Starting My Own 30 Hubs/30 Days Challenge March 1, Wanna Join In?

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  1. profile image0
    lynnechandlerposted 14 years ago

    Yeah I am really having to pull at these. I have several ideas going but each one just seems to be taking a lot.

  2. KCC Big Country profile image80
    KCC Big Countryposted 14 years ago

    Well, I feel like I've made some progress.  I have 14 hubs in the works.  All of them have a chunk done on them.  I hope to get a few published in the next couple of days with the remainder done in the next week.  Even without publishing these, I'm on target with my current hubs to hit 200,000 pageviews this week.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Well done KCC. I've published 7 so far and have another 3 started, so I'm a bit behind - but doing better than I've ever done!

      1. KCC Big Country profile image80
        KCC Big Countryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks, Marisa! Congrats on your progress as well! Keep up the great work! 

        Way to go Soni, you're getting after it!

        1. soni2006 profile image71
          soni2006posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks a lot KCC. You are always an inspiration for HubChallenge

  3. soni2006 profile image71
    soni2006posted 14 years ago

    Published three more hubs today and now I have completed 8 hubs since starting my hubchallenge on March 4th, 2010.

  4. englightenedsoul profile image58
    englightenedsoulposted 14 years ago

    I have just published Hub number 5 for the march hubchallenge.

    Qualities Required To Be A Successful Entrepreneur!!

  5. englightenedsoul profile image58
    englightenedsoulposted 14 years ago

    Hub number 6 for the march hubchallenge:

    15 Random Quotes On Entrepreneurship

  6. KCC Big Country profile image80
    KCC Big Countryposted 14 years ago

    Finally published the first two for this March HubChallenge.  Have about a dozen in the works.  "Get'r done"

  7. profile image0
    lynnechandlerposted 14 years ago

    Awesomeness Karen! I have 5 in the on the board and 25 to go.

  8. englightenedsoul profile image58
    englightenedsoulposted 14 years ago

    Hub number 7 for the march challenge

    15 Inspirational Quotes

  9. soni2006 profile image71
    soni2006posted 14 years ago

    Published two more hubs and completed 10 hubs in March HubChallenge, started on March 4th.

    The returns of investment in hubchallenge are excellent. Isn't it??

    1. KCC Big Country profile image80
      KCC Big Countryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I have always seen great results from participating in the hubchallenges.  Keep up the good work Soni.

      1. soni2006 profile image71
        soni2006posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks a lot for your appreciation KCC. I love hubchallenge. Cheers.

  10. Marisa Wright profile image85
    Marisa Wrightposted 14 years ago

    I've done 10 Hubs for this March Challenge.  I got a bit down when I discovered the Contest judges are only going to see the 10 Hubs picked by Jason for the People's Choice award, which means I've got no chance of winning the first week's prize.  And looking at the 10 Hubs picked, it looks like Jason is thinking along Flagship Hub lines in picking the shortlist, so I'm way off beam with my Hubs anyway. 


    The result is that I started a Hub for tomorrow's contest topic but haven't got very far with it, and I don't think there's much point finishing it, as I'm not likely to write a Hub that will make the grade anyway.  Health topics are not my strong point, and I'm not willing to settle for spinning other people's stuff to pad things out.

    So I'm officially falling behind now.  In the past, the Challenge itself hasn't been enough to keep me motivated - now the contest feels beyond my reach, I'm not going to guarantee to keep going with this.

    1. KCC Big Country profile image80
      KCC Big Countryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Health Hubs are not my strong point either, Marisa.  Don't get discouraged though.  How about writing the next set of hubs about something you find enjoyable or something you find interesting to learn about?  That's how some of my hubs were born.  I heard something on the radio that made me curious and did the research to satisfy my own curiousity and thought others might be interested in what I found out too.  Let the challenge be about finding new topics to write about that are fun for YOU.

      1. soni2006 profile image71
        soni2006posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        That's true KCC. Sometimes when I get bored of writing hubs on the same topic, I research for other topics which I find interesting to keep up the spirits.

