Do you personally have someone proofread a Hub before publishing, or do you just

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  1. The Zen Mistress profile image71
    The Zen Mistressposted 10 years ago

    Do you personally have someone proofread a Hub before publishing, or do you just put it out there?

    I struggle with this because part of me realizes that no matter how careful you are and how good a writer you are, you can easily overlook errors in your own writing. At the same time, I don't always want to burden someone (that someone would usually wind up being my husband) with being a proofreader/editor. Worse, I feel like he may be inclined not to give objective feedback if the And strange as it may sound, I'd rather hundreds of strangers think my writing sucks than the man whose opinion of me matters the most.

  2. janshares profile image95
    jansharesposted 10 years ago

    Hello there The Zen Mistress. When I started at HP, I used to have my sister proofread for me. I couldn't believe the typos she would find! How did I miss that! Anyway, after my first few hubs, I started proofreading my own. I would miss little things but it has improved over time. Sometimes I'll edit an older hub and find something. But recently, I've become more diligent and rarely have typos. The best thing for me is to read my hub several times during editing before I click publish. Even within each capsule, I read and re-read before clicking save. It takes a lot of time but I can't trust anyone's critical eye better than I trust my own.

    1. The Zen Mistress profile image71
      The Zen Mistressposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks! It really helps to get an opinion from a 100-score Hubber, too!

  3. profile image0
    RTalloniposted 10 years ago

    It's an excellent idea to have someone else proof a hub, but not always possible.  My husband has been kind enough to do that for me at times and his perspective can be invaluable, not to mention his set of eyes for true mistakes, after all, the only reason we post mistakes is because we don't see them, right?!  However, I agree, I don't like to burden someone else with a job I should be doing…especially a tedious one.  I find that it's a huge help not to rush into posting, but to give the hub some space/time and come back to it after a rest or change of pace.  I am then better able to spot those errors that my mind doesn't see because it knows what should be there in the first read few read throughs.

    1. The Zen Mistress profile image71
      The Zen Mistressposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Definitely good advice. There have been times when I've been so eager to put out a Hub that I've been tempted to put it out before it was really ready. It's hard to rein yourself in, but I try to contain my enthusiasm enough to sleep on a Hub.

    2. janshares profile image95
      jansharesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Excellent advice. I never publish a hub immediately anymore. I give it and myself at least an overnight sleep first.

  4. prestonandkate profile image79
    prestonandkateposted 10 years ago

    I always have my husband proofread my hub. Usually misspelling words or grammar is not a problem, but sometimes I phrase sentences that don't read smoothly. What sounds like a great explanation to me can often be difficult for someone else to understand.

  5. FatFreddysCat profile image62
    FatFreddysCatposted 10 years ago

    I do the best I can to proofread it myself... but I still occasionally find an occasional typo or goof in a hub weeks or months after publishing....pobody's nerfect.

  6. profile image0
    dragonflycolorposted 10 years ago

    I proofread myself because I know the tone I want to convey and someone else reading it may not view it the same way.  However, you are writing for other people so it's a good idea to get someone else's opinion on your format, grammar, and punctuation.  Either way, you can ALWAYS go back and edit them if you find an error.

  7. liesl5858 profile image85
    liesl5858posted 10 years ago

    I don't have anyone to proofread my hub before publishing it. I just read it over once or twice then when I am happy with it, I click publish. I don't even write a rough draft, I just type what is in my head about my hub and click publish when done. I must admit I have not been writing articles for a while as I was busy at another website that I like. But I want to write some more hubs this year if time permits.

  8. wychic profile image84
    wychicposted 10 years ago

    I proofread my own -- I just write too much to have anyone else look at every piece. Right now I'm working on building a site for my reviews that I've asked to look over, but daily work is all up to me. Basically, I read it out loud, check for typos, then throw it out there and hope my brain didn't just read it the way it's supposed to be instead of how it is smile. I find that it often helps to return to it a week or so later and proofread again. By that point I don't remember exact wording, so my brain doesn't go into auto-pilot. I usually have an idea or two for improvement by then too, so it all works out.

  9. tehgyb profile image83
    tehgybposted 10 years ago

    I have my girlfriend proofread all my hubs. That be said, even she misses things that I've missed, and I find them at a later point when adding to or updating an older hub.

    There will always be a little error somewhere, I'm no professional ;P


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