Does anyone know if the Hub Pages are deleting old accounts that have been inact

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  1. Goody5 profile image61
    Goody5posted 12 years ago

    Does anyone know if the Hub Pages are deleting old accounts that have been inactive for a long time?

  2. profile image0
    paxwillposted 12 years ago

    Depends on what you mean by inactive. I don't think they would do it if the accounts have hubs that are featured, but wouldn't surprise me if they deleted the 0-hub accounts where the owner hasn't logged in a long time, or accounts with nothing but low-quality hubs. Still, I think they would at least make an announcement on the forum, and I haven't seen one.

  3. sweetie1 profile image48
    sweetie1posted 12 years ago

    I do not think it would be wise Idea as hub pages wont gain anything but might loose some revenue from the hubs which still have good traffic but the authors haven't logged in for more than couple of years. Simply because he couldn't get his adsense account approved so he lost interest and Hub pages are showing their ads on his blogs.

  4. sm825 profile image61
    sm825posted 12 years ago

    They will probably delete accounts if the account has not been active for a long time, has no Hubs, or they have not been getting any views for a long time. But authors that are getting views and have a good amount of quality Hubs will not get deleted for inactivity. It would not make sense if they got rid good Hubs, authors for not being on for a long time yet they get a lot of views still.

  5. ib radmasters profile image62
    ib radmastersposted 12 years ago

    What about the accounts of those hubbers that were banned by hp?
    It seems ridiculous to keep them when the author is banned from publishing them.

  6. watergeek profile image100
    watergeekposted 12 years ago

    I was flagging them for awhile, but was just told that they stay if they are not violating HP's spam or obscenity, etc. rules. Why do you ask?

    1. watergeek profile image100
      watergeekposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Let me clarify. I checked with Hubpages last week, who said that they don't delete them, no matter how long they've been inactive, unless they are purely promotional or are offensive in some way, i.e. they break the HP rules.

  7. SweetiePie profile image78
    SweetiePieposted 12 years ago

    I have been writing on Hubpages off and on for six years, and I honestly never spent a minute thinking about profiles with no hubs.  Actually, a couple of the best commentators on one of my hubs awhile back simply signed up so they could read and write comments, and had no intention of writing hubs.  If the person is not trolling the site, then why would anyone care if they did not write hubs?

  8. Rock_nj profile image85
    Rock_njposted 12 years ago

    There is a person who signed up under one of my referral trackers about a year ago.  They never published a Hub and have a Hubscore of 0.  I think they signed up and have done nothing at all since then.  Those might be the sort of accounts that HubPages is deleting.  Of course many writers are also leaving due to being upset about changes at HubPages.  We can see the evidence of that too.

  9. Dr. Haddox profile image61
    Dr. Haddoxposted 12 years ago

    Not necessarily. I do not know what is "inactive for too long." It is a good question. I do not know the exact answer "on top of my head." We will have to look into it or get the answer from other hubbers who know for sure.
    Dr. Haddox

  10. wqaindia profile image34
    wqaindiaposted 12 years ago

    I think keeping old inactive accounts have same implications as keeping an inoperative Bank account. Bank's do not allow operations in the account without a request from the customer. However the balance in the account remains protected if it is more than negligible (prescribed minimum). Negligible balances become zero after a period of time due to application of charges. The banks mark the accounts inoperative as per uniform laws and procedures. Similarly HubPage, I think, will first announce the policy guidelines and thereafter make such accounts inactive in two ways:
    1) Where the balances ( articles as Hubs) are below the prescribed minimum.
    2) Where the balances ( articles as Hubs) are more than the prescribed minimum.

    In the first case HubPages may like to delete accounts to clear its database of the undesired burden. The user may have to make fresh ID after passing through quality control tests.

    In the 2nd case HubPage may like to maintain the Hubs of the account holder and transfer the user details to Inactive accounts. Such accounts may be allowed to be revived after passing through security questions.

    However if an user expires/dies then I think the HubPages has not made any visible policy so as to transfer the Hubs to the legal heirs or successor along with revenue accruing in the account. In the virtual world I have not come across any such policies where while making Profiles one may be prompted to fill in the email ID, Name, address or mobile number of the nominee so appointed.

    If such policies are framed than, I think, there may be provision to send an email or SMS to the appointed successor's (Nominee's) for his/her confirmation. After receiving the confirmation the Profile of the Hubber may show "verified nominee or successor" to the estate of the owner at HubPages.Moreover during the life time the hubber's account if the account has the tendency to become inactive due to hubber being incapacitated due to illness or otherwise then, I think, HubPages may provide the Hubber's account to be transferred in the name of a person of his/her choice in similar fashion as Blogger allows transfer of Blogs from one author to another author with 100% ownership and withdraws his/her ownership.
    In such situations the HP may take another PayPal email ID of choice of  transferee and I think Google Adsense has the provision of transferring Google Adsense account to transferee after proper verification. These provision can solve future problems.

  11. ppiuk profile image60
    ppiukposted 12 years ago

    Yes Sure. They will delete your account. If they found any promotional type of thing in it.

  12. peachpurple profile image82
    peachpurpleposted 12 years ago

    i don't know how long will HP tolerate for those hubbers with "O" hubs. I have seen some hubbers with such account for 3 years but still their account still stays.


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