I'd like feedback on my Hub: Beethoven, Mozart and Bach talks to our world for t

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  1. Whispering Night profile image62
    Whispering Nightposted 7 years ago

    Hi Hubbers,

    Please check this Hub for any possible mistakes.


    I'd like some help with passing the Quality Assessment Process. Will you please give feedback on my Hub Beethoven, Mozart and Bach talks to our world for the first time (must be signed in to view). What can I do to improve? Thanks!

  2. Whispering Night profile image62
    Whispering Nightposted 7 years ago

    Grammarly is not helping much.

  3. chasmac profile image78
    chasmacposted 7 years ago

    What happened to the dead professor who offered to fix all your mistakes?

    By the way, why are you claiming that these personalities are communicating for the first time? You're not the first claiming to be in contact with dead folks.

    In fact, there was a famous case of a woman a few decades ago who claimed to be in contact with Beethoven. In her case, though, she didn't claim to receive a boring "I used to play music" kind of message; she claimed to have received music composed by Beethoven himself.

    The reason her claim received a lot of attention is that experts looked at the music and had to agree it was very much in the style of Beethoven, which begged the question: How could this woman who (I think) could play some piano but wasn't a musician and certainly wasn't knowledgeable enough to compose music, produce complex music in the style of Beethoven?

    You previously invited us to ask questions of the spirits - so here's one. You met John Lennon recently, so please ask him something that has intrigued guitarists for decades:

    Just before the start of 'A Hard Day's Night', John Lennon plays a single guitar chord. What was it? There are two or three very similar possibilities and it's hard to hear exactly which one he actually played. So guitarists have argued over it for years. Now it can be put to rest simply by asking the man, himself.

    I'll pay you in advance for this information by correcting your title:

    Beethoven, Mozart and Bach talks to our world for the first time

    Beethoven, Mozart and Bach Talk to our World for the First Time.

  4. Whispering Night profile image62
    Whispering Nightposted 7 years ago

    Your talks are powerful and wise. I guess you are talking about Rosemary brown. Yes, Beethoven really helped her play the piano. I know only two songs of John Lennon they are Imagine and Woman. I don't want to encourage people to talk with spirits directly. However, I will make an exception for you.

    From John Lennon

    “The song Hard day night is played using a single chord. I manipulated it to sound like three chords.  It is slightly difficult to do. Press bar seven and then go to bar three. You will get the melody. That is the magic of this song. That’s it.”

    I don’t know anything about playing guitar. Hope this answer from Lennon will solve the puzzle.

    1. theraggededge profile image88
      theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      You misunderstood the question, Jesus Talks. Chasmac asked for the single opening chord. People have been trying to reproduce it for years. John Lennon, would have, of course, known exactly what the question was. Therefore, you have demonstrated another example of fakery. Your credibility is on the floor.

      By the way, Emily Dickinson's English has also gone awry, "Winter as gone and summer as come..." I thought they used some sort of keyboard to contact you? Therefore, you can't get the grammar wrong, can you?

      You told us previously that we can ask any question of 'the spirits' and you would get the answer. Now you're saying we can't do that? If they are reluctant to answer, why bother contacting them in the first place? They all say the same thing anyway. "I was a musician/poet/important person. Now I'm in heaven. It is peaceful here. Goodbye." Boring.

      So why can't musicians access music in 'heaven'? If they can see that their work is preserved here, then they can still access it. You are muddled and confused.

      And why use the name, 'Jesus Talks'? Are you in touch with Jesus? Is he an interpreter? What is actually going on with you? Do you need to see a doctor?

    2. chasmac profile image78
      chasmacposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, it reveals a very serious problem. First, I didn't ask how to play the song; I just asked about the initial guitar chord that guitarists have argued over for years. It was a simple question, and I don't see how he could have misunderstood it.

      The serious problem is that the answer given couldn't have come from John Lennon. You see, I'm a guitar teacher, and I (and millions of others) know exactly how the song is played after that initial chord is struck, and it's nothing like what JL replied. In fact, it's easy for any guitarist to see that the reply doesn't even make sense. "Press bar 7 and then bar 3 to get the melody"? NO - that's impossible. Even beginner guitarists would realise that's wrong.

      In other words, this answer didn't come from anyone who knows how to play guitar. Therefore, it didn't come from John Lennon.

      As you insist that you're not delusional, and that these messages are from the afterlife, have you considered the possibility that you're being fooled by mischievous spirits pretending to be dead celebrities? That would explain all the inconsistencies.

