Hub stalker

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  1. Dolores Monet profile image93
    Dolores Monetposted 15 years ago

    I have had a visitor to a hub leaving comments that argue with my take on a topic. That's fine, in fact, can make it all the more interesting. But the hub was a warning to young women about dangerous guys. He keeps coming back. Finally, I started to deny his comments. He still comes back. Now he wants me to delete all his comments unless I allow his new comments. I think he is trying to rattle me on purpose, as if he is one of the nuts that I am warning about.  I am not afraid of him but wonder if I should delete his earlier comments as he has requested.

    1. profile image0
      Pacal Votanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I'd delete all his comments and if he still comes back report him to admin.

    2. Daniel Carter profile image63
      Daniel Carterposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Leave his comments. He can't have it both ways. He wants to be heard, then he doesn't. His behavior speaks for itself. Just leave them.

    3. profile image0
      cosetteposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      that guitar pick hub was really great! reading more. take care.

    4. Angel Of Love profile image64
      Angel Of Loveposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I usually approve comments, even negative ones, as long they do not violate any TOS.

  2. relache profile image65
    relacheposted 15 years ago

    Dolores, you should contact admin about this issue.  Posting in the forums is going to be visible to this person and often just throws gas on the fire.

  3. Beth100 profile image70
    Beth100posted 15 years ago

    Have you reported this??

  4. Dolores Monet profile image93
    Dolores Monetposted 15 years ago

    He is not being threatening or mean. It's just a bit weird. Almost silly to report.

  5. Beth100 profile image70
    Beth100posted 15 years ago

    Harrassment is never silly to report.  Any cause of discomfort is a sign that things are not right.  The fact that you posted this proves that you are uncomfortable with this.  Report it.  It is the job of the admin. to deal with this.

  6. profile image0
    \Brenda Scullyposted 15 years ago

    if it is bothereing you enough to bother you, then just report it, it is unkind to bother you like this good luck

  7. Dolores Monet profile image93
    Dolores Monetposted 15 years ago

    okay. you are all right about if it's weirding me out, but, as i said, he does not threaten. i was wondering about protocol as well as common sense, if i should just delete the whole discussion which is actually interesting in that opposing opinions really add interest, and make you thing a bit about what i am saying.

  8. Beth100 profile image70
    Beth100posted 15 years ago

    Why give in?  They're your hubs.  The final decision is yours but giving into the demand is sending a signal that you are willing to give over your power.  If this person doesn't like that you are not accepting new comments, then it is that person's issues.  Not yours.

    1. Dolores Monet profile image93
      Dolores Monetposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Okay, thank you, Beth. You are right. I want to keep the comments but end it so that the same stuff doesn't keep going on and on. I was mostly wondering about hub protocol.

      1. tantrum profile image59
        tantrumposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          You should leave so people can laugh at them. I haven't seen your hub, but i'm sure it adds spice to it smile

        1. Dolores Monet profile image93
          Dolores Monetposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Oh, well, maybe I insulted him on my last comment so he is annoyed at me having the last word. I think he is a nut.

          1. tantrum profile image59
            tantrumposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Give me a hint. which hub is it. I'll go and look . Thanks !

            1. Dolores Monet profile image93
              Dolores Monetposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              I did not want to come here and push my hub but it's 10 Reasons to Dump the Guy - He's Probably a Sociopath

  9. Misha profile image66
    Mishaposted 15 years ago

    There is always something to learn from the opposite side. Could it be your discomfort is caused by the need to open your mind a bit? smile

    1. Dolores Monet profile image93
      Dolores Monetposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Misha, I want to hear what the other side has to say. That's why I listen to AM talk radio. It was just the thing of how many times can someone say pretty much the same thing over and over til it get boring. Maybe I am close minded on certain subjects. At a certain age, one does become set in one's ways. haha

      1. Misha profile image66
        Mishaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Oh, absolutely. I was just sharing what i would do under such a situation. Probably not too good wording on my side, sorry smile

  10. Lisa HW profile image64
    Lisa HWposted 15 years ago

    I'd leave what I felt like leaving and deny what I felt like denying.  That's how it goes.   smile

