by Writing Coach -- Rajinder Soni 14 years ago
Hi friends,I am feeling really happy today, not only because of my real life friends and relatives who called me at 12 o'clock to wish me but the huge list of friends I have made at hubpages.At my birthday, I wish good luck and best wishes to all my friends and fellow hubbers at hubpages........May...
by Lady_E 15 years ago
Hi I’m “21 again” today. I would really love if you could post a joke or something funny for me to read. (don’t worry if you can’t think of one). I’ve always wanted to post a thread asking people to write a Joke, so I guess this is my opportunity and it would make my day.Cheers, Elena
by borge_009 14 years ago
I'm one year older today than yesterday.
by susanlang 14 years ago
I don't know if he will read it or not, but I wrote a short story for him today, his birthday.
by Susan Reid 13 years ago
From The Hub Forums gang!
by Tim Nichol 13 years ago
A big hello and a happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canadian hubbers.I can't imagine a nicer place to live, and I'm sure you couldn't either. To a very large extent we really are as the world likely sees us. Polite, accepting of different viewpoints, cultures, languages, and an...