My quest to get my first written hub featured.

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  1. TheEfficientLife profile image59
    TheEfficientLifeposted 7 years ago

    Hey, what's up fellow hubbers!
    I go by the name of Frank Desnotes and I am a musician specializing in electronic music and technology.A few days ago, I've written a post about "How modern musicians and independent artists make music". Unfortunately, I've tried over and over again to get it at least published. I seem to always be missing something but,as a new hubber, have no idea what that could be. My Hubpage has over 1500+ words,plenty of pictures and a few videos.Along with some amazon capsules. I worked really hard on this Hub and do not wish for it to go to waste. Can someone out there give my Hub any advice? Criticizing is welcome!

    This is the page:

    How Music Producers and Independent Artists Make Music.

    1. theraggededge profile image89
      theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Hi there, welcome.

      We can't see it because it isn't published. You should have a notification inviting you to post directly to the forum... it'll include a special link so that we can review it.

    2. Marketing Merit profile image88
      Marketing Meritposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Try removing the Amazon capsules first of all and the Amazon links in the text.
      Where possible, make your photos full width. Also, not all of your photos seem particularly appealing.
      Remove unnecessary bold text and underlining. (Old SEO method - Google doesn't favour it)

      I haven't had time to look at this in depth, but try the above...especially removing the Amazon capsules/links. Hopefully, someone else will comment on any spelling or grammatical issues.
      Best wishes.

      1. TheEfficientLife profile image59
        TheEfficientLifeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Much appreciated. Thank you, I'll be working on it!

    3. poppyr profile image89
      poppyrposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Here's a guide on how to get your hub featured … s-Featured

  2. TheEfficientLife profile image59
    TheEfficientLifeposted 7 years ago

    Sorry about that!I get it now. I'll just copy and paste this here:

    How Music Producers and Independent Artists Make Music

    1. TheEfficientLife profile image59
      TheEfficientLifeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Please criticize my work I really do not mind. Anything that could help me make better hubs would be helpful.This goes for everyone!

  3. theraggededge profile image89
    theraggededgeposted 7 years ago


    Edit the 'call-out' capsule so that there's a space after each comma. Go through the hub and make sure there's a space after every comma, semi-colon, colon and full-stop.

    You ramble a lot, so do what you can to delete unnecessary words. Paste your text into Grammarly and then Hemingway. Both are free online apps. Grammarly will pick up most grammatical errors and Hemingway will help you tighten up your writing.

    Get rid of the bold and underlined text.

    Delete the links. If 'Fruity Loops' is something to do with you, know that you can't promote a business at HubPages, at least not until you learn to do it in a subtle way.

    Improve the layout, by only using images that are useful and necessary andget rid of the big white gaps. You really don't need the painting.

    Consider whether it is worth breaking this hub into two separate ones. I'm finding it hard to follow - there's no main point of discussion and it seems to leap around all over the place. An article should be focused on one topic, and it should stick to that topic faithfully.

    Remove all but one Amazon capsule.

    There's loads more I could say, but dinner's ready smile

    1. Marketing Merit profile image88
      Marketing Meritposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Slightly digressing Theraggededge, but I don't seem to be able to publish featured hubs with Amazon capsules anymore.

      I recently updated an old hub on cat anxiety and included a capsule which linked to a Feliway diffuser. This had been extremely helpful and I briefly outlined the pros and cons. Nonetheless, I received the 'spammy elements' response. As soon as I removed the capsule, the hub was featured.

      Being based in the UK, it is not that easy to produce in-depth product reviews, as Paul Edmondson suggested. Items tend to differ in brand name or model type. I don't personally consider one Amazon capsule to be unreasonable and am disappointed that Hubpages appear to be unwilling to accommodate this.

      1. theraggededge profile image89
        theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        I've found that one in-text link in one article (on a niche site) brings in about 50% of my Amazon sales. Try it smile

        1. Marketing Merit profile image88
          Marketing Meritposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks...will do. Notice that you are in Wales, like myself! wink

          1. theraggededge profile image89
            theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            Yay! Wales. Where are you, roughly?

            1. Marketing Merit profile image88
              Marketing Meritposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              South East. How about you?

              1. theraggededge profile image89
                theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                Mid Glam/RCT

                Sorry, OP, we hijacked your thread sad

    2. TheEfficientLife profile image59
      TheEfficientLifeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for the great advice! I've done what I could to my article. I hope it gets featured. I now understand more of what hubs are all about and are grateful for your help. It's my first hub and I wasn't completely aware of the whole hub page concept when I started writing.  If it still doesn't get featured I'll still try again because I'm stubborn and believe that anything is possible. smile Or eventually, give up and write on another topic.

      1. Jason mackenzie profile image77
        Jason mackenzieposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Hi, there are huge gaps between capsules which need to be bridged.

        Secondly, this sentence - 'What are the readers (you) planning to record using a microphone?' - is not correct and you need to rectify it.

        Thanks, regards...

        1. TheEfficientLife profile image59
          TheEfficientLifeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Got it. I fixed the question. Tried getting rid of the huge gaps between capsules although, am not quite sure which gaps you consider to be huge gaps. Nevertheless, I still tried to get the text more close to each other. Thanks for the help, It is appreciated. smile (Y)

          1. theraggededge profile image89
            theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            Go into edit on each capsule. Move cursor to beginning. Press backspace until you can't any more. Move cursor to end of text, press delete until you can't any more. Save.

            1. TheEfficientLife profile image59
              TheEfficientLifeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              Done it and tried publishing it with no good results. Although, using your tips, I've written another hub which got featured quickly. So, thanks for the help. smile
              I think I'll let go of this hub since it's leading me nowhere.

              1. theraggededge profile image89
                theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                Use it as the basis for new hubs. Don't waste the writing smile


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