Some of my Hubs are on page 1 of google search results but...

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  1. hinazille profile image82
    hinazilleposted 12 years ago

    Some of my Hubs are on page 1 of google search results but...

    ...i am still barely getting 30-40 views daily on each of the articles... I have also not made anything in commissions, maybe I am placing my Ads in the wrong place or something??

    Any ideas on what I could do to improve my situation? I love to write - its an over riding passion of mine - but in order to dedicate the amount of time I would love to spend on it, I need to make some income from it..

    For example, if you type in 'how to record professional vocals' into Google search bar, my article should come up at number 5 on page 1, out of 22,600,000 results!but im only getting 30 views a day??

  2. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 12 years ago

    I'm thinking you're running Google adsense?  You could sign up for the HP Ad program....and make a little every day rather than gamble on clicks.

    ...but It's not for me to say whether you'd make more or less that way in the end - please don't think that I'm saying you'd make more, but you'd definitely be making something.  One must experiment.

    Nevermind - I checked, and it looks like you are doing the HP ad program.  Were I you I'd type something on top of your amazon capsules.  I'd at least put your keywords in the title area above the amazon ads you've got.  You could also suggest, "buy White Willow Bark On!" or something like that.

  3. hillymillydee profile image60
    hillymillydeeposted 12 years ago

    Where are your traffic coming from, is it from the search engines or from within the hubpages community? Because for me the majority of my page views are from hubpages so I can't expect a single penny from them.

    But I can see you are in the front page of googles, so maybe you need to wait a little more time for more traffic to come. Because not all readers are buyers, it just happen that the ones who read your hub just need your information and don't have the intention to buy.

    I have lots of websites promoting amazon products, for more than 20,000 clicks this month, 1,500 products sold, so just to say that we need more traffic in our hubs.
    Not only that we need traffic but we need to write more hubs because if one hub is not earning the other hubs will.

    But a good writer like you, earnings will come soon just keep writing!

  4. awayre profile image66
    awayreposted 12 years ago

    hinazille, The keyword your are ranking for on the first page - "how to record professional vocal" - gets only 210 *monthly* searches (as reported by google's adwords tool). But you must be getting some long-tail traffic or may be ranking well for other keywords like "how to record vocals" or "record vocals" which do get quite a bit of traffic. I think your traffic is excellent for the keyword you have chosen. About the second part of your question - why low click-throughs - I can not say because I am new to huubpages.

  5. CrescentSkies profile image67
    CrescentSkiesposted 12 years ago

    I have a feeling you're not studying this right. If I type "any" of my hub titles into google search I'm automatically ranked #1 or #2 simply because it's a perfect title match. What you need to search for are your first 5 tags, if you rank #1 from any of them, then you can expect to get some traffic when people search those terms.

  6. wilderness profile image96
    wildernessposted 12 years ago

    Awayre is correct, there are only 210 searches per month for that keyword.  And if you are in fifth position you would be lucky to see 10% of even that low figure.

    So if you are getting 30-40 views per day you are doing quite well.  Plus, you need to consider that relatively few hubs will ever see even that much traffic.

    If you mean you are earning zero income, and are signed up for HPads, something is probably wrong there (is your ad setting on "high"?).  If you mean not much instead of zero, well, even if each of your hubs are producing 30 views per day that's still only 330 views.  A reasonable income stream seems to be around $4 per thousand views, or around a dollar for 300 views.

    If you are only signed up for adsense, I would probably expect the earnings to be even less.  Most(but not all) hubbers report better income using HPads.

  7. BlissfulWriter profile image72
    BlissfulWriterposted 12 years ago

    It is also depending on what search phrase you are using in which you got in the number one position on Google search.   If it is not a highly searched keyword, then being on number one spot may not provide that many page views. 

    Even if you do get page views, if you are using Google adsense, you won't get any commission unless someone clicks on the ad.   However, if you are using HubPages ad program, then people do not need to click on the ad in order for you to get a bit of revenue.   Hence I would recommend turning on HubPages ad program.

    To determine whether a keyword phrase is being searched a lot on not use the "Google external keyword tool".  You will find the link by typing in "Google external keyword tool" in Google.  By using that to you well know what are the popular key words to put in your title of your article.   This is known as keyword analysis.

  8. ShootersCenter profile image65
    ShootersCenterposted 12 years ago

    You need to find more of a niche, if there are 22.6 million articles on the same subject you're going to get those results. Try looking for Google results of around 5 million, you're views will go way up. Most of my sites are seasonal, which could also be the case. I try to come up with other articles on different subjects to fill those seasonal gaps.


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