On your hubs and other online articles, do you use your own photos or from another source?
If you use them from another source, do you use the free version where you have to place a credit or do you pay for stock photos so you can use them without? Alternatively do you use sites that allow you do use without a credit?
Clipart Clkr
If often use my own photos in my hubs. But in case I need to get from external sources, I just get from creative commons, so that I will no longer need to pay.
Your own pictures are by and far the easiest choice. Thankfully so many people have others to use their photos. On Flickr, I have asked people and almost all have allowed usage with a link back to their photostream. Have a great Sunday.
If at all possible, I use my own original photos. For pics I cannot provide on my own, my go to source is Wikimedia Commons. I never buy stock photos. This applies to my work on HP as well as my personal blogs.
Hello Jim,
I too have used this. I asked the question because I often see photos with no link or credit. Thanks for your answer.
For all the recipe hubs I post, I generally use my own pics. But, sometimes I take some pictures from Google India's official picture gallery.
Sometimes when do a recipe you need help! Try mixing, holding the bowl and taking a pic at the same time. It isn't easy! From Google India you still need a credit, don't you? Thanks for your input.
It really depends. For me, I prefer own photos. However, in the case where I can't find a suitable one, Google is always a good friend of mine and just find the suitable one.
Hello Nicregi,
With Google, do you follow the link and see if it has 'rights reserved'? Some aren't available to be used without payment or a credit. Often it is difficult to photograph something that we need for a hub. Great to hear from you.
I am also a photographer, so I try to use my own Pics as much as possible. But, reality drives a writer to other sources at times, for just the right pic that reflects your story. With these, I ALWAYS place credits on the Pic.
Hi Don,
I do try to use my own too but as you say, sometimes it just isn't possible. I wish my camera skills were better as well. Thanks for taking the time to answer.
I have had so much trouble sourcing my photos that I have decided to go with only originals. I have used fotolia where I had credit or chose from their free images, also but have found its much easier to use my own. Now I take pictures everywhere I go so I can build up a good stock of photos
Hi Btrbell,
It can be exasperating looking for a suitable photo sometimes. It sounds like you have found the solution. Thanks for the answer.
I do a bit of both. I am a Photoshop junkie and so I tend to create my own custom graphics for hubs, sometimes from photos I've taken and other times from stock photos or even from scratch.
Hi Christin,
May I ask you a question? Do you feel your time is better spent using Photoshop and creating images or writing? Writing and designing both are creative pursuits but where do you draw a line, or do you?
I devote most of my time to writing, but I work as both a designer and a writer, so my time is well spent doing both in my opinion
I try to use my own when I can. I do use free public domain pictures when my own are not what I think works well for the article.
Yes, sometimes it is difficult to capture just what we need.
There are many talented photographers, and designers who are kind to allow us usage of their work. Thank you for your answer.
I always use my own photos. There are times when I don't have a photo that matches my hub piece and in that case I don't use any photo. I am always worried about copyright.
It is a difficult call. People love photos but often it is difficult to know who owns the copyrights. I once contacted someone about using a drawing I liked, he said I could use it but it wasn't his! Thanks for your answer.
In most of my hubs I use my own photos . As we travel i take heaps for future reference which I enjoy doing . otherwise I google "Free photos" one below I took by Lagos in portugal recently !
I am very picky about images and you can easily see it if you look at any of my hubs. I need a message to convey an emotion or a message in an exact way that I want otherwise I don't want a photo at all.
But when I say I am picky, I am only picky about what is on the photo and how it makes me feel. Giving credits is hell in my case because most images that I use have been "stolen" long before me. And at some time I did not eve pay attention to credits on the photo itself. It was never my idea to say that I created these images, I simply can't and isn't it obvious? I don't get paid just because I used someone else's image that I found on a site that is specifically created for collecting photos.
I agree that using my own photos would the easiest way in terms all this "ownership", but I can't make photos I want or need.
I used to make collections/selections on vi.sualize.com and when I mentioned my source once (the web-site), I was told not to disclose it because others will immediately follow in my footsteps and start using my beautiful photos.
But if you look at anyone there making his own selections/collections you can clearly see that every collection describes a person.
And right now, I am clearly in between. I realize it is only a matter of time before I might be punished for unauthorized usage of images and I still don't have a good contingency plan. The only thing that keeps me in line - I no longer create too many hubs.
I wish there was a "How To" or "Where To" simple enough instructions how and where to get the images.
I think right now we are all in a sticky, messy situation that sooner or later would be solved like the youtube. I use videos that are not mine, but I have never pretended they were. Wasn't it obvious that I am not taking the credit?
