My New Goal! 40-in-39

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  1. Whitney05 profile image81
    Whitney05posted 14 years ago

    My new goal is to complete the following 4 product themed topics.

    Topic 1- 10 hubs
    Topic 2- 5 hubs
    Topic 3- 8 hubs
    Topic 4- 12 hubs

    Total hubs- 35 hubs

    Plus 5 unpublished hubs

    New total- 40 hubs

    No, not 40 hubs this month plus my current 9 that I've completed this past week... I want all 40 hubs to be completed by the end of September.

    This gives me 55 days, minus all weekends, so about 39 days to complete 40 hubs.

    While doing these 40 hubs, I will also be in a new semester of school that starts Monday Aug 9th(taking 3 classes- fundamentals of speech, administrative law, and American political processes), and I will still be keeping 3 blogs updated.

    The idea is that because these are product oriented hubs, I won't need as much research to complete the hubs, which means I won't have to spend as much time on them, but they will still be quality hubs (I hope). I want these to be done and available before the winter and holiday season hits, so I'm pushing for them now.

    Once these are done, I'll be working on many informative hubs that I have listed in my notebook..

    Anyway, I just thought I'd share my new goal. I'll keep everyone updated, as I go along.

    1. liljen23 profile image73
      liljen23posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Whitney, nice goals for your hubs. What you are doing with product hubs is what I am doing also for this month. I guess we are on the same goals and plans..I plan to complete about 50 hubs this month.. I go back to school this month also on the 9th .. I'm taking Macroeconomics.. I hope I can achieve those 50 hubs..The way things are going for me this month with writing and topics I probably will..

    2. warchild75 profile image67
      warchild75posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Well done for creating goals,i do that myself,not sure how you are going to find the time though,i struggle to write 10 a month what with working full time,Must try harder!!!

  2. livewithrichard profile image73
    livewithrichardposted 14 years ago

    Cool Whitney.  Looks like if you write 1 hub a day for the rest of the year and find time for 7 more, you'll hit 1000 hubs.  Great accomplishment.

  3. SEXYLADYDEE profile image64
    SEXYLADYDEEposted 14 years ago

    Good luck Whitney! I am in the first week of the 30/30 Challenge and I have been thinking ahead to theme hubs and a 60/60 and then 90/90.  I like the way you organized your writing and it inspires me to do the same.  I also realized I can think out of the box with a 50 or 100 challenge of my own.  Good luck with your classes.  Careful not to put too much on your plate at once.  If you take an extra few days it will still be ok. Dee

  4. Ign Andy profile image58
    Ign Andyposted 14 years ago

    Cool! I never try this things, I'll follow you and learn.

  5. Whitney05 profile image81
    Whitney05posted 14 years ago

    liljen, I remember when I took macroeconomics... It was no fun, but then I took it online with 2 or 3 other classes, and as a part of a distance learning class. It may not be as bad taking it on campus. I could probably do all 49 this month, but I don't want to push it. I find the more I push and overwork, I then have a month or two not wanting to write.

    livewithrichard, I would like to have 1000 by the end of the year. We'll see.

    SEXYLADYDEE, I have all of my hubs and idea in groups in a notebook. I have tons of categories and sections that I can't wait to get to. It just makes it easier when grouping them and linking them together on hubpages, if they're already in groups in my notebook. Keeps things simple. I also add a note a the top, if I already have hubs that could be in the category and how many. I try to take weekends to myself, so that I don't get over worked, and I find by the end of the weekend, I'm ready to get started again.. Most of the time.

    warchild, 10 a month is still a good goal. I just do better when I have a busy schedule. More gets done. I have a full time job, school, writing, dogs, and tons of reptiles to care for... Not to mention a boyfriend, who I'm basically a secretary for in regards to sending his emails and helping him with work. I'm a workaholic, so to speak, but only during the week. If I don't have enough to do, I get stressed out.

    I may have to mix up the topics when I'm writting. I'm thinking I may get bored with 10 or 12 of the same thing in a row. I have in the past.. We will see..

  6. Whitney05 profile image81
    Whitney05posted 14 years ago

    So, I figure I should give a weekly update, and since I stop hubbing on Fridays, here's my update.

    I've completed the 5 hubs that I had left unpublished to complete, plus 3 from topic 1, and 2 extras that came up that weren't on any list.

    So for week one, 5 days, I've completed 10 hubs, 8 of which came from the 40.

    I think I mapped out if I do 2-4 a day, I could have all 40 done by the end of this month, but being that I wrong like 14 this month before I even started this, I will probably start to slack once the first topic has been completed, leaving about 25 for next month to complete. I may start working on them but just complete and publish them then. We will see.

    (I have done a total of 19 hubs this month to date. I think that's pretty good. )

  7. Sex Sells profile image58
    Sex Sellsposted 14 years ago

    Holy cow you have a lot of Hubs and you seem to really enjoy what you are doing.

    I read a little about you and it seems hubbing is secondary for you with school and all.

    I have big plans but you sure are aggressive considering the other things in your life.

    Keep up the good work.  You are someone anyone can look up to.


  8. Whitney05 profile image81
    Whitney05posted 14 years ago

    Thanks! I've not only written 10 hubs this week, but I've completed all of my homework, kept all blogs updated, and I'm ahead of the game. :-)

  9. Whitney05 profile image81
    Whitney05posted 14 years ago

    30 hubs in 20 days... Well, it's really been 16 days, as I don't count weekends, but still... Not too shabby....

    Only 14 of those are from this current challenge to myself. I did 9 before the challenge, and 7 after the challenge that weren't on my lists.

    I should have number 31 later today sometimes, which will finish on of my topics (Topic 1).

    EDIT: Just completed Topic. 31 hubs this month; 22 hubs from my challenge to myself, and more to come.

  10. Whitney05 profile image81
    Whitney05posted 14 years ago

    Add 1 more! :-)


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