How do you think the world will be annihillated?

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  1. profile image0
    sandra rinckposted 16 years ago

    Creative contest.  Most imaginitive wins.  Takers???  smile

    What if an alien came down and zapped us?
    What if we actually got swallowed up by our own galexies black hole?

    What if God actually did come and pick us up?
    What if a fireball fell from the sky?

    What if whales came out of the ocean and ate us cause we ate all thier food?

    I like funny, but most imaginative wins...


  2. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 16 years ago

    I am least creative - it won't smile

    1. profile image0
      sandra rinckposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      It's just for fun Misha, just for fun.  smile

  3. futonfraggle profile image66
    futonfraggleposted 16 years ago

    This is a good one. I need to put thought into this...Hmmm

    1. profile image0
      sandra rinckposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I am actually waiting for what you are gonna write, you crack me up.

  4. William F. Torpey profile image69
    William F. Torpeyposted 16 years ago

    That's easy. George Bush drops 300 Hydrogen bombs on Iran which starts a chain reaction around the world and ignites all of the nuclear bombs in United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France and China -- as well as India, Pakistan and North Korea. The apocalypse!

    1. profile image0
      sandra rinckposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Does anyone live?

      1. William F. Torpey profile image69
        William F. Torpeyposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Only  Dick Cheney!

  5. Inspirepub profile image70
    Inspirepubposted 16 years ago

    The mass of the printed material warning against the coming Apocalypse finally exceeds the mass of everything else in the world, and collapses on itself, forming a Black Hole, which sucks everything in, then the pressure and friction causes the Apocalyptic literature to explode out the ass end of the Black Hole, creating the Big Bang.

    1. profile image0
      sandra rinckposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      thus, it starts again!  Do you think we will get our legs stretched out until they get pulled off and our eyes balls pop out of heads.  LOL. 

      glad your back Jenny, I was wondering were you were.

    2. futonfraggle profile image66
      futonfraggleposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      LOL! I like this one

    3. embitca profile image84
      embitcaposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      This is my favorite theory smile

  6. futonfraggle profile image66
    futonfraggleposted 16 years ago

    Okay, I’m a nut, here we go:

    1.  They say that the Earth travels around the Sun at a speed of about 18.5 miles/sec. It takes
    365 days to revolve around the sun. On the other hand, the planet Mercury revolves around the sun approx. 4 times faster than the Earth. It revolves around the sun every 88 days, thus there’s only 88 days in a year on Mercury. If I lived on Mercury, I’d be ancient.

    Okay follow me here: If we were able to dismiss the idea of global warming caused by humans, could we assume that  weather patterns and seasonal temperatures were changing because of a change in Earth’s rotation?

    Apocalypse Theory  #1: Religious texts say that the world will never be destroyed by floods again. Instead we’ll spin out of control, wonder why our days seem shorter, praise Al Gore for all his good work (and thank him for the internetz!) and basically ignore the fact that we’re spinning out of control until we’re hurled into the sun like a wiffle ball.


    2.  We find out that aliens built the pyramids in Egypt and we’re all a product of hot kinky alien sex experiment. Perhaps our founding fathers knew this, thus the depiction of Lady Justice (who resembles Ma’at the Egyptian goddess of justice), the pyramid on US currency, the eye above it (the eye of  Horus?), the latin words: “Novus Ordo Seclorum” or “the Great Seal” (the great seal of what??) and the Celestial falcon of Ra (an eagle, minus the tomal tooth). Call them Masonic symbols or whatever you want…I’ll stick with “the great seal” of non-disclosed hot kinky alien sex secrets!

    Apocalypse Theory #2: UFO’s carry recycled souls from Earth (yeah, you get a flying VW when you die, you didn‘t know?) and they check up on us from time to time. They make crop circles just to scare the living day lights out of us and resort to probing people that are alcohol dependent and have problems telling the truth. Perfect!

    They thought about wiping us out when the fanny-pack was invented (to save us from embarrassment) but decided to wait for us to mess up big time. In 2020 pet rocks will become a fad all over again (but this time they’ll be pet rocks from Mars!). The rocks will contain deadly microorganisms and we’ll all get our flying VW’s after all!

