Amazon capsule acting funny

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  1. Whitney05 profile image81
    Whitney05posted 15 years ago

    I went to add another product to an existing hub created last month, and all products disappeared, leaving the no products label. I took off the third product and the other two showed again. I added it, and all three disappeared again.

    Added the third product to a different capsule, and it shows fine. Added it back to the original, and all products disappeared.

    Gave up and just have the one product in the one capsule. Working fine for now.

  2. Maddie Ruud profile image69
    Maddie Ruudposted 15 years ago

    Hey Whitney,

    We can't seem to replicate this.  Could you email a link to the hub in question and the problem product to the team email box?

  3. Whitney05 profile image81
    Whitney05posted 15 years ago

    I emailed team at hubpages dot com last night.

    Today, I have noticed many hubs with amazon products, some of capsules say that no products are available, but I'm not sure if it's the same situation my dad and I were experiencing yesterday, or if none of the products in the capsule were available.

    On a side note, why is it that sometimes you can see a product on amazon, but when you paste the asin number, HubPages says the product doesn't exist? This is aside from one product not existing and the entire capsule saying nothing available even if the other products pull up.

  4. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 15 years ago

    I experienced the same problem with products disappearing, while I was editing. But when I stopped editing and saved, everything looked fine.

    I think the other problem. The frustration of seeing products on Amazon and then getting the message "no products available" has to do with some of the merchants (such as Macy's) who use Amazon. They have very strict rules about what products an affiliate can use - because they have agreements with brands that don't want to be on affiliate sites. I'm a Macy's affilate and they don't include those brands in the data feed available to us. It may be the same sort of thing. Amazon is okay, we're not. Just a guess though.

    1. Whitney05 profile image81
      Whitney05posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      The problem isn't the one item not showing, but the one item causing nothing to show, but working in a capsule on its own. I can edit and save, and still nothing shows. Like I said, I saw many like that today, but because they're not my hubs, I don't know if there was only one product that is no longer available or if one item is causing nothing to show. I only assume its the same or similar issue I have bee experiencing, because all of he other amazon capsules in the same hubs had a full 4 per capsule.

      I didn't think about other sellers using amazon not allowing another company to sell the products, but if it's still through amazon, how is it different? Amazon is still selling the product, not HubPages.

  5. karpouzian profile image61
    karpouzianposted 15 years ago

    Yep, I've been experiencing this also.
    I should have searched better before I wrote my own topic about it sad

  6. Whitney05 profile image81
    Whitney05posted 15 years ago

    Maddie. I have these two hubs that I spotted that do not show amazon products when in regular view, but you can see them in the edit view.
    The capsule titled Buy Natural Dog Shampoo and Buy Dog Conditioner
    The capsules titled Dog Sweaters and Dog T- Shirts

    This hub has the same problem as yesterday
    with this item number B000OS9SRE

    1. relache profile image67
      relacheposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I just looked at this one.  There's four Amazon capsules on the page, and to me, two show products and two don't.  Strange.

  7. Maddie Ruud profile image69
    Maddie Ruudposted 15 years ago

    We're working on it, guys, but we can't seem to replicate the original problem Whitney reported.  We do need to make some changes to the Amazon capsule because of some changes on their end, by August 15th, so perhaps that will clear up the problems.

    1. Whitney05 profile image81
      Whitney05posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yea... In edit view I can see all of the products and full capsules, but when published, nothing is visible.

      If you aren't able to fix the original problem, or if they can't clear it up on their end, does that mean that I should go through all hubs and find the ones that are messed up and manually fix by finding which product is causing the entire capsule to so "no products available"? :-/

  8. Janet21 profile image80
    Janet21posted 15 years ago

    From what I can see none of the amazon product photos are showing up on any of my hubs.  Looks yucky.  Hopefully, this is fixed with the updates.

  9. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 15 years ago

    Oh me too!!! My hubs look crappy as well. This isn't going to be great for sales. Wow first my hubber score tanks and then this. I'm have not such a great day at hubpages.

  10. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 15 years ago

    I've emailed Maddie about this to make sure that they are aware of the extent of the problem. Between one thing and another, this is a totally crappy day.

  11. Anna Erwin profile image59
    Anna Erwinposted 15 years ago

    yes!  It is very annoying.

  12. Whitney05 profile image81
    Whitney05posted 15 years ago

    Mine seem to have been corrected, at least the ones that I posted, to include the initial one that caused this thread to be opened. I don't have time to check out all of mine, so I'm going to hope that the others are ok.

