Nice new look on the Stolen Hubs Link

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  1. sallybea profile image81
    sallybeaposted 9 years ago
    I like the new improved look of the stolen hubs link. Thanks, HubPages.

    I just  wish it were more helpful sometimes!  It can be so difficult to file a DMCA.  It can take so much effort to track down the thieves, Sigh!

    1. paradigm search profile image53
      paradigm searchposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Stolen hubs link? What? Where? Me thinks I fell asleep and missed the memo. Serious.

      1. sallybea profile image81
        sallybeaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I guess you don't have any stolen hubs then!  If you visit a Hub with a (c) next to it you might find the link I am talking about on the top of the hub.  Click it and you should find that it has a much-improved look - unless of course it is Windows 10 which is responsible for the new look.  I don't think so.

        1. paradigm search profile image53
          paradigm searchposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Yep, looks like I am  (c)-less at the moment. I knew about the  (c), but didn't know HP did the helpful link thing when it happens. Thanks.

          1. Glenn Stok profile image93
            Glenn Stokposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            You can also see a complete list of all stolen hubs (if any) by clicking the copied hubs tab on your account page.

            1. sallybea profile image81
              sallybeaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

              I definitely have complete lists of stolen hubs, often five or six at a time on each individual hub which are almost impossible to shift............Sigh!

              1. paradigm search profile image53
                paradigm searchposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                I reiterate, @HP please don't give me this feature. big_smile

                They ought to give Hubbers an on/off switch for that.

            2. paradigm search profile image53
              paradigm searchposted 9 years agoin reply to this

              Now this is getting interesting, seriously. Not only do I not have that tab, but when I click the link it says, "You are not authorized to view this page." Bottom line, HP doesn't think I'm worthy to have this feature.

              In all fairness, it might be because my previous viral hubs from long ago were all stolen hundreds of times and there was just no way to clean up that mess or take care of it all. In fact..., @HP please continue to not give me this feature, it would indeed be too depressing and messy for me. Besides, I'm pretty good at finding the necessary stolen hubs on my own. smile

              This all makes sense in retrospect. I've found many stolen hubs in the past and nary a (c) or any other peep from HP about them.

              And ya know what, it's been awhile. Me thinks I'll go do some checking.

              Update: Yep, the thieves are proliferating. Back to doing a DMCA a day.

              Update2: And yep, now I'm depressed. And this had been being a really good day, what with all the stuff I'd been feeling good about accomplishing lately. Time for some St John's Wort tea... And always remember, life sucks and then you die. big_smile

        2. delia-delia profile image87
          delia-deliaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          sallybea ~
          Any chance you could be more specific on "If you visit a Hub with a (c) next to it you might find the link I am talking about on the top of the hub.
          are we looking at a hub of someone else or our own?
          are we seeing this (c) in our account main page where all our hubs are listed?
          Sorry I'm so literal, but I'm having a hard time tracking down the (C) on my hubs

          1. Glenn Stok profile image93
            Glenn Stokposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            It's on your hub stats page.

            A list of all icons is listed at the bottom of that page.

            If you don't see  © next to any hub titles that means HubPages didn't detect any stolen hubs. But that doesn't mean non were stolen. You should do your own search for plagiarized hubs too. I use Google Alerts to notify me of stolen hubs.

            1. delia-delia profile image87
              delia-deliaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

              Thanks Glenn Stok! I know there are hubs of mine floating around in scrapers land...problem is, most are in "different languages"'s futile to do anything about it. they just popup over and over..even with my name and my copyrights notice  posted ...LOL!

          2. sallybea profile image81
            sallybeaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            I think that is the tip of the iceberg, I often go looking for a phrase from a hub and find pages of stolen content, sometimes the whole of the text or sections are taken and used indiscriminately between the text of the thieves content.

    2. Faceless39 profile image92
      Faceless39posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I go through them every couple months, again. But it's pretty much pointless. About 2% of them will take my work down after contacting them, always copied verbatim without credit. Usually I get bitched out by whoever owns the site before they remove it, because anyone who would copy verbatim is obviously a jerk to begin with. The other 98% either are not in the US and say "F your stupid worthless American copyright law, it means nothing to me" or else they never respond (pretty much saying the same with less words.) I've lost hundreds of thousands of hits on my pages over the years due to blatant stealing of my content, and the siphoning off of my traffic. It affects my income greatly, and always has. Hubpages seems to have fancied up the stolen content page, but it's like putting a dress on a pig.

  2. srsddn profile image92
    srsddnposted 9 years ago

    sallybea, the first thing that struck my mind was to check if I used the photograph you have posted. I have used a similar one in one of my hubs. I am getting (c) against 6 of my Hubs and have been getting it for more than a year. I scanned the forum to find a solution. There were mixed reactions. I settled with a suggestion that it may not be of much use to pursue it as it may not stop or even increase copying. I don't know if it was a right decision. But I traced one person who copied my Hub and simply thanked him. I also asked him if he enjoyed reading my Hubs. There was no reply. I do not know if there is any permanent solution to this problem.

    1. Barbara Kay profile image75
      Barbara Kayposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      My niece started asking if they wanted to purchase them from her and earned some money this way.It turned out the site owner had paid someone else to write for them and they copied. The guy hired her to write more.  I can't get them to do anything myself.

      1. sallybea profile image81
        sallybeaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Barbara Kay,
        That sounds to be an excellent idea, I would never have thought of charging the  thieves to write for them:)  Definitely something to consider. 
        Problem is so many cases the thieves are impossible to contact and the sites they create are usually written in foreign languages.

    2. sallybea profile image81
      sallybeaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Not sure what you mean about the photograph!  All the images I use on HubPages are my own photographs.   I can only think of one occasion where I have had to use a free source image.  Some of the thieves just use parts of my text in between theirs and replace my images with stolen ones taken from elsewhere.  There is no accounting for their dastardly deeds.


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