Yes, you are right no one wants to get hit with copyright infringement. Take a look at some hubs on where to find creative commons images. If you go to Flickr and ask the photographer offering a link back, they are normally happy to help. Good luck.
Thank you, Blondlogic, I am clearly in need in changing my strategy and that is why I answered this question. I need as many suggestions as possible. I think everyone is struggling to find the balance when it comes to pictures. Great question!
when I can I use my own pictures. Otherwise I look for a public domain picture.
Since I also have a gallery where I try to sell photos (Google Aayawa Images) using my own photos makes more sense.
So far I have very rarely used my own photos. I didn't have a camera, which I have now bought. I'm still trying to find time to learn how to use it! That's next on my list of things to do. In the meantime I use Creative Commons and have been lucky in finding what I need, but it's time consuming! Buying photos is too complicated, as my banking is in South America, so I don't go that road at all!
Creative Commons and Pixabay have done the trick for me!
Hello Joan,
I too try and source what I need from these sources. It is time consuming.
Wonderful to hear from you.
Not reading other answers on a quest of answering this may be repete. I do my darndest to use my own with points of interest with hub building and Google stuff. I don't get out as much and the subjects are changing so not sure where to get the images with my camera too. Do you have some available if I am looking? You will be attributed naturally with a CC-BY-ND-NC along with a link to the source. Hopefully a hub someone may read.
Hi Mitch,
There have been some excellent hubs about where to find images that are free to use. Some request a credit and others don't . I use Freedigitalphotos.net and morguefile quite a bit. FDP needs a credit, Morgue file doesn't. Thanks, good luck
I use Flickr occassionally, but I prefer to use my own if it is possible. I try to make sure I attribute the ones I use correctly.
I too use Flickr and almost everyone I have contacted has been helpful. It takes such a small amount of time to leave a credit. Thanks for your thoughts on the subject.
I use my own photos with few exceptions.
When I began hearing about people's images being stolen I decided never to use photos that identify my children or my home. I don't like the thought of them being linked to other sites or stories. Is that being paranoid?
I still have one of my kids (much younger) in my avatar though. It is a nice memory of where we lived when that hammock was well used. Brightens up my day.
No it is definitely not being paranoid. There are cases of photos being taken all the time.
I am shocked when I look at sites with free photos and so many people have their children up there. Thanks for your thoughts on this subject.
Blond, if I don't have a photo that belongs to me, I turn to wikimedia commons first and ensure that it has the relevant license to be used commercially, then to flickr and then to freedigitalphotos.
However I ensure that I always attribute the pictures in the manner outlined.
I never use Google because Google does not own copyrights to any picture, so attributing it to Google is incorrect and serves no purpose.
Although I have contacted users after following through an image on Google, I rarely get a response. I believe whoever posted it was using it without permission possibly. Your system to source photos is commendable.
Early on I did not understand the importance of using photos on HP, much less of using ones I shot. Though I now use only my own photos, this is a useful discussion.
If a person has a creative streak, working with one's own photos can be a distraction, but a good one.
Yes, I think you are right. I read that if a person has writer's block, it is good to do something else as long as it is creative. Perhaps the two go hand in hand. Thanks for your thought on the subject.
Like to use my own photos mostly, but sometimes it isn't possible so wikkimedia commons helps.
Hi tirelesstraveler,
Wikimedia is getting mentioned a lot here. It seems one of the best 'go to sources' for pictures. Thanks for this.
I use photos from acrediated sites and I give credit to the photographer. I would love to use my own, but at present I haven't the time to do that.
Time is a big factor. We all have to follow our strengths. It is a win-win situation, the photographer gets a mention and you have a suitable photo to use. Thanks for your answer.
I have to say in the past I have used free versions of photo content as well as some from a paid for program. Now that I am writing recipes as hubs more frequently I am using my own photo's that I have taken of the meal as it was served or just after preparing.
Recipes usually want the process as well as the finished dish. This can be a problem, I have found. One needs a helper. Sourcing high quality images can prove difficult. Thank you for taking the time to answer.
I also include the process in my hubs typed. However I am thinking that if I use several pics taken during the cooking process it will give my reader the big picture and maybe help them understand exactly what it is I am doing in the hub.
I have done this and it isn't easy! Try taking a photo when you have to continue stirring a pan. A tripod and a remote shutter would help. Good luck with your hubs.
Well that's where my fiance' comes in to play he loves to take the pics for me I will be giving him the credit on any pics he takes that I use so it all works out for me.
Yes it works out quite well now I just need to get moving on the hubs to go with the pictures.
