What was the craziest thing you have done in your life?

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  1. JamiJay profile image71
    JamiJayposted 11 years ago

    What was the craziest thing you have done in your life?

    We have all done some crazy things... when I was 16 I drove through a flood with my mothers car (which did not end well), I was reckless, and I engaged in some activities that many would call "shady". So I must ask, what was the craziest thing you have done in your life?

  2. Wasteless Project profile image86
    Wasteless Projectposted 11 years ago


    It's difficult to decide on that one;) On top of the list is for sure a crazy journey I did two years ago. Me and three other young women bought a super old (22 years) Mercedes and drove all the way from Germany to West-Africa. We took the ferry from Spain to Morocco and then drove to the West-Sahara, Mauritania and Mali - where we finally sold the Mercedes and recovered all our travel costs... This journey meant crossing parts of the Sahara with a lowered city car (but luckily the only time we got actually stuck in the sand was at the atlantic coast in Spain when we drove too far out on the beach), camping out everynight in just a mosquito net, handling mean looking military check-posts with female charm mixed with toughness and the pretense of not speaking French to avoid the many bribes along the way... We had to cross 4km of landmine infested no-man's land (there was a mud track though to follow) and hid canisters of reserve petrol behind sanitary pads and toilet paper to avoid having to hand it over as a bribe in Mauritania. In Mali we ended up in a village without electricity or running water, where an amazing young lady from the States was working for the Peace Corps. She taught us some Bambara and got us involved in the local vaccination day. We later took a freight ship from Mopti to Timbuctu - where we never reached because tourists had been killed and kidnapped just on the day of our expected arrival. Finally we recahed Senegal, where one of my friends unexpectedly got a job that made me stay in a huge villa with its own pool - very much as a contrast to our total budget journey this far;) Overall: A crazy, beautiful, challenging, at times nerve-wrecking experience that I can recommend to anybody. Sometimes things that we anticipate to be too dangerous or too crazy to be done when sitting at home turn out to be the best experiences we have ever had and will change our lives forever....

    1. Say Yes To Life profile image78
      Say Yes To Lifeposted 11 years agoin reply to this


  3. angel4967 profile image60
    angel4967posted 11 years ago

    Left the country with a man I had only known a few weeks and didn't tell anyone where I had gone or who with.  Looking back I think "what an idiot, if he had killed you, no one would ever know what happened."  Fortunately I got back home safe and sound.

  4. Say Yes To Life profile image78
    Say Yes To Lifeposted 11 years ago

    Going into East Berlin by myself, in 1982.  I was touring Europe with a group, and no one else wanted to go.  This was the chance of a lifetime, and I was not about to pass this up!  All went well, though; I had no hassles.  So it's easy for me to say I'm glad I did it.  I sent postcards to my friends; I should have kept one for myself.  What is the value of those postcards now, that the Iron Curtain is long gone???


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