is a huge transition.
Hello ladydeonne, welcome to HP. I read your first hub, it's very good, not at all what I expected from the title. Thought it may be a rant, but it was great advice. From your bio, it looks like there's plenty more to come.
My take on why HP don't like " Part 1" and " Part 2" is, if someone comes across one segment of a series, they may be discouraged, thinking they've already missed some of the story/information. It does put me off if I see "Part 4" but haven't read the first installments. I'm more likely to pass it by than to seek out the first parts. People on the net have short attention spans.
If you really want to use, " Havin my say," how about using it as a trademark sign-off?
Hopefully, you'll find a way round this initial disappointment. Good luck!
Thanks innerspin! It was my intent to write all of my Hubs under the "Havin My Say" umbrella and to write on multiple topics. From this forum I have learned that I can group my hubs under Havin My Say for my own organization. I can also simply add modules to my existing hubs to divide up the content. I love your suggestion that I use " havin my say" as my trade mark sign off and plan to implement it. You guys are so helpful.
I really do apprciate your help and comments.
Lady Deonne, welcome to HubPages.
My recommendation would be this:
Create a Group* based on the phrase "Having My Say". Within this group publish unique Titles for the categories you have interest in. A group on HubPages is a specific collection of your articles, which visitors can navigate through. True, using redundant/similar titles is considered dangerous water, as they can be blocked or rejected by the beast known as Google. C`est la vie en Content Suburbia, no? Before moving many hubs to Authora.me and selling off the rest, I found groups worked very effectively. Just something to consider.
Best of writing here on HP. Am sure what you have to say is no less valuable than what others have said and would in the future.
* Navigate to your Account >> Hubs.
Click the Groups tab on the left.
Notice hubs are deemed "Orphans".
Click "Add New Group" from the first set of options.
Enter the group name: "Having My Say" and "Add Group".
In the second set of options drag/drop those hubs you desire to fall under this collection into that Group title and save. This will create a series, of sorts, for readers to continue reading in this group. Essentially, a group/series are interchangeable words.
Groups don't achieve as much as you may think.
If you put Hubs in a Group, you'll see links to the "next" and "previous" Hubs in that group at the end of your Hub. The links aren't especially prominent, and there's not much to distinguish them from the long list of other Hub links at the end of the Hub.
If you're writing a series, you really need to create a links capsule somewhere to display links to the other Hubs in the group.
-- Groups do achieve their purpose: organize pages of similar topic/interest aka a series. Groups have no external usage/SEO because of how the breadcrumbs is set up, true. But, statistically, 80% of readership comes from the internal not external. As it should. So, applying Groups is quite useful/effective.
--Links are distinguishable, but must not be overdone. HP frowns on too many links to internal and external pages. Placing a links capsule at the end of the Hub would do little good, IMO, as it would look similar to the massive Google link ad directly above the rating, previous/next, and discovery capsule.
--Another effective approach is to put a Table of Contents {link capsule or bullet list} at the beginning of the Hub Series. This would be clearly visible and easy for visitors to identify there are more pages, in this cluster/group, that they should read. Example:
The Building Blocks Of Gum -A Hub Series by Username
Gum And The DNA Effect
The Infinite Flavor Test
Gum Under My Shoe Or Am I Just A Gumshoe
90% of my traffic is external. In my experience, that's also the case for all the financially successful Hubbers I've ever known.
It was particularly true in the old days, when payment was based on ad clicks (not impressions), because internal traffic generally did not click on ads. It's less true now, perhaps, but the fact is that the active HubPages community is fairly small. If you're relying on internal traffic, you will never earn much.
HubPages does not frown on too many links. In fact, for the Flagship Hub program, they required you to have 10 outgoing links to sites outside HubPages!
Well, yes, if most are relying on the old method, certainly.
The CPC/PPC system is over a decade old, as the algorithm serving links to websites.
Yes, about the Flagship Hub program. Those links are supposed to be to sources --and not just random places or to self promote the hub (aka force inbound traffic). And the program is now defunct.
