I received notification today that this is my 11th Hubbiversary. Seems hard to believe.
I remember when I first joined HP. I posted mostly poetry at the time. I was always thrilled each time I was notified of new followers. Oooh - I have five followers! Twenty! Thirty! I was so green. With the help and encouragement of the wonderful friends I've made by way of this platform, my writing has expanded to include fiction, product reviews, tips on freelancing and what you need to know as a business owner, recipes, nature, and so much more. I even won a Hubbie Award a few years back!
Although I haven't posted anything new in the past couple of years, I still enjoy the forums and reading your articles (difficult as that may have become lately). I want to thank everyone who has encouraged me over the years. Without you, I wouldn't have become the little engine who could! :-)
Shauna aka Sha aka Bravewarrior