Noindex nofollow

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  1. stefan profile image39
    stefanposted 17 years ago


    I have noticed that my hubs (and hubs of many other people) have the
    NONINDEX and NOFOLLOW get in the robots META tag.

    This means that these pages won't get indexed and links won't bve followed.
    Is this an intentional move?

    I have checked other hubs and some of them don't have it.

    Can anybody shed some light on this?
    I think this is very crucial, because if pages don't get indexed - that means no visitors..


  2. profile image56
    freelinksposted 17 years ago

    As far as I know, the two attributes are applied once your overall hubscore drops below a certain value, as some sort of spam protection. It was explained somewhere in the "help" section some time ago, but I can't find it any more.

    New hubs should be fine, as long as you don't have too many hubs flagged. You just got two, so making a new one without nofollow and noindex shouldn't be a problem.

    Unfortunately I can't tell if your flagged hubs get those attributes removed once your overall score rises again of if they are "lost" forever.

  3. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
    Paul Edmondsonposted 17 years ago

    We are working to provide a high quality experience.  Content that can be found entirely in many other places adds little value.  If you think Hubs were flagged in error, please let us know and we'll take a look.

    If you create high quality original content, you'll be fine.

    1. thefluffanutta profile image59
      thefluffanuttaposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      Paul, while it's probably a good idea to flag low quality hubs with nofollow, the implementation here at HubPages is wrong. I hate to bring this up, because one of my own hubs has fallen below the threshold, but I want to HubPages to be a better place. Let me explain:

      Adding the meta tag robots="nofollow" tells robots not to index new pages (i.e. pages they don't know about) which are linked to from this page. However, it does not stop PageRank / link juice from being passed to those pages.

      The correct way to prevent PageRank / link juice from being passed is by adding rel="nofollow" to every external  in the hub.

      Wikipedia explains this: … ofollow.22

    2. mistergold profile image58
      mistergoldposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      Paul, almost all my hubpages have unique original content and I'am not a spammer (you can see it for your self),  but hubscores are constantly falling and is low and ("NOFOLLOW" "NOINDEX"). What to do in this situation ? I think your system is not working efficiently.
      Please, explain. I am looking forward to your quick answer.

    3. Jerrico Usher profile image56
      Jerrico Usherposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      are you the same paul that owns hubpages? (two profiles? a writer one and a forum answerer one?)

      just clicked when you said "were working to provide.."


      1. darkside profile image60
        darksideposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        There are two Paul's at HubPages Inc.

        Mr Edmondson and Mr Deeds.

        You may also see a Jason around the forums too from time to time.

  4. stefan profile image39
    stefanposted 17 years ago


    I think creating high-quality content might not be enough.
    I do have unique content on my hubs - no spamming, nothing bad.
    But my score keeps dropping and dropping, I can literally watch it going down.
    Now at 13 and 16 (last week it was 50) and an hour ago 15 and 17
    I don't know how this score algorithm works but I have the feeling there must be something wrong with it.

    I don't know why people that have almost nothing but at picture and a link on their hubs have scores of more than 50 and why all of my scores go down more and more.....

    Does anybody know how excatly this scoring system works?
    It seems at bit strange.

    1. Jerrico Usher profile image56
      Jerrico Usherposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I noticed that when you sign up your hub score is never the same either, mine opned up at 60 my dads at 0.. strange.. maybe your name or description of yourself have something to do with it.. he had no explanation of himself... hmmm learn new things all the time.. love it.

  5. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
    Paul Edmondsonposted 17 years ago

    Your early content was flagged as low quality and subsequently all Hubs after are also flagged.  I can lift the status from your future Hubs.  Although, if new Hubs are added that are low quality or spam, the entire account will have the status applied.

    We are trying to protect the site and the goal is for high quality original content.  It adds value for readers and for everyone that publishes at HubPages.  Please keep this in mind when publishing hubs.

  6. grantsforwomen profile image59
    grantsforwomenposted 17 years ago

    I have the same problem. I have never created a hubpage before, my first article ever is spanked with no follows.

    When I do a search on hubpages for my title "Government Grants For Women" there are literally no other articles covering this topic.

    Am I missing something?

    Could you remove the nofollows from my page?

  7. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
    pauldeedsposted 17 years ago

    Once your user hubscore reaches 75 those nofollows will be removed.  Getting to 75 is pretty easy, you just need to participate a little in the HubPages community.  The reason for that policy is to discourage spammers from repeatedly creating new accounts and making one hub linking off to the sites they are promoting.

  8. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
    pauldeedsposted 17 years ago

    By the way grantsforwomen, we don't really consider posting formulaic comments to a bunch of hubs related to the topic area you want to promote a positive contribution to the community.  You are treading on thin ice.

  9. grantsforwomen profile image59
    grantsforwomenposted 17 years ago

    ok that makes sense...

  10. Marisa Wright profile image86
    Marisa Wrightposted 17 years ago

    I read Grantsforwomen's Hub and it reads like a teaser for her e-zine article, rather than a proper Hub in its own right.  Even though it's a reasonable length, there's not much sign of any attempt to lay it out nicely.  Which makes one suspect that it's just an attempt to promote the e-zine article.  I assume that's one of the criteria that would quickly spark a "no follow" penalty.

    I can sympathise with you Grantsforwomen, because we're all told we have to get out there and promote our articles.  The thing is, though, that HubPages isn't the place to do it.  I used to write on Helium and first checked out HubPages as a means to promote those articles - but I pretty quickly realised that it's a superior product in its own right - now my Helium profile points people here instead!

  11. grantsforwomen profile image59
    grantsforwomenposted 17 years ago

    yea I guess I didn't realize this wasn't the place to do it... I stand corrected! Also pauldeeds I was glad to see you deleted those comments, I went to see if I could delete them and I realized you had done it for me... I don't want to be out of line here...

  12. Marisa Wright profile image86
    Marisa Wrightposted 17 years ago

    I notice a lot of hubs by Dsitar - all of them are pretty much the same.  An invitation to download a ringtone based on a song, followed by a video of the song plus the lyrics.

    When you read one or two, they look OK, because they have a reasonable mix of pictures and text.  But on closer inspection, each hub is really just a promo for the ringtone.  If anyone is going to get a nofollow, this should be it, surely?

  13. sjtpalmer profile image58
    sjtpalmerposted 16 years ago

    I think the concept of having to earn the right to have no-follows remove is a good one. For all of us posting unique, un-spammy content, it may take a little longer, but it's worth the wait.

    We don't want hubpages to become just another right?


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