featured hubs

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  1. ajwrites57 profile image84
    ajwrites57posted 11 years ago

    nine of twenty-nine featured hubs @ seventy or below since new google update.

    1. WryLilt profile image86
      WryLiltposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hubscores are meaningless. Traffic and earnings are how you check how your hubs are doing.

      1. galleryofgrace profile image71
        galleryofgraceposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Yes everyone says hub scores are meaningless but- How does a hub that was unpublished 2 days ago become my highest scoring hub? I unpublished because HP keeps unfeaturing it.
        Traffic on it is low mainly because of the way the article is written. Mturkers are misunderstanding the words as they are written.

        1. galleryofgrace profile image71
          galleryofgraceposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I'd still like to get an answer. The hub has  been unpublished for several days and it's still my second highest scoring hub. It never went that high when it was featured.

          1. To Start Again profile image70
            To Start Againposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            seems to me that just adds to the idea that they are meaningless. And why is everybody always bashing the mturkers? Maybe they don't 'understand' the words because the words aren't written clearly? (I have not viewed your hub so I'm not saying yours is poorly written, just making an argument) Yes, hubs are read and rated on MTurk but they are also read and rated on here too through the hub hopper. My hub scores fluctuate constantly. Daily. No rhyme or reason. Maybe one hubber visited it and voted it up or down that day? Who knows but scores definitely have no effect on the featured status that I can see. At this moment in time, I have a hub that is sitting at 44 and one at 50 and both are featured and have always been.

            BTW...even the scores of unpublished hubs fluctuate. I have several that are unpublished because they aren't finished and the scores changes all the time. It's an unwritten fact that an unpublished hub will increase in score for several days and then will start to decrease again. Eventually, if it is unpublished long enough, it will begin to go up again.

            1. chooper58 profile image60
              chooper58posted 11 years agoin reply to this

              I'm "assuming" that if the "featured" icon is next to the article, the Hub is active for review?

              1. To Start Again profile image70
                To Start Againposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                "Featured Hubs are Hubs that our Quality Assessment Process has determined to have high quality and potential for reader engagement. These Hubs are showcased on Hubs, Topic Pages, the latest Hubs list and also made available to search engines." from the learning Center- found under the help buttom in the top right corner.

                A newly published hub must be assessed first before it can be featured. A boot camp is required for new hubbers and they must meet a requirement of five featured hubs. I'd take a look at the Learning Center. You can find out about everything you need to know and if you have any questions, you can ask here if you don't find the answer somewhere already. I would also strongly suggest reading several hubs around theplace from some established hubbers. It will give you a great idea about what the site expects in terms of published material. There are informative hubs as well as plenty of creative writing here so I'm sure you will fit in nicely smile

                Welcome to HubPages!

              2. ajwrites57 profile image84
                ajwrites57posted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Thanks for your question chooper58!

            2. ajwrites57 profile image84
              ajwrites57posted 11 years agoin reply to this

              I appreciate your input To Start Again!

          2. ajwrites57 profile image84
            ajwrites57posted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Thanks for commenting galleryofgrace!

        2. Marisa Wright profile image86
          Marisa Wrightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          If it's being unFeatured for lack of traffic, then the Mturkers have nothing to do with it.  It's an automated filter that does it.

          Have you considered moving it over to  Wizzley or Infobarrel where there isn't an unFeatured feature?

          1. chooper58 profile image60
            chooper58posted 11 years agoin reply to this

            wow....i'm lost....how do i go about doing that?  this is alien language to me!

            1. Marisa Wright profile image86
              Marisa Wrightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              I'm not sure which bit you didn't understand.

              I'll do the easy bit first.  If you have Hubs that are unFeatured for lack of traffic, improving or expanding it won't necessarily get you more visitors.  An easier option is to delete the Hub and publish it somewhere else (you need to wait a week or two, to make sure Google has forgotten about it).  Infobarrel and Wizzley are two other sites like HubPages but they don't have a featured/unfeatured system, so you can have confidence your article will stay visible. Both are better than Yahoo, by the way!  You may also like Zujava.

              Now, assuming you don't understand featured and unfeatured.  Hubs can be Featured or unFeatured.  If they're Featured, the search engines can "see" them, which means people can find them on Google.  If they're not Featured, the search engines can't see them - the only way to get visitors is to send people a link to your Hub.   In other words, although it may look to you as if you've got an article published here, virtually no one else can see it.

              New Hubs go through a Quality Assessment process to decide whether they're good enough to be Featured.   If a Hub fails, you'll see a white circle in the far right hand column on your Account page. If it passes, you'll see a H.

              Older Hubs are now being put through the QAP, too, so you may see that symbol appearing next to older Hubs, too - so you need to check your account page regularly.

              Older Hubs can also be unFeatured because they're not getting enough "engagement" - which means traffic.  If you have a Hub unFeatured for lack of traffic, you'll see a half moon symbol - a half-white, half-black circle - next to your Hub.  It can be hard to identify why a Hub isn't getting enough readers, which is why it's sometimes easier just to give up and move it somewhere else instead.

          2. ajwrites57 profile image84
            ajwrites57posted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Marisa Wright, always appreciate reading your comments on posts and forums!

      2. ajwrites57 profile image84
        ajwrites57posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for your comment WryLilt!

  2. chooper58 profile image60
    chooper58posted 11 years ago

    I'm new to Hub Pages so I'll wait and see how it goes...just trying to get my artwork out there and drum up some writing projects...so this is another avenue for doing so.  Can't hurt, right?  Also writing on the yahoo contributor site.

    1. ajwrites57 profile image84
      ajwrites57posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Good Luck chooper58!

  3. LongTimeMother profile image96
    LongTimeMotherposted 11 years ago

    ajwrites57, I suggest you copy and paste a couple of sentences from each of your low scoring hubs into google and see if your text has been stolen and copied.

    All my hubs are still in the 80s and 90s except for a few. I couldn't understand why the occasional score would plummet - until I discovered they're the ones that now appear on other sites. Every time a hub score drops now, I check for duplicates.

    I currently have three that require action to get them removed from other websites.

    1. ajwrites57 profile image84
      ajwrites57posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      LongTimeMother, thanks for the advice. Fortunately, I could not find anyone duplicating my Hubs. I appreciate the input!


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