Amazon order not showing up in my account

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  1. lovebuglena profile image85
    lovebuglenaposted 13 years ago

    Today, someone I know ordered a book I showcased on one of my hubs (in the amazon capsule). When I go to my amazon associates account I do not see any orders for today's date. I know that the person ordered some other things on amazon after placing the book from my hub to the shopping cart. Does that void the order (for the book from my hub) and mean I won't get paid for it, or does it simply take time for the order to show up on my account? I do see clicks for today's date already so I would assume the order should show up right away. Please help.


    1. sunforged profile image75
      sunforgedposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      check tomorrow after 10 am est - sales stats update only once a day

  2. lrohner profile image69
    lrohnerposted 13 years ago

    HubPages owns 40% of the impressions and you own 60%. It's possible that they made the purchase during one of HP's impressions.

  3. Cyber Scribe profile image72
    Cyber Scribeposted 13 years ago

    Does HubPages get a share of Amazon money? I thought they only got a share of Google money.

    1. lovebuglena profile image85
      lovebuglenaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I thought they got a share of the google money only. But maybe I am wrong. Though I hope they don't get a share of the amazon money as this would be my first sale.


  4. Len Cannon profile image87
    Len Cannonposted 13 years ago

    They get a share of all impressions, not the money you earn.

    Instead of thinking about it as splitting the money, thinking of it as partial ownership.  6 times out of 10, when a page loads everything on there belongs to you.  4 times out of 10 the page belongs to someone else (either HubPages or whoever your referral is).

    You can do what you want with the content, but Hubpages gets to be co-owners as long as it is published on their site.

    1. lovebuglena profile image85
      lovebuglenaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Hubpages wants to earn money too so it makes sense for them to not give us hubbers 100% of adsense impressions, but then we are missing out on clicks and potential earnings, which I wish wasn't so.


  5. thisisoli profile image77
    thisisoliposted 13 years ago

    Hubpages take 4 out of every 10 impressions on all advertising platforms.

    Amazon is updated once daily.  The sale still may have been made in Hubpages share of impressions.

    Also check Amazon ToS for reasons an order may nto have been credited to you!

    1. lovebuglena profile image85
      lovebuglenaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      So if someone orders a product I post in my hubs via amazon capsule, the money could end up going to hubpages?


      1. Randy Godwin profile image61
        Randy Godwinposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Yes!  If someone buys during HP's 40% time period it will go to them.  This is one reason I would like to know exactly when my time is.  It's easy to find out from Google Ads, but I don't know if you can tell this about the Amazon ads.

        It would be nice if you could tell your friends when they could buy from your hubs and therefore earn you a few bucks.

        1. thisisoli profile image77
          thisisoliposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Just create an amazon astore for them smile

          I know a guy who made a fortuen by going from village to village setting up Amazon a stores for each local newspaper and giving them 50% of the profits.

      2. thisisoli profile image77
        thisisoliposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, 60% chance an amazon order will be allocated to you, 40% chance it will be allocated to hubpages

  6. waynet profile image67
    waynetposted 13 years ago

    Once the item ships your earnings for that item will show!!!

    Unless it wasn't your affiliate link that made the referral!

  7. lakeerieartists profile image63
    lakeerieartistsposted 13 years ago

    If the order was placed today, it won't show up as an order on Amazon until tomorrow.  They are always one day behind.

  8. WryLilt profile image88
    WryLiltposted 13 years ago

    Basically 60% of the time you get impressions and 40% goes to hubpages. The above link explains that as well as percentages given for referrals. smile


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