I generally purchase photos from istockphoto.com. I always put in a search, choose least expensive from the moveable bar on the left side and then purchase individually. They used to offer only the option of buying a group of credits, but if you keep clicking when you pay, you can purchase an image individually. I pick the smallest pixel size and don't pay more than $2. I figure the $2 is worth my time and effort. I have been using these for our educational software and website, blog, etc. They have BEAUTIFUL photo images if you're building a website and want photos of happy people shopping, etc. You can make your website look very professional with these. I'm going to start using tiles for a part of our company's website and use those photos. You need to be CAREFUL with istock that you use the picture in one place for each purchase. A friend was charged by istock for multiple web useage.However, they have a liberal license for things like T-shirts, coffee mugs, etc. I recently discovered WDclipart.com which is run by one individual and has PUBLIC DOMAIN royalty free images that are good for kids' projects, fruits, vegetables, cartoons. There is a DONATE button there and I use that because I've used a great number of images there for the matching games in our software. It would be nice if we could use each others' pictures here on hubpages. Maybe they should set up a central gallery where we put pictures of our own that we wouldn't mind for others to use. For example, I have adorable pictures of my dog Scooter which I wouldn't mind sharing. I do take some of my own pictures. For one of my recent hubs, I needed pictures from around my house, so that worked out nicely. Oh, years ago, I used to go to clipart.com. You can buy a monthly subscription there and download until your heart's content during that time. So istockphoto.com, WDclipart.com, and clipart.com are the ones I use the most.
Perhaps you should contact them about starting ' Hubphotos'. You are the 1st to answer, that has paid for photos. I think it makes a difference to the overall look, as a credit such as 'freedigitalphotos' makes the piece look unprofessional.
BL, I meant to say in my comment "I put in a search at istockphoto.com and then use the scroll bar to adjust pictures to my price range. They have a NICE search engine on that site. I'll write to hubpages. If not, if hubbers wanted, I have a website.
If you want to put a link here, to your site, please do.
I'm in re-construction of my site of 20 years so it's a bit wonky now, and I don't have the titles yet, but I have just converted my site to www.languagerocks.com., www.leftpawedpuppy.com, www.windmillworks.com/theawesomegamepage.
I have used by own photos when I have had them, but other times I have used some from Flikr with creative commons licenses. I don't see the issue with placing a credit. I would never pay for a photograph, not on hubpages anyway. I suppose I might one day if I ever get round to making my own company, with its own website (I have an idea for one, but haven't managed to get on to it)
On Flickr even if it has an 'all rights reserved', I have asked the photographer and all but one has said, I was free to use it. Thanks for your thoughts on the subject.
So far I have only used my own photos, but I am now having the problem of finding photos for the hubs I want to write, it seems my writing interests outweigh my photo library
I might have to resort to finding photos on the net, but as I am pretty new to the whole writing online thing. I do not want to accidentally infringe on anyone's copyright. So I am taking it slow. Learning as I go.
I use my own as much as possible and I find that I'm looking around much more with a view to anything that might be useful for any future hubs. I find using others' a chore because of having to ask permission etc. (which of course one must always do). I do worry, though, about others using my photos without permission.
Sometimes photos are the starting point of hubs - you have the subject there already and just have to write!
That is true, inspiration from photos is a great idea.
by Charles K. 13 years ago
Where do you get the images you use for your hubs?Do you use stock photography sites, clip art photos, public domain sites, creative commons sites, photo sharing sites? What do you do to get good photos for your hubs?
by Helen Murphy Howell 12 years ago
Do You Spend A Lot Of Time Choosing Hub Photographs?I'm usually about 60-40. 60% of the time writing and about 40% looking for good photographs. I've read some hubs recently and the photographs were stunning and I thought the writers must have spent at least some quality time choosing just the...
by Audrey Hunt 7 years ago
I want to be sure I'm doing this the right way. I've been showing Audrey Hunt and the photo date for attribution on my own photos. I've also used Audrey Hunt/vocalcoach (my hub name) and the date of the photo. The Learning Center doesn't give information for attributing your own...
by kattoya 14 years ago
How do I secure my photos if i chose to upload my own photos to my hubs? It looks like anyone can j
by Colleen Swan 10 years ago
Hi, I have been using allot of my own photos. In the properties of the photo I enter myself as the author. When I upload the photo into a hub I use my name as the source.Should I instead be sourcing the photo to the URL of my Hub profile page, or other method?Thank you for your advice.Colleen
by Randi Benlulu 10 years ago
Are we allowed to have watermarked pictures in our hubs?I'm confused. When I look at what makes a hub featured, it clearly states, legally obtained, no watermarks. In addition, when I made my own eternal on some of my personal photos, I was told I couldn't use them. Do why do I see hubs with...
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