Click Bank affiliate linking

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  1. ugain profile image61
    ugainposted 17 years ago

    Is it possible to add a link to a product you are promoting from ClickBank. It doesn't seem to be working for me for whatever reason.

    Anyone on this?



  2. darkside profile image56
    darksideposted 17 years ago

    How many times have you put the link in  your hub?

  3. ugain profile image61
    ugainposted 17 years ago

    I have 1 link going to my Blog on my website (nothing to do with the affiliate link) and the 1 affiliate link that when clicked opens the same Hub page on another window.


    Thanks in advance.


  4. relache profile image67
    relacheposted 17 years ago

    Even if you don't put too many (more than 2) clickbank links on a Hub, please note that they are not considered a "good neighborhood" by many search engines.

  5. vreccc profile image60
    vrecccposted 17 years ago

    What you might do is set up a redirect on your own website. Put the link in hubpages to the page on your set that has the redirect.


  6. ugain profile image61
    ugainposted 17 years ago

    Well after fiddling around, I used the link editing tool and I finally got it.

    Quick question, being new to the Hub Community, although I feel and know I write quality content, how are affiliate products viewed in general with other Hubbers.


    1. Maddie Ruud profile image68
      Maddie Ruudposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      For the record, I personally seriously dislike hubs with affiliate links in them, if only because I feel like, even if there IS content there, it's only to "trick" me into clicking, or prevent the spam filter from penalizing the hub.  Plus, I just don't see it actually making people money.  I have zero affiliate links in my hubs, and it would seem I make more than most here on HP.  (Not to toot my own horn...)

      1. profile image56
        VASTposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Question 1: I am trying to understand how you are able to generate revenue by not having any affiliate links.  Should i just post a hub with only an amazon link and google adwords or what are you reccomending? Or can you explain how you are able to do that without any links , which you "personally seriously dislike hubs with affiliate links in them", which means that you will flag them, right?
        Question 2:Because i am trying to figure out how to add one link to Worldwide Brands- which has many useful information relating to my hub (but they ask for my affiliate url-which I can not figure out after reading help pdf and forum posts) when I click on profile it says: //

        1. relache profile image67
          relacheposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          I use the Amazon and eBay capsules, plus AdSense and Kontera.

          1. mrizos profile image65
            mrizosposted 16 years agoin reply to this

            How is Kontera paying these days?

  7. Misha profile image64
    Mishaposted 17 years ago

    As long as you write quality content not being an outright promotion of your site/product, you are fine smile

  8. embitca profile image80
    embitcaposted 17 years ago

    If you have Ebay and Amazon modules in your hubs and display Adsense, you have affiliate links in your hubs. The two significant differences between the Ebay and Amazon links and other affiliate links is that Ebay and Amazon are integrated with Hubpages page building software and there is a pageview sharing arrangement.

    I think an argument can be made for favoring the use of affiliate links for which Hubpages will get a share of the revenues, but when it comes down to it an affiliate link is still an affiliate link.

  9. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
    pauldeedsposted 16 years ago

    Most HubPages authors make 80-90% of their money from AdSense.  For typical content you can expect to make between $2 and $6 per thousand hub views.  However, certain types of hubs (for instance poetry or photo galleries) will likely pay less and other types (say finance or health) will pay more.  If your traffic comes disproportionally from outside of the U.S. that will skew things down as well.

    I think the negative view some people have of certain affiliate programs, clickbank for instance, is that they often don't provide great value or satisfaction to the purchaser.  I can't speak personally of it, because I've never bought anything through clickbank, but that's the impression I get.

    You are allowed to use clickbank or other affiliate links in your hubs, just be sure to read the rules carefully.

  10. profile image56
    VASTposted 16 years ago

    THANK YOU for your help,I did read the link to the rules, but I also asked question #2 that I still need an answer please: "Because i am trying to figure out how to add one link to Worldwide Brands- which has many useful information relating to my hub (but they ask for my affiliate url-which I can not figure out after reading help pdf and forum posts) when I click on profile it says: //                is that what I use?

  11. sunforged profile image75
    sunforgedposted 16 years ago

    VAST - Is worldwide brands asking for your affiliate link? As any hubpages affiliate link should have no relevance since they are not partnered.

    usually within your publisher dashboard (or where ever you are trying to create a link from) you would simply copy from a text box or occasionally fill in a unique campaign id.

    Either way it would not be the address to your hub profile page.

    and additionally worldwide brands has a pretty large presence on the rip off report .com and other scam exposure sites, are you sure its a brand you want to promote?

  12. profile image56
    VASTposted 16 years ago

    THANK YOU for your help, I think i did not use the correct term, since I am still new, the world wide brands affiliate application asks for the url address where their link will appear, that way they can track where the new customer came from-so would that be my hub url address?
    which is : hmm/   ? 
    Also thanks for the info on the scams, i had been looking for info on them before I became a member recently, but didn't find much. I will read those articles.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image84
      Marisa Wrightposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I'd say you would just type in

      Do please do your research first, though - no point in all that work if they're a scam.

      I joined Clickbank, had a look through to find relevant material and decided it was all cr*p that I really didn't want to be associated with.

      As others have said, the primary way to make money on HubPages is through Adsense - I assume you've set yourself up for that.  You earn by writing Hubs on topics people are looking for, then they will click on the ads that HubPages automatically puts on your Hubs for you.  You can also add eBay and Amazon capsules to sell products through those sites. 

      Do bear in mind that if people are tempted to click on your other affiliate links, they will leave your Hub without clicking on your Adsense ads - so you may get an affiliate sale but lose out on Adsense.  Whether that makes sense, depends on which one you think is more likely to make a sale and which one is likely to pay you better.

      1. profile image56
        VASTposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        thanks but does not tell the affiliate what my specific hub url address is (or what is that called )

  13. waynet profile image69
    waynetposted 16 years ago

    Finding good products to promote on Clickbank is the hard part, because you have to do some quality research and study time to find the best recommendations, after all about as much as 80% of the digital products on Clickbank are just rehashed content from PLR articles and such, so for me Clickbank really is only a promotional marketing method through email and newsletters as more often than not Clickbank affiliate links don't often get indexed, nor do redirects that often as Google may see it as the cloaking shady technique it really is.

    Other gurus or super affiliates will often say that to recommend a product you have to buy it first and then base your recommendation on your own personal view, which is fair enough when you have the money to buy this and that.

    I've had a little tinkering here and there with adding a blog post link that has further information about the affiliate promotion, then I don't clutter a hub page with a naked clickbank/hoplink as this just might affect the hub page in question in a negative way - The reactions and actions of Google and now other search engines are naturally to produce the best possible search results and that means the elimination of spammy promotional pages and websites and bringing the quality content to the surface.


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