HubPages Announcement: Upgrade To Universal Analytics

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  1. Marina Lazarevic profile image81
    Marina Lazarevicposted 10 years ago

    Hi Hubbers! Do you have a Google Analytics account associated with your HubPages account? If so, please be sure to check out today’s blog post which has instructions for how to upgrade your Google Analytics account to Universal Analytics. If you do not upgrade by 8/20/2014, Google Analytics will stop collecting data for your HubPages subdomain, but don’t worry, upgrading is easy!

    1. tamarawilhite profile image82
      tamarawilhiteposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      When I go to the Google Analytics page. Select an account and a property, then click Universal Analytics Upgrade."
      I don't have a big blue button to select to upgrade or drop down option to upgrade. I do get this message:

      "Only users with edit permission can transfer a property. Each property must be transferred individually."

      Does that mean I cannot upgrade?

      And if I do not upgrade the Google Analytics reporting by mid-August, does that affect the Adsense and/or Hubpages earnings program?

      1. Nell Rose profile image87
        Nell Roseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I am getting the same message, hope to get an answer too.

      2. Marina Lazarevic profile image81
        Marina Lazarevicposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        It sounds like you need to update your User Management settings. On that page, click on the drop-down menu below "Account Permissions" and make sure that "edit" is checked. Save your changes and then go back to the main admin page. Do you see the option to upgrade now?

        EDIT: Sorry, I missed your other question! This upgrade (or Google Analytics, for that matter) will in no way affect your HubPages Earnings Program status. If you don't upgrade by the deadline, then Google Analytics will stop tracking the traffic to your subdomain.

        1. tamarawilhite profile image82
          tamarawilhiteposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          My Google account says
          Manage Users, Edit, Collaborate, Read & Analyze
          Does the email address associated with Google Analytics have to match the one with Hubpages?

          I am also seeing this error in Analytics

          There is currently no AdSense account linked to XYX. Click the "Link Accounts" button below to go to AdSense, where you will be able to integrate your AdSense account with Google Analytics.

          1. Marina Lazarevic profile image81
            Marina Lazarevicposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            The email address associated with Google Analytics does not need to match the email address you have associated with HubPages. To make admin changes, however, you should be logged into the *Google* account that is associated with your Google Analytics account. Does your admin page look like the screenshot I posted? If so, then you have UA already. If instead of "Tracking Info" you see "Tracking Code", then your account is not using UA. Let me know if that's the case and if you still don't see an option to upgrade.

            The error about AdSense is not related to the upgrade. Google Analytics gives you the option to associate your AdSense account with it so that you can view your AdSense earnings in GA. It sounds like the error message is prompting you to do that. As far as I know, it's optional.

        2. Annie Wright profile image77
          Annie Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          If your new writer here, and you need 10 articles approved before you can get Google Ad Sense, will it affect your earning if a person isn't able to get the 10 required articles out? I spend hours researching a topic before writing it as I like to be well informed. I'm even taking an Animal Behavior class since I write about animals a lot. Plus I'm taking classes online at AIU. What happens to new writers who come in after the deadline? Thanks

    2. angryelf profile image90
      angryelfposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yay!!!! I see you guys finally implemented my suggestion! I asked for an update either yesterday or the day before yesterday- definitely did NOT expect to see it appear already!!! This is going to be a huge benefit to everyone. Thanks guys!!!!

  2. melbel profile image93
    melbelposted 10 years ago

    I don't have a "Universal Analytics Upgrade" thing to click into in the admin section. sad

    1. Marina Lazarevic profile image81
      Marina Lazarevicposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Is this what your admin page looks like?

      If you see a sub menu below Tracking Info that looks like the image above (with Tracking Code, User-ID, Session Settings, etc) then your subdomain is already configured to UA.

      1. NateB11 profile image84
        NateB11posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I also don't have the Universal Analytics Upgrade thing either. But I have the Tracking Info and the categories underneath it. In fact, that's the case for all of my sites on Analytics. So, I guess this means I don't have to do anything?

        Edit: Kind of confused why Google says we have to transfer each property individually when it appears to have already been done.

      2. radhikasree profile image70
        radhikasreeposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, my admin page looks like this. My doubt is whether the property name should be or just

        All of my hubs fall under the subdomain except for Editor's choice.

        1. paradigmsearch profile image60
          paradigmsearchposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Interestingly, I named the thing straight "" way back when. Seems to work fine. And I guess this way, HP can scatter my UA code wherever they want and UA will pick up on it.

