Does anyone else miss the old hub hopping version? - I am not a fan of the new v

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  1. sallieannluvslife profile image78
    sallieannluvslifeposted 12 years ago

    Does anyone else miss the old hub hopping version? - I am not a fan of the new version.

    It is too difficult to stop hopping and get back to your home page.

  2. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 12 years ago

    Yes, Absolutely. They have made something so simple into something that is almost impossible to judge? If it ain't broke, Leave it alone.

    1. sallieannluvslife profile image78
      sallieannluvslifeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I agree JThomp42....I enjoyed hopping before, now I'm not so thrilled with it...sad

    2. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Me neither Sallie.

  3. cactusbythesea profile image75
    cactusbytheseaposted 12 years ago

    After an initial test of the new hopper, I haven't used it again yet.  I'm not a fan of it yet.  It sounds like HubPages is still tinkering with the hopper, so it might get some of the old functionality back.

    1. sallieannluvslife profile image78
      sallieannluvslifeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I hope you are right, catctusbythesea!  Bring back the old hopping!!!

  4. wetnosedogs profile image60
    wetnosedogsposted 12 years ago

    I don't like the new version at all. Basically quit hopping, something I did enjoy with the original version.

    1. sallieannluvslife profile image78
      sallieannluvslifeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I agree, wetnosedogs.  Maybe if we all send a nice note requesting they return to the previous version, they will.  smile

  5. duffsmom profile image59
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    I dislike it intensely and wish they had not changed it. It took the joy out of "hopping" for me, and I no longer do it.

    1. sallieannluvslife profile image78
      sallieannluvslifeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with you, duffsmom...

  6. lone77star profile image72
    lone77starposted 12 years ago

    The new one seems to say, "you have to read this hub, whether you want to or not." Yuck!

    I liked the ability to click hop to escape from something about which I had absolutely no interest. Right now, it seems that the only way to do multiple hops is to exit and come back in. Duh! Broken!

    1. sallieannluvslife profile image78
      sallieannluvslifeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      ABSOLUTELY!!  That is one of the key reasons I do not like it as well!

    2. Au fait profile image84
      Au faitposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Not to be redundant, but you can click your computer's back button just like you would if you wanted to go back to a page you had just left and that will move you on to a different hub.  No need to grade one you don't want to grade.  No need to exit.

  7. profile image0
    Garifaliaposted 12 years ago

    I'm new here and don't understand what you're referring to. It might be different from what I understand, but all I do is go back up to my name and click on profile. Am I missing something?

    1. sallieannluvslife profile image78
      sallieannluvslifeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Garifalia, if you go to your account, there is a little frog icon for hub hopping where you can view, read, comment and vote on other various hubs.  The old version you could skip to another one if you didn't want to read it and vote and comment..

    2. Au fait profile image84
      Au faitposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You can still skip to another hub if you don't want to rate the one in front of you.  Just hit your computer's back button like you would do if you wanted to go back to a page you had just left.

  8. profile image0
    KDuBarry03posted 12 years ago

    I highly enjoyed the older version of the hub hopper because we were able to read, vote, and comment. I prefer to comment on new hubs because it shows that I actually read the hub and I'm giving them my time to show courtesy in a comment; plus, I love commenting on other hubs smile

    To be honest, I like some aspects of the new version (such as the overall voting system); however, I think this new system might still be in beta. Perhaps they are running it to see how it works out? If this question gets to the Hub Staff, then maybe we can mix both of them together? I think having the overall votes and the comments will be satisfactory for everyone on here.

    1. sallieannluvslife profile image78
      sallieannluvslifeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with you about reading, voting and does show the reader that the hub was actually read....I liked that part, as well.

  9. profile image0
    danielabramposted 12 years ago

    I love the new hubpages profile! So much cleaner and more intuitive.

  10. Faceless39 profile image93
    Faceless39posted 12 years ago

    At first I thought it was a great update for the Hub Hopper.  That quickly changed.

    I hate the new format.  Most writers on HP are not professional editors or grammarians, and I fear for my hubs being judged so intensely and intricately by people I don't know.

    We can no longer comment or rate the hubs we're hopping, which was an enjoyable way to see new content on here. 

    They've taken away everything that was good about it, and replaced it with, basically, a labor-intensive job that we don't get paid for.  No thanks!

  11. Au fait profile image84
    Au faitposted 12 years ago

    I've tried it a few times now and I don't like it as much as the old version.

    To escape the program simply click on "Hubpages" on the upper left corner.

    To move to a different hub for any reason, click on your back button or whatever you call it on your computer  -- upper left corner on mine.  It's no different than if you wanted to go back to a page you had just left.  I've tried the forward button, but that doesn't seem to work.  Don't be afraid to experiment with these things.  Your computer will not break. wink

    The reason I don't like the new system is that there is no place to leave comments.  It all seems to be very anonymous.  While it might seem more objective to judge a hub when you don't know who the author is, at the same time, do they know who judged them and how?  Are the authors even told the results of the 'grading?'

    With the old version it was nice to come across a newbie who had written a really good hub and to be able to encourage them through comments.  That is the part I miss most.

  12. UnnamedHarald profile image95
    UnnamedHaraldposted 12 years ago

    I used to hop around hubs using the hub hopper. If I found something that caught my eye, I'd give it some thought and feedback. It ain't hub hopping anymore; it's hub crawling and I either have to make 3 judgements or exit and go back in. It has defeated its purpose. If I see a hub that's boring (to me), I'd rather hop to a new one rather than pretend to judge something I didn't read or only skimmed. I can't see how that helps anyone.

    1. Au fait profile image84
      Au faitposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You can click on your back arrow at the top of your screen, just like you would do if you wanted to go back to a page you have just left, and it will take you to the next hub to be judged.  There is no need to exit and go back in.

    2. UnnamedHarald profile image95
      UnnamedHaraldposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, that makes sense: to hop to the NEXT hub click your browser's BACK button. Nevertheless, it works! Magic. Thanks Au fait.

      I doubt many will figure that out without a little text explaining it.

    3. sallieannluvslife profile image78
      sallieannluvslifeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, I did know about the back button, but it still does not have a way to get out of hopping like it used to and there is still no way to leave comments or votes, which was the most fun part of hopping different hubs.

    4. Au fait profile image84
      Au faitposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Just click on 'Hubpages" on the top left of your screen and you're out of hub hopping.  It takes you to your feed page.

  13. Diana Lee profile image77
    Diana Leeposted 12 years ago

    I tried it. I don't like to waste my time reading the ones which don't interest me and be forced to rate them before I can hop to the next one. How could you rate the hub fairly if you're not interested in the topic?  I can't.

    I like to leave comments on the ones I really enjoy. This feature is gone.

    1. sallieannluvslife profile image78
      sallieannluvslifeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I whole heartedly agree with you, Diana!

  14. Efficient Admin profile image85
    Efficient Adminposted 12 years ago

    I like the old Hub Hopping much better because then I could skip over topics that I was not interested in learning about. 

    On the old hub hopping I really enjoyed reading new hubs of interest and voting them up and it was a really good way to support people when they write new hubs.


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