    2. soni2006 profile image71
      soni2006posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Marissa, you are a great inspiration and motivation for us. Cheer up dear. Best of luck.

  11. samboiam profile image60
    samboiamposted 14 years ago

    How do you get the ideas for 30 hubs in 30 days?

    1. KCC Big Country profile image80
      KCC Big Countryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      All kinds of things surface when you get in the hub-writing mindframe.  Inspiration will show up in the strangest of places.  For me, a lot of my ideas come from trivia I hear on the radio, or over-hearing someone talk about something at the grocery store.  I have a few ideas to make you think in this hub that I've retitled a few times over the life of the hub. … ing-Skills

      I periodically brainstorm ideas and write down anything that comes to mind.  I often don't flesh them out until later.

      If you still need help, holler.

  12. KCC Big Country profile image80
    KCC Big Countryposted 14 years ago

    I am starting to catch up....LOL  3 hubs in 10 days....just gotta finish all the ones I've started.

  13. soni2006 profile image71
    soni2006posted 14 years ago

    Published one more hub total 11 in March HubChallenge. Started March 4th

  14. soni2006 profile image71
    soni2006posted 14 years ago

    Published one more hub total 12 in March HubChallenge. Started on 4th of March. Link in Hubchallenge hub links thread.

    1. Anath profile image64
      Anathposted 14 years ago

      I am stuck again.  I've been too busy lately, it looks like this is heading to be another one of my unfinished HubChallenges sad

      1. KCC Big Country profile image80
        KCC Big Countryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Anath, a HubChallenge is about challenging yourself, but you can only physically do what you have time to do.  If you've had to focus on other things, that's life.  Don't sweat it.  Everytime you attempt a challenge, you're a success.  Just keep trying.  Push yourself when you can, but be proud of every single step you've made.

        1. soni2006 profile image71
          soni2006posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Again you are a genius KCC. What a nice motivational thought you have given to Anath.

          1. KCC Big Country profile image80
            KCC Big Countryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Thank you Soni, you're very kind and have been a good friend to everyone at HP.

        2. Anath profile image64
          Anathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you for your words KCC Big Country, I'll keep trying smile

    2. profile image0
      lynnechandlerposted 14 years ago

      I got number 6 out this morning and figured I need about 1 1/2 hubs to actually make 30 this month for the rest of the month so will probably try and get another one out sometime today.

      Everyone seems to be doing really well. Keep on hubbing and keep up the good work. Chugga Chugga Choo Choo <<-- hub challenge train keeps on a rollin rollin rollin.

    3. Sage Williams profile image60
      Sage Williamsposted 14 years ago

      Good Luck to you Soni!

    4. profile image0
      blake4dposted 14 years ago

      I accept.

      1. KCC Big Country profile image80
        KCC Big Countryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Welcome aboard the challenge, blake4d.  If you need help, just holler.

    5. soni2006 profile image71
      soni2006posted 14 years ago

      Good luck to you also Sage Williams. Published one more hub total 13 in March HubChallenge.

      Medicinal Benefits of Yarrow - Where to Buy Yarrow

      Started on 4th of March. Link in Hubchallenge hub links thread.

    6. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 14 years ago

      I'm dropping out of the Challenge - too much work to do next week.  I have a workshop to teach on Wednesday and a gig on Saturday so I have to make a lesson plan, rehearse and finish making a costume.

      I'm glad I entered the Challenge though - between my two Challenges (February and March) I wrote 19 Hubs.  That's major productivity by my standards!

      1. soni2006 profile image71
        soni2006posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        That's wonderful Marisa. At least, you took some time from your busy schedule. By the way, it would be a nice idea to make a hub on teachings and lessons and workshops you are involved with. Why not write a hub on how to design a costume for plays or something. You can share your practical experience of what you have been doing.

      2. KCC Big Country profile image80
        KCC Big Countryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry to see you drop out, Marisa, but I truly do understand.  As I mentioned to Anath, life happens and sometimes we have to rearrange our schedules and other things take priority.  19 Hubs is something to be extremely proud of.

