New to Hubpages

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  1. Mike Rogers profile image60
    Mike Rogersposted 14 years ago

    My name is Mike Rogers, and I just wanted to take some time to introduce myself here on Hubpages. I'm a brand new member as of today, and I've spent the last 4-5 days reading hundreds of posts (some from as old as 2 years ago) and absorbing the FAQ and Help sections to try and get a feel for how things work here.

    In a nutshell...I'm quite impressed. The revenue sharing model seems to be simple, fair and effective, and the community (from what I can tell from reading posts) appears quite friendly and knowledgeable.

    I'm hopeful that I'll be able to contribute to Hubpages in a meaningful way while at the same time generating revenue that will support both my own goals, the goals of Hubpages, and the needs of those who view my hubs.

    Looking forward to writing my first hub smile

    1. prettydarkhorse profile image63
      prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Welcome Mike and if you have any questions or any clarifications just post it here always and we are all willing to help you, See you around here, and good day to you, Maita

    2. Lily Rose profile image86
      Lily Roseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Welcome to HP, Mike!  I must comment on how refreshing it is to hear a new hubber say that they have put in the time to do some research before getting going.  So many newbies have a million questions because they never bother to look up anything or read the help and FAQ sections.  Sounds like you're off to a good start!

      You're right on about the interface to create your hubs - it was good when I began a mere 5 months ago, yet it's improved a ton in the short time I've been here.  The staff is great and always seem to be working on something to improve the site for us.

      I'm sure you'll find that HP has a terrific community of members here.  This is the first forum I've ever been a part of and I love it.  There are so many hubbers here with great experience who are willing to help you out if you reach out.

      I look forward to reading your hubs!

    3. AEvans profile image74
      AEvansposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Looking forward to reading it and welcome to HP! smile

    4. starme77 profile image78
      starme77posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Wow , impressive , you really seem to be starting off on the right foot , you'll be an asset to Hub pages in no time , look forward to reading your hubbs and Welcome to the hubb community its nice, you'll like it here smile

    5. profile image0
      Justine76posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      well, I am a little late in welcomeing you. sorry..Looks like you got your first hub out! YAY!! And it so cool you read all that before posting here. So I am guessing you already know this, but just in case...if you want a friendly expierence..stay out of the religion foums...

  2. webismine profile image58
    webismineposted 14 years ago

    Welcome Mike big_smile

  3. Dame Scribe profile image57
    Dame Scribeposted 14 years ago

    Welcome to HubPages, smile definitely a wonderful community and awesome tech team wink don't tell em I said that. Lots of information can be found using the search wink have fun! big_smile

  4. kirstenblog profile image78
    kirstenblogposted 14 years ago

    Welcome Mike! It sounds like you have done a lot of research already and that really should help you a lot here. It can feel like a steep learning curve but is also a lot of fun! Good luck with your hubs smile

  5. Cagsil profile image72
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    Welcome to HubPages!

    I hope you enjoy your time here at HubPages and I'm positive that there are lots of people here that will be more than willing, should you have questions.

    Enjoy! big_smile

  6. myownworld profile image69
    myownworldposted 14 years ago

    welcome here! I became your first fan just now! smile
    hopefully many more should follow...

  7. Mike Rogers profile image60
    Mike Rogersposted 14 years ago

    Thanks for the warm welcome smile

    It's been a fun few days getting to know Hubpages and what it's all about. I like the model, and I like the way Hubpages appears to have structured the site to support getting traffic and converting it.

    I think for me I like that collaborative aspect of it. My success is directly Hubpages success, and because of that I feel like this is a place where I can be comfortable working.

  8. profile image0
    lynnechandlerposted 14 years ago

    Welcome to HubPages! What a great intro and no questions. Look forward to reading. Let us know when you get your first hub up.

  9. Mike Rogers profile image60
    Mike Rogersposted 14 years ago

    I think what's most interesting for me about Hubpages is how firm a foothold it has after just 3 years of operation. There are other revenue sharing article-type sites out there, but in my estimation none are as prepared for growth or as tightly structured as Hubpages.

    I feel as if I'm "getting in on the ground floor" of something big smile

  10. Dame Scribe profile image57
    Dame Scribeposted 14 years ago

    It is a place of class wink no doubts there, big_smile lol

  11. lorlie6 profile image72
    lorlie6posted 14 years ago

    Welcome Mike!  It took alot of guts to introduce yourself here, and that, in my book, shows class.  I hope you enjoy your experience here on HP.

