How to make the most of Hubpage's increasing popularity?

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  1. SuffolkJason profile image83
    SuffolkJasonposted 9 years ago

    I've rather neglected my Hubpage account. I have 17  hubs (2 Editor's Choice and 15 Featured) and I just let them tick over. I had thought that Hubpages was in long-term decline but just recently I checked out Quancast - To get the best overview, select time period 'All' (options bottom of chart) and add via the 'Compare' box. This shows that Hubpages has about 780k views per day AND views have been steadily increasing since the beginning of 2014. It looks as though views per day might get back (perhaps by the end of 2014) to the 1 million peak last seen in 2011.

    Have you seen the benefit from this upturn?

    Do you have any tips on how I should improve my Hubs to take advantage of Hubpage's improving reputation?

  2. eltondunn profile image61
    eltondunnposted 9 years ago

    I am in the same boat. I have a lot of old Hubs that were not featured, and I was earning some money from them but not enough for a payout.

    I decided to revitalize my account by adding new quality content and improving my old Hubs to get them featured. So far it's working well and I've written some Hubs on what steps I took. I'm also doing a HubChallenge, adding 30 hubs in 30 days. I am doing this to increase the number of Hubs I have and capture more page views. After 1 week I'm already seeing a difference.

  3. Rock_nj profile image88
    Rock_njposted 9 years ago

    Update any information that is old and stale in your Hubs and lengthen Hubs, if appropriate.  Add videos and pictures and polls or surveys, if it makes sense to add them.  Google likes updated pages.  Your Hubs may increase in Google rank if they are updated.

    1. DrMark1961 profile image98
      DrMark1961posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Does Google like fresh content (new pages) or will updated pages do? Do older hubs tend to rise in the SERPS even without updating?
      Where is this information from? Thanks.

      1. Rock_nj profile image88
        Rock_njposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Just from what I know of Search Engine Optimization.  Google wants to serve fresh info to its users, so old pages that are never updated start to look stale in Google's eyes.  It is true though that it usually takes time for an article to rise in Google's search listings; however, once it's in there, an update will help, not hurt. 

        One trick to get in good with Google is to post links to your articles to Google+ and use # to tag key words in your description.  Google likes it when people use Googel + and even lists these posts in their search results, giving your Hub an extra opp to be found.

        1. KnowWhatImean profile image60
          KnowWhatImeanposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Thats a great tip.  The purpose of Google+ has been vexing me.  gonna have to put some luv into it.

        2. SuffolkJason profile image83
          SuffolkJasonposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks for this tip. i think it will help a little- it certainly can't hurt!

      2. Marisa Wright profile image84
        Marisa Wrightposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        That is a very good question.   I wish I knew the answer!

        One problem we have is that 90% of published advice relates to blogs and single-topic websites. That doesn't necessarily apply to HubPages.

        The advice about specialising is a case in point - every single internet guru says, you MUST specialise.  It's pretty well established that's true for a blog - but it doesn't seem to be true for HubPages, or even for our sub-domains.

        The same goes for this question.  Freshness counts - but if that meant removing outdated information, or constantly updating old posts, then the Huffington Post or any other news site would be out of business.   They have bucketloads of pages which are way past their use-by date, but if you research a historical topic they will still come up.  So the received wisdom is that Google looks at your blog or site as a whole, and the important thing is to be adding new posts and new pages, not constantly revising old stuff.

        Does that apply to HubPages? Judging by the comments about the new HubPro system, HubPages thinks it doesn't.

        1. Chinaimport profile image79
          Chinaimportposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          @DRMARK @Marisa Google does like fresh content.  It could be new information to the existing page or a new page.  They wrote in their bible (page 15) that a new webmaster is supposed to download and read. … -guide.pdf

          1. Millionaire Tips profile image92
            Millionaire Tipsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            What a great resource! Thank you for the link.

            1. Chinaimport profile image79
              Chinaimportposted 9 years agoin reply to this

              @ Millionaire Tips, I am glad that you find it useful.  You can also read my hub on the same topic.

          2. SuffolkJason profile image83
            SuffolkJasonposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            That's an impressive SEO guide. Do you know how up to date it is?

            1. Chinaimport profile image79
              Chinaimportposted 9 years agoin reply to this

              It is Google's webmaster guide and  I assume that they keep it updated.  I have personally learned more from this guide than what so called SEO experts preach.  I do not practice any artificial backlinking or extensive social sharing still my articles have high SERP.

              1. SuffolkJason profile image83
                SuffolkJasonposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                Do you follow all of the guide or do you focus on certain parts?

                1. Chinaimport profile image79
                  Chinaimportposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                  Most of it.  I keep two things in mind.  A web page should be useful to my users and search-bot should find it easy to crawl and index all pages of my website.  If you are writing for solely on HP platform all you need to do is write useful hubs for users.  The hubs we write are well optimized for the search engines.

        2. gjcody profile image64
          gjcodyposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          I am feeling the very same ...been a long time here!

    2. OldRoses profile image96
      OldRosesposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks!  I didn't know that Google likes updated hubs.  I've updated a couple and the views went up but I thought it was because I had improved them quite a bit and changed the titles to more searchable titles.  I'll continue updating my older hubs and re-titling as appropriate.

    3. Richard Hampton profile image85
      Richard Hamptonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Good info. Thanks for the suggestions.  I'm new to HP and looking for ways to get noticed.

  4. SuffolkJason profile image83
    SuffolkJasonposted 9 years ago

    Thanks Rock! You make a lot of sense.

    I get over 90% of views from just one hub. It was just luck that made that particular hub popular- one its images went viral on Pinterest. I wish there was a more predictable way to achieve success.

  5. Kiss andTales profile image60
    Kiss andTalesposted 9 years ago

    With all due respect that was more of a private message. When you post a message with that subject you tell the world of that information . You can use her mail box to help discuss something that serious.
    Unless you have other intentions.

  6. kalinin1158 profile image89
    kalinin1158posted 9 years ago

    I guess just ride the wave and submit more hubs! I was told it takes about 6 months for a new hub to gain a decent viewership. So typically you will see an initial spike in views when you just publish a hub followed by a long lull, and then a steady flow of views after 3-6 months.

    I always experiment with different subjects and styles, but haven't found that "magical HP formula" yet. Maybe it really is luck (or lack thereof)!


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