Goody5 profile image61


Joined 14 years ago from Bohville, USA, Just below the Mason-Dixon line in the land of the pleasant living

  • 19
  • 1,279
  • 1757
  • My Thoughts on the Eclipse

    My Thoughts on the Eclipse

    5 years ago

    There was 2 minutes of hype on August 21st 2017, and here are my thought's on the eclipse & I don't mean the car.

  • 4

    The Secret Magic Behind the Baltimore Orioles

    4 years ago

    Do you want to know why the Baltimore Orioles are one of the hottest teams in all of baseball.Well the secret magic behind the Baltimore Orioles is the type of beer that the team drinks - National Boh

  • A Legend Says Farewell

    A Legend Says Farewell

    8 years ago

    Never before has anyone's retirement announcement been as shocking as that of Baltimore Raven's linebacker Ray Anthony Lewis. When the news of Ray's retirement at the end of this season hit the news wires on January 2nd 2013, it seemed that everything just stopped at that moment in time in the...

  • The NFL's 2013 Postseason Playoffs on the road to Super Bowl XLVII

    The NFL's 2013 Postseason Playoffs on the road to Super Bowl XLVII

    9 years ago

    Are you ready for some football, because the playoffs are back. After seventeen unpredictable weeks there are only twelve teams left standing in the NFL's postseason. Any given Sunday has paid off for these NFL teams. As the next few weeks whittle away at these twelve remaining teams, a Superbowl...

  • MLB Baseball's Tarnished Wild Card Game

    MLB Baseball's Tarnished Wild Card Game

    9 years ago

    It's totally amazing how one little baseball can make such a big mess, but that's exactly what happened in the first ever National league wild card game between the Atlanta Braves and the St. Louis Cardinals. It all happen when a controversial infield fly ruling drew out the anger of the Atlanta...

  • 311

    Google Attacks Our HubPages (Do the Math, Numbers Don't Lie)

    3 years ago

    The giant Google monster is going head to head with our beloved hub pages. One thing that's for sure in this world is that numbers don't lie. At this moment in time what the numbers are indicating aren't exactly favorable for our hub pages. You can take a look at the figures for yourself, because...

  • Quick fix for your idled hub status (The sleeping Zzz's)

    Quick fix for your idled hub status (The sleeping Zzz's)

    9 years ago

    One of the most recent changes that the hub pages has made is the addition of the new "Idle Hub Status". I'm going to share with you a quick fix that you can do to wake up those sleeping Zzz's, and get that idled hub back onto the road to success. I'm going to teach you a fast step by step...

  • NFL's Replacement Referees

    NFL's Replacement Referees

    7 years ago

    This very well could be one of the saddest years that the National Football League has ever experienced. Officiating is a very important factor in a football game, and everyone is aware of the consequences of what a bad or wrong call can eventually mean in an NFL football game. Here's a look into...

  • Making It Through the Tough Times

    Making It Through the Tough Times

    3 years ago

    In this ever changing world today, prices on certain things in life are becoming out of reach for certain people. So people have had to come up with strategies and plans for making it through the times. Here are two simple alternatives that will help balance the scales out again on one particular...

  • Restaurant impossible

    Restaurant impossible

    9 years ago

    We learned that Robert Irvine was filming one of his restaurant impossible episodes at a local restaurant. The entire show was about turning around this local restaurant with just $10,000 in renovations in a mere two days. This phenomenal project all started back in the cold rainy month of...

  • Popcorn - microwave vs. stove top

    Popcorn - microwave vs. stove top

    12 years ago

    Popcorn dates way back in history, and has been around a very long time. This is a modern look into the differences between regular popcorn, and microwave popcorn. Everybody has their preferences for a certain type of popcorn, and here we've researched deep into personnel choices.

  • The official hub for Baltimore Oriole's fans

    The official hub for Baltimore Oriole's fans

    9 years ago

    This hub is for the die hard Baltimore Oriole's fans who have been through some really tough times over the past few years. This hub is about the birds and the bees, and is definitely not for the weak at heart. This place was created for all of the Orioles fans out there in this world, so none of...

  • How to deal with negative comments on the hub pages

    How to deal with negative comments on the hub pages

    9 years ago

    You can't get along with everybody in this life no matter how hard you try. What ever the reason may be for a person's negative response, you may not be able to reason with them. So here we are going to explore different positive ways for dealing with negative comments.

  • Stole what from the hub pages?

    Stole what from the hub pages?

    9 years ago

    The Internet is absolutely a wondrous place, where anyone can share their photographs and thoughts through words with the entire world. The World Wide Web is a gift that will last longer then anyone could have ever envisioned. We take a hard look at what happens after we post something for everyone...

  • How to make big money while using the Hub Pages.

    How to make big money while using the Hub Pages.

    9 years ago

    You hear all kinds of stories about how much money someone has made here on the Internet. There are all kinds of cash figures being tossed around about just how much someone has actually made. However the truth be known those figures are mostly just a little bit inflated, and in some cases they are...

  • March Madness

    March Madness

    9 years ago

    Here's a look at what has become known as March Madness. Back in the year 1939 an Ohio State university coach Harold Olsen had the big idea of an NCAA Men's division 1 single-elimination basketball tournament. Today it is one of the most popular sporting events in the world.

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    Eye Exam Secret

    11 years ago

    Today while at work I was required to go to the nurse's station, and take my yearly hearing and eye exam. When I first arrived the nurse was at lunch, so I had about a fifteen minute wait. I took advantage of the time, and I went on outside and...

  • NFL post season -

    NFL post season - "My Predictions"

    9 years ago

    There are many different predictions for this years NFL post season. Some of those predictions are real simple, while others are much more calculated. Here's a look at just one of many different possible predictions into the post season of the NFL.

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    The meaning of signs

    3 years ago

    Just as the song goes - "Sign, sign everywhere a sign". No matter where you look today around this great planet of ours you will find some kind of a sign. There are in door signs directing you to a rest room or to a certain door. There are out door signs that tell you what road you are on or which...


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