Made in the Image, Born of the Spirit
In living our lives sometimes we lose the intent of our lives.
We took the risk of falling in love....and we were all the better for it.
We have places in our heart that we sometimes fear. Our fears and sadness can soften and allow us thankful reveries to bring us from shadows of life.
When we rescue an animal we do more than just save them - we give them back their purpose: Loyal, loving guardians & companions without judgment.
Life can be a real "joy ride."
This is the 2014 Motto of Wealths Across America whose mission is to Remember, Honor and Teach . A motto we should all adopt for living our lives.
My Dearest, October 12th, has proven to be day of transformation. From a solemn day of great pain, I have learned I can celebrate the memories of your life.
We Dream, We Live, We Remember
We were excited when you turned one, two and three. You were excited to be five. You should be 3 times as excited now and I am left wishing you could be three a little while longer.
Life follows life...certainly not in the physical sense but emotionally and spiritually a life influences a life. A life I held for a while left a legacy, a beautiful gift for the heart.
A tribute to those of courage yesteday, today and tomorrow.
Mother's Day comes and goes, but a Mother's Daze lives on.
A love strong and beautiful resonates, sending echoes into our dreams.
For Krissy. My daughter wanted me to write an essay about the bravery of her father for a writing contest. Bravery doesn't belong in a contest. Bravery is a marathon. Courage is the finish line.
The moon & stars our son & daughters The sunrise & sunsets your love & trust The music & poetry your smiles & dance The world & universe your embrace & kiss The remaining tomorrows a heart full of memories. Lovely! epi, You...
Forever, When did it start? Did it start at birth? The birth of what? Conception Inhalation Maturity Love Death. Forever, Is it limitless? Is each birth a beginning? The beginning of what? Life Independence Wisdom ...
Challenging times need extra encouragement and hope. Despite the pain of the world, there is solace to be found in the efforts of others.
My older brother passed away October 6th, 2012 and due to issues related to ex's we were finally able to celebrate his life with a small memorial service this past Sunday, December 9th, 2012. Dealing with lawyers and estranged in-laws kept me from...
Lately, the best part of Wednesday scary movie night has been the time spent with a dear friend, hot soup and warm bread. This recipe is another favorite. The movies not so much. Maybe we need to find a different genre. Any suggestions? Olive...
This is a response to a posting on facebook that is what I believe is meant to be inspiring but yet I find incomplete and subjective. Of course, blood does not make a family. If blood is the prerequisite: extended and blended families would never...
We all wobble, totter, and stumble as we grow. And, we sometimes continue to do so throughout our lifetime. Here's hoping you find comfort in knowing there is someone there to hold, guard, catch and love you throughout your life.
His nervousness during dinner and shyness over coffee in that small cafe in Summit suddenly was overcome by his anxiousness to leave. He quickly announced, "Let's get out of here!" It had become a rush to pay the check and leave. A simple reply...
Smoke gets in your eyes as the flames burn. I'm not talking about love.
When you wake tomorrow you will know our love was right Because, I will only leave when the dream is sweet, my sweet. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I can't go when there are challenges, I will keep you safe. I can't go when there is...
a wish became a dream and the dream became reality. Forty years ago (1972), in this hour (9:30),on this day (July 10th), lives were altered. Leading up to this event, plans and preparations were made for nine months. What a short time to prepare for...
in the quiet of the early morning Beyond the humming of an appliance Absorbed by the coo of the mourning dove Yet it rings so loud it shatters what seems to be silence across the globe and remains unheeded by many. in the center of a family...
An invitation I couldn't resist.
I heard myself say “no cost”, when I was asked what the cost was for my husband’s memorial and committal services. I knew the minute I said it I was wrong but, I didn't correct my statement. There was a cost. A cost that is buried with him. A...
We feel blessed and grateful when we have the things we hoped for or have achieved our dreams. We, your parents, were blessed and forever grateful to have you in our lives and a part of our dreams.
A moment will someday be a memory that brings us pleasure or cause us regret. Live each moment so that it is our gift in the future.
If there's a pot of hot soup on the stove and the DVD is ready to start, it must be Wednesday. My horror movie friend picked up the movie and I made the soup. Note: she's a great friend whose company I enjoy at all times, but we started years ago...
The gift of voice with it's expressions of excitement, tenderness and beauty seems to be replaced with a conversation placebo. This is a result of our growing technology and not as a result of hearing loss. Although loss of hearing is a possibility...
What will be, will be. That's what we decided. We discussed the different possibilities that evening, after work in that old run down bar at the docks in Burnham. We had no idea where our plans would take us, but we needed to address the elephant in...
Gift baskets hold more than candy and ballons. They can be filled with love and warmth.
This seems to be the favorite at church gatherings, young and not so young. An empty pot always returns home from the youth group meetings and everyone requests any leftovers at family potlucks. I am having a great deal of trouble getting this...
Soup is a lot like a family. Each ingredient enhances the others; each batch has its own characteristics; and it needs time to simmer to reach full flavor. Marge Kennedy I have a friend with whom I share a variety of things. Our birthday's are...
Love can be a powerful thing, proven in the twinkles that remain. In my 65th year of life, my granddaughter reminded me of loves perfect examples.
Balms serve several purposes: seasoning;beauty;protection;soothing;sofening;fragance and most definitely healing. Love was ours.
God-Centered Resources from the Ministry of John Piper "I believe the glory of God is the going public of his infinite worth. I define the holiness of God as the infinite value of God, the infinite intrinsic worth of God. And when that goes public...
A poem is defined as: 1. piece written in verse: a complete and self-contained piece of writing in verse that is set out in lines of a set length and uses rhythm, imagery, and often rhyme to achieve its effect 2. writing with poetic effect: a...
Do troops have a true last battle? For too many the answer will always be a resounding no. All battles are not left behind on foreign soil. Troops long home from WWII, Korean Conflict, Vietnam War, Persian Gulf War, War in Afghanistan, War in Iraq...
When the book of life closes that is only the first half of forever.
We are surrounded by people who inspire us; give us new visions; make our lives safe; give us hope.
If an action is due to love, then the reaction is also due to love. Our Desire...Our Love Our Love...Our Passion Our Passion...Our Power Our Power...Our Fulfillment Our Fulfillment...Each Other Each Other...Our Desire Your Love...My...
I have been knitting and crocheting prayer shawls for several years. I started when our church started a Prayer Shawl Ministry. There is nothing really complicated in making shawls many are without intricate patterns and made using basic knit and...
Because I stood in love's sunshine, I now stand in love's shadow. The shadow exists because there was sunshine.
I had given up on wishes. Given up so many times, I had forgotten that I had wishes. But, I did have wishes. Wishes to be rich. Wishes to be beautiful. Wishes to be loved. Wishes to be happy. Wishes, Wishes and more Wishes. I...
The footprint of our life impacts not just the enviroment.
Bill's inurnment service was held April 4th,2012 at 11:00 am in Arlington National Cemetry. Miles and hours away from our home, but only a heartbeat and a memory away - Safe at rest in my heart.
The evidence of a dearly missed life.
This is not a tragic mourning process. It is not a process needing approval. It is not a validation process. It is a process for my celebration and understanding. It's a process of clarification for me. It's a process to strengthen me. It's a...
The beginning of a story of two people each searching for fulfillment and finding what they least expected.
Reflections of the moments in my life that affected my breathing pattern.
Bill, I know now (or I like to think I do) we didn't fall in love just once. It was over and over, again and again but starting without an ending and beginning. It was a continuation and a growing. It was, also,part of the maintenance needed to...
When you see forever in someone's eyes, don't look away. Abide in the love.