    1. profile image0
      sandra rinckposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Hot kinky alien sex experiments.  I like!  LOL.  Your number one so far.  Little did you know,  I devised a plan to take over the world. muuuhhahhahah.  How bout apocolyptic theory # 3.  I need more, your too inspirational. 
      smile  I knew our fore fathers were strangers, I just had a feeling.  smile

  7. futonfraggle profile image66
    futonfraggleposted 16 years ago

    I'd love to take a stab at a third, but I just opened a cold beverage and I'm afraid of alien probes big_smile

  8. profile image0
    sandra rinckposted 16 years ago

    What if it started to rain in space? Like the stars just start going nuts, like the Universe it'self just got knocked by something.   But in space it rains fire, like water, so we get wiped out
    by an intergalactic storm that causes all Hell to brake loose in Heaven.  Everything starts gobblin up whatever is in it's path, and we start mimicing space on a micoscopic level, wich inadvertantly leaked into our brains.  We finally wake up, realize the Earth is on fire, some force out there tosses the whole Earth around in space like a basket ball, playing intergalactic bowling, throwing everything into a pile, compiling us and everything in the universe, making the largest friggin fire you ever could think of. 

    Then nothing..*crickets* dead silent, no sound on Earth cause it's gone, no sound it space cause it is gone, everything that ever existed just got recycled into the cosmic non existance, and one day, we are right here one more time, but maybe it's the other side of something you couldn't even phathom existed and that becomes our reality.

    do do do do do do do. (melody) smile

  9. Inspirepub profile image70
    Inspirepubposted 16 years ago

    Earth gets demolished to make way for a hyperspace bypass.

    Jenny (channelling Douglas Adams)

    P.S. Mark must be asleep, or he would have said it first.

    1. Earl S. Wynn profile image77
      Earl S. Wynnposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Douglas Adams! Haha!

      Channelling a little celebrity of my own, I'm gonna go with a classic Eddie Izzard line and say the whole of civilization is just going to "slowly collapse, like a flan in a cupboard." haha.

  10. Marisa Wright profile image84
    Marisa Wrightposted 16 years ago

    I think it's going to be simpler than that, if Hilary Clinton gets in.  She said today that if Iran launched an attack on Israel, the US would "obliterate them".  So then Iran's allies would retaliate by launching a strike on the US, and the US would reply right back, and....bye bye world.

    1. profile image0
      sandra rinckposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Did she really say that Marisa?  I can't believe our world is so full of lunitics, not crazy hippi lunitics, but scary lunitics.  OMG.

      1. Earl S. Wynn profile image77
        Earl S. Wynnposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Hey! I kinda sorta resemble that remark in a way! JK. haha.

  11. Mark Knowles profile image59
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago


    Mark was indeed asleep. Personally, I think the cockroaches are next in line to be the dominant species whichever way we end up obliterating ourselves. I would have never guessed it would be a woman that pushed the button though.

  12. Inertia profile image55
    Inertiaposted 16 years ago

    I think that by playing with the magnetic frequencies of our planet,that we may just lose our pull and be sent spinning into outerspace.

  13. Mary Tinkler profile image60
    Mary Tinklerposted 16 years ago

    Extreme food shortages triggered by global warming, floods & drought...followed by pandemic drug resistant diseases.  Slow and painful if you're experiencing it.....otherwise just a blink of God's eye.

  14. profile image0
    sandra rinckposted 16 years ago

    what if the Earth stopped rotating and everthing that is not nailed down including the ocean waters and stuff, all floated up into the sky, and the sky became the sea, and lava shot straight up like a tornado, and lighting started coming out of the ground and when the vocanos emptie all of thier lava chamber we could see down into the middle of the Earth?

  15. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 16 years ago

    LOL if Earth stops rotating everything will go down not up wink

    1. profile image0
      sandra rinckposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      huh?  smile

      1. Misha profile image65
        Mishaposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Yep smile Gravity. Earth is rotating pretty fast, and the force created by this rotation is subtracted from gravity. If Earth stops rotating, we all become way heavier smile If the stop is swift though, it would be a major disaster, but not of the kind you are describing... Everything will be dragged by inertia along the Earth surface, including ocean waters - another major flood big_smile

        And we are talking not about Earth rotating around Sun, this will be altogether different story smile

        1. profile image0
          sandra rinckposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          I thought the Earths rotation was the cause of gravity.  Like a large centrifuge.  Centrifigal force.  I suppose I do see what you are saying, and it's a mind booger.  Also like a centrifuge, that spins down and seprates blood from plasma.  So really (???) zero gravity would flip the world upside down.  I mean, flip everything in our atmosphere to swap.  I thought inertia was the accelerated force that caused lift, opposite of gravity.  Inertia wouldn't be possible without gravity, so I suppose I can see how we would get dragged flat to the ground in slow agonizing death.  LOL.   

