What different ways are there to improve traffic?

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  1. Enigmamity profile image71
    Enigmamityposted 9 years ago

    I saw backlinking as one. What exactly is backlinking? How can we use Google Webmaster Tools to improve traffic? What are the changes to be made in the crawl rate after logging in, if any? Its been close to three months into Hubpages and I am getting a majority of my views from Hubpages. My Google views are nothing compared to that!

    1. clivewilliams profile image71
      clivewilliamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      email marketing

    2. NateB11 profile image84
      NateB11posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Just wanted to state that I don't think backlinking is a good idea. Maybe to some degree it is effective, but Google's Penguin algorithm was specifically designed to deal with sites with unnatural/spam linking. Google prefers natural backlinks, meaning not ones you create but ones that naturally occur because people like your article and find it useful. So, it comes back to content and keyphrases; content because if it's good people like it and share and the search engine likes it and keyphrases because no one is going to even find the article unless it has a search engine friendly keyphrase that gets it indexed in a decent position in the results pages.

      1. DrMark1961 profile image100
        DrMark1961posted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Good points. Write original content that people can find and the backlinks will come about naturally, certainly without buying them from a disreputable source that would hurt your reputation with search engines.

        1. NateB11 profile image84
          NateB11posted 9 years agoin reply to this


    3. Indianstudent profile image58
      Indianstudentposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Google Webmaster tool tell about the health of the webpages as well as search queries on which our website appeared and gives back-links report. A back links is a link of our webpage on others websites.

  2. relache profile image65
    relacheposted 9 years ago
    1. NateB11 profile image84
      NateB11posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Good info.

  3. Enigmamity profile image71
    Enigmamityposted 9 years ago

    Yes Relache but I do not have enough quality content I guess. I will surely keep these 12 tips in mind while writing new hubs. Thank you. Have you used Webmaster Tools?

    1. DrMark1961 profile image100
      DrMark1961posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Writer Fox has a great hub on SEO; learn those techniques for more traffic.
      Barbara Kay has a good hub on how to get alternative sources of traffic to your hubs.
      Writers like relache and Marisa Wright have good hubs on HP and traffic that are worth reading.
      The main thing to remember is to write more original content. If your content is fresh and helpful you will get all the backlinks you need without using any black hat methods. People will read, like what they see, and then add a link on their own blog or web page.
      Lots of work ahead! Good luck to you.

  4. Enigmamity profile image71
    Enigmamityposted 9 years ago

    Thank you DrMark and clive.

  5. Kylyssa profile image89
    Kylyssaposted 9 years ago

    Email marketing is probably a bad idea and it can be seen as spamming.

    The best way to improve traffic is to increase your library of articles with quality additions people will wish to share online. Each great hub you write is an advertisement for the brand of you. If you feel you must, you can share each of your hubs on an assortment of social media sites, just to get little seeds out there, but if you make your hubs search-friendly and you've written content readers feel is worth sharing, they will do so on their own.

    1. DrMark1961 profile image100
      DrMark1961posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I think he was making a joke about the email marketing, but I think it could have been a little clearer. At least I hope it was a joke. When was the last time you actually responded to anything in your spam folder?

      1. colorfulone profile image81
        colorfuloneposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        That is a good point. I don't even look at email marketing spam mail. I report it and unsubscribe if I have that choice.

    2. relache profile image65
      relacheposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Email marketing is still the second most effective method after direct mail.

      Go figure, fifteen years of Internet and that part hasn't shifted over yet.

  6. Enigmamity profile image71
    Enigmamityposted 9 years ago

    True. Some really good advice by you all. smile

  7. WryLilt profile image85
    WryLiltposted 9 years ago

    I am a lazy writer, but this account is at 4,400,000 views. How?

    -I write a lot of lists. Very easy to collate from online sources, great clickbait, rank well in Google.
    -I use Google suggest to find questions people are Googling then use those questions as titles. The dumber the question, the less competition and the more views you can get.
    -I use an MFP (Made for Pinterest) image on my articles so that visitors can do all the work of promoting on Pinterest for me.
    -I interlink my content, so that visitors stay on my hubs or pages as long as possible.
    -I stay tight to my subject. If I find myself wondering off topic, I write another article on the new topic and link to it from the first one.
    -Once I write an article, I do nothing further. If it sinks, I leave it. If it starts getting traffic, I either improve it or use it as inspiration for a new article.
    -I use the keywords that bring people to my article, by either adding them into the article or using them to write a new article.

