Has the 24 hour pending period/noindex changed your writing habits?

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  1. Geekdom profile image88
    Geekdomposted 11 years ago

    Has the 24 hour pending period/noindex changed your writing habits?

    I know many people have left hubpages, other have stopped writing on current events.
    How has it affected you?
    I have been transferring my hubs from an old profile.  Because of the 24 hour pending process and noindex, I am waiting longer to publish them and spacing them out.  I want to separate related topics and not have them all be noindex when google starts searching. 
    I know many people have left hubpages, other have stopped writing on current events.

  2. FatFreddysCat profile image94
    FatFreddysCatposted 11 years ago

    Not particularly. I've never been one to write on topics based on events that are current or "coming soon" (I gather that those who write about "hot" current events, stories in the news and such are the ones who get hardest hit by the "idling" period), so I just keep on truckin' and throwin' my stuff out there whenever I can find the time.

  3. Sapper profile image63
    Sapperposted 11 years ago

    I mainly write for backlinks, so no. However, if I was on HP to make money, I would have left. I used to get between 10 and 30 views in the first 24 hours, now I'm lucky to get 10 in the first week on any hub I've posted since they changed it.

  4. NateB11 profile image89
    NateB11posted 11 years ago

    No, I'm doing the same thing; I also don't write on current events, and I never have put out that many hubs consecutively: I've always wrote them about a week or more apart. I take quite a bit of time on a hub, getting everything together. That's funny Fat Freddy's Cat commented, because I just dug up my old Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers comics and I've been reading them.

  5. tabrezrocks profile image46
    tabrezrocksposted 11 years ago

    No, i think  it is better for us if our blogs or hubs are relevant,unique and point wise described then it will be indexed fast and automatically up in the search engines

  6. Diana Grant profile image92
    Diana Grantposted 11 years ago

    It hasn't changed my writing habits - I just write when I feel like it, about what I think about at the time. I've only once or twice written about something which has an immediacy, like Malala, the little girl who was shot in the head in Pakistan because she disobeyed the Taliban. And stories like that are seldom so time-limited that a 24-hour delay will kill them off.  They are mostly ongoing stories, of the "what happened next" variety.

    After all, if your story is so urgent, why aren't you selling it to the daily newspapers, instead of writing about it on HubPages?

  7. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image84
    TIMETRAVELER2posted 11 years ago

    I admit I don't understand all the tech stuff related to the pending period, etc., but to me, I don't see where it makes much difference if you get published immediately or have to wait a day or two, except perhaps if you're writing about a current event that is time sensitive.

  8. Tonyx35 profile image59
    Tonyx35posted 11 years ago

    I'm actually thinking of publishing more per week. The Hubs I have been publishing lately  seem to sit in a pending state for 24-48 hours.  I currently try to limit myself to 3 hubs every 6-7 days.  Might change it to 4 a week.

  9. profile image0
    Angie497posted 11 years ago

    It hasn't affected me in the slightest, other than making me hopeful that some of the more obvious dreck will be weeded out before it can be indexed. A site full of poorly written, error filled garbage that exists only to try to push readers to someone's commercial site reflects badly on the writers that *are* trying to write well or share information that they've got some degree of passion about.

    Unless you're writing current - breaking - news, a wait for indexing isn't going to be a problem. And to be honest, if you want to write news, Hubpages has never really been the best venue for you; there are thousands of sites out there that specialize in that (and thousands of people trying to hop on the latest hot story - and to be honest, very few of the people writing 'news' are doing anything other than repackaging someone else's reporting).

    Everyone's publishing schedule is different, but there's no reason to delay publishing a finished article based on when google starts searching, because it doesn't really start searching - it crawls 24/7, and there's no way for anyone to know when its little bots are going to hit next. You may as well publish - sure, an article may be pending for 24 hours or so, but it's still going to be 'live' before an article that's never been published.


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