    7. soni2006 profile image71
      soni2006posted 14 years ago

      Published 1 more hub now total 14 for March HubChallenge.

      Calendula Herbal Facts - Where to Buy Marigold Flower Extract

      Started on 4th of March. Link in Hubchallenge hub links thread.

    8. englightenedsoul profile image58
      englightenedsoulposted 14 years ago

      Hub Number 8 for the hub march hubchallenge

      "Redgage-Top 5 Reasons To Join Redgage"

    9. profile image0
      lynnechandlerposted 14 years ago

      I finally got number 7 done. You guys that have put out twice that are awesome. I'm so far behind.

    10. soni2006 profile image71
      soni2006posted 14 years ago

      Hub #15 published for March Hubchallenge that I started on March 4th.

      Geraniums: Best Plants to Grow | Types of Geraniums with Pictures | Medicinal Benefits

      Link in Hubchallenge Hub Links Thread.

    11. KCC Big Country profile image80
      KCC Big Countryposted 14 years ago

      I'm right there with you Lynne.  I think I've published 8.  Gotta catch up!  LOL

    12. profile image0
      lynnechandlerposted 14 years ago

      I got a product one out last night. I was inspired so that made 8 for me but I need that infernal elusive 2 a day now for the rest of the month.

    13. soni2006 profile image71
      soni2006posted 14 years ago

      For March Hubchallenge published Hub #16. I started this challenge on March 4th.

      Oranges: Extraction of Orange Oil | Physical Benefits | Emotional Benefits

      Link in Hubchallenge Hub Links Thread.

    14. profile image0
      blake4dposted 14 years ago

      I reached 30hubs just now. I did it everyone. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    15. KCC Big Country profile image80
      KCC Big Countryposted 14 years ago

      Congratulations, Blake4D!

    16. soni2006 profile image71
      soni2006posted 14 years ago

      For March Hubchallenge published Hub #17. I started this challenge on March 4th.

      Leg Fitness Exercises on Equipments: Roman Chair | Leg Curls | Squat

      Link in Hubchallenge links thread.

    17. englightenedsoul profile image58
      englightenedsoulposted 14 years ago

      Hub #9 for March hubchallenge

      Manage Your Boss- Simple Boss Management Techniques"

    18. profile image0
      lynnechandlerposted 14 years ago

      Number 9 is up. Second part to common household items.

    19. soni2006 profile image71
      soni2006posted 14 years ago

      For March Hubchallenge published Hub #18. started on March 4th

      Best Floor Exercises For Women

      If any woman will include these three very light floor exercises in her workout routine and do them on a regular basis, it will provide tremendous results in the strengthening the lower body and also losing weight.....

      Link in hubchallenge hub links

    20. soni2006 profile image71
      soni2006posted 14 years ago

      For March Hubchallenge uploaded Hub #19. started on March 4th

      Orange Oil Benefits - History and Origin of Oranges

      Link in hublink thread.

    21. soni2006 profile image71
      soni2006posted 14 years ago

      March HubChallenge Hub #20- Started 4 March

      HubMob Weekly Topic: Exercise and Fitness - Quick Workouts

      Push Ups | Variations of Pushups | Incline and Decline Pushups


      If you do all these variations, then you will get fully developed chest, shoulders, traps, and the upper head of your triceps along with great upper abs...

    22. KCC Big Country profile image80
      KCC Big Countryposted 14 years ago

      Soni, you're doing a fantastic job.  Keep up the good work.  I, on the otherhand, have had a big dose of "real life" jump up and interfere with my ability to crank out the number of hubs I'd like to.  I haven't given up and I have yet to fail at a challenge and I think this is my 7th shall carry on.  I did start 3 new ones today, but none are ready to publish.  I think I have 9 or 10 published towards my 30 for the month.

