You are putting me on the spot here. Squidoo and HubPages are so different on how one displays their articles.
In general in Squidoo, you can have a fancier page. Squidoo is probably the best site to brag about your Zazzle shop. There is no limit on links for bragging about Zazzle.
As far as everything else, there is a 9 link limit to one site. Here it is 2 links. Plus you can use HTML with an image. Unless I am missing something, you can not do that here.
But Hubpages, you can get away with less information on your page. It is more article writing verses writing and pictures. Some people use it like a blog. Which might not be a bad idea. I am thinking about that part.
They are the same in some ways, yet different in many ways. Which makes them both unique. I do like the community that both sites have and met some great people.