But again, traffic should be 80% internal, 20% external. Internal meaning members AND visitors/subscribes to the site/profile of hubbers. If, after 6 1/2 years, 120,000 members, over 1 million publications people are still relying on external search engine driven traffic, something is not kosher. It should be reversed. Just a thought. If each hubber has 10-20 HQ Hubs per, they should be retaining viewers/subscribers. 365 subscriber per hub expounding through social media, word of mouth, link swap ought to equate to 365,000 views internally per hub, per year, per hubber. According to the Flagship data 156 hubs pulled just over 12 million views in 2 years. That's roughly 80,000 views per hub, annual. Only 22% of where they should be. Now equate the remaining 999,844 hubs to date. That percentage drops considerably. Ergo, my statement o engines only be a booster, not the driver, of continuous traffic.
I think you're conflating two ideas.
I know there's a trend in blogland towards building a subscriber list and relying on that for your income - but HubPages members are not subscribers, nor does the setup of the site attract subscribers.
Subscribers sign up to a site because they're interested in reading the content. HubPages' members sign up because they're interested in writing the content. For most Hubbers, reading the content is secondary - a long way secondary. Some Hubbers don't read other Hubs at all. Those that do, are not reading them because of interest in the topic - they're reading them primarily for social reasons, to show support for friends.
There may be 120,000 Hubbers, but how many of them are active? If I take a random look at my followers, only a small proportion of them are active. And how many of those active members read Hubs regularly? You're aiming at a small audience - and again, that audience's primary interest is in writing their own stuff, not reading yours.
There is no longer an option on our profile to subscribe to our RSS feed - and even if there was, it's unlikely a non-member would want to. People subscribe to a blog because it's about a topic they're interested in. I wouldn't be so big-headed as to imagine someone would subscribe to my Hubs purely because of the quality of my writing.
As for the Flagship program - it was discontinued because it was too expensive, not because it didn't work. I know many of the top Hubbers who were still recommending it as a blueprint, many months after it was closed. As for what the links should be - obviously, it's a given that the links should be relevant, surely that goes without saying these days?
Precisely my point in clarifying that search engines should not be the driving force behind traffic, and especially not revenue generation for well written content. As you said, a visitor will subscribe because the have an interest in the writing/topics of that writer. And more often than not, a subscriber will click an ad which results in revenue for the writer.
I made the distinction clear between subscribers/visitors and Hubbers. A Hubber will read to support the community. If a Hubber clicks an ad, it would be very surprising. As said, retaining visitors is the goal. And after 6.5 years, and over one million publications, there ought to be a massive subscriber list/visitor frequency without pure reliance on the engine or Hubber-to-Hubber readership. Yes, all good for getting new visitors to harness the engine.
And again, as you mentioned, there is no longer an option for frequent readers to subscribe to the writers work. This means internal traffic is primarily H2H. And, as we factor in the results from the two years of premium hubs, at a rate of just 150 from active writers, it shows further why increase of the internal is necessary. It makes little sense for a site of this magnitude and reputation to not have a set up for more subscribers/visitor retention on-site and continue to rely on search engines to drive traffic, else H2H "views".
On a side-bar, I think you sh/could be a little big-headed to think otherwise, as your writing is very good -and certainly a vast group of non-Hubbers would support your work if they had more access and reason to visit more often.
James, what do you mean by a "subscriber"?
We do not have subscribers here on HP. There is no facility for visitors to subscribe, either to the site or to an individual Hubber or to a special interest topic. So the closest we get to a subscriber is a follower, and followers are other Hubbers (here to write, not to read).
Subscriber: A frequent visitor who is not a member/Hubber.
Actually, there is a way for visitors to subscribe to your hubs! Actually several. Although depreciated from front-page view, the easiest method is to facilitate your RSS Feeds to visitors using:
Thus increasing subscribers to your hubs. These then can be syndicated in other places.
A second powerful method is to social network with readers and not just writer groups on FB or Hubbers via twitter. Do you know over 80% of backlinks I see on FB & Twitter (even Quora & Pinterest) are by Hubbers to/from Hubbers and not the general public (nearly 1 billion global readers). This means writers are communing (H2H) -which is awesome- but not actively seeking out new visitors/subscribers to their writing. They are relying solely on the engine to drive traffic, else HP reputation/rank. James
I am familiar with the "build your list" theory. LiveWithRichard explains it very well. The thing is, we're limited to an Adsense/affiliate income model here on HubPages, and we also don't know who our subscribers are. The list-building method can't be truly effective under those conditions.