  13. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 15 years ago

    Mine are not okay. If others are experiencing this problem, perhaps you should also email the hub team and let them know. So they don't think that it's isolated. I have not received any reply from Maddie or anyone else in response to my email.

    I can live with an oddball hubber score, but missing product images are definitely a revenue killer. I make most of my money from Amazon at Hubpages.

    1. Maddie Ruud profile image69
      Maddie Ruudposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Just hang in there, guys, for a few more days.  The Amazon API has changed, and we're busting our butts to get things in line by the 15th.

  14. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 15 years ago

    Um the 15th is a week. Well nothing I can do about this. Work on some other revenue stream.

    1. Maddie Ruud profile image69
      Maddie Ruudposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      We may have it done before then, that's just the deadline.  We're doing our very, very best.  What with the EBay mess, things have been pretty hectic over here.  Of course, we're just as invested as you are in making sure all revenue streams are fully optimized.

  15. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
    pauldeedsposted 15 years ago

    Do you have specific examples where images aren't showing up?  I looked at several of Janet21 and Nelle Hoxie's hubs and they all had amazon images in them.

    1. Janet21 profile image80
      Janet21posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I just took a look at five of my hubs and not one has an amazon image displaying.  I am certain that none of them do, atleast when I am viewing them.  If it is not a localized problem, do you think it is a web browsing issue?  I am on IE. 

      I also looked at a few of wordscribe41 and Nelle's hubs and don't see any amazon images displaying there either.

      1. profile image0
        wordscribe41posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Maybe it's an Internet Explorer issue.  Will try with Firefox.

  16. profile image0
    wordscribe41posted 15 years ago
    1. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
      pauldeedsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I see images in the amazon capsule in that hub.  Perhaps this is a localized issue with amazons image servers.

      1. profile image0
        wordscribe41posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Very odd, indeed Paul.  A localized issue makes a lot of sense, but wonder why a good deal of others are experiencing the same thing.

  17. profile image0
    wordscribe41posted 15 years ago

    I CAN see the images with Firefox, has to be an IE issue!

  18. RedElf profile image89
    RedElfposted 15 years ago

    Greetings - I had a similar problem with three of the hubs I published earlier this week. The Amazon products appeared correctly until I published and then vanished, leaving only the N
    "No Amazon Products Found" notice.
    This happened, as I mentioned, with three of the HubMob posts. I had to go back in on three consecutive days to get the ads to "stick". It was frustrating because the particular products that wouldn't "stick" in one capsule would display fine in another.
    They seem to be alright now, but it was an annoying few days, there.
    The only thing I did differently with these from any other hubs I have worked on was that I created about four at the same time (well, sequentially,) but here's the process I used...
    I "answered the question", created the URL and title, populated the links, chose the products for the ad capsules, and uploaded all the photos to their capsules for that Hub. Then I saved the Hub unpublished and went on to the next title I wanted to use. I then went back to insert the text and finished each one, publishing it and connecting to facebook as I completed each in turn.
    Any ideas what might have caused it, or how I might avoid it in future?

  19. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 15 years ago

    I just checked 5 hubs. The first hub I wrote with Amazon capsules, the last one and 3 in the middle. I can't see product images in any of them.

    But I am happy that others might be able to. Maybe they'll buy something.

    Seriously I had my best day ever with Amazon yesterday. And was hoping for another today.

  20. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
    pauldeedsposted 15 years ago

    Hmm, ok it does seem to be an issue only with IE.  We should have it fixed shortly.

    1. profile image0
      Nelle Hoxieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Oh good, I'm so stressed that I took my chaise lounge/umbrella to the beach and am working here. It is soothing my soul and my spirits are starting to lift.

    2. profile image0
      sandra rinckposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I was using google chrome when I noticed this.

    3. Janet21 profile image80
      Janet21posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I have found that IE is almost always the culprit in situations such as this.  wink

  21. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 15 years ago

    Oh I use IE too. And I looked at Janet21's and Whitney's hubs and I can't see any Amazon images on them either.

  22. viryabo profile image85
    viryaboposted 15 years ago

    When i first noticed it today, i was a bit worried. No images on amazon capsules but product names and prices only. Feel much better that something is being done about it.
    Never made any Amazon sales, but who knows when my lucky day will come.

  23. viryabo profile image85
    viryaboposted 15 years ago

    Back to normal now.

  24. profile image0
    wordscribe41posted 15 years ago

    Yeah, thanks Paul!  It's fixed now.

  25. Janet21 profile image80
    Janet21posted 15 years ago

    Everything looks good now. Thanks for the quick fix!


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