Auotomated Spamming ban!/

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  1. compu-smart profile image82
    compu-smartposted 16 years ago

    Im sure many questions relating to spammers have been raised before, but i will explain and ask  anyway...

    I have recently had many of my hubs spammed by blatant spammers and i always delete these comments...

    I then look at the spammers recent activity and find they have been spamming in everyone elses hubs too and these hubbers are choosing to leave the comment there because they either 1, dont moderate their comments, 2 Are too nice and polite to delete them or 3, They think its a compliment that someone has made nice comments in the hub without realising they have  left a totally random link which mostly ends up at a site which is 95% adsense ads and 5% content!! and just encourages other spammers to use and abuse Hubpages!

    Would it be possible, or is this feature in place already, for spammers links, to automaticlaly be delete, especially after the majority of hubbers have deleted as spam!! Hopefully this will not encourage other future spammers.


  2. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 16 years ago

    I believe this is how it works already. At least I saw several comments appearing on my hubs already denied and marked as spam - and most of them were spam, and a few were not...

    1. compu-smart profile image82
      compu-smartposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Sounds reasuring so far:)

  3. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
    pauldeedsposted 16 years ago

    We do notice when a high percentage of the comments from a particular source are marked as spam.  If it is a user with an account on HubPages, it can impact their HubScore, or even get them banned.  If it is an anonymous comment, we take note of their ip address and consider activity from that ip address with more suspicion in the future.   Generally we don't delete comments en masse, we just mark them as spam and leave the final decision to the owner of the hub.

    1. compu-smart profile image82
      compu-smartposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Paul for clarifying this issue-problem..

      A note for hubbers..
      Please check-moderate your comments and please do not leave spammers links in them as you are not doing yourself or Hubpages any good!

      I feel better now:)

      1. compu-smart profile image82
        compu-smartposted 16 years agoin reply to this
  4. Lissie profile image77
    Lissieposted 16 years ago

    Its probably worth mentioning for other benefit: a spammer will say something like "nice article really useful" or "great tips here" "or good work" - generic comments - which sound OK - most aren't stupid enough include blatant advertising : but if the site they come from is a blog full of bland content and adsense you can be assured they only want the link so spam them

    1. compu-smart profile image82
      compu-smartposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Spamming them is good but they say and eye for an eye and if we all took all this advice we would all be blind!

      I still might spam back lol smile

      1. Misha profile image65
        Mishaposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Pretty much what I was going to say smile We all are not perfect, and there is a plenty of cases when we ourselves act as spammers on other sites. So I usually give the guys a benefit of doubt and act only on outright blatant spam.

      2. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
        pauldeedsposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        One other thing to note is that all anonymous comment links have rel="nofollow" applied to them, so they aren't of much value to the spammers. However, when people with a HubPages account leave a comment they generally get a "follow" link back to their profile page from your hub. For that reason, it is probably more important to identify the registered HubPages users that are leaving comments more for their own sake than out of genuine interest or good spirit.

        1. DJ Funktual profile image67
          DJ Funktualposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks for explaining all that Paul!

          1. compu-smart profile image82
            compu-smartposted 16 years agoin reply to this

            I hear what your saying and its a tough one!!, im sure Hubpages know what they are doing, and can do, and im sure they dont like this "problem" just as much as us and are doing everything they can!

  5. compu-smart profile image82
    compu-smartposted 16 years ago

    Nothing much else to report except, i have just had more spam......."in batter" for lunch!! its the first time i have actually eaten it since skool dayz and i can't think of why it ended up on my shopping list today!!

  6. joblot profile image61
    joblotposted 16 years ago

    The no-follow thing is all very well, but there is some chatter on the internet that the links are still followed (although no pagerank or value is passed to them) and carry some kind of benefit...

    I suppose as well if they can get several thousand links, then someone somewhere is going to follow them...


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