Does anyone from HubPages do any editing for these articles? I hop a few here an

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  1. TeriSilver profile image91
    TeriSilverposted 13 years ago

    Does anyone from HubPages do any editing for these articles? I hop a few here and there to find

    many, many, MANY poorly written, poorly spelled and unedited pieces that are hard to read, so I just have to ask the question; what does HubPages do, if anything, to ensure quality? What are writers doing to ensure quality?  I'm not perfect ... far from it ... and yes, I have seen some well-written pieces. But more on the negative side and so, for the sake of credibility, it is very important for all writers to edit, proofread and ask questions.The dictionary and the AP stylebook are our friends. If someone from HubPages can chime in here ... Is there a way to clean up these hubs, some?

  2. thoughthole profile image94
    thoughtholeposted 13 years ago

    I wonder the same, I have no answer but would like to follow your question to see who does. I read check and re-read my few hubs. I find new things to fix everytime I look them over, but I have seen many hubs that seem to have been put together without a second or even first thought in many cases.

  3. Jon Peterz profile image60
    Jon Peterzposted 13 years ago

    Vote those hubs down and/or flag them for being poorly written , translated, etc.

  4. lobobrandon profile image76
    lobobrandonposted 13 years ago

    No ones perfect. Like you say even I'm far from it.  But our writing does make sense to the reader & it satisfies them. However, there are many hubs that make no sense at all. Those ones I vote down and if they are extremely bad I flag them.

  5. sweethearts2 profile image75
    sweethearts2posted 13 years ago

    Writers are advised from the beginning to work toward quality writing.  As a member of HubPages, it is not my desire to discourage others by posting negative comments.  Those that are hard to read or follow are flagged or bypassed.  Perhaps, they will learn to do their own editing by following those that exemplify quality. Example is a very good teacher. If their desire is to earn money, that may motivate them as well to publish quality work.   They have a passion about what they want to say.  If that passion is strong, they will learn how to say it.  Life is a learning process. Expression is part of that learning process.   I'm learning as well.

  6. jonmcclusk profile image60
    jonmccluskposted 13 years ago

    In my experience, if HubPages finds a Hub unsatisfactory they will stop it from being published within the first day and send an email to the user telling them to fix it and submit it for re-publication.

  7. Millionaire Tips profile image85
    Millionaire Tipsposted 13 years ago

    I try to focus on my own writing, and just move on when I find a poorly written hub. I think over time, the poorly written hub will wind up on the bottom of the pile, since no one will be going to them to read, and the better written ones will rise to the top, and have more views.

    I type my articles in Word, and run a spell check and grammar check.  Then I read the article to make sure everything is written as clearly as it could be.  It takes time to do all this, and it certainly would be easier to simply push the publish button and move on to the next hub.

  8. terrektwo profile image71
    terrektwoposted 13 years ago

    I think a lot of people may be in it for the money and unfortunately quantity over quality is the determining factor. The more articles you have the more money you make. It can be a shame sometimes though.

  9. FloraBreenRobison profile image61
    FloraBreenRobisonposted 13 years ago

    This is exactly why are asked to hub hop instead of only following hubbers who interest us.

  10. ronhi profile image65
    ronhiposted 13 years ago

    One of my friends had her account banned due to numerous grammatical errors in her hubs.

  11. profile image0
    Kieran Gracieposted 13 years ago

    Some of these bad articles are examples of article spinning, in my opinion.  I think that spinning is the bane of article marketing.  It produces 'clone' articles that are often unreadable, and its main purpose - getting lots of backlinks to a webpage - is never achieved because these links are low grade and totally useless for SEO. 

    So, if any spinners out there are reading this, please just save the $60 or so per month that spinning software costs and write proper, unique articles. You will get much better links and traffic in the long run.

  12. Express10 profile image79
    Express10posted 11 years ago

    I have used the hopper less and less for this reason. However, I must say I really do find a few gems there but it does seem to take some digging now. I'm sure that some form of writing sample and grading system would raise the quality for Hubpages. Whenever I've found even minor typos in any of my hubs, I feel completely embarrassed. I cannot imagine putting out something anywhere near the worst of the worst that I've seen with my own eyes in the hopper.

    Over the year that I've been here, I have come to think that many of the hubs that you say are unedited are probably not unedited but written by non-native English speakers who are attempting to write for a completely different language and culture. The others are likely poorly written, unedited, and rushed.


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