A message to the rude, cynical and ugly commenting blanks

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  1. Tashaonthetown profile image82
    Tashaonthetownposted 6 years ago

    I recently asked my fellow writers to vote for my book so that it can be published, and it will be published either way because that is my ultimate goal but it would be nice to have support from the people that I support every year.  I also wanted to share how easy it is to write a book and to publish it but before I could get anywhere it is like trolls wait around to crit and have something ugly to say which I find extremely unnecessary and also childish.
    Do we here on hubpages having nothing better to do than sit at the computer waiting for someone to do something so that you can quickly say something ugly and pick on people who are trying?
    I find joy in seeing other hubbers publish their articles and it would definitely make me happy to know that they are publishing a book or achieving a goal that they have wanted to so why have something nasty or cynical to say....spend more time thinking about writing rather than waiting to criticise others.  Feel free to have your say if you are a published writer or you have won some sort of an award but if not then rather walk away from the conversation and find yourself a life or a story to complete!
    Have you found nasty comments on your forum discussion or hub and if so then vent and share your thoughts so that the bullies here can get lost and find something productive to do rather than give a ..... if we are promoting or working on getting more traffic!

  2. melbel profile image94
    melbelposted 6 years ago

    It happens. You did break the forum rules and that can be really annoying to users. It happens more than you think --- usually the mods clear it up before people really crowd around it, but for people who spend more time on the forums, spam gets annoying.

    Look, you made a mistake. I've made a mistake with things and I think we all have. I think the best bet is to admit you made a mistake, brush it off, and move on.

    I see you're quite a prolific writer here. You have a LOT of hubs (awesome!!) I hope that this forum foul-up doesn't stop you from achieving your dream to get your book published. I am starting my own book now.

    Don't stop with books, either. Keep hubbing!

    Quick tip (edited: apparently this is not quick because I rambled): I use Grammarly (haha, I spelled that incorrectly, too funny!) It helps me not only find spelling mistakes but also weird phrasing in some of my hubs. I ALWAYS have it on, even though sometimes the plug-in can make hubbing a little annoying. (I don't work for Grammarly, I promise! I think their premium price is out-of-touch so I use the free one.) I'm just letting you know because I was visiting your profile and found a spelling mistake on one of your hubs. I ran every hub of mine through Grammarly and I was like, "OMG! I promise I can write!" It was embarrassing! Anyway, it helped with traffic. I recommend it because I wouldn't have caught the error on your hub otherwise!

    It's in the description of "How to Tell if He is Flirting"
    "Sings that he is flirting with you and what to do when he flirts"
    You meant to say:
    "Signs that he is flirting with you and what to do when he flirts"

    Keep plugging on and know that those you feel attacked you on the forum today *might* have gotten snippy, but also know they really mean to be good for the HubPages community and you'll find down the road that maybe the one that made you feel the worst isn't so bad after all! Or maybe not. But don't let anything hold you back from feeling good, yeah?

  3. Tashaonthetown profile image82
    Tashaonthetownposted 6 years ago

    thanks for the kind response. Nothing will stop me from publishing, I have published 3 books already but this one has been the hardest to get done. spelling mistakes happen to me all the time, I write at night when I am half asleep sometimes. thanks for the heads up I am going to change it right now!! publish your book go for it and do it now!!

    1. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Tasha, spelling mistakes do not "happen to you" - you make them, so you can control them.  You owe it to your readers to publish a book that is a pleasure to read, not just for its subject but because it is well written.

      IMO it's fine to write a first draft when you are half asleep but then you have to sit down and edit it carefully when you are awake...then you will give your book (and your Hubs) a much better chance of success


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