    I've had protocol on my mind recently because there's one person who is adding links to his/her own Hubs on a bunch of mine.  There's this kind of thing:  "Great.  Here's mine!" (and then the link).  It isn't even so much the link that bothers me, as the quickie remarks that somehow come across as silly or unprofessional (or something).  I'll admit, though, the link kind of irks me too (because I always add a bunch of related to Hubs in a link capsule; and HubPages shows yet more of them.  I don't want to seem unfriendly, or unsupportive of another Hubber, by denying these cheerful little additions to Hubs that have a fairly serious tone; but they have a "you-show-me-yours/I'll-show-you-mine" air about them.  So, unfriendly or not, I'm denying them all.  hmm

  11. wsp2469 profile image59
    wsp2469posted 15 years ago

    I think whatever is supposedly going on is good for you in terms of exposure.  There's your silver lining.  Besides, this is only the internet.  Helloooo?  It's like "Strawberry Fields. . . nothing is real, and nothing to get hung about. . ." 

    I LOVE these people that think you should actually "report" this person.  Oh please!  This is how you GET a high profile and hub score, people.  I AM curious where I can find a job description for the admin. since SOMEone here has seemingly seen it I can only imagine it must be available to everyone and anyone to read. 
    I don't believe that ANY sign of discomfort is automatically a BAD thing.  Controversy gets you readers and readers get you points.  The only other way to get points is to have a job where you have built-in readers for your hubs like some of the spiritual leaders who write hubs here. . .either that or pander to the general populace and write about "no-brainer" swubjects such as making money, losing weight or celebrities.  Don't knock this guy.  if not for HIM and your posting a forum saying you are concerned I wouldn't even know who you are!  Silver lining,okay?

  12. Lisa HW profile image64
    Lisa HWposted 15 years ago

    wsp, if she doesn't feel like being bothered debating the person, or if she isn't comfortable posting what he has to say; any "silver linings" probably don't matter to her.  A lot of people are more concerned with the content appearing on/with their Hub.  Besides, it's outside traffic that matters, and visibility on the forums isn't likely to bring much of that in.

    1. wsp2469 profile image59
      wsp2469posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      If she doesn't want to debate the person she can just not approve any of his comments.  Ditto if she is concerned about the content.  Yes, if you want to make advertising MONEY it might be outside traffic that matters.  However, I was simply speaking of getting other people to read your material. 
      I was not referring to any "potential" advertising income.  I was simply saying that visibility brings in readers.  I don't write here for any "potential" income.  I get paid cash for writing elsewhere.  So when I think about hubs I think about getting read not the "potential" to make money.  Sorry for the confusion. 
      (This actually helps prove my point.  If I was more visible you would have known my attitudes and understood that I was referring to more visibility getting you more readers here.  I know when I read something funny here I share it with outside friends.  I doubt it brings in any money but it does get those writers more readers.)

  13. Dolores Monet profile image93
    Dolores Monetposted 15 years ago

    Lisa, I don't think that you are being unfriendly. I've had people want to post links in comments that have nothing to do with the content of the hub. Aren't those people spammers/

    WSP, your are right about the silver lining. Of course I want readers, but this guy was starting to bug me.

    Pacal, you can't report someone for being redundant. He was not a hubber.
    I am not here as an attention getting move, just wondering how hubbers handled certain situations.

    1. profile image0
      Pacal Votanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I know. I was just an opinion. smile

  14. profile image0
    cosetteposted 15 years ago

    the best way to handle people who harrass or annoy you is to ignore them completely. especially online. if it were me, i wouldn't report him because it seems to me that would just escalate things (unless of course he gets really wacky on you, then of course). can you block him? also i wish i knew who it was in case he starts commenting me. well, anyway, good luck in whatever you decide.

  15. tantrum profile image59
    tantrumposted 15 years ago

    @ dolores
    I found the hub. I think it's funny. just a weirdo. Leave it there.No big deal LOL!!

    1. tantrum profile image59
      tantrumposted 15 years agoin reply to this
  16. AEvans profile image75
    AEvansposted 15 years ago

    Dolores, I have had a stalker report it to HP it is not funny and it could get worse. Just like Relache said you are feeding into his fire. Report it immediately before you truly run into some trouble trust me it does not feel good. sad

  17. profile image0
    Crazdwriterposted 15 years ago

    I would report it Dolores, weirdo, stalker, whatever he is. I would still report it!

    1. tantrum profile image59
      tantrumposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        It's not that bad !! Kind of funny. But you know me,I like weird funny stuff. lol

      1. profile image0
        Crazdwriterposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Ain't that the truth lmao that's why you are such an interesting person Tantrum!

