Does it help to un-publish hubs that are not featured?

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  1. GmaGoldie profile image81
    GmaGoldieposted 10 years ago

    Does it help to un-publish hubs that are not featured?

    I have been taking the time to un-publish some hubs that have the status of "not featured". Does this help my statistics or is my time better spent just revamping these and upgrading the content?

    BTW, I love the symbols and the fact that I am guided about what hubs are working and what needs editing. This is a great help to the part-time writer who really works towards quality but the finite resources get in the way.

  2. Spongy0llama profile image83
    Spongy0llamaposted 10 years ago

    Only in cases that are absolutely helpless would I delete a non-featured hub. I've only done that two or three times, actually. Sometimes it can surprise you, which idle hubs will unexpectedly rise to the occasion with just a little tune up.

    I also noticed once that about 15 to 25 non-featured, thanks to lack of engagement, hubs of mine became featured again after I posted two new hubs following a four month hiatus. So, you never know which circumstances will revive idled hubs. My advice, delete hubs as an absolute last resort for certain lost causes.

  3. cam8510 profile image92
    cam8510posted 10 years ago

    GmaGoldie, I have unpublished some hubs before, but not because they were not featured.  Un-featured hubs can be given new life very easily.  Simply change the title, change some photos, add some new content, and waalaaah (sp) your hub is being re-evaluated and should end up being featured once again.  I have managed to keep all of my hubs in the featured category this way.

  4. Rock_nj profile image91
    Rock_njposted 10 years ago

    There has been quite a debate over the years regarding how to best deal with unFeatured hubs.  Some say deleting them helps your entire subdomain's ranking in Google and report a general uptick in traffic to their other hubs, while others say take the time to revamp them and give them another try. 

    IMO, some hubs are just hopeless, due to being out of date or being about a topic that has too much competition, and are better off deleted.  Others that can be salvaged, should be revamped to see if they do better with new formatting and updated information.

  5. The Examiner-1 profile image61
    The Examiner-1posted 10 years ago

    I would say that if it is going to be a long edit, or a while before you do edit it/them, than perhaps you should Unpublish it/them.
    As far as I know it would not affect your statistics until you get the Hub(s) re-featured. I believe that having them unpublished only affects your statistics as if the Hubs were not there in the first place.

  6. profile image87
    Robbie C Wilsonposted 10 years ago

    I don't think it makes much difference, except to your Hub Score which may be lowered slightly depending on how many hubs you have. I would not unpublish it, I have a hub that for the longest time was unfeatured but got almost daily views. If you have the time, you can revisit and revamp them, otherwise I would just concentrate on writing new hubs.

  7. MarleneB profile image93
    MarleneBposted 10 years ago

    I don't think you need to un-publish the non-featured hubs. Just read your hub again from the point of view of someone who knows nothing at all about the subject and then revise the hub by adding more informative content. Maybe add more photos, a video, a comparison chart - anything that you feel would enhance the hub. You also might need to take out superfluous information. The point is, if you write a hub that helps the reader walk away with more information than when they came, your hub will have enhanced their reading experience. That's what I try to do. I don't hit the mark perfectly every time I write a hub, and when I don't write a hub that gives substance, the hub goes idle. When that happens, I go back and see where I can improve the hub. Right now, all of my hubs are featured. But, tomorrow one might go idle. And then I'll go fix it to make it better, if I can.

    Some hubs can't be fixed, and it might not be due to my writing talent. It could be that the content is so heavily saturated on the internet that there really isn't anything I can offer that's more or different. In that rare case, I'll know it and I'll just simply delete the hub.

  8. VVanNess profile image77
    VVanNessposted 10 years ago

    I wouldn't. I would simply go in, add pictures, add a poll at the top and bottom, check it for spelling and grammar errors, and make the text in the article better.

    My biggest suggestions for adding text, because so many people just add more words and think that's okay, is to beef up the introduction and conclusion.

    Consider that the intro should give your readers some background into your topic and why you are writing about it, and give them a reason to want to know more. The conclusion should sum up the biggest points you made in the article and give your readers the motivation to take it and use it in their daily lives.

    In no time you'll have all featured articles!! Good luck!

  9. Doc Snow profile image88
    Doc Snowposted 10 years ago

    I wouldn't (and don't.)  The fact that a Hub may not be featured may not be a reflection of poor quality; it can also be a function of being more obscure, or less search-friendly, for example.  Yet people still happen upon such Hubs one way or another, and those page views are really your bottom line statistic.

  10. lindajot profile image66
    lindajotposted 10 years ago

    I admit that I've gone back and looked at old, not featured hubs, and have been quite embarrassed at their quality.  I choose not to un-publish them, and have actually had fun going back and redoing them.  I must've had some interest in the topic to write them to begin with.
    It is quite enjoyable to see them come back up featured and worthy of being on my list.  I grab one every so often and once in edit mode, get in to the topic and things flow.  Once in a while, a hub just doesn't work for me at the moment, so I just let them sit and figure it might be more workable at a later date.

  11. profile image0
    swilliamsposted 10 years ago

    It does not help to un-publish hubs that are not featured. The reason being that in time it could become a featured topic. Some topics are like books it may take awhile to promote subject.


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