New articles unjustly flagged and unpublished by moderation?

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  1. LindaSarhan profile image91
    LindaSarhanposted 14 months ago

    I took a few years off from writing avidly to focus on two degrees in English and Creative Writing. Now, as I am getting back into the content article writing routine again, I decided to add some creative writing flair to my content writing style. I thought it would be more engaging for the reader, however, I am now be unfairly flagged and unpublished for "substandard quality" also saying it violates community guidelines. What?! Yes, they are longer articles now but they are comprehensive guides. A one-stop shop of information with a flair of literary device techniques sprinkled in.

    Who do I need to email or speak to about this that isn't some AI bot?

    And should I leave the article style droll and straightforward with no creative flair? I considered publishing my short stories and poetry but if I am going to battle this issue with Hubpages, I probably shouldn't, since it seems thorough creative writing is frowned upon at this site. I would like some clarification.

    1. Kenna McHugh profile image94
      Kenna McHughposted 14 months agoin reply to this

      Contact or Matt Wells might chime in on this thread. Other Hubbers may know more about short stories and poetry submissions than I do. I write articles and have one LetterPile.

      1. LindaSarhan profile image91
        LindaSarhanposted 14 months agoin reply to this

        Thank you for providing the email. I may reach out tomorrow.

        I noticed some strange inconsistencies in a few of the articles. The one on Free Speech vs Cancel Culture was edited by Hubpages and even changed the header photo to one of their choosing, pushing down the one I designed with previous HP standards. It was published on Owlcation. Now has a 404 error. I have the link but don't want to get flagged for "advertising and promotional posts" despite not being a working link.

        Or take my article that was recently "blocked" in the last 24 hours on building a car winter emergency kit. It was modified and not by me. I pulled up the original in my files and someone at Hubpages messed with it because some of it is different. So, Hubpages edits it and then blocks it after they messed with it? What?! Crazy. Now, it is a super long, comprehensive guide. If Hubpages wants me to break it down into several articles then Hubpages should say so. And if a well-informed article is no longer welcomed at Hubpages, let me know because I will expand this further into a book and cut HP out of the benefits it brings to both the site and the reader.

        1. Kenna McHugh profile image94
          Kenna McHughposted 14 months agoin reply to this

          I hear you. From what I can remember from the Learning Center, the only reasons for flags or blocks are AI content, plagiarism, and self-promotion.

          1. LindaSarhan profile image91
            LindaSarhanposted 14 months agoin reply to this

            The winter car emergency kit had two positioned links to related articles. Just two in an 8,000-word article shouldn't flag it, or it used not to. Recently, Hubpages edited my article to hyperlink keywords to other hubs. Oh, wait, that article was unpublished with "needs edit" after Hubpages editors messed with it.

            Can't be an AI issue because a) my work and b) I add citations were relevant. Not familiar with AI, but does AI add citations? I am a bit old-school and all this AI talk leaves my head spinning.

            Kenna, I appreciate your responses. smile

            1. Kenna McHugh profile image94
              Kenna McHughposted 14 months agoin reply to this

              Okay. AI means it's not written by you but by AI. If not, then it's something else that HP should answer.

    2. Matt Wells profile imageSTAFF
      Matt Wellsposted 14 months agoin reply to this

      A few of your articles were unpublished recently because they were created with AI. Send an email to if you have any questions.

      1. LindaSarhan profile image91
        LindaSarhanposted 14 months agoin reply to this

        I am having to now do a deep dive into this AI thing so I have a better idea of what I am being accused of and how it will impact writers moving forward. Man, some of my professors were right. I didn't want to believe it. They were always telling me to dumb down my writing because the average person only reads on an eighth-grade level. I firmly believe in the "power of yet" pedagogy so I didn't want to buy into the dumb-it-down philosophy for adult readers.  Although, I admit that my writing weakness (all writers have them) is not always well-placed repetition and redundancy.

        I was also told that using literary devices and techniques in content writing probably wouldn't go over well, but I wanted to try to make a more interesting read. I never thought in a million years I would be accused of something that is out of my realm of understanding - AI. Guess I will have to do more research to understand how all this works and again how it will impact my rebellion against the "dumb-it-down" strategy prevalent in today's writing world - especially after talking to my tech friend upon seeing your response.

        We took a sample from a published article I had in 1998 and he put it in some software program. It was flagged. I was shocked. Guess I am going to throw out my two writing degrees despite the thousands of dollars in student loan debt. AI is going to ruin writers in the writing industry it seems. Or maybe I am too old for all this AI drama.

        Either way, Matt, I appreciate your feedback nonetheless. I will email soon - after I gather my thoughts, curb my frustration with the state of the world right now, and decide what I am going to do going forward. Right now I just feel insulted.


        1. SerenityHalo profile image93
          SerenityHaloposted 14 months agoin reply to this

          Unfortunately, AI trackers are imperfect and all this technology is new. I would write an email and start a correspondence with HP, especially if what you’ve written isn’t by AI. You’ll need to figure out what exactly is triggering it so you can avoid it.

        2. Kenna McHugh profile image94
          Kenna McHughposted 14 months agoin reply to this

          It's such a bummer. I would ask for specifics. It's hard to reason with generalities.

          1. SerenityHalo profile image93
            SerenityHaloposted 14 months agoin reply to this

            I can understand the issue on both ends. It really stinks as a writer to be accused of copy-pasting AI writing, but it’s also bad for a platform to be publishing noticeable AI nonsense. Just hoping the problem gets better with time, not worse.

          2. Matt Wells profile imageSTAFF
            Matt Wellsposted 14 months agoin reply to this

            Please email and we can review.

          3. paolaenergya profile image90
            paolaenergyaposted 14 months agoin reply to this

            I have a feeling AI trained on your writing and then started hallucinating thinking it wrote your articles!

    3. Miebakagh57 profile image73
      Miebakagh57posted 14 months ago

      Artificial Interlegency! Only yesterday I was asking on my timeline whether us writers are AI complaint? I answer I don't and my skull is okay.                                              We all know this ai nonsense is negatively affecting so many authers because of creed to make the fast buck.                                      I don't care who goes AI. Lately,  Matt Wells has warned don't go near it. AI is  stupid.

    4. Miebakagh57 profile image73
      Miebakagh57posted 14 months ago

      Hey guys, I'm sorry for the typo: 'Artificial Interllegency', instead of Artificial Interllegence. Thanks.

      1. theraggededge profile image87
        theraggededgeposted 14 months agoin reply to this


        1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
          Miebakagh57posted 14 months agoin reply to this


      2. LindaSarhan profile image91
        LindaSarhanposted 14 months agoin reply to this

        I appreciate the weigh-in. Oh, and I also have a shirt that says, "typos happen".

        1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
          Miebakagh57posted 14 months agoin reply to this

          Yes. Thank you.


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