Running out of topics

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  1. SakinaNasir53 profile image94
    SakinaNasir53posted 7 years ago

    Hi everyone! smile

    I have written 10 hubs till now and I'm working on a new one. I have written 4 hubs about birds and some about my personal experiences. I am running out of topics. I have written everything that I know about. Now, how do I write a new hub? I wish to write more. But, I don't have any topic to write on. 

    All help will be appreciated. Thank you.

    1. ChitrangadaSharan profile image92
      ChitrangadaSharanposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      There can be so many topics to write . But it is always better to write on topics in which you have keen interest. If Your knowledge and personal experience flows into your writing, it makes for an interesting read and readers will come back to read your work again and again.
      If you have an inclination towards creative writing , you can draw your inspiration from the abundantly beautiful Nature. You can compose poems or short stories to begin with.
      If you want to write informational hubs there can be so many topics from your real life experiences.
      The general rule for the writer usually is to write and express  daily, even if it is one page.
      Wish you all the best and happy writing!

      1. SakinaNasir53 profile image94
        SakinaNasir53posted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you so much ChitrangadaSharan! smile I need to think hard about personal experiences. I appreciate your kind words and feedback.

    2. chef-de-jour profile image99
      chef-de-jourposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Your bird knowledge is fully exploited? Are you sure? With a bit more research into niche areas of avian life you could, I am certain, write several more insightful hubs. Look online for similar topics and hopefully you'll get many ideas for different topics.
      Plus, your experiences in Rajasthan would be greatly appreciated no doubt. Food, fruits/veg, trees, travel, dress, mythology, museums, temples, wildlife - so much wildlife I guess - history, family history, language, Rajasthan humour/ other people have mentioned write some lists, some personal anecdotal/factual stuff......Ithen what about Kuwait? Bon chances!!

      1. SakinaNasir53 profile image94
        SakinaNasir53posted 7 years agoin reply to this

        You are right! Thank you so much chef-de-jour! smile I appreciate your wonderful feeback and time.

    3. kenneth avery profile image79
      kenneth averyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      @ Sakina smile Dear Friend, daily life is just brimming with topics to write about. You can take a routine that you do everyday and then step back and look at it in a different light--do a "What if I" were to Not brush my teeth today type of hub. But you have to have a humorous or serious middle tone to the text like:
      "What if today I did not brush my teeth, would Russian dictator Putin declare war on Italy?"
      "Would we the free world be attacked by Animal Zombies?"
      And so on.
      This is what I would do and yes, I have a similar fear of not having anything to write about.
      Plan B is to write about someone who has touched your life.
      Love you.

      1. SakinaNasir53 profile image94
        SakinaNasir53posted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Hi Kenneth! smile Thank you for the wonderful advice and for helping me out. You're so right. I appreciate your sincere feedback. Thank you and love you too dear friend. smile

        1. kenneth avery profile image79
          kenneth averyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          @ Dearest Sakina smile
          Awe. How sweet.

  2. chasmac profile image78
    chasmacposted 7 years ago

    You live in Kuwait and you're from Rajasthan in India. You can write travel-based Hubs about  them. What is worth seeing? When is the best time to visit? Consider yourself an expert on those places and share your knowledge.

    And as Admin recently told us, list style articles are doing well with Google, these days, so how about "10 must-see tourist attractions in Rajasthan" to start with?

    1. SakinaNasir53 profile image94
      SakinaNasir53posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you chasmac for the wonderful advice. smile I appreciate your feedback.

  3. Marisa Wright profile image84
    Marisa Wrightposted 7 years ago

    You have a very long Hub about Kuwait.   When I saw it the first time, I recommended that you break it up into several Hubs.  One about the history of the country, one about culture, one about food, one about dress, etc.  I'm sure you could think of extra material to add to each of those sub-topics to make several good Hubs. 

    The ideal length for a Hub is 1,000 to 1,500 words.  If your Hub is much longer than that, you will probably get better search engine results by splitting it into two or three more specialized Hubs.  That's because the separate Hubs can have more specific titles.

