Adsense Review: Content Insufficient

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  1. NurseFlood profile image86
    NurseFloodposted 9 years ago

    I've reviewed the instructions and have been declined again.  I joined hubpages in January of 2013, and wrote 4 hubs.  In the last few days I have written 6 more hubs.  All of my hubs are featured and I have ten total.  I hoped that 10 featured hubs would be enough. I am in the United States.

    How many more hubs should I write before I apply again?  Should I increase the length on some of my articles?  Do you have any other advice?


    1. Matthew Meyer profile image70
      Matthew Meyerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      More content is usually better. Although, there isn't a specific amount of content that AdSense requires, it appears that they are not as concerned with number of Hubs as total content. So a bunch of short Hubs might not work as well as fewer longer and more in-depth Hubs.
      I think a month and at least 10 featured Hubs of good length could be a good starting point.
      Keep in mind that Google AdSense has requirements that accounts form some countries be 6 months or older before an application is approved.

      Please keep in mind that since we are not privy to the entire Google AdSense application process, all of our suggestions are guidelines and should not be taken as Google gospel!

      1. NurseFlood profile image86
        NurseFloodposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you.  Since I've updated my older hubs, does that make it look like all my hubs have been written in the last few days?  Or does google adsense differentiate between length of time?

        I have 2 years, and 10 featured hubs.  I suppose I just need to add the 5-10, and to lengthen the rest.  I believe the fact that 4 of my hubs were recipes, and thus shorter, may be the issue.

    2. peachpurple profile image82
      peachpurpleposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      i thought 50 hubs to get adsense approval. 5 hubs is for HP starter.

      1. Trevor Wallace profile image60
        Trevor Wallaceposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I don't think it's 50. That would kinda stink. But I don't get the HP starter that you speak of. I know 5 approved posts makes the pending process go quicker, but beyond that, I'm not sure what you mean.

  2. psycheskinner profile image76
    psycheskinnerposted 9 years ago

    You are not showing any hub more than 2 days old. That matters most if you are from one of the Google 'proscribed' countries like Pakistan.

    1. NurseFlood profile image86
      NurseFloodposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I'm in the United States.  I was trying to update them to make them better before submitting them.  I suppose that was a mistake.  Thank you.

      1. Matthew Meyer profile image70
        Matthew Meyerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I'm not sure of all the specifics as far as Google checking how old a Hub is, but they reviewed your content before, so are aware that it is not brand new. The content also is likely to have been crawled by Google as well and they track the date it was crawled.

        The main issue is insufficient content, so your time is best spent working on more new high quality Hubs!

        1. NurseFlood profile image86
          NurseFloodposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you smile  I appreciate your help.

  3. Trevor Wallace profile image60
    Trevor Wallaceposted 9 years ago

    I don't get this. I've seen other forum posts where people are approved after publishing three hubs. I'm up to 6, all featured and my overall score is a 91. I went ahead and applied again today thinking I would get a jump a week or 10 days before publishing ten articles and I was rejected, for "insufficient content." My hubs are all at around 1200 words or more, with pictures, a few videos and polls. My content is a little politically/religiously charged, but they're not (really) the ravings of an iconoclastic lunatic and I have a journalism degree.

    Am I being censored/punished or do I really just need at least 4 more published? If so, how the ^&%&$ did this other person get approved after 3 hubs? Paranoia kicking in!

    1. relache profile image66
      relacheposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Featuring and HubScores don't mean jack outside of HubPages so stop trying to apply internal-only metrics to the outside world.

      To AdSense, you have a very young, very small website and they aren't approving you yet because they don't think you have enough content to start earning them money.  You will want several dozen Hubs that have been published for at least two months if you want to better guarantee approval.

      1. Trevor Wallace profile image60
        Trevor Wallaceposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        There was probably a far more diplomatic way to put that and I'm not a "young" writer, only new to Hub. I've had web presence for years. Also there are other forum posts that have implied AdSense won't take you if your average score is under 75 no matter how many Hubs you have, so it seems to me it does mean jack.

        Meh, I'll just apply again after another half dozen or so articles.

        1. relache profile image66
          relacheposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          I didn't say you were a young writer.  If you go back and actually read what I posted,  you'll notice I said that AdSense is looking at you as being a very young, very small website.  Your HubPages account is only four weeks old and only has six Hubs. 

          And if you don't like me saying straight out that internal scores don't mean jack outside the site... well, that's just going to have to be something you learn to deal with because it's true.

    2. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      If you've seen posts where people were approved after 3 Hubs, check the date on the post. 

      I don't think I've seen anyone approved with less than 15 Hubs in the last two years.  Adsense has become much, much stricter in recent years.

      And SmartandFun gave you some good advice about the use of words.

  4. LindaSmith1 profile image60
    LindaSmith1posted 9 years ago

    you need at least 15-20 hubs.  Once declined, add hubs and apply in a month.  If declined again, add hubs and wait another month.

  5. SmartAndFun profile image94
    SmartAndFunposted 9 years ago

    I don't recall any hubbers in the forums saying they were approved for AdSense with only three hubs, but the reason certainly could be my bad memory; also there are plenty of forum posts I have missed entirely. Three is quite a small number for AdSense approval, however. That number surprises me.

    When I applied four years ago, the recommended number was ten hubs. I was approved with eleven, IIRC. Google has apparently tightened up since then, based upon what I've read here in the forums. Google doesn't make public exactly what their requirements are, but based upon what I've read here, the trend seems to be at least ten longer articles, or 15-20 or more if your articles are mostly shorter rather than longer.

    Beyond the topic of the amount of content: I see your hubs are mainly political, which is fine, but as you write, keep in mind there are a few words that might trip the "adult content" filters, such as "abortion," "prostitution" or "homosexuality." Google doesn't like to attach their ads to adult content, and although your articles are not racy, those words being in them might be all it takes for them to be considered adult content. Many of the articles on HubPages which cover these subjects end up remaining published, but with ads removed.

    Keep writing, and try again when you have at least 12-15 articles. If you are not approved at that point, try again at 15-20. You will be approved eventually.

    1. Trevor Wallace profile image60
      Trevor Wallaceposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I was trying to find the "magic 3" forum post last night to comment there. I'll look again and show you.

      1. Trevor Wallace profile image60
        Trevor Wallaceposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I could't find it. Been kind of searching off and on for the last few days, but I think you're probably right - they probably were a few years old.

  6. LindaSmith1 profile image60
    LindaSmith1posted 9 years ago

    I remember back in 2010, I got adsense immediately after blog was set up. But, it is not like that anymore.

    Another thing is forum threads end up here because of new comments, but the thread itself may be several years old or older.

  7. LindaSmith1 profile image60
    LindaSmith1posted 9 years ago

    Hub scores, hubber scores mean nothing to anyone in the world, but Hub Pages and those hubbers who constantly worry about them. These scores have nothing to do with earnings. They have nothing to do with search engine rankings.  They have nothing to do with being accepted by Adsense, Amazon, or other affiliate programs.       Even staff has suggested that HP gets rid of them because they are a nuisance and mean nothing in the long run.

    1. Trevor Wallace profile image60
      Trevor Wallaceposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Good to know. Thanks. I was under the impression that Google took those into account.

    2. Jeremy Gill profile image94
      Jeremy Gillposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      So Google doesn't take those into account? It's reassuring to know that you because your scores aren't perfect, you can still do well on Hubpages


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