  5. Whispering Night profile image62
    Whispering Nightposted 7 years ago

    People are acting funny and not taking the spirit communication seriously so I stopped doing so.

    I already told you I make mistake while taking notes. That's why I am here looking for help from fellow hubbers.

    I am no more Jesus talks you can call me Puppy talks I feel cute that way.

    I pray you live for 150 years before you reach heaven.

    I asked John Lennon again about this.

    He said they are talking about single chord and he has no idea about it.

    Emily Dickinson looked at your picture and said you are a stranger to her world.

    1. theraggededge profile image88
      theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      There is no spirit communication. Not in this case, anyway. You need to get this: the messages are excruciatingly boring. There's no personality in them. They are robotic, uninteresting and very, very dull. And often factually wrong. I'd give it up, if I were you. Those 'spirits' are playing games with you.

      Why don't you try to write something original and interesting while you are here? You've already shown you can be quite humorous. Write about your life experience or where you live or your job.

  6. Whispering Night profile image62
    Whispering Nightposted 7 years ago

    This message is from Lennon To chasmac.

    I am dead I don’t remember anything now.  My life has a guitarist has long gone.  You are still alive enjoy your life peacefully.  Lennon

    Hi Raggededge,

    You want me to return to the normal world and talk about everything happening under the sun. I have already collected messages from ancient Egyptians through a translator.

    You see there is a large group of people who really want to hear about this.These messages are absolutely real. I think my hubs will make hub pages more famous and attract a lot of people to all the hubs posted here.

    Grammar mistake is the only thing stopping my messages from being seen I guess. I make mistake while taking notes. The spirit English is really good.

    My profession is animation.

    1. theraggededge profile image88
      theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      "I ruled ancient Egypt. When I died they wrapped my body in cloth. I am in heaven now. It is peaceful. I wish peace upon you all. Lots of love Amenemhet IV."

      "I am Cleopatra. I was the ruler of Egypt before the Romans came. I am at peace in heaven. Please stop the wars and love each other."

      See... I can do that stuff!

      I hate to be the one to break it to you, but your hubs are not going to make HubPages famous. Any fool can see that the messages are fake.

  7. Whispering Night profile image62
    Whispering Nightposted 7 years ago

    Do you think you are talking to a normal powerless human being? Try to take a deep look at my eyes. You will fall back in repulse. I am telling you the truth. This is serious.

    1. theraggededge profile image88
      theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Arghghgh! You're right.

      Okay, so how many visitors has your first hub received? How are you promoting it? Let's see if we can help you in some way with suggestions of how to get some traffic.

  8. Whispering Night profile image62
    Whispering Nightposted 7 years ago

    I see a double and single red triangle appearing in all my hubs before it gets unpublished then turning to blue triangle.

    1. theraggededge profile image88
      theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      What are the actual numbers? Those triangles don't mean very much - they appear because people here are visiting your hubs.

      Okay, have you got a Facebook account? You'll need one. Then you need a dedicated page for your messages. On this page, publish one single message each day. Join as many paranormal/psychic Facebook groups you can. Interact and talk about your experiences.

      Then you'll need a Twitter account for your paranormal stuff. Every time you publish a hub, you can post the link to Twitter. At least once a day, give out a little message from the spirits with a link back to your hub.

      Now, think about this: people aren't really interested in what the long dead have to say. What they are interested in is how you can help them. You might not want to be dealing with their loved ones, but the dead celebs you do talk to need to have relevant messages that chime with everyday folk. If you haven't heard of her already, go look up the spiritual channel, Esther Hicks. She channels messages that people can relate to. Useful stuff like how to get happy and all that. How can you help people in that way?

      It really doesn't matter if you make it up, as long as it is helpful and useful. All the stuff about 'It is peaceful here' is not important to people looking for a spiritual experience. You have to relate it to them, personally.

      You can argue against what I say all you like, but it is the truth. No-one cares what Brahms has to say. They might be slightly interested in David Bowie, but anyone who passed many years ago... meh... boring. However, if you can tell me about my Granddad, I'd be really impressed.

  9. Whispering Night profile image62
    Whispering Nightposted 7 years ago

    Your Granddad name is Henry Thomas Jeffery.  He lived in Norway.  He got married twice.  He worked as a mason. He suffered a fall while climbing mountain. You are born after he left this world. He was a tough person.  His wife had a difficult time with him. He never cared for his daughter. But he died a happy man.

