FIXED:Text in Amazon Capsules not included for goals in HubTool

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  1. Glenn Stok profile image96
    Glenn Stokposted 10 years ago

    The nice thing about the new Amazon capsule is that it displays the description text in the same size as the rest of the hub. This can be beneficial and may turn into better sales.

    So I reorganized one of my hubs, moving much of my text from text capsules into the Amazon description fields. This makes the layout of the entire hub look more professional.

    But then I noticed that the total count of my text was tremendously low. The text counter ignores text in the Amazon capsules. If it were a new hub, it may not pass QAP for seemingly not having enough text. 

    Can this be fixed?

    1. Ramkitten2000 profile image89
      Ramkitten2000posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Uh-oh. That wouldn't be good when our Squidoo lenses are transferred over. Many of us have a lot of content right in the Amazon modules. We have/had a box at the top of the Amazon module (capsule here) for text and also a box next to the product for text, so there was no need to stick a text module/capsule above it. From what you're saying, even if we had thousands of words of text to go with those Amazon products, that text wouldn't be counted over here.

      Yeah ... I hope that can be fixed.

      1. Glenn Stok profile image96
        Glenn Stokposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Yes that's correct. From what I discovered, the text in the description field in the Amazon Capsule does not count towards the total word count of the hub. But I am hoping this was just a bug introduced when HP changed the capsule to replicate the format used on Squidoo. We'll see what they say when staff comes back on Tuesday since Monday is a holiday.

      2. lisavollrath profile image92
        lisavollrathposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Yep. Off the top of my head, I know I have a lens on films about artists that's written entirely with a series of Amazon modules.

        1. Ramkitten2000 profile image89
          Ramkitten2000posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Likewise, I have one in particular written about the 10 essentials of backpacking. Lots of text but all in Amazon modules. Plenty of other similar examples where that one came from.

    2. Matthew Meyer profile image71
      Matthew Meyerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Glenn.

      I have forwarded this to our engineering team.

      1. Glenn Stok profile image96
        Glenn Stokposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Matt, I changed my opinion about this, thanks to Millionaire Tips. See her comment about ad blockers and my reply in this thread. And thanks to CuAllaidh also for bringing this up.

        I bet your engineering department already anticipated the issue with ad blockers and didn't include the Amazon description text in the text count for that reason. So that would mean that this is not a bug, and that the present functioning should remain as is.

    3. Anna Marie Bowman profile image70
      Anna Marie Bowmanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      What about taking the text out of the Amazon capsule and putting it in a text capsule above/below the Amazon capsule. That way, it's still right near it, giving almost the same effect.

      1. Glenn Stok profile image96
        Glenn Stokposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Anna, I had all my text in text capsules before. But the new Squidoo format is conducive to having text in the Amazon capsule. It makes the entire hub flow well. In addition, all the text related to the Amazon product is clickable. 

        However, as Millionaire Tips mentioned above, ad blockers will block out all that text. So I reverse my opinion about taking advantage of the Squidoo formatting. See my reply to ML above. Squidoo people coming over to HubPages will have a lot of work to do to move all the text into text capsules.

        1. CuAllaidh profile image78
          CuAllaidhposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          As a Squidoo refugee, yes the differences between how the squidoo modules and hubpages capsules work will mean that we have a lot of work once our lenses become hubs... but I for one look forward to refreshing my articles and getting a boost in traffic back to where it was before google destroyed us.

          1. Glenn Stok profile image96
            Glenn Stokposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Thanks, Jeff, for enlightening us to this issue. Welcome to HubPages.

    4. Matthew Meyer profile image71
      Matthew Meyerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      We deployed a fix and the Amazon description text is once again counted.

      1. Glenn Stok profile image96
        Glenn Stokposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Oh, okay. Per my last comment 8 days ago, I thought you guys didn't count the description words due to ad blockers blocking them.

        But this works too. I'd rather not worry about ad blockers anyway since anyone blocking ads most likely are not buyers. So as long as the words are counted, the hubs won't be unfeatured for not having enough words. Thanks for getting it changed to count the words.

  2. Millionaire Tips profile image89
    Millionaire Tipsposted 10 years ago

    The problem with hubs with all the words in the capsules is that the words will not show when an ad blocker is on.  The hub will then be empty!

    1. Glenn Stok profile image96
      Glenn Stokposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That is an important issue. I never thought of that. You're right!  And this is going to be a nightmare for many Squidoo people since many of them placed text in Squidoo's Amazon module, which now will be moved over in an Amazon capsule when moved into HubPages.

      Last week I just tried changing one of my hubs to take advantage of the way the Squidoo format looks so great with text in the capsule.  But now I'm going to change it back to using text capsules. Thanks for the heads-up on that issue with ad blockers.

  3. CuAllaidh profile image78
    CuAllaidhposted 10 years ago

    I am of the opinion you shouldn't put text in the amazon capsules, with the fact that adblockers remove the amazon capsules you run the risk of that text not showing up at all.

    1. Glenn Stok profile image96
      Glenn Stokposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yes indeed. I realize that now. Thanks to you and ML for making note of that.  I hope Squidoo newcomers see this discussion. They'll have a lot of work to do.

  4. profile image0
    bobtyndallposted 10 years ago

    Just an interesting observation. The rules say that for every 50 words you can have an amazon module. Do you realize that if you put 50 words or more in an amazon description you could keep adding modules as there is no limit.

    1. Glenn Stok profile image96
      Glenn Stokposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      The same is true no matter where you place the text. It all counts towards the 50 words per Amazon  (or eBay)  item.

      Just keep in mind that any text you place in ad capsules will not show to anyone with ad blockers.

  5. profile image0
    bobtyndallposted 10 years ago

    Well, I don't see that as an issue. It's the picture that sells and if they are looking for what you are selling they'll likely click thru anyway. The big thing is it doesn't interfere with your amazon module.

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