    1. SakinaNasir53 profile image94
      SakinaNasir53posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much Marisa! smile Yes, I do remember your advice and I plan to break that hub into 2 or more hubs. I have edited all of my older hubs except this one. I have to work on it. I appreciate your time and feedback.

  4. DrMark1961 profile image99
    DrMark1961posted 7 years ago

    Great Foods From Rajasthan India That You Can Make At Home
    Life in an Arab City
    Low Gas Prices and Heavy Traffic in an Arab City
    Wildlife in the Persian Gulf

    You are a great writer and should have hundreds of ideas if you look around. People who search on the internet are interested in your perspective on life in an Arab city, as their perspective is very different than the truth.
    As Marisa points out, these do not need to be too long, about 1200 words is great.

    1. SakinaNasir53 profile image94
      SakinaNasir53posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much DrMark1961! smile Your advice is really helpful. I appreciate your time and feedback.

  5. lobobrandon profile image74
    lobobrandonposted 7 years ago

    Once you're done going through the great suggestions here, I would recommend writing hubs on subjects you want to learn about. Is there something you really wish you knew more about? Google it read many websites, blog posts, forums, watch videos - you learn something you always wanted to and now you can teach people about it through your hub.

    You do not need to be a true expert, no one is. You just need to know enough to give people the information they seek.

    1. SakinaNasir53 profile image94
      SakinaNasir53posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Great advice lobobrandon! smile I will keep this in mind. Thank you so much for helping me out. I appreciate your time and feedback.

      1. lobobrandon profile image74
        lobobrandonposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        You're welcome. Good luck!

        1. SakinaNasir53 profile image94
          SakinaNasir53posted 7 years agoin reply to this

          @lobobrandon Good luck to you too! smile

  6. Natalie Frank profile image91
    Natalie Frankposted 7 years ago

    I love your writing and your writing style.  How about anything related to fashion where you live and changes that have happened, especially for women?  What hobbies do you have?  Interests.  I think the idea of coming up with topics based on things you want to learn about is a great one.  That usually takes more time if it's not something you already know much about but if it's something you are learning about anyway would be worth the effort.  Things to do where you live based on time of year could be interesting since we are just entering a new season.  Food and recipe might be ones that you could do that would take too much time though I'm not sure how much traffic recipe Hubs are getting these days.  Have you read any good books you could review?  I hope something here helps spark an idea or two.  I look forward to your next Hub!

    1. SakinaNasir53 profile image94
      SakinaNasir53posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Natalie! smile Thank you so much for the wonderful advice. This is really helpful and it did spark an idea. big_smile Thank you for the compliment too.

  7. Luke Holm profile image89
    Luke Holmposted 7 years ago

    Try your hand at poetry and creative writing. Watch some birds interact in nature, write a poem about it, and then provide a scientific explanation as to what they are likely doing.

    1. SakinaNasir53 profile image94
      SakinaNasir53posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much Luke! I haven't tried poetry or creative writing before. But, I have always beed in admiration of creative writers and poets and wish to try this myself. I appreciate your feedback and time. smile

  8. TLilly15 profile image61
    TLilly15posted 7 years ago

    I use to have this same problem, when I use to write on this other, web site I had to give myself a rest, so I could come up with some new ideas.

    1. SakinaNasir53 profile image94
      SakinaNasir53posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much TLilly15 for sharing your thoughts and with and for the feedback.  smile

  9. janshares profile image93
    jansharesposted 7 years ago

    Think outside the box. You know more than you give yourself credit for; you just have to figure out how to pull the pieces together and format the information into an article. When I reached 25 articles, I wondered what else to write about. I now still wonder if I'll ever reach 100. Step outside of yourself and you'll see plenty more to write about. Blessings and good luck.

    1. SakinaNasir53 profile image94
      SakinaNasir53posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Hi janshares! smile This is really helpful. Thank you so much for guiding me with this sound advice. I appreciate your time and feedback. God bless you and good luck to you too!


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