        1. tantrum profile image59
          tantrumposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            But did you see the hub ?

          it's 10 Reasons to Dump the Guy - He's Probably a Sociopath

          Go and tell me what you think. I'm really interested in your view. Please !

          1. profile image0
            Crazdwriterposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Why do yu wanna know what I think? Oh I did date one if yu want to know that. Scary ain't it? But it's all good. I think her hub was very informative and really well written. the weirdo leaving messages is WEIRD

            1. tantrum profile image59
              tantrumposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Well you dating one. That's a hub topic! write it down, seriously! smile

  18. SweetiePie profile image79
    SweetiePieposted 15 years ago

    There was a poster from an IP address in China that left like seventeen messages about dating sites on one of my hubs.  Thankfully the system spammed most of these, but if a person was going to all that trouble I was beginning to wonder why.

    1. tantrum profile image59
      tantrumposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        these are personal comments. Have you seen it ?

  19. profile image0
    \Brenda Scullyposted 15 years ago

    I am always stalking Tantrum because he finds the good hubs

  20. profile image0
    Crazdwriterposted 15 years ago

    aaa...I don't know if I should Tantrum I doubt anyone wants to hear about that lol

    1. tantrum profile image59
      tantrumposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Why not ? write as a short story. I'm sure is going to be great. Give it a try !! big_smile

      1. profile image0
        Crazdwriterposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I'll think about it Tantrum...I'll think about it. smile

  21. profile image0
    pgrundyposted 15 years ago

    I usually approve all comments but if they're really hateful or just personally insulting I ignore them after a bit, or sometimes I approve them and ignore them because I just get sick of arguing some point with somebody. I mean, the way I see it, I expressed my opinion in the HUB. If they have THAT much to say they can write their own damn hub. So sometimes when it's like that, I bow out because I just get bored with the discussion.

    I do get off-site comments that are weird but they don't bother me. A couple offsite people make a point of dropping by regularly to tell me I'm an idiot, which I find kind of flattering. I mean, they make this special ongoing effort. It takes energy. It takes time.

    They're like my anti-fan club or something.

    Pam, you suck. I love you Pam! lol

    1. tantrum profile image59
      tantrumposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      lol lol Why nobody posts this things to me ?!! I'd loved it ! lol Thanks God you have sense of humour ! smile

  22. profile image0
    pgrundyposted 15 years ago

    I have deleted two comments tho that threatened physical violence against other posters. Those were just creepy so I deleted them.

    1. profile image0
      Crazdwriterposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Are you serious? ppl are stupid enough to do that on here? oh how sad!

      1. profile image0
        pgrundyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        The person who did that was an off site commenter. It IS sad. sad

  23. profile image0
    pgrundyposted 15 years ago

    I guess you have to have a sense of humor here or you go nuts. smile

    Mostly it's pretty nice at HP. I write for other sites and the comments here are definitely the nicest overall.

  24. Dolores Monet profile image93
    Dolores Monetposted 15 years ago

    Pam, I've read a lot of the run on comments on your hubpages. Amazing how they can go on and on. I am sure you draw a lot of kooks because you write about interesting and controversial subjects. But, after a while, I would ignore some of them too.

    1. profile image0
      pgrundyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I know, right? lol!

      There's one in guy in particular who writes endless essay-length comments on my hubs but rarely writes hubs of his own. At some point it's like, dude, get a life! big_smile

  25. Lisa HW profile image64
    Lisa HWposted 15 years ago

    Pam, I like the negative comments and post them too, as long as they're not too crude.  The best negative comments are the ones that offer a different opinion without attacking me; but I have some that say I'm a crazy person who needs "professional help" - and I like to leave them there for the world to see.  (They're using amazingly unreasonable.  lol)  I had one person, though, direct really crude and nasty stuff at me; and when I didn't post it this fool then added comments about his "freedom of speech".  lol   

    Your remark about "write their own damn Hub" makes me laugh, because I've gotten those too (the ones where people tell you what you didn't add and should have added  lol).  "Write your own damn Hub" is always my immediate reaction.   lol

    1. profile image0
      cosetteposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      so far no one has left me any negative comments but if they do i won't delete them. better to let them stand so the world can see how cantankerous they are wink

  26. Dolores Monet profile image93
    Dolores Monetposted 15 years ago

    At first, it was a real thrill to get any comments. And negative ones were welcome, they added interest. But the redundant whiner will be denied. Also obvious spammers.


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