What is your purpose for being on HubPages? Everyone had a purpose for joining,

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  1. GinaCPocan profile image59
    GinaCPocanposted 12 years ago

    What is your purpose for being on HubPages? Everyone had a purpose for joining, what was yours?

    When I ran across HubPages, it looked real cool I joined actually a couple years ago, but never did nothing with it. I wanted to write, but it seemed complicated. I love to write since a child. I think I was depressed, and it wouldn't surface, so I let it go. I forgot my password. So I made a new account, and now I am working with it, trying to learn the site. I just want to share my thoughts, what I know, learned, and what I'm still learning. Anything else is secondary. Give your reasons of why you came to HubPages.


  2. tsmog profile image86
    tsmogposted 12 years ago

    Well, just start writing and publishing. You have a lifetime to learn it all, and it will take a long. long, long time to learn only this  much [ ] LOL. Why I came here and joined is I bumbled into it. And, I was posting at a forum and the forum posts were getting longer and longer. Now, I am discovering I have an opinion or view on certain things and that blogging isn't what hubpages is about. So, I'm creating a blog for my opinion stuff. I don't know if that is true with others or not. remember Gina to just smile and have fun, fun, fun

  3. Emma Harvey profile image73
    Emma Harveyposted 12 years ago

    I can't remember how I came accross Hubpages, but I signed up to write and practice online articles and blogs. I didn't originally try to make any money as I wanted to set up a business in content writing. I was learning SEO and wrote to see if I could do it. I had articles on a personal website too. I like the fact that I can write anything virtually on just about any topic I choose, and I like the feedback. I am also learning still and hubpages it a good place to practice.

  4. NYMiskovic profile image60
    NYMiskovicposted 12 years ago

    I joined HubPages two years ago with the sole intention of using it to make money. Unfortunately, I didn't make a single penny. So, I let it go and haven't published a hub in over a year.

    But now I'm back--with a different purpose in mind. I've always loved to write and I come from a family with a  long line of female writers. A few of them have even been published. And after having suffered a battle with depression, I learned that writing keeps me centered and calm. It is with this in mind that I've returned to HubPages.

    It is now my intention to write and publish hubs as a creative outlet. I'm going to share several of my short stories that I've written and maybe even share the novel I'm working on. I hope that I'll receive some constructive, useful feedback on my writing.

  5. GinaCPocan profile image59
    GinaCPocanposted 12 years ago

    I love these answers, keep them coming smile Thank you.

  6. Attikos profile image79
    Attikosposted 12 years ago

    I was looking for a place to publish articles I couldn't sell for a decent price elsewhere, that still offered some chance for a bit of revenue and opportunities for comments from other writers, and that did not seize ownership of my work in exchange for a ridiculous pittance as most self-publishing Websites do. Hub Pages provides all those. The money you can make here is not an impressive amount. Precious few people make enough to pay for their time. Nonetheless, it's a way to gain some exposure, hone your Internet writing skills, get a little cash, and build relationships with others who have interests similar to your own. I frankly know of no other site on the Web that meets all the requirements I put on one.

  7. Seeker7 profile image80
    Seeker7posted 12 years ago

    I joined because I liked the look of the place after browsing for a while. I wanted a place where I could get my rusty writing skills well oiled. I didn't know how long I would be around Hub Pages or if I would even like it - but that was 10 months ago now and I'm still loving it.

  8. Rosie2010 profile image68
    Rosie2010posted 12 years ago

    I stumbled upon Hubpages while I was trying to figure out Squidoo, and never looked back.  I love Hubpages and its great community of hubbers.. most are very helpful and friendly (most, but not all, some are trolls lol).  I wanted to see if I could make money writing, and was so thrilled when I made my first dollar.  When I joined Hubpages in November 2010, there was no Hubpages Ad Program yet.  Now with the HubAds and the new eBay affiliate, there are more ways to earn money here on Hubpages.  I'm not a big earner, but the fact that I earn a few dollars for writing is exciting to me.  Do you think I should go out more often? lol

    Give it one more try.  Write whatever you are passionate about.  You said you love to write since you were a child, then do it.  Join the "30hubs in 30days" challenge.. I did it on my first month, and it gave me incentive to write.  Join the forums... have fun with us in The Sandpit.

    I wish you all the best here on Hubpages.  Welcome back, Gina!

  9. Dennis AuBuchon profile image62
    Dennis AuBuchonposted 12 years ago

    I joined hubpages as another resource to publish topics important to America.  I also liked the fact that the hubs are rated and you receive comments.  Other sites do not have this option.  It is an opportunity to get important feedback and to get to know other writers that I may not ever have known existed.

    The quality of the authors on this site is I feel great along with the quality of the hubs they publish.  I write and publish articles on several sites each with a different focus/topic. 

    I am not sure how I found hubpages but I am glad I did.  I feel it is easy to navigate and get someting published and gain exposure.  The addition of the subdomain element was great and it has increased my exposure for my writing and expertise.

  10. Borsia profile image39
    Borsiaposted 12 years ago

    Ha ha, I write here and answer questions just for the heck of it. I've never made any money doing it, at least none that I am aware of.
    I do other writing, mostly about travel and travel safety. I have a book out on the subject if anyone wants to check it out it is called Smart Safe Traveler and I have a website by the same name.
    Hub Pages gets me thinking about other topics.
    I probably should start just writing a hub a day I write quite a bit every day already. Usually several thousand words.

  11. iviskei profile image72
    iviskeiposted 12 years ago

    This is going to sound really bad, but I'm broke and writing is my only real skill. My friend actually came across hubpages first. I joined to see if it was a legit program and it seemed to be. Sadly I can't write as often as I want to, but what I do write I am happy to post here. ^_^

  12. profile image0
    HERBERT ubaldoposted 12 years ago

    To express my feelings and opinion towards many things.

  13. wellspoken profile image60
    wellspokenposted 12 years ago

    To share with the world things that I find important. I love to write its my passion and I wanted to share it with the world.

  14. Buttercupbb profile image60
    Buttercupbbposted 12 years ago

    I forget exactly how I stumbled upon this site, but I know my purpose of joining Hubpages was to have an outlet for my writing.  Plus I want to somehow make money from writing.  So far I'm making pennies a day, but I'm having so much fun writing!


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