I know several bloggers who were very successful building a subscriber list but made next to no money. The reason? Hubbers do not click on ads - neither do subscribers. So all you can get from subscribers on HP is views - and you'd need an awful lot of subscribers to get enough views to make a difference, considering that's only worth a few dollars per thousand views.
The way to make money from a list is, as you say, to engage with your subscribers. You can't do that if you don't know who they are, which is the case on HP.
The ways to make money from a list are:
1. Sell them products by recommending them on your site
2. Reach out to them via newsletters/emails which include product offers;
3. Sell them e-books;
4. Contact relevant suppliers and offer them paid advertising on your blog and/or in your newsletter;
5. Accept paid guest posting.
If you're not writing about a specific subject, you don't know what products to offer your readers and you can't offer potential advertisers a targeted audience (which means they're less likely to pay).
As you don't know your subscribers on HP, option 2 is not an option and you can't use 4 or 5.
So you see, I do get what you're saying but I don't think it's in any way relevant to a HubPages account.
Fantastic! your solution will enable me to do as I planned. I was concerned that I would not be able to choose multiple topics to write about. Thanks very much!
Great solution! My issue has been fully solved.You guys are simply the best!
Welcome aboard ladydeonne,
Like Marisa said, if you look at the very bottom of a hub that is in a group you will see the "previous" and "next" links. Those two links are to 2 hubs belonging to the same group.
The hub How To Find Most Google Friendly Titles And Keywords With Google Trends illustrates this and might also help you find good titles.
Later, when you have written a large quantity of related hubs, you can also create a "head hub" for them. For example, I have written 30 Hubs, all on fitness. They are summarized in one hub entitled Easy Fitness - All You Need To Know About Fitness - Table Of Contents which links (using the links capsule + foto capsule) all of them together for easier navigation.
In a way, those 30 hubs are 30 chapters of one book. Yet they are useful and comprehensive as individual articles as well.
A lot to learn here, but very exciting and worthwhile.
Thanks so much Sue!
I tried out Google Trends and it's really great. Also good info re HP procedures. I am really into health and fitness and will check out your fitness hub soon.
By "internal", do you mean traffic from other Hubbers? Your figures don't apply to me jacharless. My all-time (3 years) traffic comes from:
60% traffic from Google
[b]20% from Pinterest[b]]
9% from HP
11% from other sources
What about other people, where does your traffic come from? It would be interesting to compare notes.
Cool beans, Sue.
Generally speaking, traffic should be mostly from on-site readers/subscribers. Not necessarily Hubbers, but more so those visiting and finding reason to engage further. Why? Simply because there are (unofficially) 120,000 Hubbers who spent the greater portion of their session writing. That is not a very significant number of direct/on-site referral traffic, but not an all together bad thing. My experience in web development and SEO shows search engines (and Social Media outlets) should simply be a boost to traffic, versus the driver of traffic -since they are in fact an "engine", and not the vehicle itself.
Am very glad to hear Goo has been good to you! They should be good to everyone.
I agree. My goal (and outcome) is from most people to come from a search engine to get the info I am providing. They would then optimally exit by clicking an advertisement.
I can't recall ever reading or hearing from HP that the primary source of our traffic should be on site-readers/subscribers. While it's nice to have a large readership, the goal of any writer on HP should be to attract engaged viewers. Those engaged viewers can come from direct traffic, referrals or search engines. I think it also depends on your primary reason for writing. Many write solely for money, others may write to provide information while there are many who write because they enjoy writing. Since the site is changing with what kind of writing is featured, those who write simply for pleasure may not find HP to be their best platform.
While I understand what you're saying, I think you may confuse newer writers to the site. HP certainly wants writers who can generate search engine traffic. It's then up to the writers to keep them engaged on the page or their subdomain or the site. Or as psycheskinner said, let them exit through an ad.
I think there should be a nice balance of traffic. If all we attract is search engine traffic, that could disappear in a blink of an eye. We need direct and referral also.
