Anyone familiar with this site boburga dot ru?

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  1. Titia profile image93
    Titiaposted 5 years ago

    I just found a © on one of my animal hubs and discovered it has been stolen and is sitting on the site boburga dot ru  Obviously a Russian site, but most articles and text on the site is in Italian. I think there are a lot of hubs from others published there.

    I've send them a message to take it down, but I fear it being a russian site they won't respond to that request. I'll wait a few days and check again. If it's not taken down, I'll file a DMCA and will ask Google to remove it from searches.

    However could one of you give me the links to do that? Seems they've disappeared somehow from my bookmarkings.

    1. Matt Wells profile imageSTAFF
      Matt Wellsposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      You can file a DMCA notice with Google search here. Click "Submit a Legal Request" to get started.

      1. Titia profile image93
        Titiaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Matt, I did but then I get stuck because I don't know which Google product I have to choose to get the right DMCA.

  2. Marketing Merit profile image82
    Marketing Meritposted 5 years ago

    Hi Titia.

    I've had issues with this site also. It has copied one of my cat articles, which is still there. Although it has a Russian domain name extension, the hosting information specifies CloudFlare (at least it did when I filed the DMCA).

    You will probably get a standard response from CloudFlare stating the following;

    Please be aware Cloudflare is a network provider offering a reverse proxy, pass-through security service. We are not a hosting provider. Cloudflare does not control the content of our customers.

    They then forward the complaint to the hosting company which is/was proxad dot net, who are based in France. Six months on, they have still failed to remove the content from the website.

    As Matt suggested, I would get it deindexed. I use this link:

    - then select the Google Web Search option.

    Please do let me know how you get on, as I may pursue removal of my article again.

    Hope this helps and good luck!

    1. Titia profile image93
      Titiaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks so much for your information. I've just filed the DMCA and will wait for Google's reaction. The one who's posting the stolen articles is called Giardino.

      I've searched his site a bit further and came across more stolen articles from HP writers who have articles on PetHelpful. Found yours too and articles from the following hubbers:
      Barbara Badder - Drake Runner - Angela Michelle Schulz - Adrienne Farricelli - LC David and lots more. Those were on page 1-3 and there are 13 pages.

  3. alexadry profile image90
    alexadryposted 4 years ago

    Hi Titia,
    It's been years I have been trying to get that website to take down articles. It has like over 20 of mine and is using my own pictures too. I filed several DMCAs and the articles are de-indexed, but every time I do that, it seems like the website owner manages to get different ad types to keep on monetizing. It is now using Disqus which has ads among the comments and I reported to Disqus now, but things are getting annoying because I would really want my articles and pictures to be taken down.

    Normally, I would contact the hosting company, but the hosting company in question doesn't reply and it has reports of ignoring DMCA requests. It's sad, but it seems like there's not much left to do.

    One day, when I can afford it, I might hire a company that specializes in these difficult cases and see if they can do anything about it.

    1. Titia profile image93
      Titiaposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Yes I know, I haven't been able either to get it down so far.

  4. alexadry profile image90
    alexadryposted 2 years ago

    I am still fighting this Russian website as of today. I cannot get over the fact it has used my content and many pictures of my (now deceased) dogs for so many years. It is sickening. This has caused me to become very reluctant to post any of my original pictures on the web.

    Every time I file a Google DMCA, they lose their Google ads, but they replace them with others. Oddly, after Google ads are removed, after a couple of years they are back again. I don't know how they manage to do that.

    I have now reported them to MGID which is displaying ads for this website.

    It's vey unfortunate that their hosting site is not collaborative and has been reported by many as being a shady business involved with hosting fraudulent websites.

    Another website I am fighting is also Dogsguru dot ru which appears very similar and I suspect it's owned by the same person.

    And a website known as goodogdog dot com has copied 96 of my articles! It seems to be a copycat website scraping any content published here. I don't see ads yet, but likely they're planning on eventually turning them on one day.


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