Google still Dominate the Search Engine, Why?

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  1. incomeguru profile image85
    incomeguruposted 10 years ago

    Despite yahoo efforts to be of course the top search engine in world, Google continue to rule. While queries through yahoo search usually has a lower bounce rate, that from Google from my own experience has a bit high bounce rate.

  2. Thomas Swan profile image92
    Thomas Swanposted 10 years ago

    1. We're creatures of habit.
    2. Google search looks better and more modern. Yahoo still looks like something from the 90's. Perhaps that's because the brand was reasonably popular then, and it brings back memories. Also I just went to Yahoo search and it didn't even fill my screen. They must have page-width locked at 700 pixels or something... it looked really weird and unprofessional.

    Having said that, Google is annoying me a lot lately. I've already stopped using Chrome in favor of Firefox. I'm unhappy with their youtube/google+ integration. I'm also very annoyed that they don't protect content creators from plagiarism on their blogspot service. If a viable alternative to google came along, I'd be right on it. I think a lot of people have been feeling this way lately. Google's image is dropping like a stone.

    1. Thomas Swan profile image92
      Thomas Swanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I've done a bit of `searching' for new search engines and will be trying DuckDuckGo from now on. There were a few reasons.

      1. My hubs appeared very high in the rankings. If this search engine rates hubpages highly then we should all be using it. If they help us, we should help them!
      2. It doesn't collect personal information, search habits, search history, or store cookies on your computer. It's anonymous and private.
      3. No spam.
      4.. It's not Google...

      I also tried Blekko, but my hubs were nowhere to be seen in that. So screw them!

      1. ChristinS profile image36
        ChristinSposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I love Duck smile I get good results most of the time and it's secure as you mentioned.  Once in awhile I still use google for some things, but I definitely prefer Duck.

      2. incomeguru profile image85
        incomeguruposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        This duckduckgo search engine is no where to be found among the top 10. Not a popular search engine.

        1. Thomas Swan profile image92
          Thomas Swanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I don't know why that matters. It's relatively new I think. Duckduckgo appears to be the second fastest growing search engine based on weekly downloads of the extension to the search bar in firefox. 1st is youtube search, 2nd duckduckgo, 3rd google. Then there's a huge gap down to the others. It's a smallish sample with those 3 getting about 15k downloads per week, but I don't care enough to research it further. It doesn't matter anyway. It's the best search engine I've found, so I'll be using and recommending it.

          1. DrMark1961 profile image100
            DrMark1961posted 10 years agoin reply to this

            I just visited this page, typed in the exact title for one of my most popular hubs, and found that it was not even on the first page.
            Do articles have to be registered over there to appear on their search engine?

            1. Thomas Swan profile image92
              Thomas Swanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              I don't know. I haven't registered mine.

            2. incomeguru profile image85
              incomeguruposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              I checked duck, it was not as attractive as Google. Although some hubs ranked well on duck as being said.

        2. Suzanne Day profile image89
          Suzanne Dayposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I had a play with duckduckgo. My dad loves it, I hate it. The results aren't very good for me, maybe it was what I was searching for. I'm sticking with Google.

      3. Jayne Lancer profile image83
        Jayne Lancerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        If only they would send some traffic my way.

      4. Jayne Lancer profile image83
        Jayne Lancerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Apart from the fact that it doesn't seem to rank hubs at all, I find it somewhat cumbersome.

  3. Zelkiiro profile image61
    Zelkiiroposted 10 years ago

    Google is quick, reliable, and simple. That's all a search engine needs to be, and frankly, it's the best at it.

    Yahoo and Bing couldn't hold Google's jock.

  4. Chinaimport profile image73
    Chinaimportposted 10 years ago

    Bounce rate depends on the quality of  the webpage (hubpage) and ease of navigation to other pages.  In my opinion, both Google and yahoo should give similar bounce rate.

    You should check the keywords used by visitors to understand why Google visitors give a high bounce rate and optimize your page accordingly.

  5. psycheskinner profile image77
    psycheskinnerposted 10 years ago

    I use Bing now for causal searches because of their rewards program, but I still think Google is better.  For example even when you put it a search term in marks quote Bing still will not search for the exact text you enter.  When I need to search exact text I still have to use Google. I also use Google scholar all the time, the Bing equivalent is pathetic.

    1. Thomas Swan profile image92
      Thomas Swanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I just noticed when using Duckduckgo that you can type !gsc before your search term, and this will search google scholar for you. You can also preface your search with !gi to search google images. It's pretty cool and is quicker than clicking links to them in google search (for me at least).

      1. incomeguru profile image85
        incomeguruposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        @Thomas, from your conversations I guessed you're one of duckduckgo fans.  :-)

        1. Thomas Swan profile image92
          Thomas Swanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Yea, it's turning out to be a powerful little engine. I figured out the google scholar thing today and remembered psycheskinner's comment about it.

      2. psycheskinner profile image77
        psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I don't really see an efficiency over using google scholar direct where I have a profile and it gives  citations of my work, targeted suggestions, my h score etc

        1. Thomas Swan profile image92
          Thomas Swanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I only use Scholar for searches, so it's good for my needs. It won't be for everyone.

  6. relache profile image67
    relacheposted 10 years ago

    Google is an integrated search platform that runs across multiple brands and functions.

    Everyone else is just a search engine.

  7. Chinaimport profile image73
    Chinaimportposted 10 years ago

    General purpose English language search is dominated by Google followed by Yahoo, Bing and Ask.  However, in non-English searches, Google is far behind Yandex (Russia), Baidu (China) and Naver (Japan).  Readers in all above countries read English pages via a translator so it does not hurt to submit your hubs to these search engines.  We are talking about over 25% of the world's population, even more if you factor in internet penetration.


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