    These words are spoken by Cheiro the clairvoyant

    1. theraggededge profile image88
      theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, that's almost right. So close.

      So what about the Facebook thing then? That will help your work become famous.

  10. Whispering Night profile image62
    Whispering Nightposted 7 years ago

    For a change I am writing a story I will post it when it is completed.

  11. Rupert Taylor profile image96
    Rupert Taylorposted 7 years ago

    I am not a musician but it seems the mystery chord has been decoded
    http://www.noiseaddicts.com/2008/11/bea … rd-solved/

  12. Whispering Night profile image62
    Whispering Nightposted 7 years ago

    The spirit of Cheiro the Clairvoyant said to me that people will not believe these messages are true no matter how much I try. But I would like to say it is from real people. They too have emotions and feelings like us. We forget the dead easily and not ready to welcome them once again to our world. I want the younger generation to connect with them. That's my idea behind doing this. Our children should know the past of our world.smile

    1. theraggededge profile image88
      theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Could you tell Cheiro, that both my grandfathers lived in the West Country of England, one in Devon, the other in Cornwall. Neither of them had those names. Jeffery is not a family name. Both were only married once - and both stayed married until they died. Neither went to Norway. Both lived until I was grown up, well into their 80s, in fact my mother's dad only died 10 years ago. One was a Captain in WW1, the other was a prisoner of war in Germany for 6 years during WW2.

      So how can I believe anything Cheiro (or you) says?

      Those spirits are sure leading you a merry dance, Jesus Talks.

      How's the story coming along?

  13. Whispering Night profile image62
    Whispering Nightposted 7 years ago

    Ignore what Cheiro said. I am not going to believe what he says anymore. Hereafter I am going to focus on writing short stories.

  14. chasmac profile image78
    chasmacposted 7 years ago

    John Lennon says he doesn't remember anything about music, so I'm wondering why he said "The song Hard day night is played using a single chord. I manipulated it to sound like three chords.  It is slightly difficult to do. Press bar seven and then go to bar three. You will get the melody. That is the magic of this song. That’s it.”

    If he now knows nothing about music, why would he lie and pretend to know? Was he trying to fob me off with a quick answer, hoping I (and other readers) also knew nothing about music and wouldn't see through his nonsensical reply?

    I'm also wondering why he forgot everything about music. You said that after we die, the only self-identication we have are our memories and (I think) achievements. Other dead musicians haven't forgotten - You confirmed that Beethoven helped that woman write music years ago.

    In future, I think you should avoid musicians - They've nothing interesting to say and they all sound like they'd rather be somewhere else - somewhere with music. To misquote a song, "Those (un)lucky old sons ain't got nothing to do but stroll around heaven all day". No wonder they all sound depressed.

    But I've got a good idea - Dump the musos and movie stars and contact philosophers. I actually got this idea indirectly from you when I read one of those quotes you posted:
    "Uncertainty is an uncomfortable position, but certainty is an absurd one".

    A brilliant quote by Voltaire who, fortunately for us, made it while he was still alive.
    So your task, as I see it, given your stated desire of helping children understand about the 'famous dead' is to get quotes like that from Voltaire and his mates. Quotes of that quality are what will bring knowledge to children about the philosophers and also useful life knowledge.

    But if brilliant minds such as Socrates come out with "Yeah - a bit boring here - nobody ever argues about anything," then we'll have no option but to accept theraggededge's fair assessment that the spirits are leading you a merry dance, and are NOT who they're claiming to be.

    I see you're thinking of dropping this activity and going to write short stories instead - OK - Good luck with that, but try to get a few parting profound quotations first from the philosophers.

  15. Whispering Night profile image62
    Whispering Nightposted 7 years ago

    I don't know what's wrong with Cheiro but he was able to answer my questions by looking at my face even before I can ask him.

    37 years passed since John Lennon died it seems he really forget everything I guess.

    You have to excuse Cheiro and Lennon they are losing their head in this crazy heaven

    I respect Rosemary Brown and it is important for me to protect her identity she created. She is an excellent musician she doesn't need anyone.

    lots of other wonders happening in my life and I will not share everything.  cool

    1. theraggededge profile image88
      theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Except he wasn't able to answer anything.

      Have you considered asking for help with all this? You seem confused. Perhaps you should see a doctor? And I'm suggesting this in the kindest possible way.

    2. theraggededge profile image88
      theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      She's dead. You said they forget music when they die.

  16. Whispering Night profile image62
    Whispering Nightposted 7 years ago

    cool cool cool


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