    1. SpaceShanty profile image83
      SpaceShantyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      This is gold people!  Ignore this information at your peril!

    2. colorfulone profile image81
      colorfuloneposted 9 years agoin reply to this
    3. NateB11 profile image84
      NateB11posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I agree that this is spot on. And, yes, that's an excellent Hub Susie posted a link to above ^

    4. Naveed Ahmed 624 profile image75
      Naveed Ahmed 624posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      What did you mean by Google suggest. Can you provide a URL? I tried Googling but the sites appearing in Search Results don't seem legitimate Google Product / Information.

      1. AndrewHil93 profile image38
        AndrewHil93posted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I too struggled to find a genuine Google program which provided suggested keywords other than an illegitimate website which doesn't work very well at all.

      2. Susana S profile image92
        Susana Sposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Google suggest is simply a list of suggested search strings that are displayed when you start typing something into Google's search box. You can also look below the search results for "related searches" after you've performed your search to get ideas.

        If you prefer you can use Ubersuggest.org instead. It gives you the same kind of info as Google Suggest but has the advantage of offering different countries. If you live outside of the US it's helpful because you can avoid local results.

        1. AndrewHil93 profile image38
          AndrewHil93posted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Cheers, Susan. Cleared that right up for everybody. Even Youtube videos don't explain it

          1. Susana S profile image92
            Susana Sposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            You're welcome smile have fun with it!

          2. WryLilt profile image85
            WryLiltposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            I think I might need to do a Youtube video and Hub on how to use Google Suggest. smile

            I find it an amazing way to find out exactly what people are searching for.

            I use as many words as possible to narrow it down. Then a letter.

            Such as:

            "When pregnant can e"

            Will bring up a half dozen variations. Replace the E with another letter and you'll find a stack more.

    5. Indianstudent profile image58
      Indianstudentposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      As you are saying lazy, but you are very intelligent and minded person. You do less but smart work.

  8. AndrewHil93 profile image38
    AndrewHil93posted 9 years ago

    I find that writing great quality hubs is always the best way, with plenty of CAPTIONED photos. It is always worth writing hubs relevant to what is trending.
    If you follow trends, you'll notice a pattern and will be able to write hubs and upload them just before the trend comes in. This is tricky and often, you're shooting in the dark as there's billions of different things that can trend.

    So, that's what I pretend I can do. tongue

    Now, you can try email marketing, sending your hubs out to your email contacts along with sharing on social media.

    I use Facebook to market myself as an entrepreneur, I never planned to moneytise HubPages but I applied on a mere whim after I completed my 20th hub and sure enough, I was accepted. I've already written a book and have hundreds of poems and articles dotted around the internet, my writing career is extensive so t wan't surprising but I don't want to write as a career. Truth is, I love gardening but I hate writing about it.

    I write on impulse and inspiration and if it's especially good, I'll share it on Twitter and Facebook, I personally don't bother with email marketing incase an important contact hits the spam button and I'm destined to reside in the Junk Box for eternity. Once you're in there, it's worse than friendzoning.

    You could always go on Yahoo Answers (or similar or other Forums) and ask someone to rate the quality of your writing and post a link. This is organic and useful for you in more ways than just view counts because you receive criticism too!

  9. Enigmamity profile image71
    Enigmamityposted 9 years ago

    Ok. That was a good suggestion Andrew (Yahoo answers). I have two hubs which can be put on Yahoo. Let me try this. Thank you.

  10. Enigmamity profile image71
    Enigmamityposted 9 years ago

    Wow cool!

    1. toptengamer profile image72
      toptengamerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      For articles that have gotten stale I highly recommend you rewrite not just a small part of your hub, but a large portion of it. This seems to give it the freshness that Google is looking for.

      1. AndrewHil93 profile image38
        AndrewHil93posted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Top answer.

  11. Supuni Fernando profile image67
    Supuni Fernandoposted 9 years ago

    You need to write hight quality content that would direct the users in, use attractive titles and sub headings. Upgrade up your design of your hubs.

    Using Google Adwords is a great way to find out the topics which are most searched for.

    Another way is to promote your articles by backlinking, and I agree on many users about the natural backlinking, Google is very strict about many things from what you write and all the links you display and one violation is enough to wait for a ban.

  12. Enigmamity profile image71
    Enigmamityposted 9 years ago

    Hubpages has a very helpful community. Thank you all.


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