I am looking for another writing site similar to the Old HubPages.

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  1. Geekdom profile image91
    Geekdomposted 11 years ago

    I am looking for another writing site similar to the Old HubPages.

    With the newest updated forcing me to reformat most of my hubs and views declining drastically I am looking for a new writing site.  HubPages is becoming to much hub maintenance instead of writing.
    I love the pay per click, easy capsules and interactive community.
    Want to avoid frequent changes forcing redoing of old articles and an algorithm that deindexes/nofollows artilces because of views instead of quality.
    I do love the community here and if I move will miss it.

  2. Angie Martin profile image60
    Angie Martinposted 11 years ago

    Well, I have to say, if you leave, I'll really miss your hubs! But it seems a lot of people are turning to other places now, which makes me sad since I just found this place a few months ago. I hope you don't go, too, or maybe you can still publish some of your hubs here from time to time.

    A lot of people are turning to Bubblews for a quick payout. You just have to write 400 words or more, and it doesn't even have to be a quality article! You can pick how many pics you want, most people don't credit the owner of the photo (which is still copyright infringement). I'll see some articles there that are terribly written getting as many clicks as mine do. So if you have something quick to say, it's the place to go.

    The problem with Bubblews is you really don't have an opportunity to develop an audience or connect with people. It's a numbers game. If you connect with 2000 people, you'll probably be making a lot more, but none of them will know or care who you are.

    I've started taking my lowest producing hubs and moving them over to Bubblews and unpublishing them here. I didn't delete them here, because if Bubblews ever goes away, I can easily re-publish them here. I've made a lot more off those than I could ever make here on them. But, again, there's the audience thing. So many people are posting so many things so quickly there that you'll get maybe $0.40-$1.00 per article before they disappear into oblivion. There's no long-term payoff. I think by splitting up my hubs that way, I can make money on my non-earning hubs and still keep building an audience here. Plus, I like some of the quality control here. I don't want to write full-time for a writing mill that will publish just anything.

    1. duffsmom profile image59
      duffsmomposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I write for Bubblews as well and I love but it is just about making a buck. Quality writing is not required so it was hard for me to let go of editing reediting etc. As so say bad posts get paid just like the good ones. It is fun though to get paid.

    2. Geekdom profile image91
      Geekdomposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Great response.  I opened up a Bubblews account and will do the transfer of non index hubs and see what happens.  I will continue to write on HubPages but will not be devoting as much time as I have in the past.  Thanks for the tip.

  3. Tonyx35 profile image59
    Tonyx35posted 11 years ago

    I recently Joined Bubblews and it feels like "Twitter" but instead of the 140 character limit, there is a minimum of 400 characters. It is also important to note that there is a Post/24 hours limit of 10 articles. Any more than that and you would probably be kicked off. Their Anti-Spam thing.   

    Angie  has a good point about the "numbers game". It's very true. If you have the  numbers and get enough likes for a post, you could easily get to the "front page" of the  site that same day.You even get credit if someone disagrees with your views and dislikes your post.

    Write about pretty much whatever you feel like .  Usually ends up being a blog type of experience there. It can be informative or you can just share life experiences or funny stories.

    The post editor is just a text box with image attachment options on the side. Doesn't even include a built-in character counter.

    One nice thing is that you have the chance to setup your own tags in the posts.  least if someone hasn't created before you. I was able to create the tag "Beatemups". 

    If you do decide to go elsewhere, drop me an e-mail and let me know where you land. I'd definitely continue reading your work. I would miss the the Costume History on here.

    1. Geekdom profile image91
      Geekdomposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Bubblews seems to be a popular site.  I have decided to stay with HubPages but will not be devoting as much time. Thanks for taking the time to answer my question.

  4. yarddog2k profile image61
    yarddog2kposted 11 years ago

    I recently (today) started checking Alexa stats for many of the article sites like HubPages, Infobarrel, Wizzley, etc. From what I can see, all of these article sites are losing traffic. I think it has to do with Google and all their algorithm changes. I also foresee Google loosing their top spot as the number one search engine. Just don't blame HubPages as they are only trying to cope with Google's ever changing ways. Squidoo's attempt at pleasing Google has them locking people's content left and right and, as a result, many Squidoo writers are moving their content to other article platforms. Some are even posting their writings on self hosted domains. Google is killing article sites like HubPages and others in their attempt to force everyone pay for traffic via PPC. I will be glad to see Google fall on their collective derrieres and go under. Please don't condemn me for my opinions as that is all they are; my opinions.

    1. Georgie Lowery profile image88
      Georgie Loweryposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree to an extent. If Google goes down, so does the ad revenue. Although I'm sure someone else will step into their shoes, it will be the same old same old eventually.

    2. Geekdom profile image91
      Geekdomposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for the information on other writing sites. Google is a powerful force on the internet and it will be interesting to see what happens.


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