Anyone seeing a significant drop in traffic since Covid19 lockdowns?

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  1. nomadspirit profile image94
    nomadspiritposted 4 years ago

    I have seen a huge drop in both views and CPM for the past 2 to 3 months. I write mostly travel related articles so this was expected. However the drop is so steep that I am wondering if something else could be going on (i.e if it could be more than just people not planning or reading about vacations anymore).
    For example, I checked my articles and as usual a few were featured snippets on Google. These still had roughly 90% less views than they had in November and December of last year.
    Is anybody else having the same issue since the Covid19 precautions?
    And if you are, what topics are you experiencing the drops in?

    1. OldRoses profile image67
      OldRosesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      The airlines, cruise industry, even AirBnB are all experiencing 90%+ declines.  If people aren't travelling, why would they be reading travel sites?  No one knows when the pandemic and the restrictions will end so no one can make any travel plans.

    2. chef-de-jour profile image100
      chef-de-jourposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      For sure. Most of my views come from literature students so when global closure of schools kicked in I was hit badly. Numbers have recovered a little but won't be back to the regular highs for months I suspect.

      I'm not too frazzled. Over the years there have been many setbacks and concerns for us writers online....adblockers, plagiarism, Google updates (+/-), niche site wobbles, takeovers, Amazon hassles....etc etc.

      This pandemic is the pits BUT things will start to improve over the medium term and stabilise to a degree long term, updates and takeovers notwithstanding.

      Don't know what the next disaster will be...any educated guesses out there?....or who knows, this Covid19 horror show could be the last????Haha.

      Meanwhile I'm writing fresh articles, updating the old and still enjoying the freedom to explore and be rewarded for it.

      1. nomadspirit profile image94
        nomadspiritposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        I am also exploring new areas to write on and hoping to grow through this pandemic. And yeah, hopefully after Covid19, there will be bo more horrors for a long, long time.

    3. Jean Bakula profile image87
      Jean Bakulaposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      I barely made the payout in April, when I was making a few hundred for years. I think the drop has to do with The Maven. Their content was always lower in quality than ours, and we never get straight answers from them. They ruined

  2. Butterfly67 profile image90
    Butterfly67posted 4 years ago

    Hi, yes, on my personal websites I have seen a massive drop in traffic (they are transport related) to the point where in April I did not make Adsense payout for the first time in about 7 years :-(

    1. nomadspirit profile image94
      nomadspiritposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      It sucks, but recovery is on the way for the travel industry it seems

  3. Gordon Hamilton profile image97
    Gordon Hamiltonposted 4 years ago

    I'm the opposite. Have seen around a 50% increase in traffic since lockdown. As I write principally on food/cooking, however, this is perhaps to be expected. Hope your traffic picks up soon!

    1. nomadspirit profile image94
      nomadspiritposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Awesome. You are right. As expected some topics are going through the roof now in terms of readership. Good for you!

  4. CMHypno profile image83
    CMHypnoposted 4 years ago

    My traffic has fallen since Christmas.  It rallied for a few weeks, but has dropped again since the latest Google algorithm change.  Tough times!

    1. nomadspirit profile image94
      nomadspiritposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Tough times indeed!
      But we will pull through. I heard today that cruise bookings are up a high percentage for 2021 and 2022 so if you happen to write in travel there may be good times ahead.

  5. eugbug profile image95
    eugbugposted 4 years ago

    No, but traffic has dropped since the Google update last week. Before that, it was the highest ever.

    1. EricFarmer8x profile image62
      EricFarmer8xposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      I write mostly about video games and technology.

      Some of my newer video game hubs are doing great. I recently moved some articles from one my personal websites to HubPages and they are starting to do well.

      My older work is getting about the same amount of views as normal. There is nothing much to note.

      1. nomadspirit profile image94
        nomadspiritposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        That's great!
        Shows you how important topic is. Video games is a good one. Now that people have turned to 'safe entertainment' at home, I expect you will just continue to do well!

    2. nomadspirit profile image94
      nomadspiritposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Good for you.
      Its good that it's not all a wipe-out and that many people write on topics that are doing pretty well right now, or even better than before the pandemic struck

  6. Ben716 profile image84
    Ben716posted 4 years ago

    The lockdown has affected the viewership and earning of some articles. My articles receive the same views as last year but the issue is the rate of earning. It has decreased tremendously.
    I can say, it is more than decrease of viewing. The CPM has decreased obvious to reduction in the rate of advertisement.
    Hopefully, the end of this month will witness opening of airports and relaxation of lockdown.

    1. nomadspirit profile image94
      nomadspiritposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, CPMs are way down, especially in travel niche. What areas do you write on?

      1. Ben716 profile image84
        Ben716posted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Relationships, spiritual (Christianity), social issues, animals and politics.

  7. peachpurple profile image82
    peachpurpleposted 4 years ago

    my hubs are basically about recopes, health and kids.
    Honestly speaking, I had not been active here since I started working a full time job 2 years ago.

    My hub score and traffic are the same, around 80 to 85 hub score, daily earnings zero cts to 8 cts, never more than that.

  8. Sustainable Sue profile image98
    Sustainable Sueposted 4 years ago

    My traffic has gone up, especially for those hubs that address home and garden repairs.  I'm worried about what will happen when the pandemic ends (lol).

  9. Jodah profile image88
    Jodahposted 4 years ago

    Traffic on my individual most popular articles seems to have decreased but I have noticed more of my articles getting viewed now (even old ones.) Earnings have risen significantly in the last three months for me so I’m not complaining.

  10. Niks007 profile image82
    Niks007posted 4 years ago

    Yes, there has been a significant drop in traffic this year. But as a writer, I think more about writing quality articles that readers will enjoy writing.


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