Indeed. The best traffic is search engine traffic. That is what stops your hub from being idled, and that is where the money is. Any other suggestion to the contrary to good sense and what Hubstaff recommend.
You may just edit your first article to add the new one since it is directly related
Thanks for your suggestion.I will do exactly as you reccommend. I think that's a great idea! I'll let you know if I get a non-pub again. I checked out your site and found it refreshing and interesting, I admire that you aspire to learn. We only stop learning when we pass over.
oh. thank you for the time visiting my site. Glad you like it, we will all learn from each other remember that. Together we can give inspiration to write and more. Good luck for your hubs, at first I also got a lot of questions then as days gone by I'm sure you'll figure it out yourself.
I'm not sure this is always true, Marisa. I do much more reading of hubs than writing, and enjoy reading hubs of those I follow and hubs that are interesting to me. There are plenty of hubbers reading hubs and commenting.
But I do agree that it shouldn't be our primary source of views. Hubber comments can inspire and help to add a sense of community to our writing, which can help build our online presence by comments, shares, tweets, etc. It's another source of making our presence known, just like visiting a niche forum or twitter profile/topic.
When you click on one of the above "RSS" links, you get taken to a source view page. That is not very helpful James.
H2H is nice but doesn't make you money.
The best way to get return visitors is to write useful content that is Googled by outsiders. Hubbers don't click on adds much. I don't click on adds on HP. Do you?
Are there any Hubbers out there who click on adds on HP?
When I click the links in Safari, Chrome & IE (Desktop, Android & iPad) am taken to the Feed Reader which lists her hubs.
Agreed, H2H is nice and yes it does not make writers money. Readers/subscribers make writers money. Truly, in my experience, the most effective method to gaining readership is to Built An Audience. This is Guerrilla Marketing 101. Engage your audience so they can engage you. Interesting enough, after speaking to many publishing houses the first thing after they rambled about royalties and such was:
a. do you have a strong internet audience of readers
b. do you have a support community (peers/writers)
c. are you prepared to get up close and personal with your readers/audience online and offline
They informed me nearly 90% of authors do not (and do not want to) engage the public. I checked this with a friend who literally wrote the book on Guerrilla Marketing and she confirmed it. Be it digital or print publishing, the writer has to get face time with the public. Else, they remain in Content Suburbia pecking breadcrumbs (by breadcrumbs I mean traffic from search engines). All the SEO in the world will tell you: a very tiny fraction of traffic should come from engines. That's called New Business. A larger percentage from Social Media (writer-reader) and the largest percentage from engaging readers directly across multiple platforms and they subscribing/frequenting. That's called Repeat Business/ Brand Awareness. First time visitors might click an Ad (buy a product). Repeat visitors are almost guaranteed to click (buy more often).
You're not supposed to use RSS by clicking on it. You use a RSS reader for it.
I was not intentionally uniting audience building with AdSense or even HubAds.
So, separate the money from the momentum, for now.
The Build An Audience is a sure-fire method of getting up close with readers, building more readers, via rss subscribers or other lists, like newsletters, etc. Something that ought to be executed by writers, as soon as they begin publishing -or beforehand, if they have already established a base, regardless of the platform. Then periodically as they progress in their scope of topics revisit these people (every 30 days).
No reason a writer cannot send out an email blast to readers and their friends/peers too. Obviously HP covers the peer-to-peer aspect. Even a novice writer can build a 2,000 person 'lead list' in a weekend, just in their local neighborhood or local blogs. Julie Dneen, recent author, Hubber and freelancer did exactly this. Others too, myself included. Their blogs are ringing off the hook just by a little interaction. My own site is less than two months old, already people are pouring in -- with less than two dozen publications and a dead cold winter that slowed me to a snails-pace. lol.
Then, the money comes. As said, a frequent will click an ad (buy a product) simply because they are a repeat visitor/customer and have come to trust/respect the information/entertainment received.
Simply getting visits from people that clicks ads is also a way to make money, and it is the core method for Hubpages. Even with my ebook business I deserted the list building approach for the "just sell books" method. It is more effective for me.
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