          Come to think of it, I think we could name the property "Thumper" if we wanted to. big_smile

          As for the default URL, I'd be interested in hearing from HP if the straight "" is ok. Or should I change it to my subdomain?

          1. radhikasree profile image70
            radhikasreeposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            I too. smile

          2. lobobrandon profile image76
            lobobrandonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Haha I joined after subdomains were introduced, but I named mine Hubpages too.

            It doesn't matter PD, you can leave it that way. I can place your tracking code on you'll receive the stats irrespective of what you name it.

      3. tamarawilhite profile image82
        tamarawilhiteposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        This is what my admin screen looks like.

        1. jlpark profile image76
          jlparkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Mine too - I think it means we are already upgraded...well that was easy!

      4. skperdon profile image82
        skperdonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Mine is called skperdon.

      5. abidareacode profile image67
        abidareacodeposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        My tracking information is exactly the same above. So I think need not to worry about the deadline.

  3. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 10 years ago

    As a side note, been wandering around UA. Nowhere is there a button that says, "Make this Property go viral." The slackers.

  4. DzyMsLizzy profile image92
    DzyMsLizzyposted 10 years ago

    Ok, I'm confused. I do have GA, and AdSense. But how are they related?  If GA stops tracking my results, do I also lose my AdSense earnings?

    I don't see any particular advantage to doing the upgrade, because I don't really use it, anyway.  It's too technical and confusing for me.

    I just use the built-in 'stats' page on my hubs here if I want to know where traffic is coming from.  I guess as long as I'm getting traffic, I'm not too concerned with the source.

    1. paradigmsearch profile image60
      paradigmsearchposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      No. Your AdSense earnings are secure.

      1. DzyMsLizzy profile image92
        DzyMsLizzyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Ok, thanks.. So, I'm not going to worry about the upgrade.  GA isn't that important to me.  I have enough things to confuse me these days, without, as they used to say, "borrowing trouble."  lol

  5. susi10 profile image86
    susi10posted 10 years ago

    If people are hesitant about upgrading or want to know more about UA, I recommend:this article

    I think it explains a lot more about the features of UA and it has a list of many articles which you can browse to see what the benefits are.

  6. lobobrandon profile image76
    lobobrandonposted 10 years ago

    Here's why we don't see the universal upgrade option. It's because we were all auto upgraded.

    They are currently in Phase 3. Look at this list: … /?hl=en_GB

    So If I'm right, HP can now directly get it done and there's no need for people to fill that form up. I'm guessing it's the case as all who posted here didn't have the option either.

    1. NateB11 profile image84
      NateB11posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I think you're right about that. I found something online earlier that said they were going to automatically move everyone to UA. I'm assuming we don't have to put a new code on our own sites, because when I checked under Tracking Info and Code, it's the same code I already have on my sites.

      1. Susana S profile image93
        Susana Sposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Oh that explains things! It's all happened automatically.

        Thought I was losing the plot lol

  7. stanvac profile image58
    stanvacposted 10 years ago

    Hi I just checkout these suggestions.

  8. TeriSilver profile image91
    TeriSilverposted 10 years ago

    Maybe I need more sleep or coffee..... I just don't get it, and I don't really have the time to work on getting it so, I guess that means, I won't get it. Sigh,

  9. JG11Bravo profile image68
    JG11Bravoposted 10 years ago

    You're not the only one.  The buttons that are supposed to be there just aren't for me.

  10. Selv kumar profile image35
    Selv kumarposted 10 years ago

    hi, i used analytics for my personal website so i suspect UA upgrade for it too?

  11. Tyler Bracken profile image60
    Tyler Brackenposted 10 years ago

    Hubpages still has my old tracking code and is telling me to update - I double checked in the settings - but when I go to the google analytics screen, there is no option to upgrade.

  12. DigitalGeek profile image61
    DigitalGeekposted 10 years ago


    I have setup my Analytics and it has given me a tracking code for the Hubpages domain property I have setup but how do I install the UA tracking code or script so it tracks the data and is up to date with Universal analytics.

    This is my Universal Analytics script?

      (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

      ga('create', 'UA-53869278-1', 'auto');
      ga('send', 'pageview');




    1. lobobrandon profile image76
      lobobrandonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hubpages already does it for you. You just need to enter the UA-XXX number on the settings page.

      1. DigitalGeek profile image61
        DigitalGeekposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Where is the settings page link so I can import UA code?

  13. Tyler Bracken profile image60
    Tyler Brackenposted 10 years ago

    Do you get told when the move is complete? Mine was started automatically back in May but it never reported back that is was completed, just that it was started.


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