          So you are saying the massive drop in atmospheric pressure would flatten us like a pancake?  eeewwww.  And you said you would be least creative. 

          You rock Misha!

          1. Misha profile image65
            Mishaposted 16 years agoin reply to this

            Thank you smile

            Now I feel bad about telling you you did not grasp the concept, though smile

            Gravity does not go anywhere, whether Earth is rotating or not. It just is. And depends only on the mass of Earth, mass of whatever is affected by Earth gravity, and the distance between them.

            For you staying on the Earth surface gravity is constant, no matter what. Every atom of your body is pulled down to Earth. Ever.

            Now, centrifugal force works in the opposite direction - it pulls your every atom away from Earth. Try to recall the inside of your washer after it finished its cycle - all the clothes are pressed towards outside wall, right?

            So centrifugal force decreases gravity, and if it disappears because of stopped Earth rotation, gravity becomes much stronger. I don't know how much stronger, but it all can be calculated - I'm just lazy to find the formulas now cause it does not really add to the point. smile

            Inertia is altogether different animal (physics out there, I know that centrifugal force is inertia, I just don't want to complicate the picture smile). Inertia is the property of the matter to oppose changes in speed. It is the force you need to overcome when you accelerate or break. It is the force that kills people when cars crash.

            Abrupt stop in Earth rotation is pretty much like car crash - everything that is not securely tied to Earth will try to continue it's movement along the surface of Earth, horizontally. The difference is the speed - in Earth case it's about 1000 mph on the equator... Now imagine ocean waters hitting Empire State building at 1000 mph... even at 500 mph...

            1. profile image0
              sandra rinckposted 16 years agoin reply to this

              Misha wrote:

              Gravity does not go anywhere, whether Earth is rotating or not. It just is. And depends only on the mass of Earth, mass of whatever is affected by Earth gravity, and the distance between them.

              For you staying on the Earth surface gravity is constant, no matter what. Every atom of your body is pulled down to Earth. Ever.

              Now, centrifugal force works in the opposite direction - it pulls your every atom away from Earth. Try to recall the inside of your washer after it finished its cycle - all the clothes are pressed towards outside wall, right?

              I see, but when the washer stops, the clothes fall away from the sides.  Of course this is by the g-force, but without it, what would the clothes do?  Spread out, stretch, deform until it becomes a thin substance of something? 
              Like blowing smoke, watching it disapate until it becomes so thin it is unrecognizable? 

              I posted another thread in the science forum.  Check it out, I am really interested in what you have to say, you set my mind a spin.  lol.  smile  It's a hypathetical question, what would happen if gravity failed to exist in the Universe.

  16. profile image0
    SirDentposted 16 years ago

    I believe the world will end when a group of red Ninjas, strategically placed around the world, break wind all at the exact same moment.

    1. Earl S. Wynn profile image77
      Earl S. Wynnposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Definitely the scariest scenario so far. Haha.

      How about this-- you know that buzzing sound you hear sometimes when wireless transmitting devices get too close together? Maybe wireless will expand to the point where everything is constantly buzzing and then the frequency will increase until everything just suddenly withers and dies away, lol.

  17. profile image0
    Graceful Guardianposted 16 years ago

    So we become like worms and crawl on the belly?If we are sucked to the ground without the pull?

    1. profile image0
      sandra rinckposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I think you couldn't even move.  but a mind booger no less huh?

  18. profile image0
    Graceful Guardianposted 16 years ago

    big_smile   mind boogers,LOL
    Somedays my mind is full of them.

  19. profile image0
    pgrundyposted 16 years ago

    How about this:

    We gradually are replaced part by part by computerized body parts and nanorobotic thingies until we no longer have any living tissue left in our bodies. The human race dies out because these computers do not really need us anyhoo. wink

  20. profile image0
    sandra rinckposted 16 years ago

    that's like the machine replacing human intellegence.  It could actually happen. 

    We feed the machine everything we know, pretty soon the adopt a moral and ethical understanding, are able to travel the distance in space, colonizing other plantes because they aren't confined to human vulnerabilities such as heat and air. 

    Look out Terminator, the rise of the machine is being fead by human intellegence, set to colonize and destroy everything in it's path. 

    The machines nemesis however, ends up being water. hahahaha.  So if human intellegence isn't smart enough to conserve our natural resources, we ultimatly become undone by our own makings and exessive living. 



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