Better mix of categories & no hubs shown twice during hub hopping.

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  1. Christine Miranda profile image70
    Christine Mirandaposted 12 years ago

    I like hopping hubs, learning new things and meeting other hubbers. However, I have absolutely no interest in reading hubs on religion, politics, poems, fictional stories or some far away place I will never visit so I skip them. Usually this is no big deal but I just hopped about 30 hubs and no word of a lie at least 20 of them were religious. I gave up and stopped hopping.

    With all the categories on HubPages you would think there would be a broader range of categories popping up.  With all the hubs on HubPages you would think you could hop for hours and never see the same hub twice but after about 25-30 hubs they start showing hubs a second or third time.

    So I guess this is three requests in one.

    1. No repeating of the same categories over and over during a hub hopping session.
    2. No repeating of the same hub during a hub hopping session.
    3. If you are going to continue to show so many hubs of one category and repeat hubs during a hopping session then it would be great if you could add a button that says "Don't show me anymore hubs in this category."

    It may be a stretch but it doesn't hurt to ask. smile Thank you.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I must confess, I've given up hopping because I find the new system so frustrating.  However, I'm pretty sure it shouldn't give you the same Hub again in the same session, so maybe it would be worth reporting that as a bug?

      1. Christine Miranda profile image70
        Christine Mirandaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Marisa, you know that you can still access classic hub hopper right?  The first thing I do when clicking on 'hop some hubs' is click 'Access classic hub hopper because I don't like the newer one. [See Pic] The hub is good or bad, in terms or not, I don't see how a slide rating on degrees of badness matters. smile 

        1. profile image0
          christin53posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you Christine I hadn't realised we could still access the old hub hopper,I had given up because I didn't like the new one. I can start hopping again now smile

          1. Christine Miranda profile image70
            Christine Mirandaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Thank you, you just made up my mind to write a hub on it....will post it shortly.  smile

          2. Christine Miranda profile image70
            Christine Mirandaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Ok, I did it.  cool

            The title is....
            Hate the new Hub Hopper? Did you know you could still access Classic Hub Hopper?

  2. Nesbyte profile image80
    Nesbyteposted 12 years ago

    I would absolutely support those changes. It's so annoying when you see the same hub multiple times in one session. I like the idea of being able to "block" certain categories, but I'd like a slightly more permanent option too. I'm never going to read a poetry or religious hub, so it'd be nice to be able to block categories from ever appearing in the hopper. Maybe some option under My Account would do the trick.

    1. Christine Miranda profile image70
      Christine Mirandaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Ooh that is a good idea, under account settings!  It is annoying seeing the same hub twice, especially one on a subject you don't like to begin with. smile

      I wondered if repeating hubs was HubPages way of driving up stats on 'sleeping' hubs but I notice most of the hubs I land on have been published within the last 24 hours. So now I am leaning towards it helps moderators weed out the crap faster.  big_smile

  3. IzzyM profile image83
    IzzyMposted 12 years ago

    Christina, you are new and maybe don't know, but it is considered self-promotional to post a link to your own hub in the forums, unless it is in the Improving Your Hub category -

    That used to be Extreme Hub Makeover, when did that change?

    I also see people posting links about their 30 day challenge on the wrong thread and not getting their links removed.

    Anyway, just letting you know. Staff do monitor these forums and snip links.

    1. Christine Miranda profile image70
      Christine Mirandaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you Izzy.  After I hit submit I realized I should have just posted the title and not the link. Unfortunately, HubPages doesn't give you a window of five minutes to edit a forum post like it does comments. Hmm, I think I will suggest it.  smile

      1. Aficionada profile image76
        Aficionadaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Try the Chronological view of the thread. (Look at the upper right.) You should be able to edit your forum post for longer than five minutes. smile

        1. Christine Miranda profile image70
          Christine Mirandaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Woo hoo! Thank you Aficionada. I just fixed it.

  4. derek gulbranson profile image76
    derek gulbransonposted 12 years ago

    Hi Christine,

    The hopper should not present the same Hub twice in the same session, so that's a bug and thanks for letting us know. Could you please clarify if you were using the "classic" hopper or the new one with the 3 slider controls?

    I agree with you on being able to limit Hubs you hop to specific categories. Aside from being a fun way to discover new Hubs, the hopper's other purpose it to help us figure out if user ratings can help us identify good quality Hubs. It's an ongoing experiment, but there's some concern that if we allow people to select the categories they'd like to hop, we may not get the data we need for the categories that not everyone wants to read. Please do feel free to share your perspective on that. It is helpful.

    1. Christine Miranda profile image70
      Christine Mirandaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Derek.

      Since I only use the Classic Hopper I am 100% sure it was that one. 

      Re: Categories we'd like to hop. I am open to hoping all categories and want to be introduced to new topics so picking certain categories to read would take the fun out of it. However, I will NEVER read one on religion, politics, etc as noted above. I don't care how many times I hop on one I will click hop again and move on.

      So in all honestly, your still not gonna get the data you need cause I will skip it. Not only do you lose out there but if I spend 10 minutes in each session skipping topics of no interest to me then that is 10 minutes I could have spent reading ones I am interested in. 10 minutes of data you lose because I have to waste time skipping. I hope I explained that right and it makes sense. smile

    2. Novel Treasure profile image89
      Novel Treasureposted 12 years agoin reply to this


      I have had the same experience with the same hubs in the hopper. I was using the classic hopper for all instances.



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