  12. Lisa HW profile image63
    Lisa HWposted 14 years ago

    Welcome, Mike.  HubPages is a great site.

  13. Mike Rogers profile image60
    Mike Rogersposted 14 years ago

    Been fiddling with my first couple of hubs and I'm startled at how user friendly the interface is.

    I'm not sure anything I've started is worthy of publication yet, but I can see how hub creation will become a relatively quick process with repetition.

    Any consensus on word counts? I've read as little as 300-400 and as much as 700-900 being appropriate. I even bumped into a hub that recommends 1500 words as a desired target.

    Can anyone share their experiences with word count and how it relates to hub strength?

    Thanks in advance...

    1. Haunty profile image71
      Hauntyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      The ideal hub length is probably 400 words. A capstone hub should contain a minimum of 500 words, while flagship hubs require a minimum of 1500 words.

  14. profile image0
    sneakorocksolidposted 14 years ago

    Welcome Mike! Have fun!

  15. Jenny30 profile image60
    Jenny30posted 14 years ago

    Welcom Mike!!! Hubpages Rocks!!!

  16. goodidea profile image60
    goodideaposted 14 years ago

    Hello , everyone.

    I'm a newbie and a new member here.

    Very nice to meet you friends here.

    1. Dame Scribe profile image57
      Dame Scribeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Welcome to HubPages, Goodidea smile

  17. Madison22 profile image61
    Madison22posted 14 years ago

    Hi Mike, welcome to hubpages!!

  18. Mike Rogers profile image60
    Mike Rogersposted 14 years ago

    Found time this afternoon to finish and publish my first hub. Nothing spectacular, but it hits all the basics I thought it should in terms of content and format and gave me a good feel for the live interface.

    I'd like to thank everyone for the really wonderful show of support and the willingness of existing membership to post such helpful 'tips and tricks' in the forums. They have both been a huge help in my start here at Hubpages.

    Thanks smile

  19. profile image0
    cosetteposted 14 years ago


  20. Daniel Carter profile image63
    Daniel Carterposted 14 years ago

    Welcome both Mike Rogers and newidea! Looking forward to reading! I think you'll enjoy the diversity here, as well as the great people.

  21. Mike Rogers profile image60
    Mike Rogersposted 14 years ago

    It's official... I'm addicted already wink

  22. irwanfazri profile image59
    irwanfazriposted 14 years ago

    Welcome to Hubpages Mike lol

  23. thisisoli profile image81
    thisisoliposted 14 years ago

    Welcome, and Good Luck!

  24. andromida profile image56
    andromidaposted 14 years ago

    Welcome to hubpages.

  25. profile image0
    aquaseaCreativeposted 14 years ago


  26. Pearldiver profile image68
    Pearldiverposted 14 years ago

    Welcome to HP smile

  27. mrpooper profile image29
    mrpooperposted 14 years ago

    Welcome Mike.  A word of warning. Don't surprised if you become addicted to HubPages.

  28. jacobkuttyta profile image35
    jacobkuttytaposted 14 years ago

    Welcome to hubpages.

  29. Dale Mazurek profile image63
    Dale Mazurekposted 14 years ago

    You most definatly have the right attitude about what you want to accomplish.

    Your intro is very refreshing and it really is nice to see you have done your homework.

    You actually remind me of myself very much and let me tell you.  I was honest from day one as to my intentions at Hubpages and because of that I have made many friends and earned the respect of many.

    It is very obvious you will become a very popular hubber and you will do great.

    Welcome to a great place



  30. Mike Rogers profile image60
    Mike Rogersposted 14 years ago

    Thanks again everyone. What a refreshing change to be part of a site that has a friendly supportive community that I can be a part of. As many of you know blogging or affiliate marketing can be a very solitary experience, but Hubpages isn't like that at all. It's a welcome change.

    I managed to get three hubs up and running and all three were indexed in Google search in about one day which is encouraging.

    I'm still sort of tweaking my template and figuring how to best use my time and efforts for ranking in search engines using Hubpages hubs.

  31. NaomiR profile image71
    NaomiRposted 14 years ago

    Welcome to HP!


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