    23. soni2006 profile image71
      soni2006posted 14 years ago

      Thanks a lot KCC. You have also done a great job. Here is March HubChallenge Hub #21- Started 4 March

      Ginseng: Benefits of Panax Ginseng | Where to Buy Panax Ginseng Extract


    24. soni2006 profile image71
      soni2006posted 14 years ago

      Hub #22- Started 4 March - HubChallenge

      Pines: History | Benefits | Where To Buy Pine Oil


    25. KCC Big Country profile image80
      KCC Big Countryposted 14 years ago

      Thanks for the nudge, Nelle.  I actually started another hub during my lunch hour.  I'm just in that mode of wanting to write about something that I can just let flow out of my fingers rather than something I need to research, etc.  I'm wanting to be lazy....but nothing is quite flowing like I want.  The things that I'm finding interesting require research and it's not something I want to devote that much time to when I feel like I'm running out of time.   I'm not giving up,, this month has flown by!

    26. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 14 years ago

      I doubt I'm going to make the 30 Hubs in March now, but I have managed to do another one:

    27. KCC Big Country profile image80
      KCC Big Countryposted 14 years ago

      Way to go Marisa! I remember you posting that you were dropping out, but it's nice to see you snuck another in.  I'm going to go try to finish one of them that I started.

      1. Marisa Wright profile image85
        Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Yes I did, because last week was so busy - but then I thought hey, that was only one week, so why don't I get back on the bicycle?

        1. KCC Big Country profile image80
          KCC Big Countryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          You're exactly right!  Why the heck not? I'm still plugging at it too.  I just published number 12 for the month, but I feel the momentum building.

    28. KCC Big Country profile image80
      KCC Big Countryposted 14 years ago

      Well....I managed to get two published tonight! Number 10 and 11.  Of course, that means I'm not even halfway there!  Yikes....LOL   I gotta hustle!

    29. KCC Big Country profile image80
      KCC Big Countryposted 14 years ago

      Snuck #13 in too.  Wooo hooo

    30. soni2006 profile image71
      soni2006posted 14 years ago

      Published one more today total 23 in march hubchallenge, started on 4th of march.

    31. profile image57
      brtaiwoposted 14 years ago

      Can i still join the march challenge. I only have one hub. I believe i can publish 29 hubs in 5 days.

      1. KCC Big Country profile image80
        KCC Big Countryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        That's quite a challenge!  You're welcome to join, but if you'd prefer to have the full 30 days, then you can do that too.  Be sure to post your links in the proper thread.

    32. soni2006 profile image71
      soni2006posted 14 years ago

      Published one more, total 24 in March HubChallenge, started on March 4.

      Hub link in HC hublinks thread.

    33. Annabel Swift profile image60
      Annabel Swiftposted 14 years ago

      May I join in? I will have published 22 hubs, possibly 23 by the end of today, since the start of the month. All product hubs but that's not a problem?


      1. KCC Big Country profile image80
        KCC Big Countryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Of course you can join in, Annabel!  That's not a problem at all.   You can also go load all 22 of them up at one time onto the thread where we post our hubs as we publish them to catch them up.  I gave the link in my message above this one.

        You're definitely on target to hit 30 in 30 days!  Good luck to you!

    34. soni2006 profile image71
      soni2006posted 14 years ago

      Published two more amazing hubs, total 26 for March HubChallenge that I started on 4th of March 2010.

      You can find the links to my hubs in Hubchallenge official hublink thread.

    35. soni2006 profile image71
      soni2006posted 14 years ago

      Published on more interesting hub on carbs, total 27 for March HubChallenge - started on 4th of March.

      Carbohydrates: Simple Carbs | Complex Carbs | Functions | Daily Requirement

      You can find the link to this really interesting hub in official hublink thread.

    36. soni2006 profile image71
      soni2006posted 14 years ago

      Published 1 more hub total 28 for March HubChallenge - started on 4th of March.

      Amazing Facts and Benefits of Complex Carbohydrates

      Complex carbohydrates are opposite to simple carbohydrates and the difference is that simple carbohydrates are simple sugars ...

      Check link in profile or hublinks thread


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